"You Know You're in Love - When These Things Don't Matter"

I :love: this thread

When he knows that you are a germophob and you smell his and everyone else's hands after they used the bathroom just to check and he doesn't complain about it.:look:

When you find out the he used the dish sponges to clean up the cat's poop and put them back without saying a word!!!!!!!:spank: :nono:so you used them and you germophob you are aren't falling out but just shake your head and kiss him because he is your silly man:blush:

When you decided that your cat with it's ca. 30-35 pound needs a diet but you come home to him feeding her because*she was soooo hungry* and again you can just shake your head and instead of anger you feel all fuzzy because you love him for his soft heart:o

This post is too funny and cute all at the same time....awwww!
Yes, I had to give a clinical name, because when he eats anything dairy, those are the worse ones and I can't find another name for those kind.....yes, its love indeed!:lachen::lachen:
And I wondered why being lactose intolerant would be a bad thing?
I thought*does that mean they never have cheesecake or icecream at home???*:lachen:
And I wondered why being lactose intolerant would be a bad thing?
I thought*does that mean they never have cheesecake or icecream at home???*:lachen:


You know something....ice cream doesn't bother him, neither does yogurt...go figure?

But, I don't eat much ice cream and to me cheesecake is so rich. I'm more of a pudding girl with whipped cream, or warm pound cake with whipped cream and strawberries. Dh eats everything I give him...to him I eat great stuff....:grin:
When you can't wait to get home because you know you will be with him.

Oh, so many things...I'll have to come back later with some...this is going to be good thread!

Precious Wavy, I love this one (the bolded). In my case, both of us work busy hours and even though we 'text', and have mini conversations and voice mails throughout the day, late at night (he works nights), when all is quiet on his job, we have 'our' time that we both look forward to. He calls and wakes me and says, "Hey Baby, I missed you." Me, as sleepy as can as can be, I'll whisper, "Honey, I missed you too." And then we talk until it's time to start a new day. :love3:

Now this is love, cause if anyone else called me out of my sleep, it's on...:boxing: :lachen:

Note: I am yielded to prayer or to even be an ear for a 'sister' or a friend who needs me though. :yep:
Precious Wavy, I love this one (the bolded). In my case, both of us work busy hours and even though we 'text', and have mini conversations and voice mails throughout the day, late at night (he works nights), when all is quiet on his job, we have 'our' time that we both look forward to. He calls and wakes me and says, "Hey Baby, I missed you." Me, as sleepy as can as can be, I'll whisper, "Honey, I missed you too." And then we talk until it's time to start a new day. :love3:

Now this is love, cause if anyone else called me out of my sleep, it's on...:boxing: :lachen:

Note: I am yielded to prayer or to even be an ear for a 'sister' or a friend who needs me though. :yep:

Awwww...when I read this, it made me go into the room and give dh a big hug and kiss. Awwwwww.....you are so mushy, Shimmie...and I love it because I am too!

LOL...my girl put on the boxing gloves...not just anybody can wake you up out of your beauty sleep...:lachen:
Ooohhhhh, I got some more:

When you take your shoes/boots off and your toe is peeking out of your stocking and he thinks that is so cute.

When he tells you that he loves your toes and laughs because after smelling them he says their "cheesy"

When you both fart and laugh at each others farts. My dh says..."who said that?" and I say...."my butt." :lachen:

When he comes and lays his head on your lap and falls asleep and although your leg gets numb...you let him stay there the whole time and look at him with love.

I'm sure more will come.....:lachen:
Wavy these are so special...The two of you 'wind' together; your butts speak a language that only the two of you understand. That's so Romantic. :cry4: :love3:

But Wavy, guess what? Marriage will put me on a chocolate and ice cream diet. :lachen: Otherwise, I have to take my 'wind' outside...:lachen: He could never use my butt for a pillow after me eating any of those. :lachen::lachen::lachen:
Wavy these are so special...The two of you 'wind' together; your butts speak a language that only the two of you understand. That's so Romantic. :cry4: :love3:

But Wavy, guess what? Marriage will put me on a chocolate and ice cream diet. :lachen: Otherwise, I have to take my 'wind' outside...:lachen: He could never use my butt for a pillow after me eating any of those. :lachen::lachen::lachen:

Yeah, its called Buttanese....:lachen:

LOL....I know that's right. It did for me when I first got married. Had to slow down girl....love will make ya not only chunky, but smelly too!:lachen:
Awwww...when I read this, it made me go into the room and give dh a big hug and kiss. Awwwwww.....you are so mushy, Shimmie...and I love it because I am too!

LOL...my girl put on the boxing gloves...not just anybody can wake you up out of your beauty sleep...:lachen:
Girl, I need my rest. :drunk: :spinning::spinning: I'm blessed to look much younger than him - God's been good to me...indeed...(he's the younger one), but I never want to look it or 'feel' it. :lachen::lachen::lachen:I need my sleep so my beauty will keep. :lachen:

OH! Sweet Mocha5 -- yes he's the one, we're long distance, but somehow, you'd never know it. I'll share more details later; as you will adore him. :yep:. He loves God and he even has a JOB :lachen:and a car :lachen:and a home :lachen:and a REAL credit card -- no debit prepaid action... :lachen::giveheart:

You know something....ice cream doesn't bother him, neither does yogurt...go figure?

But, I don't eat much ice cream and to me cheesecake is so rich. I'm more of a pudding girl with whipped cream, or warm pound cake with whipped cream and strawberries. Dh eats everything I give him...to him I eat great stuff....:grin:
Warm pudding... mhhhh:lick:
Girl, I need my rest. :drunk: :spinning::spinning: I'm blessed to look much younger than him - God's been good to me...indeed...(he's the younger one), but I never want to look it or 'feel' it. :lachen::lachen::lachen:I need my sleep so my beauty will keep. :lachen:

OH! Sweet Mocha5 -- yes he's the one, we're long distance, but somehow, you'd never know it. I'll share more details later; as you will adore him. :yep:. He loves God and he even has a JOB :lachen:and a car :lachen:and a home :lachen:and a REAL credit card -- no debit prepaid action... :lachen::giveheart:

Oh, no my sister....you have to share with me too....:grin:

Girl, you picked a great one....a real credit card.....Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy (in my Monique voice)...:lachen::lachen:
Yeah, its called Buttanese....:lachen:

LOL....I know that's right. It did for me when I first got married. Had to slow down girl....love will make ya not only chunky, but smelly too!:lachen:
:rofl: :rofl: :lachen::lachen::cry: :rofl: :rofl: :lachen::lachen:
Girl! You are too much! Wavy, this is over the top. Buttanese! :lachen::lachen:

And they speak 'Wind' language....:lachen:

Woooo, now that's Really , Truly , and Deeply Love when you love a Buttanese...:love3: :love: :love4: :love2: :love5:

Wavy, you missed your calling. You are so funny and precious. You always have a great comeback with humor. I'm sitting here in tears, laughing over this.... Woooooo Too Funny!
Hey Ella,

Your siggy picture reminds me so much of my picture here:

The only reason why I'm not running to make some is because dh will take me out for coffee and desert in a few minutes.
But there is always room later:yep:

Do you have any favorites???

A quick dessert to make is this:

Pound cake (marble is good...get the already sliced kind from the market)
Choc pudding
Cool Whip

Layer it in some dessert bowls ( I like the mini trifle bowls) and its sooooooooooooooooooooooo good!

You can add a little choc syrup if you like on top...just a little.
I :heart3: this thread lol

You know you're in love when...

-He has no rhythm and insists on swinging out and you let him :rolleyes:

-He goes to see a romantic movie with you and acts like he likes it lol

-He picks up *personal items* for you when you're passed out in misery :rolleyes:

-You can't imagine anyone else loving you the way he does :love:

-Yall are driving to dinner and he MUST listen to sports radio to get the latest highlights of the game. And you don't even mind.

-He gladly volunteers to do any of the following: brush your hair, wash your hair, take your weave out, oil your scalp :lachen: The bolded... true love baby lol :lol:
He oils your scalp...Oh what a Darling...:love3: :love2: :love4:
Oh, no my sister....you have to share with me too....:grin:

Girl, you picked a great one....a real credit card.....Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy (in my Monique voice)...:lachen::lachen:
Now you know I can't leave you out of this...:nono: :lachen::lachen::lachen:You will adore him too. :yep::yep::yep: He's a real sweetheart and a real keeper.
Angels thanks so much for making this such a wonderful thread. :love3:

It's quite theraputic....:yep: As well as lots of fun.

So keep sharing all the good things that say you are in love with your man. :spinning: :love: :love4:

God bless all of you and I wish and pray long and eternal love for each and every one of you...all the joy and happiness in this world we live in and beyond. :love2:
--When he starts to get hooked to certain hair products and steals them outta your bathroom for himself (can't do anything but laugh, let him keep it, and go buy another bottle for yourself)

--When you don't mind him coming into the BR for a sec while you're going potty :look: (did i just say that out loud?? :lol:)

--When he laughs really loudly in the movie theater during comedy movies and embarrasses you, but yet you cant help but laugh along with him

--When he offers to take your braids out for you

--When you always pick up and answer his phone call no matter what

My SO has done this for me. He had cuttest look on his face when he couldn't take this one braid out. He was so dissapointed...:lachen::lachen:

  • When you can stop him right in the middle of sex and say "baby I can't go on any longer" and he say that's fine babe (and is totally ok with it). Let's just cuddle.
  • When you find his snoring cute (I can sleep through anything so it doesn't bother me)
  • When you are your true and complete self around him. Flaws and all.
My SO has done this for me. He had cuttest look on his face when he couldn't take this one braid out. He was so dissapointed...:lachen::lachen:

  • When you can stop him right in the middle of sex and say "baby I can't go on any longer" and he say that's fine babe (and is totally ok with it). Let's just cuddle.
  • When you find his snoring cute (I can sleep through anything so it doesn't bother me)
  • When you are your true and complete self around him. Flaws and all.
This is like...'Wow' :love:....:love3: What woman wouldn't love a man for being so loving and understanding.

fabiennd, give him a big hug from all of us. He's really someone very special...very special indeed. :yep:
This is like...'Wow' :love:....:love3: What woman wouldn't love a man for being so loving and understanding.

fabiennd, give him a big hug from all of us. He's really someone very special...very special indeed. :yep:

Yeah I love him..:grin: That man makes me feel so special and beautiful..:love:
My SO has done this for me. He had cuttest look on his face when he couldn't take this one braid out. He was so dissapointed...:lachen::lachen:

  • When you can stop him right in the middle of sex and say "baby I can't go on any longer" and he say that's fine babe (and is totally ok with it). Let's just cuddle.
  • When you find his snoring cute (I can sleep through anything so it doesn't bother me)
  • When you are your true and complete self around him. Flaws and all.

Aww...my SO does this too :) He actually gets annoyed if I even want to do it for him.
I don't find his snoring cute though :grin: But he doesn't mind when I wake him up and ask him to lie on the side instead, because lying on his back makes him snore.

Another one: When you feel that it was "meant to be" and that you are made for eachother :yep:
When everything that seemed, off, not attractive, weird, just not cute about him when you first met him, is now the reason you walk around grinning like an idiot.

When I first met my ex, I told my girlfriend he looked "rickety" like his bones were connected with hinges. About two months later, all I could talk about a his sexy *** walk.

When my daughter met him she was like....is he handicapped? I look back on this now and just roll...
I luv..luv this thread!:grin:

Where the rest of ya'll ladies at who are in love?:drunk:
Are you taking notes young lady? :spinning: Boo is not far behind.... :giggle: This thread is just a warm-up...there's much more to love......:lachen:
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