To address some points you've made:
==> Thinking you need to be perfect in order to be in a relationship: this is a reality, especially for those of us living in the Western hemisphere: get the degree, the home, the car, more degrees, more clothes, more hair, more make up,...etc and only then will you be "good enough" for a man. Have fallen for that trap and it is just that...a trap. What usually happens is you'll see women who put in less work, get the very thing that you desire. Because at the end of the day, all of us are different and are attracted to different things.
You are at the perfect age to go on a self-discovery adventure, to find out what it is that YOU value. Don't be so in a hurry to be wifed up, have children, post pics on FB,...etc. Find out for yourself what success means to you, what beauty is to you, the songs you like, the type of food you like, how you like to decorate your home, where you see yourself going with your career, spend time with your family members, find out about your personal family culture, read voraciously, build your tribe, travel. Not so you can get a man, but for yourself. The trap for a lot of us women, is that we keep waiting for men to validate us. That has been the trap from generation to generation. We feel as if we're unfulfilled without a man. Think positively: God is probably protecting you from a lot of these relationships, that would lead to nowhere.
==>> Thinking you're getting old: I get it, at your age, you think time is flying by. Been there myself. But who you are today, is not who you're gonna be in 5 - 10 years. This is why social media is fun, sometimes a post from aeons ago will show up again on your timeline and you'll be like whettttt? lol. Ideally, as you mature, this happens less and less. When we're young, we tend to look a lot to the superficial. There was a guy I was interested in, when I was in my 20s. Similar situation as yours: he showed interest at first and then ghosted. Was able to meet him again now at a get together and study him through the prism of time passed and I noticed things about him that just had me like:
. He showed up with his girlfriend. Saying that they held the conversation hostage is an understatement
. The gf constantly bragged about how many languages she spoke and what a great job + family she has. And he just kept talking and talking and talking. It was there that I realized: it would've never worked
. I'm very introverted and shy, hate being the center of attention.
==>> As women, we tend to lose the game before we even get started. This is why when stories like Beyoncé and Ciara come out, we start rooting. To see if they're gonna get the fairy tale we all dream of. Often times, it doesn't happen. Because we fail to plan for it, as much as we desire for it. We don't know how to delay gratification. My pastor didn't mince it for us ladies at church: he said there comes a time in every man's life, when he gets tired of the physical. You never know what mandate God will give you and your future spouse. Or what kinda life you will have to lead. Perhaps this time He's giving you, is to use it, to develop certain skills that might come in handy. Learn how to trade stocks, a new language, cooking, open a private Facebook account that is only available to you, where each day you muse about what your future life could be like. When it finally comes to pass, make it public to your loved ones. Don't just be so focused on 'gotta get the guy, gotta get the guy, gotta get the guy'. In so doing, you might be blind to other areas of your own life or your family's life that you need to tend to right now. Speaking out of experience: my mother's health started deteriorating around her 40s. But I was so busy, so self-absorbed chasing my own dreams, that it completely hit me by surprise. Had I paid more attention, perhaps I could've helped her more.
Long story short: don't forget to daydream and simply live life. Many women in the world don't have the opportunities that you have. To just own a car, be a nurse, be able to roam around freely, have access to internet. Bask in that. END