2007 LHCF Bootcamp Results - Post Pictures Here

Here are my results

.......Damn girl, Damn girl, Damn girl....simply amazing! You girls did the damn thang! I cant wait to get my digital camera for Xmas so I can post my progress:look: Don't laugh at me y'all, no, I still dont have a digital camera in 07':nono:
I started the challenge in January, but didn't take any pictures until March. The December pictures were really dark so I increased the contrast and brightness. No other changes were made to the pictures. The pink lines show where my shoulders are in the nape pics.



I am VERY happy with my progress and will continue in the 2008 bootcamp.
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Ladies Here are my reveal pics! I did the all three sessions of Bootcamp. I slipped a little but I hung in there til the end. I am going to CLAIM Bra-Strap.I am not full bra-stap because of a hair cut. I needed it though. My ends were jacked up! Overall, I am very pleased!

The first pic is December 30,2006. The last three pics are December 23, 2007


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chiming in late as usual, but here goes:

Starting point wet:

Ending point wet:

Starting point dry (blowfried and uneven - oh, the horror!):

Ending point dry (Maxiglided, with 2 1/2 inch trim): View attachment 9471
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