would you accept a fake diamond for your engagement ring?

would you accept a fake diamond?

  • yes...it is merely a symbol of our love...it doesn't define it

    Votes: 70 23.1%
  • yes...but i would expect a real one somewhere down the line

    Votes: 46 15.2%
  • yes...but i would secretly be ashamed of it

    Votes: 11 3.6%
  • no...come correct or don't come at all

    Votes: 176 58.1%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
would you accept it and wear it or rather wait until he can afford a real one?

would you think that perhaps he wouldn't be able to provide you with the quality of life you expect?

if you found out on your own account, would you confront him/be upset?
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If he asked me prior, I would say we should wait for the ring and save up for something reasonable. Money is obviously tight so it would not need to be extravagant. If he gave me a fake ring, letting me think it was a diamond when it was really shiny glass -I would be upset.:nono:
Hopefully I would already know what kind of life he was going to be able to provide for, rather than judging that from the ring I got.
Yes, I would. It wouldn't bother me because I see so many women out there with their real diamonds getting divorced or dealing with excessive drama througout their marriage.

The only reason it would bother me is if he lied and pretended it was real. I don't like any sort of lie.
Yes because I really don't care. I'm not into jewelry and I probably won't wear a ring anyway. It's just not that important to me.
I'd prefer no ring over a fake one. I can't imagine marrying a man that couldn't afford to buy me a ring, but if I was that crazy in love, I'd just rather have the man. A nice ring came come later.
Nope. I want a nice expensive ring - he he he.

I deserve the best a man can afford - he can plan and save up for a nice ring rather than give me something from the market stall.
My Husband mother taught him not to do that
she said the woman would go around telling people
"I got a zuirk from a jerk!":lachen::lachen::lachen:

Thank's to my MIL I got a beautiful ring.
Nope... I'm going to be wearing it for the rest of my life. I don't want it to be fake. It doesn't have to be bigeither... I wouldn't mind a small stone at all.
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If he told me up front the deal and didn't try to pass it off as a real diamond then there wouldn't be a problem.

I too would also opt for a wedding band though.
I don't think I could. Well maybe, but only if I really understood his financial situation, and before we officially got married, he would have to upgrade, or at least give me a real stone up in that summmnabeez!

My mother always told me to view my ring as a deposit on my future. He would have to spend x amount of dollars, not to be flashy, but to ensure that he is committing for the long haul, and in the event of a dire emergency, you always will have some capital to rely on aka pawn that sucka.
There sincerely wouldn't be any room for a man Im in love with and think of as "the one" to go and offer me a fake ring. He know he would have to go out of his way to get me a proper ring...even if it meant him delaying his proposal.Theres just no room for it to happen. Im sorry, but a fake ring would be an omen to me anyway...
interesting answers, ladies!

for some reason, I was expecting more "material things don't matter" -type responses lol

homegirl in your signature is killin' it! :rofl:
interesting answers, ladies!

for some reason, I was expecting more "material things don't matter" -type responses lol

homegirl in your signature is killin' it! :rofl:

Damn that, I'm not understanding why getting a fake ring would go through a man's mind. Are we going to live in a fake house and buy groceries with fake money? :lachen:
There sincerely wouldn't be any room for a man Im in love with and think of as "the one" to go and offer me a fake ring. He know he would have to go out of his way to get me a proper ring...even if it meant him delaying his proposal.Theres just no room for it to happen. Im sorry, but a fake ring would be an omen to me anyway...

EXACTLY! stack your paper,go to Tiffany's/Bailey Banks & Biddle/Tacori/DeBeers..et al...and get your mind right!:rolleyes:
i hate fakes and imitations of anything; be it shoes, bags, clothes etc. diamonds is no exception. i'd rather he bought me another stone (i would happily accept this) instead of a fake diamond. so i voted "no" - come correct (buy the diamond or another genuine stone) or don't bother.
I am on my second and final ring. The first one was very real and really nice but it wasnt the ring and now I have the ring. Its perfect.

I wouldnt accept a fake ring and it is not the thought that counts I am kind of a material person who likes nice things bc I work very hard and I can buy myself what I want plus I onlt live once so I wouldnt lower my standards and have a man disrespect me by getting me a fake ring. No ring is better than a fake ring
when my parents got married my daddy couldnt afford an engagement ring he wanted for my mama so they only got wedding bands and got married he had a good job but well not to put our families business out there but lets just say not his whole salary was goin to the two of em and also resulted in my cousin, my father's older brother's daughter being adopted by my parents before they even had us, my mum had just finished training as a nurse when they got married, yrs later when i was in primary school he got her an inscribed diamond ring and a new wedding band, and they had a renewal of vows she wears the diamond ring but wont has never worn the new wedding band, she prefers the old one cause it has such sentimental value they have been married for 36 yrs.
Trying to pass off a ring as authentic when it is not is in no way okay in my book. This is an intimate decision and I could not offer advice on it. I can only say how I would handle this. If money were really tight and diamonds were not an option, I might opt for a different stone (however my DH was not getting me anything other than a diamond....HE insisted on that), or a really nice band I could compliment with a ring later.
No. At this point in my life, I need a man that can do the same things I can do. I can buy myself a REAL ring. If he can't that shows me that he's not financially capable of being the head of my household.
Yes I would accept it, I don't worry about what other people think of me or what I have. I am content and I know who I am. I am also not a materialistic person. Things will come in time. I wouldn't accept a diamond anyway for obvious reasons, but I would accept his love.