Would You Date A Married Man (under these conditions)

Would you date a married man?

  • I have before.

    Votes: 19 10.1%
  • I would if I felt chemistry with him.

    Votes: 11 5.8%
  • I would if the cash was right.

    Votes: 7 3.7%
  • I wouldn't but I'm not mad at those who would.

    Votes: 19 10.1%
  • NEVER and anyone who would is dead wrong.

    Votes: 141 74.6%

  • Total voters


New Member
Would you dated a married man? If so, under what circumstances. For instance, consider these circumstances:

  • He is RICH and ready to spend serious cash on you and anything that makes you happy.
  • He is fine with you seeing another man (so you can have a relationship for your heart on the side while keeping Mr. Married Man for cash purposes).
  • His wife doesn't care so you don't have to worry about some heifer running up on you at work.
  • He is connected in your field and ready to help your career.
  • He is discreet so you don't have to worry about folks finding out that you're his side piece.

Which one(s) would make you willing to date a married man? You can state other reasons if you have them. So, would you? Why or why not?
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hmm..............................Yes I would. The day after the divorce papers were signed :lachen:Just kidding. Any man that is OK with the idea of me being with another man is NOT the one for me. Plus the fact that he is willing to cheat on his wife proves that there is a 99.9% chance he would do the same to me.
under no circumstances. in the end, whatever is gained will be cancelled out by guilt in addition to all of the negative things reaped from such an action.
Naw. I was presented with a strangely similar scenario in the past. I thought I'd be down for it, but when push came to shove I couldn't do it.
Never.Thats a sure way to become a babymama as the thread in off-topic.How can he marry you when he is married?Why would you ever want to be seconds with someone and who in the world's wife would be cool with that situation?
Never.Thats a sure way to become a babymama as the thread in off-topic.How can he marry you when he is married?Why would you ever want to be seconds with someone and who in the world's wife would be cool with that situation?
In the situation that I know about, the wife is a former gold digger herself and since she is paid, she doesn't care what the man does with his time. The man doesn't care that she doesn't care and the potential side piece is actually debating getting into this situation because the man is very successful and generous. Trippy, huh? :drunk:
In the situation that I know about, the wife is a former gold digger herself and since she is paid, she doesn't care what the man does with his time. The man doesn't care that she doesn't care and the potential side piece is actually debating getting into this situation because the man is very successful and generous. Trippy, huh? :drunk:
yeah.Why don't they just get divorced?Oh yeah cheaper to keep her:nono:
In the situation that I know about, the wife is a former gold digger herself and since she is paid, she doesn't care what the man does with his time. The man doesn't care that she doesn't care and the potential side piece is actually debating getting into this situation because the man is very successful and generous. Trippy, huh? :drunk:

This man is whack. OK, first off, to his wife, he's nothing more than a meal ticket. He clearly aint laying the pipe right if his wife is auctioning him off to the lowest bidder. Then, the fact that the man knows his wife aint tripping off of him....and he's still keeping her around says that he doesnt think too highly of himself. Sure, it may be cheaper to keep her, but many paid men and women have cut the ties and paid out alimony when they've decided that their happiness and self worth is more important than money.
No. I had an opportunity like that presented to me years ago. A very wealthy trader had an even richer wife that came from long, old money. He offered me my own condo, all expenses paid, car, clothes, and whatever I wanted, to be his mistress. I gave him the :perplexed face and kept it moving. I want my OWN husband, not a piece of someone elses'.
Would you dated a married man? If so, under what circumstances. For instance, consider these circumstances:
  • He is RICH and ready to spend serious cash on you and anything that makes you happy.
  • He is fine with you seeing another man (so you can have a relationship for your heart on the side while keeping Mr. Married Man for cash purposes).
  • His wife doesn't care so you don't have to worry about some heifer running up on you at work.
  • He is connected in your field and ready to help your career.
  • He is discreet so you don't have to worry about folks finding out that you're his side piece.
Which one(s) would make you willing to date a married man? You can state other reasons if you have them. So, would you? Why or why not?

Let me flip it around on you - would you ever be ok with your HUSBAND dating another woman for any of the above reasons?!?!?!

Or how about this - would YOU want to be the reason why a man broke his oath before God, his friends, family and loved ones?

Then why is it ok - cuz we're not the ones getting hurt??

You know what they say about Karma. And I believe in love and marriage, so for me it simply ain't worth it.

And I'm not with those who bullsh!t themselves into thinking that their actions are ok so they can keep doing what they want. Because the man has crazy loot and spends it on you doesn't make the fact that HES MARRIED and YOU KNOW IT ok.

The only way dating a married man is ok is if you didn't know he was married.
Let me flip it around on you - would you ever be ok with your HUSBAND dating another woman for any of the above reasons?!?!?!

Or how about this - would YOU want to be the reason why a man broke his oath before God, his friends, family and loved ones?

Then why is it ok - cuz we're not the ones getting hurt??

You know what they say about Karma. And I believe in love and marriage, so for me it simply ain't worth it.

And I'm not with those who bullsh!t themselves into thinking that their actions are ok so they can keep doing what they want. Because the man has crazy loot and spends it on you doesn't make the fact that HES MARRIED and YOU KNOW IT ok.

The only way dating a married man is ok is if you didn't know he was married.
:perplexed I think you're confused. We're on the same side here because I agree with you. I'm not entertaining the idea of dating a married man--I would never. I'm asking the question to see what others on the board think of a situation I know about.
No because I would know. And so would God. And I have a concious. It's wrong on all counts. Period. And believe me his wife cares.
I've dated a married man before. But these were the circumstances:

1. He lied said he was single (no wife or gf) when we met.
2. He lived alone so I had no reason not to believe him.
3. By the time he told me he was married, we were several months into the relationship.
4. He only married the wife for citizenship/green card purposes, which was a mutual agreement between the two of them.
5. They were separated and only staying married long enough for the paperwork to go through.

Needless to say, I was still pissed. Regardless of the circumstances, dude didn't give me the option to decide if I wanted to deal with a married man until after I already (unknowingly) had.
In the situation that I know about, the wife is a former gold digger herself and since she is paid, she doesn't care what the man does with his time. The man doesn't care that she doesn't care and the potential side piece is actually debating getting into this situation because the man is very successful and generous. Trippy, huh? :drunk:
Yeah if this is true, if, then something's still wrong. A female naturally have feelings for her husband. Unless he's mistreated her so that she has become emotionally numb from the repeated pain inflicted. This just isn't nearly as clean cut as you may think.

To me when there is an opportunity to do wrong it's always a setup. She will have to pay for the wrong and obedience is always better than sacrifice. Godly obedience that is.
I wouldn't but truth be told I am not in that situation. The single, not where I want to be in my career, and student debt may make me say yes.:look:... However, the God fearing side of me would say HELL NO.... the point is God would never give you more than you can handle....
Would you dated a married man? If so, under what circumstances. For instance, consider these circumstances:
  • He is RICH and ready to spend serious cash on you and anything that makes you happy.
  • He is fine with you seeing another man (so you can have a relationship for your heart on the side while keeping Mr. Married Man for cash purposes).
  • His wife doesn't care so you don't have to worry about some heifer running up on you at work.
  • He is connected in your field and ready to help your career.
  • He is discreet so you don't have to worry about folks finding out that you're his side piece.
Which one(s) would make you willing to date a married man? You can state other reasons if you have them. So, would you? Why or why not?

Why bother? Why not just become a high class hooker? This seems like the same exact thing, IMO.

As a matter of fact I think the high class hookers have the better deal sicne they're in control and the men need them vs the woman needing this one man.
Why bother? Why not just become a high class hooker? This seems like the same exact thing, IMO.

As a matter of fact I think the high class hookers have the better deal sicne they're in control and the men need them vs the woman needing this one man.
In what way is a hooker in control when she has degraded herself to the level of a thing literally being outright and openly bought?
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Sure, why not.
He doesn't have a problem with it, his wife doesn't have a problem with it (and nothing un-kosher is going on), it's not like I'm going to fall in love with him nor make plans to marry someone of his values but if he's good in bed and fun to hang with..... I really don't see the "hooker" side of it at all.
I've dated none rich men before (with not a even a tiny thought of getting serious) so......
In what way is a hooker in control when she has degraded herself to the level of a thing literally being outright and openly bought?

Whats the difference between a high class hooker aka "escort" and the scenario you posed?

Sounds exactly the same to me - getting paid to f**k and keep it on the low.
well i duno

i see it like this

men r getting sex what am i getting in return?

i see too many slags out there have multiple partners because of god knows

i would rather have a sexual relation with a man who buys me stuff than one who passes thru occasioanlly for sex and doesnt take me out.

there are many women i nthe world who are "hookers" for free....i dont see the point, they may aswell stand on the street corner and do the harlem shake.

just my opinion, and no i cant say i would date a married man, i'm not a side dish
Whats the difference between a high class hooker aka "escort" and the scenario you posed?

Sounds exactly the same to me - getting paid to f**k and keep it on the low.
Precisely. Hence why your claim that a hooker is in control is so baffling to me. Neither one is in control! "He who pays the piper dictates the tune" and aint none of these heifers paying.
Hmm.......this is a tough one.

If you asked me "do you think it's wrong?" Honestly, I don't see the problem if it's just for fun, no attachments at all (although I can see why some people would have religious issues with it) The wife is okay with it...The man has all the right sugar daddy features...why not have fun if fun is what you’re looking for? Get on BC, use protection so there's no accidents, and do ya thang.

On the other hand, since you’re asking me “would YOU date…” I’d have to say, no. For me personally, this isn’t an ideal situation. Mostly because it seems a little weird for my taste, like there’s another motive. I’d be scared they were plotting something for me:look:.…I’ve seen to many horror flicks, and I have bad anxiety issues, so I’d most likely run from them:lachen:
Precisely. Hence why your claim that a hooker is in control is so baffling to me. Neither one is in control! "He who pays the piper dictates the tune" and aint none of these heifers paying.

I never said that a hooker was in control. However, at least the hooker is being honest about what she's doing (prostituting) and not trying to dress it up as something else.
i for one am dating a married man who has been separated from his wife for two years they have no plans to reconcile and they are waiting for it to be finalized!

Background: i met him about 9months ago and did not know he was married the only way i found out is because while spending the night at his house she came knocking on the door and the truth came out.she cheated on him and got pregnant she aborted it they tried to work it out but he couldn't forgive as much as he wanted to.

he is a great man i Love him to death for the person that he is!she had a great thing and now I do!

they have two separate addresses and have had two separate adresses for the past two years!we talk everyday he calls me whenever he thinks about me which is all day or he texts me!we go out we have fun and take it for what it is!i'm in no way trying to make this guy my man he is too bruised for any healing to occur any time in the near future!
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