2007 LHCF BOOTCAMP - Put Starting Point Pictures Here


Here we go...Wet hair.
This is my starting point...thanks for the tips on posting images. Ladies lets get growing

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Here's mine...


This is from November 30th. I'll be bunning until 12/27 and then I'm getting a weave, so my hair won't be down again until late Feb/early March.
ok here goes, i am EXITED cuz i can see some growth, i am actually closer to my goal then i thought i was. anyway these were taken today :)


good thing cuz after i wash my hair this time i wont be straightening it till april :cool:
Qetesh said:
ok here goes, i am EXITED cuz i can see some growth, i am actually closer to my goal then i thought i was. anyway these were taken today :)

good thing cuz after i wash my hair this time i wont be straightening it till april :cool:

Edited (bad language lol): What's your goal length?
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ritzbitz78 said:
Here are mine. I am bunning this next year... to regain thickness, stop playing with my ends:perplexed and of course length. I don't like to bun, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do...

(hums quietly to herself to the tune of jingle bells: Bun, Bun, Bun... Bun, Bun, Bun... Bunning all the way.... Oh what fun it is to Bun on a carefuly daily basis!):look:

Last Relaxer November 24
that is a funny song lol
LocksOfLuV said:
Edited (bad language lol): What's your goal length?

My Goal length is waist-length by July 07. On the pic I kinda look waist length now but really I think I need about 2 ½ more inches to truly be there. My ultimate goal is tailbone length- I would NOT want my hair any longer than that. Also note I am short (5’1), so I am probably bra-strap length to most people right now.
I got my hair braided 12/17/06 in individual braids courtesy of Patient1. She did an excellent job. I wish I had the time and know-how to post a starting point. All I could say is I looked a hot mess. Hair is healthy and about 1-1 1/2 inches in a TWA. I'm going to get these pictures on here even if it kills me.
Hey Ladies!!

Thanks so much for posting pictures :grin: ....no matter what length, you are all an inspiration to be joining this challenge in order to help you acheive your next hair goals..whatevever they may be... we are defying the odds and chasing our hair dreams...

Tuffcookie- If you have current pic. post those instead of waiting...your relaxer in late jan. can be a subsequent update picture...

HotTopic - you are right on time...the challenge doesnt start until January 1st...

I am getting my hair pressed tonight....so I will be posting my starting point pictures shortly :)
Here it is. I'm transitioning and hope to use my free pass to BC sometime next year. Hope the pic is not too big because I have no idea how to resize.

After my 1 inch trim yesterday. :(


Currently it's at line 6... at 7.5 I'll be about APL and at 9 or 9.5 I'd be BSL.
My starting point is in my sig. My short-term goal is to be armpit length and my long term goal is to be bra-strap length. For right now I'm just trying to make it healthier (and demolish those dang see-through ends!) :lol: