Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

  • There's already 50-11 threads on the topic. Newbies need to search!

    Votes: 74 36.8%
  • Many of them ask a question and never return to answer my follow up questions.

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I only enter the hair forum for drama (e.g Shima and Ateeya threads )

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I usually don't know the answer

    Votes: 56 27.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 34 16.9%
  • This doesn't apply to me. I always answer questions.

    Votes: 24 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I answer questions when I know the answer. I'd never want to steer someone wrong.

However, there is something to be said for research. I've been doing research before I became a member of LHCF. Currently, I have a Word document that is 477 pages of hair research--and it keeps on growing.
If I know the answer I will usually answer the newbie's question. Searching is a useful tool to a degree. If you just want an answer and the thread has 100 pages then its not very helpful.

The ONLY time I get annoyed is when someone asks a question, they get their answer but don't say thank you. Instead they type "bump" to try to get more answers. I can't figure out if they want help or attention, so I leave it alone.

Big pet peeve of mine.
I answer questions when I know the answer. I'd never want to steer someone wrong.

However, there is something to be said for research. I've been doing research before I became a member of LHCF. Currently, I have a Word document that is 477 pages of hair research--and it keeps on growing.

I would say mine is about that size.
I don't ask if I can find it myself.....
Case in point. I needed help with my steamer. I knew the ladies here could help.......

But I did not need help with finding out more about steaming in general. Google works fine. I also thinkother people want you to do the work for them.
I don't have time for that garbage.... And really I don't care how anyone feels about that.
And newbies, won't be newbies forever. Taking stuff that personally is ridiculous.
Main reason: There are so many new methods, practices, products and techniques out there and I really have no idea what's going on half the time. :laugh: I help where I can though.

I used to post links to relevant threads if I knew something had been asked and answered before but I've read that some people seem to take offense so I stopped doing that.

I'd also like to add that the tags can be very useful (I know I've tagged just about every BKT thread that pops up) in conjunction with searching. I just wish we were trusted to create our own tags because the auto tag feature does more harm than good.
I don't answer because IMO i find if you are not a known(popular) poster, you will get ignored anyway.

Under a different screen name a while ago, i posted a thread raving about a new technique i tried and my hair came out great. I got maybe on or two responses and i think one of the responses had a sarcastic tone. Two weeks later, a popular poster posted the exact same thing and she got raved and everyone started doing the technique, thanking and praising her. After that, i decided to just lurk here.Yeah it left me a little ticked off:lachen:.

Now i don't even post pics of my hair growth. I just do my thing and watch it grow. I've gone from Neck length to brastrap so i continue to do my thing.

I'm just tired. I used to answer a lot of questions but I am just tired now. I am tired because people have put together the "best of lhcf" threads OVER AND OVER. I know Artemis and I put together at least 2 or 3, other members have done the same and people still are not reading them. Its fustrating when you work to do things that will help people and your efforts still get ignored. Some things are simple really. How many threads are on megatek? Yes they are long but why not take some time and peek through a couple of posts. Many times in the long threads, people have given a summarized break down to help make it easier to navigate. This board is full of information but you are never going to get to the best of it if you are not willing to do some leg work on your own.

On the other hand, you have people that will ignore advice from people that have low thanks or don't have hair down to their butts. I have seen some members give long drawn out advice complete will how and why something will work and people pass right over it.

There are a lot of lurkers...I lurked for like a year and a half (*shhh don't tell anyone..lol)
*Also a lot of questions can be answered via the search method, so ppl don't feel obligated to respond to a question that already has 15 thousand threads

ITA with all of these posts.:yep: However, I do try to answer if I used the product(s) or tried out certian methods. However, I try to provide a search link for the newbies.
Big pet peeve of mine.

It's a pet peeve of mine also. To be fair, newbies aren't the only ones who do that. And it happens all over the forum.

I feel bad for people whose threads get almost no responses. But often when people do respond many never come back to their thread to acknowledge or thank those who made an effort not to ignore their question/comment, or do just write "bump."

To me, writing "bump" says: not good enough, try again.
:lol: @ "I only enter the hair forum for drama (e.g Shima and Ateeya threads )" Sorry, i dont know why that tickled me so much. :spinning:

I picked "other." I answer questions when i have the time.... but since im usually sneaking on the hair boards at work (hehehe) time is of the essence. :sekret: So i often will just glance at a question, then bypass it, thinking "Ehhh, someone who has more relevance to the topic will probably answer." I guess many other ppl think that way, and the question ultimately goes unanswered. :ohwell:

Mind you, if I feel that the question speaks to me directly (not literally, but you know what i mean), then i do my best to make time and answer, ie, questions about fine hair/thickening hair/thinning on one side/Henna/etc.

Sorry, newbies. Will try to do better. :yep:
If I don't reply it's either because I don't know the answer or there is another thread discussing this same issue (sometimes the same day too whichis very annoying)!
I don't answer because IMO i find if you are not a known(popular) poster, you will get ignored anyway.

More like if you're not popular or well known your questions wont be answered. Msa's good to newbies, thankfully
i lurked for months before i posted. i searched every single topic, devoured fotki's ...thats how i was able to put together a regimen. something i never ever had. shoot if u bump one of my very first posts i mentioned how i relaxed every 5 weeks and couldn't possibly bare to go longer cause my ng was just unruly.(like so many others say:lol:)
it was fun searching because it was just soooooooooooo much info old and new.
i asked questions only when i couldn't find enough info..and that was rare.
even though im no longer a newbie, im hesitant about answering questions because i don't want to tell you the wrong answer ...and that seems to be the major reason here. not ignoring yall..
as far as my fotki and videos.. thats entering at your own risk:lachen:
I lurked for a year or so and I still like researching peoples fotki's and youtubs videos. By the way I love your youtube videos Sylver2.
When I know the answer, I answer newbies' questions. In many ways, I am a newbie all over again because of my less-than-6-month-old BC. Sometimes, I provide support/encouragement just because I know it feels good to have someone to do so. But...as a few have said already, information does change here, and products you search on that come up from older posts might be "out" now. Sometimes, you can do more harm than helping by answering if you don't really know rock solid what you're talking about.

I like to bump for responses. :grin::grin: That seems to be of more benefit for newbies....

(I hated being new...I said so many dumb things....)

The ONLY time I get annoyed is when someone asks a question, they get their answer but don't say thank you. Instead they type "bump" to try to get more answers. I can't figure out if they want help or attention, so I leave it alone.
GIRL! I was just about to type this :lachen: