"You Know You're in Love - When These Things Don't Matter"


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
How do you know when you are in love your man?

I'll start a small llist...

He can sing off key and you still let him sing love songs to you. :love3:

He can't dance, but you still let him hold you and do his best on the floor. :love:

He picks out the wrong size gift/color, yet you still wear it. :love3:

He calls you when you're dog tired and sleepy and you smile and talk to him anyway. :love:

You keep all of his voicemail messages and delete everyone else's cause those don't matter. :love3:

You read his emails 'first' and then read the others even if they came before / after his, cause those don't matter. :love:

You keep his emails in a special folder, the others don't matter. :love3:

You read his text messages and let the phone ring no matter who's calling, unless it's him calling, cause the others don't matter. :love:

You give his calls a special ring tone...all others can wait cause they don't matter. :love3:
.....the day I knew I REALLY loved....I mean, REALLY LOVED my SO was the day I realized that I didn't care if he ate red onions around me anymore. :rolleyes: (we had previously had a run-in about those fonky onions earlier in the relationship) :lachen:
He doesn't mind kissing you with their morning breath

They don't mind waking up at 2am and walking your dog
They get a doggie bag from the resturaunt for your dog....ie steaks:lachen:(i know he is crazy)

He will help you look for conditioner (he reads labels too)

He relaxes your hair for you.

He understands that you are a mad woman when your mother comes into town and take you for ice cream:yawn:
When you don't care that he is lactose intolerent....:look:

When he hugs you while you are laying down from behind and then you fall asleep like a baby with a smile on your face....:grin:

When you can't wait to get home because you know you will be with him.

Oh, so many things...I'll have to come back later with some...this is going to be good thread!
  • when he pisses you off and you still can't wait to talk to him
  • when laying on his chest just feel right
  • when you can tell him all about your bathroom escapades (including having at BM at his house and then laughing about the noises)
  • when he buys you hair products
  • when it's impossible to picture youself with noone else but him.
  • when he pisses you off and you still can't wait to talk to him
  • when laying on his chest just feel right
  • when you can tell him all about your bathroom escapades (including having at BM at his house and then laughing about the noises)
  • when he buys you hair products
  • when it's impossible to picture youself with noone else but him.

:lachen::lachen::lachen:...yes girl, yes!
How do you know when you are in love your man?

I'll start a small llist...

He can sing off key and you still let him sing love songs to you. :love3:

He can't dance, but you still let him hold you and do his best on the floor. :love:

He picks out the wrong size gift/color, yet you still wear it. :love3:

He calls you when you're dog tired and sleepy and you smile and talk to him anyway. :love:

You keep all of his voicemail messages and delete everyone else's cause those don't matter. :love3:

You read his emails 'first' and then read the others even if they came before / after his, cause those don't matter. :love:

You keep his emails in a special folder, the others don't matter. :love3:

You read his text messages and let the phone ring no matter who's calling, unless it's him calling, cause the others don't matter. :love:

You give his calls a special ring tone...all others can wait cause they don't matter. :love3:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:This is too funny and yet so true. I'm glad I'm not the only one who did these things. Shimmie is all this you? You do all these things? I know you do :yep:. Your :spinning: googly-eye for your man.
--When he starts to get hooked to certain hair products and steals them outta your bathroom for himself (can't do anything but laugh, let him keep it, and go buy another bottle for yourself)

--When you don't mind him coming into the BR for a sec while you're going potty :look: (did i just say that out loud?? :lol:)

--When he laughs really loudly in the movie theater during comedy movies and embarrasses you, but yet you cant help but laugh along with him

--When he offers to take your braids out for you

--When you always pick up and answer his phone call no matter what
:lachen::lachen::lachen:This is too funny and yet so true. I'm glad I'm not the only one who did these things. Shimmie is all this you? You do all these things? I know you do :yep:. Your :spinning: googly-eye for your man.
Girl, you got me...Tatje, you got me for sure...:yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::yep::lachen::lachen::lachen:I had to get a brand new cell phone because my old one ran out of space...:lachen:And with my new phone, he's now sending me 'picture mail.' :rolleyes: :lachen:
-When he farts in his sleep and you think "Awww...my baby is gassy :infatuated:"

-When your so busy watching him get dressed, you're almost late to work...again.

-When he's on his way back home, and you talk to him until he's at the front door.

-When you get into a big fight and piss him off so bad that he leaves the apartment on foot....then 10 minutes later your in your car looking for him :look:

-when deep down you want to be a :tantrum:b**** but you let him have the last word.
  • when he pisses you off and you still can't wait to talk to him
  • when laying on his chest just feel right
  • when you can tell him all about your bathroom escapades (including having at BM at his house and then laughing about the noises)
  • when he buys you hair products
  • when it's impossible to picture youself with no one else but him.
Oh yes....:yep: :love3:

And when I plan to really let him have it...tell him a thing or two, I end up forgiving him instead ...:lachen:

When he doesn't keep a promise I still tell him that I love him and give him another chance.

BTW: Monday is our 1st Anniversary....:love3: And so far, he has remembered... :yep:
-When he farts in his sleep and you think "Awww...my baby is gassy :infatuated:"

-When your so busy watching him get dressed, you're almost late to work...again.

-When he's on his way back home, and you talk to him until he's at the front door.

-When you get into a big fight and piss him off so bad that he leaves the apartment on foot....then 10 minutes later your in your car looking for him :look:

-when deep down you want to be a :tantrum:b**** but you let him have the last word.

These are good ones....:yep:
.....the day I knew I REALLY loved....I mean, REALLY LOVED my SO was the day I realized that I didn't care if he ate red onions around me anymore. :rolleyes: (we had previously had a run-in about those fonky onions earlier in the relationship) :lachen:
Now CBC...that's love...REAL love :love3: :lachen:No garlic intended....:lachen:
He doesn't mind kissing you with their morning breath

They don't mind waking up at 2am and walking your dog
They get a doggie bag from the resturaunt for your dog....ie steaks:lachen:(i know he is crazy)

He will help you look for conditioner (he reads labels too)

He relaxes your hair for you.

He understands that you are a mad woman when your mother comes into town and take you for ice cream:yawn:

He READS labels ???? That's love :love3: :lachen: We take our hair care products seriously and to have a man to do the same...Wow! :love3:
--When he starts to get hooked to certain hair products and steals them outta your bathroom for himself (can't do anything but laugh, let him keep it, and go buy another bottle for yourself)

--When you don't mind him coming into the BR for a sec while you're going potty :look: (did i just say that out loud?? :lol:)

--When he laughs really loudly in the movie theater during comedy movies and embarrasses you, but yet you cant help but laugh along with him

--When he offers to take your braids out for you

--When you always pick up and answer his phone call no matter what

Yep...Yep....:yep: :yep: :yep: That's love :yep: :love3:
When you don't care that he is lactose intolerent....:look:

When he hugs you while you are laying down from behind and then you fall asleep like a baby with a smile on your face....:grin:

When you can't wait to get home because you know you will be with him.

Oh, so many things...I'll have to come back later with some...this is going to be good thread!
Now see here's what I'm talking about, you never said he farted...instead you gave it a clincal name, lactose intolerant. Now that's love :love3:
I :heart3: this thread lol

You know you're in love when...

-He has no rhythm and insists on swinging out and you let him :rolleyes:

-He goes to see a romantic movie with you and acts like he likes it lol

-He picks up *personal items* for you when you're passed out in misery :rolleyes:

-You can't imagine anyone else loving you the way he does :love:

-Yall are driving to dinner and he MUST listen to sports radio to get the latest highlights of the game. And you don't even mind.

-He gladly volunteers to do any of the following: brush your hair, wash your hair, take your weave out, oil your scalp :lachen: The bolded... true love baby lol :lol:
I :love: this thread

When he knows that you are a germophob and you smell his and everyone else's hands after they used the bathroom just to check and he doesn't complain about it.:look:

When you find out the he used the dish sponges to clean up the cat's poop and put them back without saying a word!!!!!!!:spank: :nono:so you used them and you germophob you are aren't falling out but just shake your head and kiss him because he is your silly man:blush:

When you decided that your cat with it's ca. 30-35 pound needs a diet but you come home to him feeding her because*she was soooo hungry* and again you can just shake your head and instead of anger you feel all fuzzy because you love him for his soft heart:o
I :love: this thread

When he knows that you are a germophob and you smell his and everyone else's hands after they used the bathroom just to check and he doesn't complain about it.:look:

When you find out the he used the dish sponges to clean up the cat's poop and put them back without saying a word!!!!!!!:spank: :nono:so you used them and you germophob you are aren't falling out but just shake your head and kiss him because he is your silly man:blush:

When you decided that your cat with it's ca. 30-35 pound needs a diet but you come home to him feeding her because*she was soooo hungry* and again you can just shake your head and instead of anger you feel all fuzzy because you love him for his soft heart:o

Wait, Shimmie! Is this the long disance guy? Where I been? Under a rock I guess. :rolleyes: Spill the beans, please. I need details! General description, what he does, how he acts, what makes him special, etc., etc., etc. This is needed before I can approve of him. Cease all communication with him until that time. Carry on ladies.
You know you're IN love,when you can't sleep,because your reality is better than your dreams:yep:.

Edited:my post is random,but i just wanted to add that:grin:. Carry on.
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Ooohhhhh, I got some more:

When you take your shoes/boots off and your toe is peeking out of your stocking and he thinks that is so cute.

When he tells you that he loves your toes and laughs because after smelling them he says their "cheesy"

When you both fart and laugh at each others farts. My dh says..."who said that?" and I say...."my butt." :lachen:

When he comes and lays his head on your lap and falls asleep and although your leg gets numb...you let him stay there the whole time and look at him with love.

I'm sure more will come.....:lachen:

Wait, Shimmie! Is this the long disance guy? Where I been? Under a rock I guess. :rolleyes: Spill the beans, please. I need details! General description, what he does, how he acts, what makes him special, etc., etc., etc. This is needed before I can approve of him. Cease all communication with him until that time. Carry on ladies.
Now see here's what I'm talking about, you never said he farted...instead you gave it a clincal name, lactose intolerant. Now that's love :love3:

Yes, I had to give a clinical name, because when he eats anything dairy, those are the worse ones and I can't find another name for those kind.....yes, its love indeed!:lachen::lachen: