I'm feeling a little bit stunned right now. I don't know whether to
My one-year Hardcore C&G challenge anniversary is coming up on August 9, so I wanted to see how long it has been since I've been a part of the Bootcamp challenge. I went back to the old threads and saw that I first joined on Nov. 2,
2006 (beginning in January 2007) for the 2007 challenge. This means I've been bootcamping for almost 20 months!
I haven't worn my
out in over a year, and I don't know what to do with it even if I wanted to. I'm very please with my dedication, but, since summer 2000, I've put alot of energy, time, and money into trying to achieve a hair goal that I still haven't achieved after 8 years. I don't even know my exact length at this point because I haven't seen my hair out in some weeks.
ETA: Boy, I sure was whining in the above post,
. What I'd failed to mention is that my hair is the longest it has ever been in it's "natural" state. Ever. A few months ago, I wore small plaits under my wig, and I was able to put all the plaits into a ponytail -- a lifetime first! It was an awesome experience. My hair is growing long, healthy, and strong, and I'm happy and grateful for what I've learned from this challenge.