"You cheated on me with cuter broads"


Well-Known Member
That's what I told my ex-husband today after he had the NERVE to send me an email with a pic of some young woman talking about "meet my beautiful future wife."

To which my reply was "First of all, why are you contacting me? Secondly, I absolutely do not care about who you plan on marrying, screwing or kissing and thirdly, you cheated on me with cuter broads."

:wallbash: I cannot believe this dude is even pulling this mess.
For those who don't know, my ex was brutal and mean to me to the tune of broken ribs and an ankle and a cracked eyesockets. I'm just not trying to hear it anymore. That chapter has been written and the PTA has burned the book.

I guess it just frustrates me that he still thinks he can contact me like we cool or something.

Ok, thanks for letting me rant........
Girl, that's just another form of control. He's still trying to play mind games. Your response shoulda been, "I'll toast to that! But please don't contact anymore. Neither of us would want to disrespect your fiance by continuing further contact." LOSER! Glad you had the strength to rid yourself of him. Hats off to you!
I'm sorry to hear that. He has problems. Well, on the upside to all this, your life is better and stress free without him. Just wish him farwell.

On the flip side ( I know I may sound a little off): I would rather the person I'm with cheat on me with someone who may be considered more attractive then me (I don't know how :yawn:) then with a lame (someone not as or anywhere near as attractive). I'm just going by looks. To me, it's just easier for me to move on with someone "not attractive" looking, like come on, that's all you got (I don't even want to talk about that). If he settled for someone more attractive then me, it says to me that you've settled for someone who I feel like I could compete with on my level if she is attractive. If she's not, it says to me, wow so am I below her, like what's going on here.

I know, I know. My thoughts are just my thoughts. It may not make sense but that's the way I have always seen it.
Like someone else said, he's still trying to control you. If possible, change all of your contact info or at the very least do not respond to him if he contacts you again.:nono:
What an ass. :mad:

I can't believe he had the never to send you that crap, he just wanted to throw it in your face, and get a reaction out of you.

But I'm surprised you told him those broads were cuter than YOU...gir,l you should have let that scumbag know you were the hottest women he could ever hope to have, too bad he didn't have brains and heart enough to act like a real man.

You are beautiful and don't ever forget it! :yep:
I have changed accounts, he only has that one email that I keep open to keep in contact with people from college. But I just now blocked him from yet another email account.

What I meant to say was that judging from the picture of the girl that he sent, she was not as cute as some of the other girls that he messed around with when we were married. So damn, I guess that came out wrong, I was trying to call her ugly!:wallbash:

ETA: Thanks for all yall's support and listening to me.
I am so glad you are away from him. Don't talk to him or answer the phone he is trying to suck you back in; he already has you mad even pls. be careful. I bet he isn't even dating anyone...:nono:
Maybe he felt that was his only shot at getting a rise out of you. I feel sorry for her...Hope she knows what she could be in for. Youre the blessed one. You came out of that mess (I'm sure) a wiser individual.
That's what I told my ex-husband today after he had the NERVE to send me an email with a pic of some young woman talking about "meet my beautiful future wife."

To which my reply was "First of all, why are you contacting me? Secondly, I absolutely do not care about who you plan on marrying, screwing or kissing and thirdly, you cheated on me with cuter broads."

:wallbash: I cannot believe this dude is even pulling this mess.
For those who don't know, my ex was brutal and mean to me to the tune of broken ribs and an ankle and a cracked eyesockets. I'm just not trying to hear it anymore. That chapter has been written and the PTA has burned the book.

I guess it just frustrates me that he still thinks he can contact me like we cool or something.

Ok, thanks for letting me rant........

UGH!!!!!! WHAT AN ASSH*LE!!!! :wallbash:

I am SO happy for you that you cut that fool LOOSE!
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Obviously if he feels the need to try and bait you with pictures of other women, you must still be on his mind. Glad you have moved on.
Girl I would have wrote the lyrics to Heather Headley's song: "
So tell your little friend, she'll be in my prayers. Cuz just having to deal with you is enough to break your soul I just hope she knows exactly what it is she's getting into". Yeah he is trife and is trying to get to you. She must not be so great if you are still on his mind. Idiot. Q
Maybe he felt that was his only shot at getting a rise out of you. I feel sorry for her...Hope she knows what she could be in for. Youre the blessed one. You came out of that mess (I'm sure) a wiser individual.

I know it felt good to zing that shot at him, but all you're doing is telling him that he still has some level of control and power over you. Now he knows that you're still emotionally engaged with him. So much so that one little innocent email where he was "simply" sharing some good news sends you over the edge. (This is his mindset.)

Do not engage. When he contacts you again, and you have given him reason to keep trying just because he can get the thrill of making you react - DO NOT ENGAGE. Total silence and ignoring him are the most powerful weapons you have. Its the clearest way to let a child like this know that you're so over him that you can't even work up anything to say other than maybe a slightly mystified "Do I know you?"
I know it felt good to zing that shot at him, but all you're doing is telling him that he still has some level of control and power over you. Now he knows that you're still emotionally engaged with him. So much so that one little innocent email where he was "simply" sharing some good news sends you over the edge. (This is his mindset.)

Do not engage. When he contacts you again, and you have given him reason to keep trying just because he can get the thrill of making you react - DO NOT ENGAGE. Total silence and ignoring him are the most powerful weapons you have. Its the clearest way to let a child like this know that you're so over him that you can't even work up anything to say other than maybe a slightly mystified "Do I know you?"

This is exactly what I need to do if there is a next time. Stealth mode has been activated.
I am so glad you are away from him. Don't talk to him or answer the phone he is trying to suck you back in; he already has you mad even pls. be careful. I bet he isn't even dating anyone...:nono:

When he does contact me for whatever reason, I generally try not to show any emotion, but it just makes me so MAD when he does. Its like whatever went down between us was imaginary and he just thinks everything is supposed to be cool because none of it happened. That's what always sends me spinning. The fact that he has the nerve to even step to me after EVERYTHING he put me through.

And as much as he lied in the past, you are probably right, he probably isn't dating anyone at all. Not that I would care anyway.
Save the email and contact the new girlfriend and ask her to tell him to quit bothering you.

If I knew how to contact her, I would send her an email with scans all the police reports and hospital records and photos of my black eyes. Then, tell her to tell him to quit bothering me.
Girl, that's just another form of control. He's still trying to play mind games. Your response shoulda been, "I'll toast to that! But please don't contact anymore. Neither of us would want to disrespect your fiance by continuing further contact." LOSER! Glad you had the strength to rid yourself of him. Hats off to you!

You did the right thing when you blocked him from your e-mail accounts. Never respond to anything he sends you again :nono:
That is what he wants - a response so he can get back into your head.

And warn the other girl!

I'm just glad it's not you anymore. But I feel for the sista that's got to go through it next. :nono:

Bless your heart--glad you're out of that mess. I agree with the person that says he's a sociopath, definitely doesn't sound like some in his right mind.
