2011 - Christian Random Thoughts


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
:Rose: Forget the heartaches, sins and errors of 2010 -

God loves you and He's with you to begin again... :Rose:

Isaiah 43

GOD'S WORD ® Translation

1 The LORD created Jacob and formed Israel. Now, this is what the LORD says: Do not be afraid, because I have reclaimed you. I have called you by name; you are mine.

2 When you go through the sea, I am with you. When you go through rivers, they will not sweep you away. When you walk through fire, you will not be burned, and the flames will not harm you.

3 I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. Egypt is the ransom I exchanged for you. Sudan and Seba are the price I paid for you.

4 Since you are precious to me, you are honored and I love you. I will exchange others for you. Nations will be the price I pay for your life.

5 Do not be afraid, because I am with you. I will bring your descendants from the east and gather you from the west.

6 I will say to the north, "Give them up," and to the south, "Do not keep them." Bring my sons from far away and my daughters from the ends of the earth.

7 Bring everyone who is called by my name, whom I created for my glory, whom I formed and made.

8 Bring the people who are blind but still have eyes, the people who are deaf but still have ears.

9 All nations have gathered together, and people have assembled. Who among them could have revealed this? Who among them could have foretold this to us? They should bring their witnesses to prove that they were right. Let the people hear them. Then they will say that it is true.

10 "You are my witnesses," declares the LORD. "I have chosen you as my servant so that you can know and believe in me and understand that I am the one [who did this]. No god was formed before me, and there will be none after me.

11 I alone am the LORD, and there is no savior except me.

12 I have revealed it to you, I have saved you, and I have announced it to you. There was no foreign [god] among you. You are my witnesses that I am God," declares the LORD.

13 "From the [first] day I was the one [who did this]. No one can rescue people from my power. When I do something, who can undo it?"

14 This is what the LORD, your Defender, the Holy One of Israel, says: For your sake I will send [an army] to Babylon. I will bring back all the Babylonian refugees in the ships that they take pride in.

15 I am the LORD, your Holy One, the Creator of Israel, your King.

16 The LORD makes a path through the sea and a road through the strong currents.

17 He leads chariots and horses, an army and reinforcements. (They lie down together and do not get up [again]. They are extinguished and snuffed out like a wick.)

This is what the LORD says:

18 Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago.

19 I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don't you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.

20 Wild animals, jackals, and ostriches will honor me. I will provide water in the desert. I will make rivers on the dry land for my chosen people to drink.

21 I have formed these people for myself. They will praise me.

22 Jacob, you have not prayed to me. Israel, you have grown tired of me.

23 You did not bring me sheep for your burnt offerings or honor me with your sacrifices. I did not burden you by requiring grain offerings or trouble you by requiring incense offerings.

24 You did not buy me any sugar cane with [your] money or satisfy me with the best part of your sacrifices. Rather, you burdened me with your sins and troubled me with your wrongdoings.

25 I alone am the one who is going to wipe away your rebellious actions for my own sake.

:Rose: I will not remember your sins [anymore].

We all make mistakes, errors, misjudgments, break rules. Put down whatever burden you're carrying for any wrong, or error done. Start all over again, walk in the Victory God has won, just for you. You are still His darling child, no matter what.

Happy New Year, Beloved Ones of God... :giveheart:
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This is what the LORD says:

18 Forget what happened in the past, and do not dwell on events from long ago.

19 I am going to do something new. It is already happening. Don't you recognize it? I will clear a way in the desert. I will make rivers on dry land.

Happy New Year, Beloved Ones of God... :giveheart:

Thanks for this wonderful message.
I've seen this posted a few times by people today:

Psalm 65:11 "Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness"

ETA: Here are the surrounding verses! Praise God, I'm excite!

9 You care for the land and water it;
you enrich it abundantly.
The rivers of God are filled with water
to provide the people with grain,
for so you have ordained it.[d]
10 You drench its furrows and level its ridges;
you soften it with showers and bless its crops.
11 You crown the year with your bounty,
and your carts overflow with abundance.
12 The grasslands of the wilderness overflow;
the hills are clothed with gladness.
13 The meadows are covered with flocks
and the valleys are mantled with grain;
they shout for joy and sing.

Wow even the wilderness overflows lol. Thank you God, we receive your word. We shall seek your kingdom first above all things in 2011 an look to you to care for the land. Thank you God. Amen!
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Heard something completely asinine on christian radio. It was the message that "don't search for love, Jesus is enough." Um, I know some people mean well but ?????? :look::look: Honestly, if you don't have an answer, be honorable and say that you do not know the answer to that question. G-d made man and woman and created the desire for them to seek marriage and family. Are you going to tell me that Jesus is enough for the hungry? Oh, He made the digestive system and all but don't look for food. :rolleyes:

People truly need to reflect deeper on what they say to others, particularly the religious. Have they themselves been in those shoes? Are they sure that person is putting seeking companionship above G-d? Who gave them the desire in the first place? How simpleton to have all that another desires and tell them to not not seek, that it will fall into their laps if they put G-d first. :perplexed Maybe they are closer to G-d to be able to be HONEST with themselves in the first place? Maybe they are more intelligent and educated about a subject? One can never judge on the surface.

Loneliness is a horrible thing. Jesus had friends and family. Go figure.
I'm grateful to see the beginning of another 'new year'. Lord, I know that the sinner in me is not worthy, but you have sent your son to die so that all may be forgiven when we ask. You know the desires of our heart before we even ask, and you will grant them to us according to your will. There is so much more that I could say, but for now I just want to say 'Thank You".
Praising God for the simple things like being able to go to waffle house with my mother even though I have some pain in my hurt from the past I know God can overcome anything if I allow him in my heart and soul..Im so happy for love of life and being able to be free from the chains the devil likes to hold over me..but no more.Ladies lets not give the devil credit for things God allows..test are for two reasons to mature us and to show how much we need God allow that to be your focus in the 2011 and beyond..I love you my Christian Sisters so much.
Are they sure that person is putting seeking companionship above G-d?

Maybe they are closer to G-d to be able to be HONEST with themselves in the first place?

Loneliness is a horrible thing. Jesus had friends and family ...

:kiss: 'Jesus heals the brokenhearted...." (Psalm 34:18)
Thank you Lord for a fresh year... full of promise and a fresh outpouring of Your Mercy. I'm excited to see what You have in store. :clap:
God is always a good God and good to every single human being. He is always faithful and never fails. The Lord always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does. This thought just stirs a great amount of God-confidence.
I have been slacking so much..probably for a couple of months now. I have my moments every now and then, but I'm seriously lacking the desire to live for God right now. The crazy thing is that He hasn't stopped being faithful even though I continue to fall. It's amazing that God is so patient with me, much more than I could ever be to someone else.

Lord help me to live for you! Help me to put your will before my own, to stop neglecting your Word and Truth. I'm praying that this year will not be like last year, that there may be revival in my life, and that most of all, I can stand firm in the foundation.
Matthew 6:33 (New International Version, ©2010)

33 But seek first his
kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
Psalm 27:4 (New International Version, ©2010)

4 One thing I ask from the LORD,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the LORD
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the LORD
and to seek him in his temple.
:kiss: 'Jesus heals the brokenhearted...." (Psalm 34:18)

Thanks, but I wasn't referring to me. Anytime I hear something that just so blatanly dismisses the needs and prayers of so many people, I am not happy about that. It showed lack of compassion and concern but they were sure to stamp it with "christian." :nono: I don't like to see anybody mislead by junk like that.

Incidentally, I've heard this type of dismissive "preaching" concerning racism and discrimination. How about the promise that G-d will heal when it's evident that He often does not? Or the opposite of that - not to look for healing because Jesus is enough? It leaves me wondering about the intellectual ability or spirituality of those folks.:nono: Tis better to offer a simple prayer than to posture that one has the definitive answer.
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Abba I'm tired of having to defend my choices to Honor YOU to people in not having sex before marriage that it drove me to learn what Your Word says. I can't go through a brutal session like that again where I'm arguing with a man for HOURS because HE HAS ISSUES WITH MY CHOICE IN BEING OBEDIENT TO YOU! I aint mad at You Abba.. I'm just FUSTRATED
@ Laela, I thought of you yesterday :yep:
I was sharing the Word with my best friend on phone (who is actually my elder sis) and we were praising and worshipping the Lord. And I told her that we need to make sure that we lifted our hands in praise and to also receive His blessings. We can't afford to be knocked-out by a blessing coming from the Lord :lachen:, that will be a big mess, right???:lachen: And that beautiful picture in your signature came to my mind and I was like ehhh that's Laela's signature pic. I've loved it since the very first day you posted it.

So ladies, make sure your hands are lifted in praise and also to receive what the Lord is /will flowing down on you.
Lord guide me in what I should pray for this year. You say ask the desires of my heart but that's too easy and my desires are not what you have willed in my life right now. You are a God of answered prayers I have witnessed that through the previous year. So I am praying now for you to direct my prayers and to guide me in life in general.
I'm glad you like that image, Paradise! It's a beautiful daily reminder for me...I'm a Praiser by hook or by crook... :lachen:
Blessings to you! :Rose:
@ Laela, I thought of you yesterday :yep:
I was sharing the Word with my best friend on phone (who is actually my elder sis) and we were praising and worshipping the Lord. And I told her that we need to make sure that we lifted our hands in praise and to also receive His blessings. We can't afford to be knocked-out by a blessing coming from the Lord :lachen:, that will be a big mess, right???:lachen: And that beautiful picture in your signature came to my mind and I was like ehhh that's Laela's signature pic. I've loved it since the very first day you posted it.

So ladies, make sure your hands are lifted in praise and also to receive what the Lord is /will flowing down on you.
Dear Lord, thanks for being patient with me. Please help me to truly believe what you say, not only in my head but in my heart.
AMEN misskeyana. He is the only One who can and will change hearts (and you're part of the program :yep:).

Lord, do mold my heart, my life. May every word out of my mouth be the reflection of your love and your glory.

I feel so blessed to share the Word with other people. I started to do some kind of biblical studies with my sister on phone. We decide to read the Bible daily and together, and share our thoughts. It's not easy and we some times get interrupted by a "mom, can I have this? mum this and that....." (3 little girls there and 2 kids here) but Thanks God we're making it so far. It should more calm since school started again.
God never changes. Always hears the prayers of his people and answers them. God is always good no matter what! God-confidence!
God, it has been five days into the new year and I feel amazing. All I want to do is to continue to hold onto you as I go through this journey. I take comfort in knowing how much you love me, I pray that I can share this love with the people I encounter.
This has been a great week Lord. I hope that I can continue to have this spirit of praise and thanksgiving in the weeks to come. I know a big part of it has been gathering with your Saints to talk about what you are doing in our lives, to sing songs of praise and worship, and to pray to you about the things you lay on my heart. I hate that my new schedule keeps me from Gathering with your people especially on Sundays. I know that you are with me always but there is just something extra special about gathering with your people and hearing a word from you. Lord I am excited about getting to know you better this year and have enjoyed spending time reading your Word and I'm getting better with the prayer and the journal has really helped.

Thank you to my friend for this song.
