Are you taller than your SO or DH?

Are you taller than your SO or DH?

  • Yes!

    Votes: 17 12.5%
  • No!

    Votes: 91 66.9%
  • With heels on, Yes!

    Votes: 28 20.6%

  • Total voters
SO is 4 inches taller than me, so if I put on my 4-4 1/2 inch heels, I'd be taller. I'm not with him for his height:look:.

I've not dated a man that was shorter than me in my bare feet, Thats a pretty rare thing, but if all things clicked, I have to say though I would be hesitant (because I'm like 5'4"!) but it would be a consideration....unless he was a midget (I can't do no midgets, sorry).

The guy I like is only 1 to 2 inches taller than me. But he dates tall girls and like for them to wear high heels.

Go figure! !
In our bare feet we're the same height or close to it. He thinks he's taller than me but I know he's not.

Last night we went out and I wore some 4 inch heels. I felt so powerful :lol:. I was all ordering him around and stuff. He just ignored me.

Its not as big of a deal as I thought it would be. I think I'll be wearing heels more often.
I also love that my boo doesn't mind me wearing heels when we are together. When we first met I thought it would be an issue since I wear pretty tall (4"+) heels. I was nervous that he wouldn't want me wearing heels, and most of the shoes I own are heels. But he says he loves it! It doesn't bother me that I'm taller than him in my heels.
I dated a guy once that was the same height as me, i didn't like it, i couldn't lay my head on his shoulder an i didnt feel secure if i hugged him cause i was looking straight over his shoulder, jus didn't like it.

Right now i'm 5'4, DH is 5'10, i dont see myself wearing anything over 4 inch heels anytime soon so we're fine. He always complains that he likes when he can put his chin on top of my head and if i'm in heels he cant do that but he still likes to see them and he keeps on buying them. LOL.
i often think about this. i don't have a SO now but i'm 5'9" and between 6' and 6'1" with heels on. so when most of my short/average height friends talk about wanting a guy whose 6'4" for aesthetic purposes, I'm like "leave the tall ones for your sistah. it's a real issue of practicality for me." lol.
No, but I have been the same height as a SO. I don't mind at all, I actually liked it. Somehow, I felt like we were on the same level because I was tall enough to look in his eyes. However, although I'm now off the market. I couldn't date a guy my height or shorter unless he was super fine and not insecure about it at all. Confidence makes men even more sexy and I love high heels.

My husband is taller than me even in heels. He really likes that, seeing that I'm 5'8".
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Would I date a man shorter than me? Certainly.

Is my SO shorter than me? No. My SO is about 4-5 inches taller than me. It's a pretty comfortable distance for kissing, walking together, etc. Or least I've always thought so...

I recently bought a pair of 3- 1/2 inch wedges; it was a big leap of faith for me (I have never owned shoes with more than a half-inch heel), but the design was too cute to pass up. (I still despise "proper" high heels and would never own any).

I wore them a few weeks ago and was almost on the same level as my SO. He was absolutely delighted :lick: that we stood almost shoulder to shoulder. He draped his arm on my shoulders with much more ease than normal and basically treated me like his armrest as we walked (which was bit annoying to me :look: ). When we faced each other, our lips and eyes almost directly lined up with each other. Even though we were surrounded by people, it was a uniquely intimate experience.

Being the same height definitely has its pluses! I'd say it's an asset, not a liability to have a partner your same height or within 1-2 inches (taller OR shorter). :yep: