***separate Forum Dedicated To Hair Loss And Treatments?***

Would you like a forum dedicated to Hair loss and Treatments

  • Yes

    Votes: 98 92.5%
  • No

    Votes: 8 7.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


God's Own
Many of us suffer or previously suffered from hair loss due to various forms of alopecia (Traction, Androgenic, Universalis, Centrifugal Cicatricial) . Hair loss is a big issue in the black hair community as it is with men who suffer from Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). The difference between the black hair community and men is the men take aggressive steps to treat their hair loss. Strong hair loss forums dedicated to hair loss and treatments exist, to educate and help battle the problem. While there are some women members on the various sites, members are predominantly males. The sites even have "recommended" hair transplant surgeons, based on experiences, reviews, etc. As I posted in another thread these men are SERIOUS about their hair and are willing to spend money on hair loss treatments.

I think it's time we get serious about hair loss in our community as well and strive to educate and help each other attack hair loss. Perhaps LHCF can be "the resource" women and men, especially African Americans, come to for information on hair loss. Maybe it will increase activity here on the forum as well.

Please vote yes or no if you would like to see such a forum (above). If we have get enough "yes" votes I will post a request for the forum in the Suggestion, Questions, Answers thread. Hopefully, Beverly would agree to have the forum created based on our poll.

***This is my first time doing a poll - hopefully it posts correctly***
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@Prettymetty -ITA - I think all of us can benefit from such a forum. I pass on a lot of information, I've gathered over the years, to friends and family as well.

Thank you for your feedback. I assume you voted affirmative for the forum. I hope we get others to support and voted for the forum.
Every so often I search for information on here to help with my edges due to traction (in the past) and post partum more recently. I also gather info for family and friends. I'm in support of a separate forum.
@Prettymetty -ITA - I think all of us can benefit from such a forum. I pass on a lot of information, I've gathered over the years, to friends and family as well.

Thank you for your feedback. I assume you voted affirmative for the forum. I hope we get others to support and voted for the forum.
I voted yes. I could've used a hair loss forum after the birth of my (4) children. The postpartum shedding was devestating. My youngest is 2 and my hairline is finally starting to fill in again.

There are many reasons for hair loss so a separate forum could address each one. Alopecia, stress, depression, malnutrition, medications, postpartum, etc.
@MileHighDiva - thanks for the vote and reply. Hopefully we will get more "YES" votes. I'm hoping there is enough interest in having a forum, so that I can initiate a request to Beverly, beginning of 2016, so the forum can be designed in January 2016 if she approves.
I voted yes. This past spring/summer I experienced a fair about of hair loss due to a medication I took ( didn't know the reason at the time). Though all is well now, it would be helpful to have a place we can vent, cry, etc.

That experience really knocked the stuffing out of me and I hate to think of someone not having a "place" to go in similar circumstances.
Thanks to all of you who have voted yes, thus far, on the proposal for a separate Hair Loss forum. Perhaps the members who voted no will see the value of having a (Hair Loss/Treatment) sub- forum on a Hair Forum, which focuses on a very prevalent and stressful issue in the black hair community (if the sub-forum is created).
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I voted yes. This past spring/summer I experienced a fair about of hair loss due to a medication I took ( didn't know the reason at the time). Though all is well now, it would be helpful to have a place we can vent, cry, etc.

That experience really knocked the stuffing out of me and I hate to think of someone not having a "place" to go in similar circumstances.
@greenandchic - A friend is currently having the same experience. She has a very aggressive case of lupus and her prescribed meds can be very strong at times, depending on what is happening physically. Prior to late summer her hair was sooooo thick and long, however she had a couple of physical issues which required stronger meds. As a result, her hair came out in handfuls, just short of being bald.

She can't and won't (I certainly don't blame her) take any more oral pills, just for the sake of hair, as she has to take so many for health reasons. Hopefully, topical treatments (moisture, leave-ins, oils) will help strengthen and promote re-growth.

I understand what you mean about "knocking the stuffing out". My friend, although she tries to keep her spirits up, feels this is one more aspect of her "quality of life", taken from her by the illness.
@greenandchic - A friend is currently having the same experience. She has a very aggressive case of lupus and her prescribed meds can be very strong at times, depending on what is happening physically. Prior to late summer her hair was sooooo thick and long, however she had a couple of physical issues which required stronger meds. As a result, her hair came out in handfuls, just short of being bald.

She can't and won't (I certainly don't blame her) take any more oral pills, just for the sake of hair, as she has to take so many for health reasons. Hopefully, topical treatments (moisture, leave-ins, oils) will help strengthen and promote re-growth.

I understand what you mean about "knocking the stuffing out". My friend, although she tries to keep her spirits up, feels this is one more aspect of her "quality of life", taken from her by the illness.

I hope your friends finds the solution she's looking for.
Thanks again to all of you who are responding positively to having a Hair Loss sub-Forum.

In my research of hair loss, there is very little information specific to treating hair loss in African Americans (AA). Other than males, AA women are the second largest population of hair loss sufferers. Why? Because we are potential sufferers of every type of hair loss, (AGA, CCCA, alopecia universalis, postpartum, menopause, age, nerves, medication, illness, etc) especially traction alopecia. We are more prone to traction alopecia than any other ethnic group. (Asian being next due to tendency to wear hair in buns).

IMO, hair loss is one of the most prevalent issues in black hair care today. Therefore, I think it's paramount that a special focus is placed on addressing, informing, educating and supporting on the topic.
@ilong Thanks for this idea! I originally joined the forum to address hair loss along my edges. Still dealing with that, plus I am now dealing with overall hair thinning due to age, illness and medications. Seeing lots of my hair come out and seeing noticeable thinning / balding of my once thick, thick hair.... :cry: so I would love to see an area devoted to this issue because there are so many aspects to hair loss, hair thinning etc.

Wish I could vote more than once, that's how strongly I feel about it!!
@Tibbar - I know this is a voting thread but may has well use it to do what we hope the sub-forum will do - provide support and help on the topic.

Have you checked or considered the following:
  • Zinc level? (a deficiency can trigger and/or increase hair loss)
  • Vitamin D Level ( a deficiency can trigger and/or increase hair loss. Due to our dark skin tone and because we don't spend time in the sun soaking up Vitamin D, AA are at higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency. Also, postmenopausal women are usually lactose intolerant and as we age we don't consume Vitamin D rich foods (i.e. salmon, [ a vitamin d superfood], tuna, milk, yogurt))
  • Do you have enough protein (consumed not topical) in your diet? Protein is building block for strong hair, nails, skin etc.
  • Have you researched PRP? Acell? (Check out my thread on it: https://longhaircareforum.com/threads/platelet-rich-plasma-prp-for-androgenic-alopecia.761665/)
  • Emu Oil and Copper Peptides for hair thinning.
  • If you are POSTMENOPAUSAL - finasteride (predominantly used by males for mpb) has been reported to treat female hair loss. Please note emphasis on POSTMENOPAUSAL - if your are not - stay away from finasteride as it can cause birth defects.
Speaking of Finasteride - ladies who are pregnant, considering pregnancy or still of child bearing age - please be careful! If your significant other, husband, companion, etc. is taking the medication - do not touch or handle the tablets. Do not come in direct contact with them as you put any pregnancy (existing or future) and unborn child at risk with this exposure.
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