would you accept a fake diamond for your engagement ring?

would you accept a fake diamond?

  • yes...it is merely a symbol of our love...it doesn't define it

    Votes: 70 23.1%
  • yes...but i would expect a real one somewhere down the line

    Votes: 46 15.2%
  • yes...but i would secretly be ashamed of it

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • no...come correct or don't come at all

    Votes: 176 58.1%

  • Total voters
yes i would accept it....and i did!:lachen: I understood my dh's situation at the time, besides, we used the money that would have bought a ring and got a lovely house instead! I'll take the house over the ring any day!:yep: '

We've gotten lots of kudo's from our elders on that decision. The ring i have is a beautiful Z set in sterling. It came from an lost-and-found store (some know them as the unclaimed baggage outlets) I get lots of ooos and ahhhhs on a daily basis about the ring. I have since gotten a heart BEAUTIFUL heart necklace with REAL diamonds! I wouldn't trade my ring for another. :nono:
Personally I'd prefer a ruby or a garnet the next time around. There are stones that actually represent passion, lust, and love. As a pagan I'd rather have them- than something shoved off on me commercially by jewelry companies to filch me and my loved one out of thousands of dollars.

*shrug* But that's just me.
No, I would tell him if you can't afford the real thing right now then put it on layaway :yep:. It don't matter if anyone can tell its fake or not, I know and I'd rather not have a fake ring. I'd start giving hints early on, when he start talking about wedding rings and marriage I'd say if you can't afford it right now then you could put money on it each month or every other week or how ever he want to do it til the ring is paid off.
Heck no I wouldn't except a fake diamond. If you need an object to symbolize love then do it the right way or just buy a generic gold/silver band. I'd take that over something that's not real at all. To me symbolizing real love with something fake doesn't make sense.
Yes I would accept it, I don't worry about what other people think of me or what I have. I am content and I know who I am. I am also not a materialistic person. Things will come in time. I wouldn't accept a diamond anyway for obvious reasons, but I would accept his love.

Yes yes! :yep::yep:
yes i would accept it....and i did!:lachen: I understood my dh's situation at the time, besides, we used the money that would have bought a ring and got a lovely house instead! I'll take the house over the ring any day!:yep: '

We've gotten lots of kudo's from our elders on that decision. The ring i have is a beautiful Z set in sterling. It came from an lost-and-found store (some know them as the unclaimed baggage outlets) I get lots of ooos and ahhhhs on a daily basis about the ring. I have since gotten a heart BEAUTIFUL heart necklace with REAL diamonds! I wouldn't trade my ring for another. :nono:

Aww that is good for you guys! Way to go hubby and as long as you two are happy that is what really matters.
I wouldnt mind it.:grin: The purpose of being married or engaged is not because the diamond is real or fake. Big or small. As long as you both love each other, all of that shouldn't matter.:yep:
However, if given a ring with the impression that it's real when in truth its fake, then I will be VERY upset.:nono: He should be upfront!
To be honest..
he should of just bought something that he could afford...
whether it be gold silver, rose gold, or whatever
and then get something that you like.
I rather someone take their time and effort to show how they care for me in their own way instead putting on a show with a fake diamond. I can do that myself. How is that showing any love for me.. ??

I would be ****** pissed!..
At this point in my life no. However, I am not into jewelry, a princess cut solitaire in a size that was affordable to him would perfectly fine with me.
would you accept it and wear it or rather wait until he can afford a real one?

would you think that perhaps he wouldn't be able to provide you with the quality of life you expect?

if you found out on your own account, would you confront him/be upset?

i don't even know if i plan to wear wedding rings. :look:

if i were though, i'd rather wait and have the real deal. i would confront him if he tried to slip me a fake, that's some BS and certainly not behavior i would expect from a man i'm about to marry!

i'm not even gonna comment on the "quality of life" thing. :perplexed okay i lied, yes i am. i think it's ridiculous that people spend all this money and actually GO INTO DEBT for these doggone rings and puffed-up wedding ceremonies... while the divorce rate steadily climbs. :nono: what was the point you were trying to prove, that you have money? money does not equal happiness. i'm not saying we all need to be poor or "settle" (please don't mistake my ranting words), i'm just saying look at the big picture and set your priorities straight. not aimed at you OP, just venting cuz so many of my peers are getting married and it makes me sad to watch them fall like dominoes... i have TWO friends right now who is still married, i hate to sound pessimistic but it's only been 1.5 years since they tied the knot and i'm not so sure that either marriage will make it to the 5-year marker. :nono:
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I love big jewerly. Not gaudy big but a nice size 2+ carats. I would rather a really nice faux diamond ring that a small real diamond anyday. There is a girl I used to work with who's engagement ring was so tiny The diamond looked like a piece of dirt. :nono::nono: I mean it was really really really small. That's when I knew I want a faux diamond over a small real one anyday. QVC diamonique is of fabulous quality!

(although I expect a real diamond 2+ carats)

Another friend of my got engaged without a ring because her fiance could not afford it at the time. She was looking into fake rings. Then he goes out and properly proposes to her with the smallest ugliest real diamond ring I have ever seen. It's sterling silver, pave diamonds maybe 1/4-1/2 carat.:nono::nono::nono: I would have rather a a solitare faux diamond than that ugly arse really ring but hey she's happy.:ohwell:
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My wedding set is made with lab created diamonds. There was no deception involved... I was the one who picked it out.

I chose it for a few reasons:
- I don't want to pay for the exploitation and oppression of ANY people anywhere in the world, but especially Africans. It's only an accident of fate that I was born here and not in some diamond mining town. :ohwell:

- I am not a flashy person who defines my worth in dollars or by status symbol objects. I know how much he loves me, and he's shown that a million times over.

- Why waste money on a symbol of our life together when we could put that money towards investments that can build our life? That would be :spinning: IMO.

- I would lose my head if it wasn't sewn on tight enough, :look:, so why risk losing an expensive ring? Good thing we did this, too, cuz my ring got lost in a store when we'd only been married for a few months! It was easy to replace, thank God. If I'd gotten a stone of comparable size that had been mined from the earth, the loss would have been in the thousands of dollars. :nono:
I'd like to amend my answer... I said no at first... but after some more life lessons...

I think I'd rather have a fake ring from a "real man," than have a real ring from a fake man (i.e. someone who isn't really ready or man enough to be my husband).

I know people with some BEAUTIFUL rings, but the marriages/husbands --- well, that's another story.
Sho would! I know someone who did that and nobody ever knew! It was absolutely gorgeous! And, it's just a symbol. The marriage and the love you have for each other is real.
I dont know. I just expect that a man that wants to marry me and sees me as a prize, will treat me like one by buying me a real ring. Now, Im not talking about anything ridiculously expensive, it would be in proportion to the money hes bringing in(if his income is average, it would be an average priced real ring, if his income is in the millions, it would be a million dollar ring)...and a man can save for a while before he pops the question.
Of course, in the bigger picture, I know that marrying a real man, who is emotionally mature, a supportive loving man, is more important than a ring and I wouldnt deny a man of this caliber who I love if he had no ring to offer me. But, I just think a man of this caliber would try to offer the whole package...thats all.
would you accept it and wear it or rather wait until he can afford a real one? No. Learned my lesson about settling earlier.

would you think that perhaps he wouldn't be able to provide you with the quality of life you expect? I'd judge on a case by case basis, but to me an $800 real investment, states more than some fake bling. (Sorry ladies but lets face it, men spend more on depreciating CARS than arse. I have a problem with that)
Like a good relationship, good bling appreciates in value.

if you found out on your own account, would you confront him/be upset? Yes, because I'd feel deceived. I perfer honesty, if you're offering me an expensive looking fake set, I'd prefer the option of chiming in about the $800 set mentioned above.

OT: ITA about diamonds, gold, and our brothers in Africa that is robbed & exploited for these; however I refuse to be treated like less than diamonds & gold by my brothers over here.
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My wedding set is made with lab created diamonds. There was no deception involved... I was the one who picked it out.

I chose it for a few reasons:
- I don't want to pay for the exploitation and oppression of ANY people anywhere in the world, but especially Africans. It's only an accident of fate that I was born here and not in some diamond mining town. :ohwell:

- I am not a flashy person who defines my worth in dollars or by status symbol objects. I know how much he loves me, and he's shown that a million times over.

- Why waste money on a symbol of our life together when we could put that money towards investments that can build our life? That would be :spinning: IMO.

- I would lose my head if it wasn't sewn on tight enough, :look:, so why risk losing an expensive ring? Good thing we did this, too, cuz my ring got lost in a store when we'd only been married for a few months! It was easy to replace, thank God. If I'd gotten a stone of comparable size that had been mined from the earth, the loss would have been in the thousands of dollars. :nono:

Ditto to everything you said. For the other ladies who have issues with diamonds but still want the status symbol of something clear and sparkly(which I don't), try moissanite. It is geologically one of the closest rocks to a diamond, in hardness and sparkle. It's pretty and costs 1/10 of the price.
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A cultured diamond (Gemesis, Apollo diamonds) could work for me, in theory.



A cubic zirconia can be nice to try out shapes, sizes before committing to a diamond but I wouldn't wear one as my eng. ring.

Blue Sapphire is very durable..was traditional for eng/wed rings before diamonds took over.

http://betterthandiamond.com/ is my favorite, favorite site. I got my engagement ring for them, and when it comes time to 'upgrade', I'll be going back. :drool:
http://betterthandiamond.com/ is my favorite, favorite site. I got my engagement ring for them, and when it comes time to 'upgrade', I'll be going back. :drool:

I love BTD too, eye candy city:lick:!!:love: I haven't seen an Asha IRL yet.. only Winfield's, Fantasia by Deserio, ..some HSN Absolute.

I sometimes feel that stones have energy, so that's part of my preference for natural gems for important pieces/engagement rings.

I did find this page on CZ though..it's one of the first I've ever read describing the energy/feeling from a lab stone.

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I love BTD too, eye candy city:lick:!!:love: I haven't seen an Asha IRL yet.. only Winfield's, Fantasia by Deserio, ..some HSN Absolute.

I sometimes feel that stones have energy, so that's part of my preference for natural gems for important pieces/engagement rings.

I did find this page on CZ though..it's one of the first I've ever read describing the energy/feeling from a lab stone.


:yep: I've never had anyone (and I have some blunt/nosey friends/relatives) even question whether it's real (and considering how cheap they know I am, it's rather surprising I haven't been asked), including a couple of jewelers I've taken it to for cleaning. :look: Asha's, I really think, are a step above the rest. I have a Winfields Asscher cut, and a Asha's Asscher, and the difference is HUGE. And the Asha I have isn't even the latest Gen - I think mine is a Gen 3...

And that link is FASCINATING!! I like the idea of a 'blank slate' crystal, that purely amplifies whatever your skill set is - most interesting!! Thanks for sharing.... :)
:yep: I've never had anyone (and I have some blunt/nosey friends/relatives) even question whether it's real (and considering how cheap they know I am, it's rather surprising I haven't been asked), including a couple of jewelers I've taken it to for cleaning. :look: Asha's, I really think, are a step above the rest. I have a Winfields Asscher cut, and a Asha's Asscher, and the difference is HUGE. And the Asha I have isn't even the latest Gen - I think mine is a Gen 3...

And that link is FASCINATING!! I like the idea of a 'blank slate' crystal, that purely amplifies whatever your skill set is - most interesting!! Thanks for sharing.... :)

Reallyy???! You're going send me to the 'bistro cruising Asha step cuts now.:laugh: I'm due for a treat later this year but several of the BTD ladies were like <chants> sim sim sim or some combo prezzie thereof.

Off to check the DB listings.:grin::drool:
Reallyy???! You're going send me to the 'bistro cruising Asha step cuts now.:laugh: I'm due for a treat later this year but several of the BTD ladies were like <chants> sim sim sim or some combo prezzie thereof.

Off to check the DB listings.:grin::drool:

:lol: I hear that!! I went a little loose stone crazy for a while, so I have *thinks* two unset Asha's (the Asscher and a Flanders, I think) and like - 6 or 8 Winfields (I fell in love with his colors) - I'm going to have to dig them out at some point, and figure out what I'm going to do with them. I'm PICKY about jewelry, so finding a setting I love, is unique, and DOESN'T look like an e-ring is.... a pain, to say the least. :lol:
If I had it to do all over again I would definitely go for a high end simulated diamond. Many of the women that we admire with big stones are wearing great fakes and No one knows the difference.

I used to work for a celeb (doing her nails) and she would wear fake all the time because as she said who is going to question whether their real or not cause everyone knows she can afford whatever she wants.

I have a Moissanite band and no one ever questions it and I took it to the jeweler to have it sized and he tested it with that machine and it all came out as diamonds , I was surprised myself.

I would rather spend all the money you would spend on a big, good quality real diamond as a down payment on a house .

I like that BTD site too , I may have to check them out.
Check out the video presentation (left side of screen, under item photo - 3rd pic)...


It's funny at the beginning:

"...Now, *tell her*... that would not be good..." :grin:

Hwvr, the bit at the end about later putting a real diamond in that setting is iffy. ..Seems pretty lightweight. Also, if you're finally paying thousands for a stone, another 200 or so for a fresh secure ring isn't going to matter.:look:


The truthfulness issue is real... jewelers tell me they've had to tell women many times that their e-rings, etc. were really cubic z. or moissanite.

Sims are awesome if that's what the fiancee/wife/gf/mistress(haha) wants but that's crazy to try & fool someone like that!

I'm going to train my daughter to tell the difference (table facet, fire, colors, windowing) quickly...maybe carry a loupe in her bag. :laugh: j/k
:lol: I hear that!! I went a little loose stone crazy for a while, so I have *thinks* two unset Asha's (the Asscher and a Flanders, I think) and like - 6 or 8 Winfields (I fell in love with his colors) - I'm going to have to dig them out at some point, and figure out what I'm going to do with them. I'm PICKY about jewelry, so finding a setting I love, is unique, and DOESN'T look like an e-ring is.... a pain, to say the least. :lol:

Flanders cut is awesome:yep::love: I wish my fingers weren't so short. I'm sort of stuck w/ the North-South stones (oval, ec, radiant).

The BTD crew will give you plenty of enabling advice for settings. I'll send a PM here if I see something cool too. You prob. already know this site but for anyone else reading, PS(pricescope) is great for ring style ideas but they're really weird about sims. They've actually banned ppl for dicussing or posting them. They also tend to try to steer newbies to certain vendors as well. Too fanatical.:nono:

Yummy photos tho'.:lick:

'Show Me The Ring'


Eye Candy Folder

Flanders cut is awesome:yep::love: I wish my fingers weren't so short. I'm sort of stuck w/ the North-South stones (oval, ec, radiant).

The BTD crew will give you plenty of enabling advice for settings. I'll send a PM here if I see something cool too. You prob. already know this site but for anyone else reading, PS(pricescope) is great for ring style ideas but they're really weird about sims. They've actually banned ppl for dicussing or posting them. They also tend to try to steer newbies to certain vendors as well. Too fanatical.:nono:

Yummy photos tho'.:lick:

'Show Me The Ring'


Eye Candy Folder


Girl, I can't even BEGIN to tell you about the drama that caused that decision. :lachen: Oh my gods, I feel so damn old now. :lol: I remember when the BTD board was first started. :lachen:

:drool: All I need to do is get back into obsessing over jewelry. :yep: :look: