2007 LHCF BOOTCAMP - Put Starting Point Pictures Here

Sweetg said:
It took me about an hour to go through this thread and everyone has such gorgeous beginnings I feel shame in adding mine!

I'm in the same boat as you...don't worry. We have to start from somewhere.:weird:
here are mine!! I am so excited for this. I hope to be at least below shoulder when blowdried by 12.07 Sorry I didn't post them sooner.

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Hi, sorry I'm late to join but here are my starting pictures. Can someone please tell me where the rules are for Boot-camp. Thank you:)




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I think my hair is at the same lenght than in November.
OK So, this is my starting point :

(Sorry for the dirty mirror)
Well, I got a trim on December 31st 2006 which took off a couple of inches. There goes my waist-length in 2007 hopes! Anyway, here's a pic from the day after the trim (New Year's Day):

Ok Ladies i know in a week late but i wanted to wait to post my pics till after i got my cut so here are the pics of my starting point

Ok so i thought i would be able to put the new pics in this message but there too big and i dont feel like playing with them right now so check my new cut out in my fotki
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It took me alittle while to post this picture but, here we are. This style is a twist out with scarf to cover my edges and temples. As they are under repair. HHG:cool:
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I know I joined up late but, here is my starting point picture...I haven't used direct heat since November so I am trying to keep it that way throughout this challenge...If I can find the other pic of when I went to get my trim and press in November (I did this lite press myself), I'll add it...

I will post my pics next Monday when I come from the salon.

angellazette can you tell me how you did the pic w/the growth lines in your siggy?

I just used a photo editor program. I'm pretty sure you can use the old Paint program that comes with your computer. I just added a line at my starting point, and added a line where I want to be. You just add a line, click on your picture and drag the line with your mouse. I'm not sure if the Paint program will allow you to put text but I'm sure you can do the line.
Okay. Trust me, this is going to be test test testing cause I am not sure I have got it. I have pics in my album and at Image Shack. I need to know how to post a larger picture. So bear with me.

These are pictures of my protective style/ dreaded braids. I most likely will keep it in a pony tail. I also took one of my braids out and flatironed the section to show the length of my hair and then braided it back up. I started at 9 inches all around.
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Here is my starting point. It is also my avatar. I had to straighten it with my Maxiglide to show length. I will only use heat again to show the results when it is time.



Sorry the pics are so small. I couldn't figure out how to make them bigger. The same pics are in my fotki under Maxiglide year four.


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MightyIsis reporting for duty, SIR! :orders: :armyhat:

My session 2 starting point is in my siggy. I've got my moisturizer, baggy and instant weave ready to go.

Let's DO this!:yay: