What things have you learned about relationships from MEN?

You can judge a man by his father. If his father was a cheater, he will be a cheater. If his father had a failed marriage or never married, he will do the same.

My male cousin shared this with me. He is a cheater.
Not true. Both of my grandfathers were cheaters with failed marriages. My father never cheated and he's been married to my mom for 32 years. It really depends on the man.
Not true. Both of my grandfathers were cheaters with failed marriages. My father never cheated and he's been married to my mom for 32 years. It really depends on the man.

Yep..it really depends on the person because cheating is a CHOICE. It is something that all of us can fall into IF we CHOOSE to. You can choose not to put yourself in situations that will lead to cheating. You can choose not to entertain anything or anyone that even looks like a cheating situation. Most do because they want to and it has nothing to do with another person.

I know a woman caters to her husband like he is a king, even though she KNOWS this man has been cheating with this woman that she knows. She will get in an uproar about yet another night he lied about his whereabouts and came in the next morning. She knows where he has spent the night and she will pull the divorce card during their confrontation. She will threaten to leave and then the same week you will see them together and the baby and honeys are overwhelming! You would think they were the perfect couple. I don't understand it at all. Her catering hasn't stopped him from having a mistress at all. So why even bother... it goes back to my previous post about doing whatever for a man and him still doing him!
Men have no problem having sex with women they are not attracted to and don't care about.

Men play dumb better than women.

Men aren't shy they just don't like you.

:lachen: :rofl:

WOW!!! Preach it sister!!! :yay:

Even the "shy ones" WILL find a way to pursue if they like you hard enough. :yep: :up:

Btw, I had no idea this thread was so old!!!! Good wisdom in here though. :yep:
If there's something you want him to know, tell him (instead of being coy and hoping he'll figure it out).
Men have no problem having sex with women they are not attracted to and don't care about.

Men play dumb better than women.

Men tune women out all the time.

Men aren't shy they just don't like you.
:yep: :yep: :yep: :yep: And they've gotten so good at it, they have women thinking they "can't" do anything without out us when they've just gotten us to accept the bare minimum and expect to do all of the work in the relationship.
Lessons...dirt bag edition.

Men dont really care as much as they say they do. A lot of the ish they say is game to keep you, keep the peace and buy time until they find their "one".

Men can shed a tear over losing you and still be trying to bag the next chick in a relationship at the same exact time.

That chick they love to show you is NOT their type, really is. He tries to throw you off. A guy told me once that a true player never lets his girl know his real type. He is always supposed to tell her that she is his type.

Men will swear to everything dead they loved on their integrity and still be a dirt bag.
Example: "I swear on my dead son that I would never cheat on you. I dont cheat in relationships ever. That's not even a part of my character" ....later on ....side chick surfaces...

You can meet his momma, his pappa his brother's and sisters and favorite aunty. They will fawn over you like you are so friggen special and even treat you like you are the one and only and best thing that ever happened to him....ALL THE WHILE they have the same exact relationship with his main girl...the one you never knew existed. Yes...a family of dirt bags...momma included.
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My coworker discovered her hubby has another cell phone that he has had for months. There were phone calls and multiple text messages between him and another particular woman. The man would make house visits to her on his lunch in the evening times. She was stunned and she showed him the door.

It goes back to the fact that a man who wants to cheat will do WHATEVER to cheat and it has nothing to do with the woman. How thirsty you have to be to have and pay for two cell phones...plain silliness!
Lessons...dirt bag edition.

Men dont really care as much as they say they do. A lot of the ish they say is game to keep you, keep the peace and buy time until they find their "one".

Men can shed a tear over losing you and still be trying to bag the next chick in a relationship at the same exact time.

That chick they love to show you is NOT their type, really is. He tries to throw you off. A guy told me once that a true player never lets his girl know his real type. He is always supposed to tell her that she is his type.

Men will swear to everything dead they loved on their integrity and still be a dirt bag.
Example: "I swear on my dead son that I would never cheat on you. I dont cheat in relationships ever. That's not even a part of my character" ....later on ....side chick surfaces...

You can meet his momma, his pappa his brother's and sisters and favorite aunty. They will fawn over you like you are so friggen special and even treat you like you are the one and only and best thing that ever happened to him....ALL THE WHILE they have the same exact relationship with his main girl...the one you never knew existed. Yes...a family of dirt bags...momma included.

We are trying to tell my little cousin this about her boo and she just won't believe us. Her boyfriend is not African, so introducing her to his family is not as big of a deal as it would be for us.
We are trying to tell my little cousin this about her boo and she just won't believe us. Her boyfriend is not African, so introducing her to his family is not as big of a deal as it would be for us.
I totally understand. Meeting the parents is a HUGE deal in some other cultures. But in my experience, all you have to be to get the same fawning attention and approval is simple that type THE FAMILY wants for their son and that could be anything from skintone to accomplishments. I have experienced this on a few levels. Color struck black mommies are the worst. I could tell a few very sad stories..but that's another thread.
So the wife who caters to her hubby was moaning again about him staying out. He has found him another woman to engage in an affair with. Yep cheating on the wife and mistress. That saying, cheat with...cheat on is on the money!
The thing about a man who wants you stopping at nothing to make it known and bag you is so true.

My friend is "talking to" a guy she has been pursuing for more than 4 months. Dude has never asked her out or expressed any interest. But he comes to her parties and helps her do stuff around her house so she insists there is something there. They have been alone together in the house multiple times and he hasn't so much as put his arm on her shoulder

I am throwing a big party early next year and since it is catered the guest list is small and she wants me to invite him for her. NEXT YEAR!

For crying out loud...
My brother said sometimes you have to shake things up and jolt men out of their secure/comfort mode. If they feel too secure with you they will get all the more comfortable and pay little attention to you.

Men HATE to think of another man pleasuring their SO or wife. He could be the biggest dog but will die at the thought of her having sex with another men.

Even though men love excitement in the bedroom, if you come in there doing something new he will ALWAYS side eye you ! LOL!
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I learned this from a guy I used to talk to. Things didn't work out for a relationship, but I learned a hell of a lot.
  • Don't have sex until you're married.
  • No sex speeds up the ring.
  • Be feminine in appearance. Heels. Dresses. Makeup. Manly men love womanly women.
  • Stick to high expectations. A man who wants you will meet them.
  • Make sure you're on the same page. Do not try to force what he's not ready for. Either he's ready or he's not. There is no in between.
There's more I've learned after doing a lot of reflecting, but this is what came straight from him.