Your So/dh And Porn...

Porn: yay or nay

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So, I was talking to a friend of mine and she was rather upset with her SO because she caught him watching porn. Now personally, I don't see the issue and could not care less about it, but I have noticed many ladies are against it. As long as it's not addictive behavior I'm all for it. I may even watch with :look:.

How do you all feel about it? Do you feel it's detrimental, do you not care, do you join in, or make your own :lachen:?
Why would I be upset as long as he don't expect to bend me into a pretzel when he's ready. And I would never make my own, nope, never. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna make a confession here -- I think I rather see yt people porn than black porn. I don't know why maybe it's because but that is the first porn I ever saw back in the day.:afro:
I'd prefer a man who rarely watches. I don't want to be naive and say that I expect my SO to never watch porn, but I have noticed that men who are always watching porn have issues with lust. The ones I've come across who watch porn all the time were also the ones with fetishes and were always cheating.
It does not bother me. We actually talk about our faves. :look:

Funny thing, we both need consistency with our porn. He watches 1 person, I think. Lol. She is also nothing like the kind of women that he is attracted to irl. That's the thing about porn, it's about fantasy.
I'm don't care to fulfill someone's every single fantasy. Bye. Especially if you're only whacking to someone else, I'm not mad at all. Lol
Why would I be upset as long as he don't expect to bend me into a pretzel when he's ready. And I would never make my own, nope, never. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna make a confession here -- I think I rather see yt people porn than black porn. I don't know why maybe it's because but that is the first porn I ever saw back in the day.:afro:

Lol. I don't like watching white porn all the time, but the production value and the girls in black porn were...subpar. I know this is ridiculous, but when the girls weave looks too ratty I can't even watch. The guys have on socks, sunglasses, they don't even put on lotion :(

It's getting better nowadays and they have cute black girls now. I more so watch amateur, but only maybe two of my past boyfriends would watch and we watched together because I watch it :blondboob:. We had better coloring time IMO.
Lol. I don't like watching white porn all the time, but the production value and the girls in black porn were...subpar. I know this is ridiculous, but when the girls weave looks too ratty I can't even watch. The guys have on socks, sunglasses, they don't even put on lotion :(

It's getting better nowadays and they have cute black girls now. I more so watch amateur, but only maybe two of my past boyfriends would watch and we watched together because I watch it :blondboob:. We had better coloring time IMO.
:lol: i agree no ashy, poor weave having black porn. I notice the dudes feet be looking like crocodile skin. maybe the socks are better on :lol:

As for if my man watches, I don't care.
I was listening to a podcast on psychology and some research (i don't have details) said that men who watch porn produce more semen. So....if you're trying to conceive, watch it up!
There should be another option... He watches what he likes and I watch what I like. We don't watch together because we have different tastes.
Yeah. He watches porn, I read porn. He's dipped into my stash and vice versa. What I like about the porn he watches is that the girls look like me. :giggle: Regular brown girls putting in that work. So I allow/ encourage it. Why not? Can't hurt. :look: If anything, it whets his appetite. I'm okay with that. :up:
m gonna make a confession here -- I think I rather see yt people porn than black porn. I don't know why maybe it's because but that is the first porn I ever saw back in the day.:afro:
Nope because most black porn looks like a bunch of folks got together and decided to make a bad movie with an old camcorder. For some reason yrs ago I had all the video channels and was channel surfing and came across one 4 guys and a girl. Paneled basement, all the guys had on white knee socks and slippers ashy knees and her ponytail was slipping so she is holding onto it while going at it. I laughed :lachen:I don't think that was the intent.

If he is watching porn all the time thats a problem. And I'm not making my own. Folks break up :cry3:
It's definitely addictive if he keeps going back to it..,he's addicted or he wouldn't be watching it ...again.

It's also cheating in a relationship. Why even "go there" if you are in love and loyal to your wife or if a woman loves her husband.

It definitely exposes that there is a serious void in a relationship when a person steps outside of it to watch others have sex. The person who seeks porn is unhappy, unsatisfied with whom they are with and about themselves. They are saying their relationship is not enough.
I dated a guy who was addicted to porn. He could never last. Embarrassing. I only put 2 and 2 together after he made a request to do something that he saw in a porn movie and then I asked the questions that led me to the conclusion.
It's definitely addictive if he keeps going back to it..,he's addicted or he wouldn't be watching it ...again.

It's also cheating in a relationship. Why even "go there" if you are in love and loyal to your wife or if a woman loves her husband.

It definitely exposes that there is a serious void in a relationship when a person steps outside of it to watch others have sex. The person who seeks porn is unhappy, unsatisfied with whom they are with and about themselves. They are saying their relationship is not enough.

Or some folk enjoy porn. I personally like to watch porn when I'm stressed out. Nothing like rubbing out a quick one, conversation free, to set my day right. I love riding my hubby, but sometimes I like a solo run.

It's definitely addictive if he keeps going back to it..,he's addicted or he wouldn't be watching it ...again.

It's also cheating in a relationship. Why even "go there" if you are in love and loyal to your wife or if a woman loves her husband.

It definitely exposes that there is a serious void in a relationship when a person steps outside of it to watch others have sex. The person who seeks porn is unhappy, unsatisfied with whom they are with and about themselves. They are saying their relationship is not enough.
Yeah. He watches porn, I read porn. He's dipped into my stash and vice versa. What I like about the porn he watches is that the girls look like me. :giggle: Regular brown girls putting in that work. So I allow/ encourage it. Why not? Can't hurt. :look: If anything, it whets his appetite. I'm okay with that. :up:
Yeah what you reading lately? Like those trashy ghetto novellas? I could use some more recommendations in my PM :)