"You Know You're in Love - When These Things Don't Matter"

When he brings you loose peppermint tea with a diffuser to you office because you have a horribe cough even though you had an argument the night before and you don't get mad because your nosy coworkers are present because it is just too sweet :blush3:

When you stay on the phone all night until the sun comes up talking about nothing and you don't get mad even though you told him you like to get your 9 hours of sleep :look::drunk:

This thread was really helpful for me today, thanks Shimmie :heart2:
When he brings you loose peppermint tea with a diffuser to you office because you have a horribe cough even though you had an argument the night before and you don't get mad because your nosy coworkers are present because it is just too sweet :blush3:

When you stay on the phone all night until the sun comes up talking about nothing and you don't get mad even though you told him you like to get your 9 hours of sleep :look::drunk:

This thread was really helpful for me today, thanks Shimmie :heart2:
Awwww I'm sooo happy for you Jewelle!!
When he brings you loose peppermint tea with a diffuser to you office because you have a horribe cough even though you had an argument the night before and you don't get mad because your nosy coworkers are present because it is just too sweet :blush3:

When you stay on the phone all night until the sun comes up talking about nothing and you don't get mad even though you told him you like to get your 9 hours of sleep :look::drunk:

This thread was really helpful for me today, thanks Shimmie :heart2:
Hey Darlin' :kiss: I miss you. I need to be a regular on the health/fitness forum again. I have a personal trainer now; It's $$$$$ :spinning: but it's worth it. :yep:

I wish you Showers of Blessings for you and your sweetheart...:love3: I'm so happy for you.
You know your in love when he has made it ok for you to show yourself undisguised.....
he calls just to say...I miss you...I'm thinking of you...I love you...wish you were here by my side right now....

we give each other "hugs" over the phone

he caters to me and treats me like a princess

we still spoon feed each after 6 years...usually sharing the same plate like in Lady and the Tramp:grin:

I love watching him get dressed/undressed

the sound of his laughter tickles my insides

every phone conversation ends with "I love you"

his 12 brothers and sisters and parents are in awe of how I've "tamed" him, they all think he's difficult...far from it, very sensitive, too...he always wants "to talk"

always wake up wrapped around each other, forever cuddling thru the night
FH had a something irritating his nose, and so he was blowing it to clear it, and this giant, green nasty booger landed on his shoulder. It was staring at me!:wallbash:

and I'm still with him.

That's love.:lachen:
you grin from ear to ear like an idiot when you think about him:grin:


you know you're in love:

-when you just know
-when you haven't heard from him for over a year and you still feel all nervous and fuzzy when he calls
-when you no longer care what your friends say about him
-when everyone tells you that you are even though you fiercely deny it so you stop
-when you feel like he can read your mind
-when even though he has a girlfriend you're not worried cause you know you and him were meant to be

why am i even posting in this thread. I don't have an SO. (see above ^)
I just thought of one more:

you know you're in love when you were thinking of only one person while reading this thread.
When you are on another coast, tired as all get out, just got off a long flight.

And when you get to your room, a message waits for you from your sweetie telling you to relax, read, take a bubble bath and he ordered your favorite meal which will arrive in about an hour. Do nothing but take your heels off and rest.

Then you realize you're in love :)
This is so sweet you guys are making me want to call him at work and talk in that baby talk voice which he hates lol.

  • When laying beside or on his chest after sex you feel so peaceful that you REALLY don't want to get up and do that quick wash up
  • When HE even can put his gangsta on hold and tell you some mushy stuff
  • When you're fighting with him and you laugh because you just want to get it over with and kiss him up. (He usually says "whats so funny....stop it..dont touch me! Aaah!")
  • Everyone around you says you spoil him and that they feel bad for you, but you know in your heart theyre just saying that because theyre mad they dont have anyone to make heart shaped pancakes for

Update: He called as I was making this list and I made the voice..when I told him why he called me a nerd. :rolleyes: oh well hes the one who married a nerd
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he calls just to say...I miss you...I'm thinking of you...I love you...wish you were here by my side right now....

we give each other "hugs" over the phone

he caters to me and treats me like a princess

we still spoon feed each after 6 years...usually sharing the same plate like in Lady and the Tramp:grin:

I love watching him get dressed/undressed

the sound of his laughter tickles my insides

every phone conversation ends with "I love you"

his 12 brothers and sisters and parents are in awe of how I've "tamed" him, they all think he's difficult...far from it, very sensitive, too...he always wants "to talk"

always wake up wrapped around each other, forever cuddling thru the night

This was sweet :love5::love5:
When you wake up in the middle of the night with a cheek covered inhis drool, and he cleans you up and keeps apologizing, but you're not even mad.:spinning:

He does it again only this time the drool gets in your eye, and besides some playful teasing it's no big deal.:spinning:

You wake up in the morning and seriously consider taking a sick day so you can spend more time together.

You love to get eight full hours of sleep, but since he works later hours you take a nap at 8pm(missing all your shows) set your alarm for 2 in the morning and let him come over after work so you can be alert to talk and hangout for a couple hours.

When you let him detangle your 3c 4a hair with the conditioner eventhough he's a little rough, b/c he said he had to learn how to take care of you.:cupidarrow:

(not that I'm in love...:sekret:)
This is so sweet you guys are making me want to call him at work and talk in that baby talk voice which he hates lol.
  • When laying beside or on his chest after sex you feel so peaceful that you REALLY don't want to get up and do that quick wash up
  • When HE even can put his gangsta on hold and tell you some mushy stuff
  • When you're fighting with him and you laugh because you just want to get it over with and kiss him up. (He usually says "whats so funny....stop it..dont touch me! Aaah!")
  • Everyone around you says you spoil him and that they feel bad for you, but you know in your heart theyre just saying that because theyre mad they dont have anyone to make heart shaped pancakes for

Update: He called as I was making this list and I made the voice..when I told him why he called me a nerd. :rolleyes: oh well hes the one who married a nerd

Too too cute! And that last line is hilarious! :lachen:
He puts a big hole in your peach cobbler . . . not in the corner, dead.in.the.middle (crust by scratch and e'erthang) :blush:

what a sweet thread :love5:.
When everything that seemed, off, not attractive, weird, just not cute about him when you first met him, is now the reason you walk around grinning like an idiot.

When I first met my ex, I told my girlfriend he looked "rickety" like his bones were connected with hinges. About two months later, all I could talk about a his sexy *** walk.

When my daughter met him she was like....is he handicapped? I look back on this now and just roll...

When your mother tells you that you need to lose weight and in front of the whole family he says how you are perfect just the way you are and he thinks you are beautiful at any size.