LHCF 2013 Bootcamp

Enjoyed my heat pass at the end of the 1st round and I definitely showed some progress. Round two is off to a good start let the healthy hair growing continue. :-)
Checking in:
I have not used heat at all in session 1, and although I am scheduled to do a blowout for my 2nd curlyversary on May 22, I may do a heatless blowout instead. We will see.... Hope that everyone else is doing well.:grin:
Wow, end of the session! Whoo hoo! I've been psing 100% of the time, Dcing weekly or every two weeks (I wear braids/twists) and M&Sing every other day with water, conditioner and a little oil, especially on the ends. Been trying to keep up protein/moisture balance by alternating my DCers. I dusted about 1/4" off earlier this week. I'm also using NJoy's new oil. So I feel I'm ready for the next few months.

ETA: I don't use heat, so yeah...no heat passes used.
Hey y'all! Holding true to all the rules. Prtective styling, cowashing, DC'ing, and dusting. My next touchup is in June and I may use a heat pass then unless my first rollerset turns out awesome and I don't need to will also dust then. I can't wait until June to see how my hair has thrived!
Still going strong with my regimen. I see very little if any breakage.

Sent from my SGH-T959 using LHCF
Still hanging in here.

Me too. I haven't seen many people continue to follow this thread. I hope it picks up soon.
I haven't used any heat since the last session. I've been wearing my hair in two two-strand twists this past week. It's not the best ps for me, but it's quick. I'm going to put mini twists in my hair tomorrow.
I'm late and I missed session 1 and part of session 2 but I'm in since this is pretty much what I do anyways.

I am going to commit to 3 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequences for violating Bootcamp Rules will be 1.) no sugar. 2.) No favorite tv shows. 3.) No video games. 4.) In bed by 11 pm 5.) No LHCF ALL for 1 week. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

My start and end pictures won't do me any good because I will be cutting off all my relaxed ends by 12/31/13 but I will share anyways.


Reggie will consist of:
co-washing 3-5 times per week
DC 1-2 times per week using hooded dryer no more than 1 per week
Baggy 1-3 times per week (may include DC)
Daily styles will be braid/twist out, WNG, and bun
Still going strong. May have to use a trim pass when I do my touchup because this rollerset I plan to do will help me see the true state of my ends. I moved my touchup to May 11th.
Due to Army regulations becoming more strict, I'm going to have drop out of this challenge. I need to be able to use heat at least once a month.
i havent posted here a lot but ive been faithful to the camp rules. just starting Bee mine growth serum, hope it works. my plan is to use it once a day till its gone, if it works ill repurchase
Is it possible to join in now for the last two sessions?
Pretty please :)

ETA (with the hope that I can still join :grin:):
I am going to commit to the last two sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be no sweets for a week. I am excited to see the hair progress I will make by participating in this challenge!!

Starting picture:
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Im joining!!

I am going to commit to the last 2 sessions of LHCF Bootcamp. My consequence for violating Bootcamp Rules will be not seeing the propper results, not seeing bsl by dec.

I plan on doing scalp massages every 2-3 days, hot oil treatment or dc with heat every wash day and bunning until dec. Wish me luck with that one lol. Its been 5 days and im itching for something different. Ive seen some cute styles on utube I'm dying to try tho
I'm back in the game! I'm fully committed again! No heat until Dec! If any of my military peers get on me about my hair again, I'm going to tell them to kick rocks!

I just mixed up my hair butter concoction and going to braid this hair up!
17 days until the braids come out for a much-needed clarifying session!
I'm loving the easy PS and not having to do my hair. I really hope I get some amazing results from this lack of manipulation!
I'm still hanging in there. Getting ready to start my deep conditioning treatment with coconut milk/oil, tie it up, exercise, shower, run errands, washout, then bun. Keeping my regimen as simple as possible. HHJ
Still in it to win it. My reggie is the same save a few product changes. My hair is still in twists pinned or braided up. I'm dcing weekly or every other week. Trying to get the hang of this protein/moisture balance.
I used a cheat pass. I tried my new flat iron and did a light flat iron on the back right side of my hair for curiosity's sake. I didn't do the rest of my hair since it puffed up within the next 30 minutes. lol

Back to my regularly scheduled programming now. I do have a hooded dryer now which I will use for DCs and rollersets. This session is almost done and I made one of my goals for the year. Yay! I did find out that I'm a slow grower. I'm ok with that though. This has been a good hair year for me.