Worst Sign you dated /been with.

This thread had me :drunk: :lachen:

Anyway, adding to the stereotypes: Gemini men. I stopped giving them the time of day years ago after I realized that they lie like others breath, effortlesslly.

And adding to my list, Aquarius men. Prolly the coldest sign of the zodiac when it comes to affection. The Gemini women can have them, they make perfect match. :lol:

LOL, nawww son. I'm a Gemi divorced an Aquarius then dated another one. I've had enough of their foolishness. Currently, seeing a Sag which has me :perplexed ...Sag men are :wallbash:. I seem to attract Pisces men a lot. They seem so gentle and kind but needy as stated above.
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LOL, nawww son. I'm a Gemi divorced an Aquarius then dated another one. I've had enough of their foolishness. Currently, seeing a Sag which has me :perplexed ...Sag men are :wallbash:. I seem to attract Pisces men a lot. They seem so gentle and kind but needy as stated above.

DragonPearl and VAIS4LUVAZ
I have to agree with the Aquarius being cold and fairly boring. Do they stay quite emotionally detached aswell?
@DragonPearl and @VAIS4LUVAZ
I have to agree with the Aquarius being cold and fairly boring. Do they stay quite emotionally detached aswell?

@Kindheart I need to nuance my astrological statements because people should not be reduced to their sun signs.

Aquarius men tend to be emotionally detached and rather cold. However if they have moon in a water sign or if they have venus in Pisces, they can feel and express warmth and affection. Also if their rising sign is a water sign, it does mitigate the coldness and emotional detachment of the Aquarius sun.
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I'm an Leo and my worse experience has been with a Sagittarius. He is a liar, vengeful, a dreamer and egotistical. In all of the time that we were together, not once did he ever admit that he was wrong. He would come up for a reason for his wrongdoing and never apologize. I'm a leo and even I can admit my faults, but he wouldn't budge for ANYONE! I just couldn't believe it. My mom is a Sag and although she sees no wrong in her actions, she will at least say sorry to diffuse the situation. He wouldn't even give that. He'd rather you be mad at him, than him saying sorry and trying to fix the situation. He expected me to act like it never happened and I would not be getting any kind of apology. Oh, but don't let me make a mistake.... it would be a war of the words and he would try to hit below the belt & say things that were irrelevant, but knew would hurt my feelings. NEVER AGAIN!
I'm a Scorpio and I can confirm this. We're cocky, emotional, intense, manipulative, self-absorbent, and once we're done with you… WE'RE DONE. I have cut off several people indefinitely and don't care if I never see them again ever. The offense didn't necessary warrant it either, we're cold like that.

I've never dated another Scorpio, but most of my closest friends are scorps. I can imagine that we can be hell to date. We thrive off of the emotional rise we get from others.

Lol I'm a little cocky, but nobody can tell me I don't have a right to be, I could be manipulative but I've made a choice to totally curb that aspect of my personality since I learned that it was a form of witchcraft, I can read people like a book though. And there is nothing wrong with being intense or emotional! :lol:

I'm very attracted to other Scorpios. We are a very sexy group of people.
Aries and Sag Lord Jesus. Gemini and Libras crazy and indecisive. I'm a cancer I love all water signs but scared of Scorpio men

Don't be, Scorpio men love Cancer women. Cancer and Scorpio's are alike in many ways. It's the powerful attraction and intensity between the two signs that make it a little frightening.
Sagittarius has been the worst.

Immature, mean, ugly, crazy and clingy.

One of them cussed me out because I didn't return his call within the first few minutes of him calling me. Then had the nerve to text me the next day to ask if I still wanted to sublease his apartment. CRAZY ****!!!:spinning:

I dated a few and they are not good boyfriend material at all. I don't have much attraction for them either.
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Sagittarius has been the worst.

Immature, mean, ugly, crazy and clingy.

One of them cussed me out because I didn't return his call within the first few minutes of him calling me. Then had the nerve to text me the next day to ask if I still wanted to sublease his apartment. CRAZY ****!!!:spinning:

I dated a few and they are not good boyfriend material at all. I don't have much attraction for them either.

That sounds like a crazy person,Sag men are usually super chilled out
Aquarius! Don't start. You probably can't win, and it will be hard to get out! Don't say nobody told you.
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Don't be, Scorpio men love Cancer women. Cancer and Scorpio's are alike in many ways. It's the powerful attraction and intensity between the two signs that make it a little frightening.

Exactly. My ex is a Scorpio and what we shared was simply inexplicable. I love Scorps and WOMEN Cancerians. The men, um, no. I have one Cancer guy in my life. I love him to pieces. He is the exception and not the rule.
Exactly. My ex is a Scorpio and what we shared was simply inexplicable. I love Scorps and WOMEN Cancerians. The men, um, no. I have one Cancer guy in my life. I love him to pieces. He is the exception and not the rule.

To Lucie

Do you mind sharing your experience with your ex-Scorpio?
I have my eye on one now. :grin:
To Lucie

Do you mind sharing your experience with your ex-Scorpio?
I have my eye on one now. :grin:

CurlyMoo, of course.

He was intense. Open. Honest. An a-ma-zing lover! The sex was so intense, we were taking days off of work just to have more sex. :look: He kept his word. Loyal. Verbally affectionate. Physically affectionate. They would give you their last breath.

The downside is that they never forget anything! If you offended them back in the early millennium know that they WILL get you back. You just won't know how and when to expect. They are quite slow about their payback. People say they are cheaters, mine wasn't. Jealous. If mine was jealous he did a dang good job at hiding it for over 10 years. :lol:

Overall, I'd give the Scorpio man a 9/10. :yep:
@CurlyMoo, of course.

He was intense. Open. Honest. An a-ma-zing lover! The sex was so intense, we were taking days off of work just to have more sex. :look: He kept his word. Loyal. Verbally affectionate. Physically affectionate. They would give you their last breath.

The downside is that they never forget anything! If you offended them back in the early millennium know that they WILL get you back. You just won't know how and when to expect. They are quite slow about their payback. People say they are cheaters, mine wasn't. Jealous. If mine was jealous he did a dang good job at hiding it for over 10 years. :lol:

Overall, I'd give the Scorpio man a 9/10. :yep:

Thank you Lucie, I appreciate your candor. Scorp males seem like something I am looking for, minus the moods. Now what keeps this man from being a 10/10 and who in your opinion is a 10/10 for Lunar ladies?
I have no idea how I could've forgotten this one (actually I do have an idea: because I blocked him out of my memory for all of his irrelevance), but the Cancer that I was in a relationship with for almost two years is right no up there with the worst of the worst. He and the Pisces take the tie for being the worst.

He was the most compulsive liar and cheater that I have ever known before in my life. He was lazy, ignorant, loud mouthed and made every excuse on earth for why he could not do certain things to better himself. Looking back, I don't know how I dealt with him for so long. I guess that I try to give Cancers some leeway because I know some of the most kind-hearted and wonderful men under that sign...and granted he made me feel like a queen while we were together, his other negative qualities considerably outweighed the positive.
Thank you Lucie, I appreciate your candor. Scorp males seem like something I am looking for, minus the moods. Now what keeps this man from being a 10/10 and who in your opinion is a 10/10 for Lunar ladies?

CurlyMoo, what prevented me from giving him a 10/10 is him getting into Amway. :lol: My ex was not moody. Or maybe just not with me. I remember his sis saying he was but he wasn't like that with me. I would definitely say Scorpio and Taurus are the best for water ladies. They say Pisces are good for us but my ex is a Pisces and a big PITArse!

My current love is a Taurus. WHOO CHILE! He is stubborn and cannot admit he is wrong. He is slow to make things verbally known. However, when they fall for you, it is like heaven on earth. They are known for their harems, bad tempers, lying and whatever slew of bad traits you can think of. HOWEVER, when they fall for you none of that will be an issue for you. They love beauty. The best. Family. Exquisite cuisine. Love. And as a Cancerian woman, so do I. So far, so good.

Capricorns are good for Cancerians. I don't remember much about them though.
Sags, I am strongly attracted to them but I find them all bells and whistles and nothing in between :lol:

Scorpios, my ex try to hard to live up to the dark and mysterious stereotype that it just became annoying :perplexed

Cancers, way too much emotion, I am an Aquarius and it was just a poor mix. My Cancer guy told me that he felt like the woman in the relationship, I told him I felt the same way :look: :lol:
Aquarius! Don't start. You probably can't win, and it will be hard to get out! Don't say nobody told you.

I am not a huge follower of the zodiac but, I have yo agree about Aquarius men! I married one, now divorced. He's remarried but still is controlling and manipulative as we have a daughter.
I'm a Scorpio and Pisces was THE worst, followed by Leo.

I do not have time for the back and forth emotions of Pisces men. One minute it's "F the world, I am the best, blah blah blah" and then it's "oh woe is me, I have no friends, I'm going to kill myself." Sorry, ain't nobody got time for that.

Leos are just too bossy. My mother is a Leo and I can't be around her for an extended period of time before she starts to piss me off. I don't know why I thought dating one would be different. They have a way of flipping the situation to make everyone else look like the bad guy. And don't expect any apologies from them either.

To be honest, I still have yet to pinpoint what it is exactly about this sign that effs me the hell up. But I've been with two and while they were somewhat different completely, both left emotionally ragged scars that run SO deep.
I'm a Capricorn and I hate Cancers. Who has time for all that emotion coming from a man. Hell to the no!

Co-sign. I'm a Virgo. My Virgo bluntness and his Cancer high strung emotions does not work well :rofl:

I'll be over here telling him he acts like a ****y, while he may go in the corner and secretly cry about it. :rofl:
My Cancers emotional outburst were more scary than annoying. He used to flip out. Throw things, break things, very scary. He had crying spells too. No one from the outside had any clue tho :lol: