Women 25 and up, what are some things you learned that younger women should know?

Everything happens for a reason, bad experience will not seem so bad later on down the line; they are all learning experience that we can grow stronger from.

Have a positive outlook on life, positive outlook reaps positive results. Negativity spreads; steer clear of it.

Only take advice from people whose opinion you value. Never take relationship advice from people with a track record of broken relationships.

Not all men are liars/cheaters/will walk out on his family. There are some good ones, keep to your standards and don’t settle.

If you settle don’t be surprised by the results.

Don’t let yourself go, it will be difficult to bring yourself back

Do what makes you happy, not what looks good on paper – work wise

Don’t let people put you in a box, you can be whatever you want to be.

Have your own interests and don’t be afraid to go it alone

It is fine to be single in fact is advisable to be single for a good portion of your life.

Set a good example for your children in all aspects of your life

Want the best for your children, i.e. it is a contradiction to encourage a child to have a good education yet stuff them with junk food, teach them education is important and a healthy body and mind is just as important.

Make time for people who are important to you, forget those who are not, life is short.

Keep your credit good, don’t abuse it and get into unnecessary debt.

When you find the one, give them heart and don’t hold back

Have an A and B plan

SAVE, SAVE and SAVE some more

In the workplace don’t let them find anything to pull you up on, not even a hair out of place.

Work hard, don’t be a slacker

Get an education

Relationship stress will age you badly, don’t let it get there, get out

Be grateful with what you have, it can be taken away in a instant

Keep your plans to yourself, because if it doesn’t work out you will be known as a talker rather than a walker

Don’t act like a wife until he puts a ring on it, this include finances and babies

Don’t wait to find God, find him now!


@ the bolded: Also, don't put yourself in a box. No matter how many times you've fallen, you can ALWAYS get back up. If the current plan isn't working, find a new one. (It literally is that simple.)

ITA with above...I would also add

Take all advice with a grain of salt. Folks mean well, but I've found that often times people give you advice they themselves have never and probably will never follow.

Respect your man's privacy. Don't tell your girlfriends everything about him and your relationship. There are some things that should remain within the privacy of a couple. :yep::yep::yep::yep::yep:

Never pursue a man....just doesn't work.

- Forgive, don't waste your energy on past hurts
- Don't hold onto anger, let it go!
- Find out who you are before you try to get into a relationship
- Desperation is not a cute look
- Watch the company you keep; surround yourself with people who will encourage and get you where you want to go.
- Pay attention to warning signs before giving your heart away to someone, they are always there.
- Drink plenty of water!
- Encourage other women around you, say something positive. We all need to come together
- Don't feel pressured/insecure to get married just because everyone else around you is either engaged/married.

The bolded REALLY cannot be stressed enough. NEVER ignore the warning signals (those nagging feelings in your gut that keep tugging at you no matter how much you try to suppress them). If something seems "off", it usually is.
If your gut is telling you something is wrong, IT IS. It may not always be what you first assume to be wrong, but TRUST, something IS wrong if you get that sinking feeling.
1. What are some things you wish you knew earlier, or advise you would pass down to younger or less experienced women or family members?

Like the other women have already mentioned: learn to love yourself, it sets a precedent for how you wish others to love and treat you. Put God first in everything you do, seek Him first and everything will make much more sense. Do not under any circumstance create little gods here on earth, people who you worship for whatever reason, they are human like you and will disappoint you eventually.

2. How have you changed from when you were younger/less expierenced to now? What things have you learned "arent worth it"?

Being a people pleaser isn't worth it.

3. What things are you still working on?

Self-esteem and raising my standards for men.
When he SHOWS you who he is, BELIEVE him!!!! Whether it is good or bad, believe it and know you can't change him.

Love people as they are, not for what they can be.

Never settle! Know your deal breakers!!!!

Always be a lady.

Know your worth!!
1. What are some things you wish you knew earlier, or advise you would pass down to younger or less experienced women or family members?
If you really like a guy, let him do the work. Let him know you like him but let him work for every thing. Also if you really like him don't rush into bed with him your emotions are already clouded without that, and if there are danger signs you may become even more oblivious

2. How have you changed from when you were younger/less expierenced to now? What things have you learned "arent worth it"?
Making excuses for mediocres and over thinking why/if a guy has called or didn't call etc. I now know if someone wants you no matter what situation they're in or what they're doing they'll always make time for you no need to over-analyse it. And if you have to he's probably not that into you.

3. What things are you still working on?
Patience. I get really impatient sometimes with DH but I have to remind myself he's not me and will not tackle or deal with things the way I would all the time and I wouldn't want him to be any other way.
Don't trust people until you have watched them keenly for a Loooooonng while. This goes for men AND for your girlfriends too :nono:
1. What are some things you wish you knew earlier, or advice you would pass down to younger or less experienced women or family members?

Loving yourself means leaving those who hurt you.

Education is important common sense is PRICELESS be smart girl.


You don't have to make others feel bad or jealous to feel good about yourself!

Sex is for love not for acceptance...

Don't put a time limit on your goals that way if life happens you won't feel bad about accomplishing things a month later. You still got it done.

Never chase a man regardless of how great you think he is if he doesn't want you LEAVE HIM ALONE.

A man will tell you everything you need to know if you listen so... Hush and let him talk. Analyze some of what he says on your own time. If it's not something you want let him go.

YOU CAN'T CHANGE SOMEONE who doesn't want to change.

Do not I repeat DO NOT get with a guy just because you don't want to be alone.

If he played you once he'll play you again you're "lacking mentally" if you think different...

Never brag about your man to your friends they will shoot hard at him

Keep a hidden account on the side "just in case"

If he never wants kids NEVER have coloring with him because there's ALWAYS a possibility unless your tubes are tied and even then I've heard cases

If he dresses like a rapper and talks like... well "what it do shawty aint no ner chick dat look li chu wha yo name is" YOU CAN DO BETTER not judging but seriously is he the man you want helping you raise your children, caring for you when you're old, coming to meetings with you? I get people can change how they dress and talk but he should be able to be himself.

Don't knock a man for an issue for example speech problem if you yourself have an issue for example weight. We all have our problems don't miss out on love.

2. How have you changed from when you were younger/less expierenced to now? What things have you learned "arent worth it"?

I use to be really sensitive and look at the world with rose colored shades. Now I'm more of a realist with a tough skin.

3. What things are you still working on?

self love
goal setting
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