Are you taller than your SO or DH?

Are you taller than your SO or DH?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 17 12.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 91 66.9%
  • With heels on, Yes!

    Votes: 28 20.6%

  • Total voters
Hey Sweetie,


I haven't seen you in a little while. I've been married for just over 14 weeks. :giggle:

Where have you been girl?
O wow..I didt even know that..when I saw ur post I said to myslef..I didnt know allandra was married...! just happned...:grin:
I am real late but congrats!!!!!!!
This is hilarious. I'd feel terrible and he'd have to feel emasculated. I know I'd secretly feel like I could punk him.

ITA with the bolded. I just couldn't imagine looking down on my (future) SO. I remember watching one of the judge shows...i think it was Judge Alex...and this couple were suing another guy. The man was a lot shorter than the woman ( I don't think he came past her shoulders) and at the very beginning Judge Alex starts of with "Is this your son" and she said no he's my husband! I don't know how she felt (especially since the crowd was laughing) but think I would've been mortified.

I don't knock women who date shorter mean because to each his (well her) own. It's just not for me.
i'm almost 5'8. i met this guy who is between 5'6 and 5'7. I'm really attracted to him. I'm also about 10 lbs over weight so that right there has me selfconscious. I feel after i drop these last lbs i will be more comfortable. He doesn't seem to have a problem, He mentioned the height difference and he knows I'm tryin to lose weight.

I have no problem dating (or tryng to date) a shorter guy. But one of the main thngs is that he has to be down wit it and show interest first. Feel me? I dont like puttin myself out there like that anyway :)

OH, but for the most part I've always talked to/been in realtionsip with guys who were taller than me. WEll the two boy friends I had were around 6'2

I've talked to guys like 5'9 and up, but i can remember having a crush on more than one shorter guy. They seemed to like me, but i was so self concious about my weight that i just couldn't see us together cuz u was taller and bigger. ANd these short guys were like small, like bow wow size lol
don't currently have an SO..but never been with anyone shorter than me
not by choice...but by logistic demographic
i'm 5''s moot.....unless he's a munchkin:lachen:

must say,tho, I LOVE LOVE LOVE THE TALL GUYS:lick:
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my ex was my height so with heels i was taller than him. he used to complain if i wore something with a low heel. i mean short and no confidence? thats a deal breaker for me. i dont mind dating a short guy as long as they're confident in their height/lack of it.
I'm 4'11" so I doubt if I ever have the "i'm taller than him' issue. But no, I've never been with anyone that is shorter than me.
Are you taller than your SO or DH? No.

Are you about his height but taller than him with heels on? No.

Do you find you wear flats more often? Yes, for comfort only. :lachen:

Do you think it bothers him? No. :nono:

Would you let a guys height stop you from dating him?

It depends. I am short, but wasn't into short guys. I dated one once when I was 14. :perplexed

If a guy is a good guy; and has what I'm looking for in a man, then I may stay with him. So long as the height difference isn't a feet apart. :lachen:

Nope. :nono: Not even close. I'm 5'1", and DH is 6'3".

Wow! Does your neck hurt from looking up so much? :lachen:

DH is a perfect height for me. He's 5'8 and although he's still quite taller than me, I love that he doesn't have to bend down too far to kiss or hug me.
I think this is it. I love looking up to my man. I love being able to curl up to him. I love feeling protector. I love the Jada/Will stares...hehehe.

I dont mean to push him off because he's a great guy and my cousins think he'd be awesome for me but I want to feel "protected" like you said. My first real BF was 6'4 and I am 5'2. I've dated on other guy that is my height but he was FINE and this boy treated me sooooo good. Eventually I let him go but he's married now. The shorties know how to treat women. Praying I find a tall guy with a short guy's heart :lachen:

Oh goodness no! :lol: I never get along with short men. I used to like short men because I got tired of that Jada/Will effect, but I realized that we don't mesh well. I'm short, and short men are so mean to me. The attraction isn't there. Now those tall men! I had no choice but to get used to them because that's all that approaches nowadays. We get along so well. I know it's crazy to compare height and personality, but this is what I've personally observed. Tall men are such sweethearts.
Interesting thread... I'm dating a guy who is shorter than me now. Even without heels I am a little taller than him, and I love wearing heels. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it and it actually doesn't bother me. I've never dated a short guy...
I used to say I wouldn't date anyone more than 5 or 6 inches taller than me. My SO is a foot taller than I am though. Kissing/looking him in the eye is literally a pain in the neck unless I'm standing on something... or if we're sitting and he slouches a bit.
No I'm not taller than anyone. The shortest man is still taller than me. I can put on heels an appear to be average height. Future DH / SO will taller than me.
my ex was my height so with heels i was taller than him. he used to complain if i wore something with a low heel. i mean short and no confidence? thats a deal breaker for me. i dont mind dating a short guy as long as they're confident in their height/lack of it.

I had to laugh when I saw this. I'm currently seeing someone who is about an inch shorter than me without shoes. I'm usually in heels so when we go out I tower over him AND I'm a big girl. My boy walks around like "uh huh I'm handling all dat" and it cracks me up. He doesn't have a problem with it neither do I. You are right about the confidence thing though.
I had to laugh when I saw this. I'm currently seeing someone who is about an inch shorter than me without shoes. I'm usually in heels so when we go out I tower over him AND I'm a big girl. My boy walks around like "uh huh I'm handling all dat" and it cracks me up. He doesn't have a problem with it neither do I. You are right about the confidence thing though.

:lachen: I could have wrote this post! The confidence is definitely a must. When we first started dating he would bring it up a lot, and I had to let him know that it didn't bother me. So after that I think he was okay. :yep:
I know it may be superficial, but I just can't make myself date a short man.
They have to be at least 4 inches taller than me so that when I wear my heels we're at least the same height.
loool if i dated men shorter than me, they'd have to be 5'0, and that definitely is not attractive to me...
My dh is a little over 5'11" and I'm 5'5". It's funny because when I'm wearing heels, I feel like we're eye level but when I look at the pictures I see he's still at least 3 to 4 inches taller.
I am 5'8 and my hubby 5'9. With heels or a fro I am bigger than him. He loves it. I guess it's like climbing a mountain. I always wear heels and I mean 3+. inches when I was cute. Idk his verical issues have nothing to do with my fashion choices. He doesn't like short women. He thinks it is very hot when I have heels on especially stilettos. I think it is the way a man carrys himself. whether he seems small or not.
He's taller than I am. But when I wear hells its all over. He did lightly mention that he didn't like me being taller than him so I rarely wear hells anymore.
I'm 5'5, DH is about 5'11. I admit, I have never been very attracted to short men (5'7 and under IMO). I actually thought I'd wind up with someone over 6 ft, but I'm content- lol.