2007 LHCF BOOTCAMP - Put Starting Point Pictures Here


Well-Known Member
Okay SOLDIERS!! :orders::armyhat:

I hope you have been weaning off all your BAD hair habits and getting excited about LHCF BOOTCAMP!! I am so happy that soo many of you ladies have joined this challenge :grin:

Please post your STARTING POINT pictures in this thread before January 1, 2007.

:Flahsssss Preferably, post a picture taken in December.
Also, please place the ACTUAL picture into the thread if possible NOT a link to a photo album, fotiki, etc. Thanks. :)

I cant wait to see the PROGRESS!! :antlers:

ETA: See POST #16 in this thread...Black Cardinal gives a detailed explanation of how to post pictures. HTH
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I will be coming back to post my pic...I am thinking about straigtening my hair for this purpose but it will HAVE TO be after finals. :look:

I wanted to go ahead and post the thread though for those ladies that have pics ready.
I'm having trouble posting pics, I can't seem to cut and paste it. I will have to see about other options.
Here are my starting pics. They're from the end of Nov., but my hair is still the same length so they should be cool:



I took this pic middle of last month, So my hair is still pretty much the same length. This will be my starting point.
Wishin4BSL said:
I don't know how to post a picture in a post.....:confused: :look:

Pm Letitia and ask her to post your picture:)

I'll post my starting picture in December, once I do my retouch for the hair hair til xmas challenge.
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Dang, I will have to be back at the end of the month, cause that's when I will relax. You ladies are looking goooood!
right now they are in my siggy! I guess the second one will be my starting point :D

ETA: I changed my siggy so I am adding this pic which was taken on Jan 1. I have scraggley ends because the back of my hair is much longer than the top. My hair was wet here so it makes it look even more see thru :( Once I start gaining some length, I will SLOWLY begin trimming the back so that it will thicken up the overall appearance of the length

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tsmith said:
Pm Letita and ask her to post your picture:)

I'll post my starting picture in December, once I do my retouch for the hair hair til xmas challenge.

Okay, I'll do that. I'm gonna take my picture tomorrow. I'm getting a relaxer and roller set today, and I'm going to wrap it afterward to straighten it, so I'll probably post it tomorrow when I unwrap it.
Posting photos is actually very simple. Here you go step-by-step.

To put a photo in a post you need to:

1. Host your photo somewhere on the internet (imageshack, photobucket or some on-line album [make sure they allow "hotlinking" if you use an album service])

2. Get the unique url for the image you want to include in your post. If you use something like imageshack they will have the url's ready for you to copy and paste. If your photos are in an album, pull up a contextual menu on the image to copy the url of the image (right-click on a pc, ctrl-click on a mac).

3. Within your post on LHCF, paste the url between img tags like so:
If you use imageshack it will already include the tags so all you have to do is paste.

For the visual learners (I apologize for the large pics, but people need to be able to read the text :) )

Using imageshack -- see the urls provided for you: you want the first one, Embeddable Code


Using a contextual menu to get the url of an image in a gallery/album. I'm using a mac so I cntrl-clicked on the pic in the top left and this menu comes up. Notice that I want the IMAGE LOCATION, which will put the url on the clipboard. Copying the IMAGE will put the image itself on the clipboard, which isn't what we want in this case.


Now paste the url into the post editor and voila! You're done.


Now that wasn't so bad, was it? :lol:
I didn't realise there was a step by step guide in that case I'll just attempt to post these pictures now

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I just want to emphasize that this is a STARTING point, so if you dont feel like your hair is glam right now...DONT BE ASHAMED to post your pic...its all about progress :)

Wonderful pics so far ladies....

Breezy....OT but that shirt looks really pretty...;)

BlackCardinal...THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THOSE DIRECTIONS...I had no clue how to explain :confused:

JazzyDex...Can you place your siggy image in an actual post? In the future, if your siggy changes we will no longer be able to see your starting point :(

Luvlilocks...See Black Cardinals directions...they are VERY DETAILED and helpful

I will post my pic around or on Christmas when I flat iron my hair again. I am defiantly up for this challenge and the waist length 2007. I want to keep my plans as stated and not mess with heat until then.
London DIVA...OMIGOODNESS...SO OFF TOPIC BUT I LOVE LOVE LOVE ME SOME NANDOS!! That chicken is sooo good. I ate there like 2x a week when I was working in London.

Omigoodness...you almost brought tears to my eyes when I saw that in your siggy...so many great Nando's memories. I used to go to the one at Elephant & Castle most often though.

I wish I could come to the London meeting...okay...sorry to be off topic in my own thread.:(

Keep posting pics ladies...dont mind me:look: