Your So/dh And Porn...

Porn: yay or nay

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I watch porn and so does he. Not together. I'm sure we have different tastes. I like extremely niche porn. I find that most men like boring porn.

I used to read my porn all the time. Now, just occasionally. Only if I have a lot of many many hours. Ahh those were the days lol.
Lol. I don't like watching white porn all the time, but the production value and the girls in black porn were...subpar. I know this is ridiculous, but when the girls weave looks too ratty I can't even watch. The guys have on socks, sunglasses, they don't even put on lotion :(

It's getting better nowadays and they have cute black girls now. I more so watch amateur, but only maybe two of my past boyfriends would watch and we watched together because I watch it :blondboob:. We had better coloring time IMO.

Girl you have me hollering! :lachen: