I fell in love with ...

This is what kill me with married rascals. They sit in your face and lie about how unhappy they are and cry like their world is coming to an end. Then they go home to their wives but on their way home, they call to see if they need to bring her some food or something. Child, that rascal don't deserve no type of feeling from you. He's a dog to you and a dog to his wife and I feel bad for both of you. Her for marrying a disrespectful dog and you for believing his lies. WALK AWAY, no RUNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chile, please. Do not be dumb, ok?


You already know better.

Aint neither one of y'all in love.

You are vulnerable and he showed you some attention. Don't confuse this with being in love.

That individiual is married. If you are into your faith like you claim you are then you know that continuing anything with him will mark you both as adulturers in the eyes of God.

Leave this situation.

You sound like a nice person but don't let your fleeting emotions take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay or cost you more than you want to pay.
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what i wanna know is why in the world were u spending all that time with a married man to be put in a position to fall in love with him? i'm assuming ya'll spent a good deal of time since most ppl just dont fall in love thru a few chance encounters :roll eyes:

im pretty sure its prolly just lust neways...

as far as what u should so...get the f up outta Dodge!!!
Someone on the forum said to me : 'how could i allow myself to fall in love with a married man....??!!" Sorry but I couldn't prevent myself from falling in love and i can not in general.

That was me. I understand your reasoning, and I didnt mean to attack you. However I'm thinking about this from my own perspective. Personally, married men arent attractive to me. I dont know why. He could be the finest man I've ever seen, but the fact that he has a wife is an instant "turn-off" for lack of a better word (not that marriage is a "turn off" but I dont allow myself to get butterflies and googly eyed over married men) And if they try to flirt with me they become disgusting. But thats just me.

I mean even celebrities that used to get me hot and bothered and then get married fit into that category. "You're off limits so I'm not attracted to you anymore." But like I said thats just how my mind works.

I know you cant help who you fall in love with, but for me, not falling in love with a married man is easy.

But all in all, I'm glad you decided to leave him alone. :yep:
Anyway, we see each other yesterday to talk about it (only to talk) and I told him to try to save his marriage instead of trying to do something really bad for EVERYONE. he said he will try and said that I deserve better he apologised etc...
Um, the only thing wrong in his marriage is him. Don't let him continue to play you. Girl he got game and I am sure he has gotten many "extra" woman on the side because of it. He seems to have it down to a science.
a married man.
I don't know what to do cause what's happening to me is really difficult to live with.. a year ago a new collegue joined us ...sweet with everyone and very sociable. I wasn't attracted by him at first cause i got some personnal and carreer problem(but he is really good looking :grin:. I was in very bad period psychologically speaking.And one day during a break he came to me and ask me why i feel so sad..I said that i ve got some problems in my life etc and he asked me what was i my religion, i said catholics and he answered : good me too. After that he talked to me about God etc during hours and i feel so good so quiet after that...Every time we met, he supported me talking about faith and telling me that i have to believe that God can make everything possible etc..Days after days i i realized that he made me open my mind spiritually speaking....but also that i was falling in love wiyh him ...not because of all he said about religion but because he was there for me and because i liked his manner, his mind and i liked being with him..but problem i knew he was married with a 18months year old daughter...So i didn't even try to seduce him.
And one day I was telling him something really touching about my life when he first hugged me and then he kissed me ...He apologised and said one million times he was sorry and we left....but few days after he confessed that he was in love with me ...and that he didn't know what to do cause he really had faith in god and he respect his marriage because it's for him the promise he made to his wife in front of God ...but said that since his daughter 's birth his wife changed radically, and he told me that she said that she didn't know if she 's still in love...she often sleep at her parents's house with their daughter etc ....and finally he cried ( i never saw a man cry , i was really ...i don't know how to say in english..he cried cause he said that he told her that he was loosing her because of the lack of love and because he could be in love with someone else and she said ok, she said :" i know that's my fault but i don't know why i m acting like that !"
So now i know that i really want him to be happy but i know that he is engaged (and not only with his ife) and he got a beautiful little girl !
I don't know what to do except crying and let him go cause i love him but ill never break a family.

Now how does one "fall" in love with a married man? And I'm being serious. The boundary was there.

He used your vulnerability against you sweetie, sorry.

Men smell weakness in a woman and you exhibited that by telling him that you were going through some personal issues. He's standing behind some crap that he's a man of God:rolleyes: It's a ruse and I don't care how good this man talks, speaks and makes you feel. No man of God would prophesize to you and then sleep with you.

Regarding the second bolded--:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Of course he is going to tell you some crap about how is wife changed, what she's not doing, how she's failing as a wife. That's his game--he's doing that to do what you are doing now, boost yourself up in his eyes, and make your affair seem more palatable. You don't know this woman and what kind of wife she is, she could be doing EVERYthing for him and if he's a dog, he's gonna cheat.

I think you might be young and you've fallen into a predatory trap with this man. I'm sorry but it's not justifiable at all.

I also commend you for being honest about this because I believe that married men cheat because women are there to cheat with, many women will do it and do it silently without admitting it. If women didn't sleep with married men, they wouldn't have anyone to cheat with:ohwell:
First of all thank you(everyone who posted) for all, for your advice. I know that I will be hurt, I know that he won't leave his wife even if i think he doesn't love her but Im not different and i don't want to be with a man who cheats his wife and also because that's not my buissness...I really suffered in the past because of that (Iwasn't married but it's nearly the same).
Anyway, we see each other yesterday to talk about it (only to talk) and I told him to try to save his marriage instead of trying to do something really bad for EVERYONE. he said he will try and said that I deserve better he apologised etc...
Someone on the forum said to me : 'how could i allow myself to fall in love with a married man....??!!" Sorry but I couldn't prevent myself from falling in love and i can not in general. But I Ill try to struggle, I won't try , I'll do it.
I wasn't attracted at first so it wasn't a seduction game.I saw him first ONLY like a friend and I didn't even think he could fall in love too cause he never ever show me that kind of feelling before the DAY and because he never mentioned his marriag problems.
So thank you everyone. Iknow Im not a O :rolleyes:..Im so much better than that. And I really want to be the ONE not the second or the other for a man. That's why It's impossible for me to continue with him.

Ok--I never get this explanation of how you can fall in love with a married man. I don't care if he's HOT on fiyah and he's approaching you everyday, you have to at some point make a willing decision to begin a friendship with him. By the way, I'm married, in case you didnt' figure that out. But if someone is married, then to be their "true friend" then you should be friends with the wife as well. So you knew from the get-go you two weren't "friends". If a man confides anything in someone other than his spouse, that's a treacherous boundary to cross.

I can't cut you any slack OP, I'm sorry. I don't feel sorry for the "I fell in love" with a married man stuff, I have heard it ALOT. You're not a victim you're just as culpable as he is.
Girl please...Just stop it! Listen to yourself.

1. You don't know what goes on in their house! He telling you these stories about his wife but you can't really have a clue as to where she sleeps at night. Nor is it any of your business.

2. Tears are voluntary. Hell they sell fake ones at the drug store! You should know that a man will put on an Oscar worthy performance to get your cookies. You better peep game!

3. Once he gets what he want's, he will pull what I like to call the "Tuck & Roll" Here's how it goes...Just when you think you all in love with him (too late for that), and you're sexing him on the regular...once he gets tired of you he will TUCK his dang-a-lang back into his pants, and ROLL out!

4. Have some dignity, and self respect. How it is possible to fall in love with a man that is attached to someone else will continue to baffle me. I am too fly to have any man that I call myself loving to have his eyes on any woman besides me! Hold your head up high, brush yo shoulders off, and tell that figga to fall back! Nuff said...
lol yea!!! tell that figga!!! :lachen::lachen:

but seriously good post!!! :clap:

Girl please...Just stop it! Listen to yourself.

1. You don't know what goes on in their house! He telling you these stories about his wife but you can't really have a clue as to where she sleeps at night. Nor is it any of your business.

2. Tears are voluntary. Hell they sell fake ones at the drug store! You should know that a man will put on an Oscar worthy performance to get your cookies. You better peep game!

3. Once he gets what he want's, he will pull what I like to call the "Tuck & Roll" Here's how it goes...Just when you think you all in love with him (too late for that), and you're sexing him on the regular...once he gets tired of you he will TUCK his dang-a-lang back into his pants, and ROLL out!

4. Have some dignity, and self respect. How it is possible to fall in love with a man that is attached to someone else will continue to baffle me. I am too fly to have any man that I call myself loving to have his eyes on any woman besides me! Hold your head up high, brush yo shoulders off, and tell that figga to fall back! Nuff said...
Ok--I never get this explanation of how you can fall in love with a married man. I don't care if he's HOT on fiyah and he's approaching you everyday, you have to at some point make a willing decision to begin a friendship with him. By the way, I'm married, in case you didnt' figure that out. But if someone is married, then to be their "true friend" then you should be friends with the wife as well. So you knew from the get-go you two weren't "friends". If a man confides anything in someone other than his spouse, that's a treacherous boundary to cross.

I can't cut you any slack OP, I'm sorry. I don't feel sorry for the "I fell in love" with a married man stuff, I have heard it ALOT. You're not a victim you're just as culpable as he is.

Yes I probably made a mistake when I let him be "my friend" and let him be close to me knowing that he was married...yeah you're right Im guilty as he is ....But I stopped because I know that what i feel was really bad and I don't want too break a family never ever !
3. Once he gets what he want's, he will pull what I like to call the "Tuck & Roll" Here's how it goes...Just when you think you all in love with him (too late for that), and you're sexing him on the regular...once he gets tired of you he will TUCK his dang-a-lang back into his pants, and ROLL out!

4. Have some dignity, and self respect. How it is possible to fall in love with a man that is attached to someone else will continue to baffle me. I am too fly to have any man that I call myself loving to have his eyes on any woman besides me! Hold your head up high, brush yo shoulders off, and tell that figga to fall back! Nuff said...

Firstly, LMAO@ the "tuck and roll"!!!

Secondly, it is so freaking easy to fall in love/lust/date married men. 90% of the time when you first meet a guy and agree to date him, you don't know anything about the guy besides what he has told you.

Believe it or not, but men lie.

And I have been fooled by a guy I dated back in grad school. He was married and he didn't tell me at all. I found out when his wife showed up to one of our departmental dinners.

I wasn't in love with him, so it was easy to just pretend I never saw him before and cease all contact, but even after his wife was introduced to me, he denied everything, like I had hallucinated her or something.

So in general, it is easy to fall in love with someone, but once you know the truth about their relationship status, it is up to you to decide how to proceed. Have you ever noticed how fewer and fewer men are wearing rings? Even my pastor doesn't wear a ring. The only way I found out he was married was when someone pointed out his wife because when she addressed the congregation, I was so like who the heck is that chick? LOL
That was me. I understand your reasoning, and I didnt mean to attack you. However I'm thinking about this from my own perspective. Personally, married men arent attractive to me. I dont know why. He could be the finest man I've ever seen, but the fact that he has a wife is an instant "turn-off" for lack of a better word (not that marriage is a "turn off" but I dont allow myself to get butterflies and googly eyed over married men)

I absolutely believe that all of us can help who we fall in love with. If we truly had no control, then we'd fall in love with Willie the homeless dude or Pookie the crackhead who happened to be friendly to us after giving them a dollar or something.

I can't remember who it was, but some celebrity said that married men are like gay men to her. They can be nice looking, attractive, etc., but they hold no attraction to HER because they are taken. Just like I can see some VERY good looking men who happen to be gay, but there will be zero chance of me falling in love with them because they are... GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY and have sex with doods! Not chicas!

I thought she had a good analogy.

Anyway, to Neyhla, I'm glad you're cutting things off and taking responsibility for your role in this situation. You can control whom you let into your heart, which in turn means that you can control who you fall in love with.
lol yea!!! tell that figga!!! :lachen::lachen:

but seriously good post!!! :clap:
lool yeah thanks for posting ....I feel sooooo ashamed ...Anyway It will NEVER EVERRRRRRRRR happened to me again ....I think that It occured cause I was too weak to realised...but I know Im not justifiable !!!:nono::nono::nono::nono:
thank you all
Hey OP

Read Steve Harvey Book you may not agree with everything in it but for the most part it is on point.

So Act Like A Lady and think Like A Man!

Things that stuck in my head about the book (which I already know) but is important to always keep in mind.

* Have standards for yourself
* Men cheat because they can, and there is always a woman who will cheat with them
* Men know your price after speaking with you ( not just in terms of money )
* Men have plans for women, know your title and what plans he have for you
* Men respect standards --Get some!
Firstly, LMAO@ the "tuck and roll"!!!

Secondly, it is so freaking easy to fall in love/lust/date married men. 90% of the time when you first meet a guy and agree to date him, you don't know anything about the guy besides what he has told you.

Believe it or not, but men lie.

And I have been fooled by a guy I dated back in grad school. He was married and he didn't tell me at all. I found out when his wife showed up to one of our departmental dinners.

I wasn't in love with him, so it was easy to just pretend I never saw him before and cease all contact, but even after his wife was introduced to me, he denied everything, like I had hallucinated her or something.

So in general, it is easy to fall in love with someone, but once you know the truth about their relationship status, it is up to you to decide how to proceed. Have you ever noticed how fewer and fewer men are wearing rings? Even my pastor doesn't wear a ring. The only way I found out he was married was when someone pointed out his wife because when she addressed the congregation, I was so like who the heck is that chick? LOL

I'm glad you know this. So many woman don't know how much control they have over their own emotions. Love is subjective...meaning if I find out you got someone else..I will not subject you to all of this glory that I call MAI TAI! :look:
I absolutely believe that all of us can help who we fall in love with. If we truly had no control, then we'd fall in love with Willie the homeless dude or Pookie the crackhead who happened to be friendly to us after giving them a dollar or something.

I can't remember who it was, but some celebrity said that married men are like gay men to her. They can be nice looking, attractive, etc., but they hold no attraction to HER because they are taken. Just like I can see some VERY good looking men who happen to be gay, but there will be zero chance of me falling in love with them because they are... GAY GAY GAY GAY GAY and have sex with doods! Not chicas!

I thought she had a good analogy.

Anyway, to Neyhla, I'm glad you're cutting things off and taking responsibility for your role in this situation. You can control whom you let into your heart, which in turn means that you can control who you fall in love with.

Once again Bunny77, you have spoken the truth. WELL SAID!
I'm still trying to figure out why you continued to talk to him after he (a married man) kissed you...:confused:

It's best if you stay out of his marriage and ignore the arsehole
Love is subjective...meaning if I find out you got someone else..I will not subject you to all of this glory that I call MAI TAI! :look:

MaiTai, in my worst english, you'se a fool! LMAO

And now you'll have me thinking about all of the attractive married men I know. Shoot, I could start a thread and Denzel would be the first pic I would post... :)
Is this a job or a career for you? (your place of business)
If it's just a job, I'd even consider getting a new one because working closely together after all of this may be awkward and you might have a relapse into the other side of silly.
Everything he said is in the "Slimebag man who is trying to get into the panties" handbook. Girl all he said was game, pure D GAME. Don't fall for it. He will not leave his wife, his life isn't that bad, and you certainly not DIFFERENT. Not being harsh, but please get over yourself he don't want you. If he did, he would say "Hold that thought", let me take care of this business with the wife and kid and if you are still interested after I am divorced we can try. Again, he is kickin straight GAME to you and you are falling for hit hook, line and sinker.

Don't strive to be a sideline peice. You should want to be "The One" and you won't be with him. If he is telling the truth and you end up with him, you will have to be Miss Suzie sunshine daily because he has already proved that when his mate isn't his ray of sunshine he will bounce. Again you are not different.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: @ "UR NOT DIFFERENT!! UR NOT DIFFERENT!!"
This is sooooooooooooooooooooooo true though. I would've said the bolded.

Kneegrows love to use GOD to get into some panties and women fall for it all the time.

Oh the irony of it all. . .
Girl please...Just stop it! Listen to yourself.

1. You don't know what goes on in their house! He telling you these stories about his wife but you can't really have a clue as to where she sleeps at night. Nor is it any of your business.

2. Tears are voluntary. Hell they sell fake ones at the drug store! You should know that a man will put on an Oscar worthy performance to get your cookies. You better peep game!

3. Once he gets what he want's, he will pull what I like to call the "Tuck & Roll" Here's how it goes...Just when you think you all in love with him (too late for that), and you're sexing him on the regular...once he gets tired of you he will TUCK his dang-a-lang back into his pants, and ROLL out!4. Have some dignity, and self respect. How it is possible to fall in love with a man that is attached to someone else will continue to baffle me. I am too fly to have any man that I call myself loving to have his eyes on any woman besides me! Hold your head up high, brush yo shoulders off, and tell that figga to fall back! Nuff said...

Number 3 had me rolling!!!!!!!!!! I gotta use that :lachen:
The worst part is married men have lived with a woman and they can talk to a woman better than most single men... they understand us better. And they're patient! They can use "long game" because they got rollover boody at home!

They are treacherous snakes. I hope the OP does not have to experience this pain for herself.

Please take heed to all these warnings, OP!!!
Not only is he playing you, he's using religion to play you and he's betraying his wife. How can you possibly trust him?? He's married and if you have an affair with him he will stay married....because he will use you as his valium to cope with his marriage. Just a drug....
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There is so much going on in this post that I don't know where to start. Everyone is human and everyone can make a mistake. I suggest that you distance yourself from this man and work on your issues and loving yourself more. I understand that he may have helped you feel better during a difficult time in your life but I would be leery of a man who counsels you daily about God and your problems in life but would not turn to the same God for counsel about his problems in his own life/marriage.

I hope this will send up red flags for some sister in the future.

Everything he said is in the "Slimebag man who is trying to get into the panties" handbook. Girl all he said was game, pure D GAME. Don't fall for it. He will not leave his wife, his life isn't that bad, and you certainly not DIFFERENT. Not being harsh, but please get over yourself he don't want you. If he did, he would say "Hold that thought", let me take care of this business with the wife and kid and if you are still interested after I am divorced we can try. Again, he is kickin straight GAME to you and you are falling for hit hook, line and sinker.

Don't strive to be a sideline peice. You should want to be "The One" and you won't be with him. If he is telling the truth and you end up with him, you will have to be Miss Suzie sunshine daily because he has already proved that when his mate isn't his ray of sunshine he will bounce. Again you are not different.

Fool still wouldn't have gotten jack shyt from me. Because I'd be on the receiving end of that divorce second time around after I pop out a baby for him and I'm not sally sunshine 10 seconds post child birth.:perplexed

I decided to stop all the contact also..I know that i can not try to forget and see him too ! Im in love but not completely dumb (even if i acted like i was)

Chile, please. Do not be dumb, ok?


You already know better.

Aint neither one of y'all in love.

You are vulnerable and he showed you some attention. Don't confuse this with being in love.

That individiual is married. If you are into your faith like you claim you are then you know that continuing anything with him will mark you both as adulturers in the eyes of God.

Leave this situation.

You sound like a nice person but don't let your fleeting emotions take you further than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay or cost you more than you want to pay.

T.D. Jakes is that you cuz' you preachin' girl.

I second the thought about men not wearing wedding rings. There's no excuse for it.

And I would like to share my story with you all. he
A guy at my job was sweatin' me hard and when I was moving gave me his number. Well my friend helped me move and I didn't call workboy and he said one day, well you have my number you can always use it. I told him to call me. We started talking and he would come over to my place and watch movies and I'm thinking cool because I wasn't trying to pay for $4 a gallon gas. But one night things went further than I wanted. Kissing but still further than I wanted for some guy who hadn't taken me on an official date. Sure he would bring food to my house whenever I wanted but i didn't have my standards written down and thoroughly thought out and in place at the time so I'm flying by the seat of my pants with just my general morals (no sex or nudity. No genital contact. That sort of thing).

Well I start to tell him I'm going to come over to his house and he's all cool with it. I tell him he needs to take me on a date. Cool. That weekend comes and he stood me up. I get to work monday heated. He didn't answer his phone all weekend. I'm ready to rip him a new one. Turns out his son got into an auto accident. He's telling everybody about the accident and I'm glad I kept my mouth shut.

Next weekend. Stood me up again. Didn't answer his phone. We get to work monday and he says his son walked into the living room and said he didn't feel good and fainted. He took him to the hospital and was there with him and when he finally answered his phone he even had messages from his mom mad at him for not picking up his phone.

Well a co workers mother works at the prison and the co worker was telling me her mother told her that he was sleeping with a woman at work and his live in girlfriend of 20 years found out and they were arguing in the parking lot. I go to talk to the chick he was sleeping with back when this happened and she tells me she and the girlfriend didn't argue but talked about it and they are actually on friendly terms now and that I should go talk to her because she is really cool.

She also told me that the guy doesn't have one kid like he's been telling me. He's got two:blush:. and that he has slept with many women who work at the prison. I'm heated now.

So I confront him and he tells me all kinds of lies and I kept going to the people he is telling me the lies about and bust him big time. So the live in girlfriend has found out about this in the mean time. And the chick on the side from the past told me the next day that the live in girlfriend was acting funny so she knows he told her about me. Well weeks later he's claiming to be single again to some other women in the office and so I finally go talk to the live in.

She was soooo nice. She said when she confronted him about it he tried to say I came on to him and she yelled at him "Don't try and blame this on her!":lachen:
She was very sweet and quotin' all kinds of things about the Lord. And although I left with a very good impression of her I don't put too much into people preaching about the Lord and layin' up and making illegitimate children with scumbags. Sorry if that offends anyone. I'd say the say thing about someone quotin' allah and then eating ham sandwhiches on the side.

So in short this guy was scum and when I sensed something wasn't right I put the brakes on and started asking questions and demanding answers and his game fell apart. Come to find out now that the side chick from back in the day (sweetheart too) works with me and him in the same department now she's filling me in on homeboy. He once paid a welfare friend of hers with a large screen tv for sex.:nono:
He's a pitiful wanna be yound sex fiend who will do and say anything to try and stay in the game with the young women. Anything.

Always ask nosy questions and demand answers if a guy wants anything to do with you.
Let me just say as a married woman i'll try my best to be objective
but hey

- you shouldn't want trash. if a man will repeatedly cheat on his girlfriend then he's no good for any woman. a 1 time deal anyone can fall into. but i see this was premeditated so he's been doing this for a while. be glad he's not yours.

- you definitely shouldn't want someone else's trash. his wife is married to someone and even has a child for someone who's a repeated, premeditationg cheater. she's in a far lot more hell than you are. he's her trash. why would you want this? you've got to look past this so called love and listen to your mind to leave. you don't want to be in her shoes. your heart isn't broken yet. her's already is. and he is trash. let him stay in her back yard for pickup. don't be crazy enough to take her trash to yours. pick yourself up and leave the situation.

- the level of premeditation and lowdowness. this fella ain't ####. he's cheating on his wife. and he took time to plan doing it. and he has no respect for his marraige. so no he's nothing. he's a devil dressed in white angel linen. he has no respect for his wife. none for you. not even the child. he knows if the wife finds out she could leave and the child wouldn't have a father. but he doesn't care. i know i would leave him. i've done this already.

girl this is some game. anyone can be tempted. but if he was that prayed up he would've been struggling with this issue and praying against it. but wouldn't have been the first to approach you. first to hug you. first to kiss you. first to console you. can't you see he's directing the entire act?. and mistreating you the wife the child his marraige and has no respect for his job even. girl this man is even using the word of God. no respect for the master. smh dam he ain't #%@#. if this was my husband i don't know what i'd do. i'd surely be thinkin of divorce. i've done it before and i'll do it again before i let a man brake me. seen to many other friends let it happen. it just won't be me.

see it goes down like this more often than not. once she finds out and this ain't the first time if she keeps him he does it again. and again. and she finally realizes it aint you, tisha, mesha or keisha it's that triflin husband. they eventually divorce. i'm seeing this more and more. women have jobs where they can take care of themselves and they don't have to take this embarassment. myself and 3 other girlfriends all have done the same. thus far 2 of us are married again.

i can't say what i'd do but i'd never want to have feelings for someone either i can't have or don't wanna have. and if he's married and would cheat on his wife no matter how much in love you are you don't want his lying @@@. trust me you dont.

pray ask God to open your eyes to the situation. this fella is laughing at you when he's with you. and he's laughing at his wife when he's with her. because he's playing both of you.
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1)Please this is all BS. He can tell you whatever he wants about his wife and I bet you not a lick of it is true.
2)This is where you work that is why you do not get into any type of messy relationships with coworkers
3)You don't know if this mans wife is crazy
4)How would you ever trust this person
5)Believe you are not the 1st woman he pulled this on
6) You can control who you love. I have been approached by many commited men and I let them all know get the heck out my face, I don't go for that.
If he's really having issues at home, that is none of your business nor is it justification for your relationship to continue. If things were so dead in his marriage, he would have started divorce proceedings. But alas, he's focusing that energy on trying to hook up with you.

With that said, his story is straight from the "Low-Down and Dirty Married Man's Handbook to Cheating". Broken marriage story? Check. No love in the marriage? Check. Pointing blame on wife? Check. Acting the "good guy"? Check. I call this the "long-con" - he's spent time buidling up a relationship with you from a seemingly innocent starting point instead of coming hard at you from the get go. He's running a smooth albeit old game.

If you stay with him, be prepared to get your heart trampled all over on. In the rare scenario that he sticks with you, don't act surprised if you're suddenly finding out that he's comforting some impressionable chick at his work place and saying you guys have issues at home :rolleyes:.

It disgusts me that this man has just become a father and he's acting like this. What a fine example of a dad :rolleyes:. This is the kind of morals your "dream guy" has, huh? Not worth it. Instead degrading yourself further, stay away from this guy.

Thank you! but here is the rub: The a hole knows good and well that if he starts a divorce that the Catholic church will be on his arse. He knows good and well that it will be hard for him to have a new marriage blessed by the church after this mess. The creep is going to have his cake and eat it as well. How ironic that he used religion to get with another woman when religion is going to tear his butt down once the Church finds out. Do not think that for one moment that the wife will not clear her good name with the church if he starts a divorce. What a slime ball.

OP, if you truly believe in what the church says then you would of never stepped to this man. I'm sorry but sometimes things just need to be said. Are you going to go to confession and tell the priest what you done and hope that all is well? In the long run, when all is said in done, you will have to live with the fact that you messed with a married man, who has a baby at home. If their marriage is to be dissolved then let it not be your fault. If anything you should of thought about the child involved. This is a mess and you need to get out of this situation asap.

Also for a man who seems to know so much he knows nothing about the mother of his child. Of course his wife is acting funny she just had a baby. If she is taking birth control then she is probably really acting a fool. It really is not her fault though because her hormones are probably all over the place. It sounds like she could be suffering from Postpartum. What a mess.

Edited to say: OP, I was not trying to get a low blow at you when I said that if you believed in what the church preaches then you would of not stepped to a married man. I do believe that what goes around comes around. Not only are you placing yourself in a position to be hurt but there are two others that will probably be hurt if it is found out that this man is having an affair. Think about how heart broken you are now. Now put yourself in the shoes of the wife. I also believe that you do have control over who you fall in love with. It is as simple as not getting close enough to certain individuals to put yourself in a position to fall in love in the first place. I find it hard to believe that this was love at first sight. It is good that you have stopped talking to the creep. I hope all goes well.
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