2007 LHCF BOOTCAMP - Put Starting Point Pictures Here

Here's Mines:


Do I have to hotlink it from a website? Because I just have photos on my computer. Maybe I should just wait until my next relaxer? I'm 4 months post and am thinking about getting a relaxer January 15 or 27.. not sure..
I'll be back to post mine on 12/19 when I get my next relaxer. :D

Y'all please pray WITH me that I'll be at APL with this next relaxer. I don't even care if it's the tip of my hair that's there, I'll take it. :look:
Bumping this up for Wishing4BSL :)

BlackCardinal said:
Posting photos is actually very simple. Here you go step-by-step.

To put a photo in a post you need to:

1. Host your photo somewhere on the internet (imageshack, photobucket or some on-line album [make sure they allow "hotlinking" if you use an album service])

2. Get the unique url for the image you want to include in your post. If you use something like imageshack they will have the url's ready for you to copy and paste. If your photos are in an album, pull up a contextual menu on the image to copy the url of the image (right-click on a pc, ctrl-click on a mac).

3. Within your post on LHCF, paste the url between img tags like so:
If you use imageshack it will already include the tags so all you have to do is paste.

For the visual learners (I apologize for the large pics, but people need to be able to read the text :) )

Using imageshack -- see the urls provided for you: you want the first one, Embeddable Code


Using a contextual menu to get the url of an image in a gallery/album. I'm using a mac so I cntrl-clicked on the pic in the top left and this menu comes up. Notice that I want the IMAGE LOCATION, which will put the url on the clipboard. Copying the IMAGE will put the image itself on the clipboard, which isn't what we want in this case.


Now paste the url into the post editor and voila! You're done.


Now that wasn't so bad, was it? :lol:
Miz Jackson said:
Way to grow girl! Your hair looks great!

Thank you MJ but I need to take a better picture because you can't really see where my hair stops because of the blurriness so I will do a better picture this weekend.:)
Okay, so my starting point is in my siggy now. But here it is again for future reference. The pony tail is how I plan on watching my growth because it looks thicker that way. The other pics are a bit embarassing because of the thinness.


ETA: This picture doesn't look too thin and it gives a better idea of my length.

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Ok... Here's the good:


and the bad :crying3::crying3::crying3:


Amazing what stress can do to you. Thank goodness for ponytails :lol:
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Here's mine...Sorry its so big - also in my siggy there is a collage but u can see the length and kinda the texture and waves tho - all taken in late NOV...HHG ya'll! Toodlez!!

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I think I am about 2 inches from bra-strap. I just got a relaxer (texlax@60%). I think if I did it 90% straight I would be closer to bra strap. I might be too late to sign up, but if I am not here is my picture.
I just took the picture.

Here's my starting point...taken tonight 12-11-06.


thanks BalckCardinal!
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Here are mine. I am bunning this next year... to regain thickness, stop playing with my ends:perplexed and of course length. I don't like to bun, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do...

(hums quietly to herself to the tune of jingle bells: Bun, Bun, Bun... Bun, Bun, Bun... Bunning all the way.... Oh what fun it is to Bun on a carefuly daily basis!):look:

Last Relaxer November 24