***separate Forum Dedicated To Hair Loss And Treatments?***

Would you like a forum dedicated to Hair loss and Treatments

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 92.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 7.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
@Tibbar - I know this is a voting thread but may has well use it to do what we hope the sub-forum will do - provide support and help on the topic.

Have you checked or considered the following:
  • Zinc level? (a deficiency can trigger and/or increase hair loss)
  • Vitamin D Level ( a deficiency can trigger and/or increase hair loss. Due to our dark skin tone and because we don't spend time in the sun soaking up Vitamin D, AA are at higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Also, postmenopausal women are usually lactose intolerant and as we age we don't consume Vitamin D rich foods (i.e. salmon, [ a vitamin d superfood], tuna, milk, yogurt))
  • Do you have enough protein (consumed not topical) in your diet? Protein is building block for strong hair, nails, skin etc.
  • Have you researched PRP? Acell? (Check out my thread on it: https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/platelet-rich-plasma-prp-for-androgenic-alopecia.761665/)
  • Emu Oil and Copper Peptides for hair thinning.
  • If you are POSTMENOPAUSAL - finasteride (predominantly used by males for mpb) has been reported to treat female hair loss. Please note emphasis on POSTMENOPAUSAL - if your are not - stay away from finasteride as it can cause birth defects.
Speaking of Finasteride - ladies who are pregnant, considering pregnancy or still of child bearing age - please be careful! If your significant other, husband, companion, etc. is taking the medication - do not touch or handle the tablets. Do not come in direct contact with them as you put any pregnancy (existing or future) and unborn child at risk with this exposure.

@ilong thanks for all of these wonderful suggestions.... I am dealing with a medical issue now and I am going to concentrate on that first but once I get that under control, I will be looking into any and everything to resolve this....Can't deal with this, because thick hair was my one claim to fame...
I voted yes because I use to take birth control pills that made my hair shed, but at the time I had no were to turn to get information on how to counteract the shedding.

I think a forum could help a lot of women and is easier than searching the site for separate threads.
I voted YES! I was diagnosed with alopecia at age 40 and told I'd be bald within a year. I'm 54 now with a headfull of healthy, hair that grows!!! I'm always happy to get and give info!!!
@vickid - thank you for your support and congratulations ! Your hair re-growth is awesome news and I know you will be a welcomed and great motivator as well as a source of encouragement in the sub-forum (if we are successful in getting one).
I am sure you will be called upon to share what practices you employed to turn your hair around.
My mother could use this info. She dealing with some thyroid stuff and that made her hair thin, now she's being treated and the meds are jacking her hair up too. :nono: I feel so bad cuz she wants to go back to dreads, but her crown is.... no. :look:

Will vote yes.
@Honey Bee thanks for your support. - I envision the thread extending help, indirectly, to those who are not members as well, such as you Mom.

Perhaps @vickid - will chime in and share what regimen she used to regrow her hair.

I had PRP treatments, which helped thicken my hairline, which was thinning as a result of age. I also massage folligen/emu oil blend on my scalp daily. Lastly, I take Phytophanere, Vivascal, Country Life HSN, Biotin and Vitamin D.
Ladies! Sorry this took so long but I had to sit down to actually try to remember everything. I was diagnosed with male pattern baldness and I swear it was aggravated by my using that blasted birth control patch! One of the side effects of the patch is hair loss. Before you take any meds, carefully READ the side effects! I faithfully followed this regimen and my hair grew back in about a year. I can't remember what my hair type is but its baby fine and straight with little kink.

1. Non SLS shampoo weekly followed by ACV rinse. Final rise of liquefied MSM (do not rinse out)

2. Deep conditioning every weekly (non mineral oil based products) I used a mix of Alter Ego, tea tree oil and black castor oil.

3. Leave in conditioner (garlic based)

4. Scalp exfoliation monthly Go to http://biokorium.com/faqs. scrolll down to #5. Basically its a microderm of the scalp followed by glycolic acid. Biokorium products are a bit expensive but they work! This step saved my hair and made it grow! Exfoliation Alternatives--Retin A gel or Azelaic acid applied topically to the scalp 2x weekly (also drying) but effective.
5. Men’s Rogaine 2X daily. Women’s Rogaine is a waste of money. If your scalp becomes irritated, mix Rogaine with a small amount of grapeseed oil. If you don’t plan to do step 3, skip the Men’s Rogaine as the shedding will be profuse.

6. Electric scalp stimulator twice weekly (call a beauty school if you can’t find one online)

7. Indian head massages monthly using Mahabhringaraj oil, Coconut oil, Amla, Shikakai

8. Scalp Acupuncture weekly (check out an acupuncture school for a bargain)

9. Vitamins/herbs—Biotin, Vitamin B-100 complex (from Costco), Kirkland Signature Hair,Skin, Nails Vitamins (from Costco), MSM, Prenatal vitamins, Vit D, B-12 shots monthly, flaxseed and fish oil.

10. Drink one Gallon water daily

11. Monthly clarifying shampoo with a non SLS shampoo (I used Aubrey Organics green tea shampoo.)

12. Every two months cortisone injections in my scalp. Yes, they hurt but they actually work.

13.Daily-- use the essential oil for hair mixture – 1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper,

Thyme essential oil---2 drops
Atlas cedarwood essential oil---2 drops
Lavender essential oil---3 drops
Rosemary essential oil---3 drops
Jojoba oil---1/2 teaspoon
Grapeseed oil, Emu oil---4 teaspoons
Mix thoroughly and store in a glass jar. Massage a small amount into scalp nightly. A few drops of this mixture can be mixed with conditioner.

14. Wash all combs and brushes weekly. I never touched by hair with a boars bristle brush.
15.. Wear protective styles and stay away from anything tight on the scalp.
INFO: Pumpkin Seed Oil (100mg tablets) has been shown (via a study on males) to act as a DHT blocker, similar to Finasteride without the side effects


Saw Palmetto along with Beta Sitosterol is speculated to have an affect on hair loss. Results are seen after a year of consistent use.

REMINDER: This poll/thread closes in 10 days.
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My doctor took a look at my scalp a couple of months ago. He had a hunch and starting me on a medication for underactive thyroid. When I returned a month later, we discussed the labs and he TRIPLED the dosage. His words in describing my thyroid were, "Not just inactive. Dead." So we'll see if this helps.
@ChasingBliss - did you see this?

@jbwphoto1 - another "young lady" I know who has lupus also suffers from hypothyroidism. She is experiencing the puffy face, weight gain, fatigue and thinning hair. She wears wigs from time to time with her own hair braided underneath, in an attempt to minimize trauma to her hair as a result of styling.
I really hope this sub-forum becomes a reality. The suggestions and stories posted so far have been really helpful, but as more threads are added or commented on, this thread gets buried and you have to dig to find it --- if you even know it exists. A sub-forum would make it so easy to find and reference.

Many people are not dealing with hair loss right now, but it can strike so easily and unexpectedly.
I voted yes, I'm always looking to gain more knowledge and especially affordable alternatives to many of the expensive treatments that dermatologists push as the only option.
Good morning Beautiful Ladies!
Well, only 3 days of voting remain. Our YES responses continues to be strong at 92.3%!! Thank you ladies who voted yes!

I hope the "no" votes were generated by trolls and shills(or even bots) and not by LHCF members. The reality is you may not suffer from hair loss now but if you live to reach a "mature" senior age you will suffer hair loss, naturally, through aging. Additionally, we don't know what the future holds, therefore any of us may experience sudden, unexpected hair loss as a result of medication, AGA, FHL CCCA, etc. Hopefully, this sub-forum will exist to help you when that time comes!

Happy Holidays to you and your families!!
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A friend in her late fifties - suddenly began suffering with CCCA hair loss 2 years ago. She currently has several large bald patches on her scalp and shaved her APL hair down to less than one inch. She has been very reliant on her dermatologist's treatments (cortisone/steroid shots and creams) which, thus far, are have not yielded any improvement.
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Reminder - voting closes in 12 hours. If you have not already done so, please take a moment to vote. :prettyplease:

Somehow the poll closing date was extended from Dec 31st to Jan 1st. :scratchchin:
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The poll is officially closed and as you can see members voted overwhelmingly to have a Hair Loss Sub-forum created.

Next step is to receive response/approval from @beverly if the sub-forum can be established.

As soon as I receive a response, I will update this thread (or perhaps Beverly will respond to the thread).

Thank you all again for taking the time to vote.
Ladies - I wanted to provide an update (or lack thereof) on the Hair Loss sub-forum.

I regret to post, that it has been a month since my last post and emails requesting the Hair Loss sub-forum and as of today I have not received any responses to any of my posts or emails.

It seems extremely odd and out of character to not receive some type of response from a forum representative. I see several posts in the Suggestions, Q&A and sub-forums to which there have been no responses .

It would be great if someone in an administrative or position of authority would respond.
Ladies - I wanted to provide an update (or lack thereof) on the Hair Loss sub-forum.

I regret to post, that it has been a month since my last post and emails requesting the Hair Loss sub-forum and as of today I have not received any responses to any of my posts or emails.

It seems extremely odd and out of character to not receive some type of response from a forum representative. I see several posts in the Suggestions, Q&A and sub-forums to which there have been no responses .

It would be great if someone in an administrative or position of authority would respond.

I am very sad to hear that there has not been a response to your request.
I'm still hoping this dream of a hair loss sub forum will become a reality.

I'm going to keep hoping ....
:pray: :pray: :pray:
Ladies - I wanted to provide an update (or lack thereof) on the Hair Loss sub-forum.

I regret to post, that it has been a month since my last post and emails requesting the Hair Loss sub-forum and as of today I have not received any responses to any of my posts or emails.

It seems extremely odd and out of character to not receive some type of response from a forum representative. I see several posts in the Suggestions, Q&A and sub-forums to which there have been no responses .

It would be great if someone in an administrative or position of authority would respond.

Bummer! Thanks for the update, @ilong. I really hope we get a response soon.
Bump! Has there been any response on this? I've recently been diagnosed with PCOS and now that I know the cause I'm hoping to get help from ladies who've been symptomatic with hair loss and seen relief. A subforum would be great.