Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

  • There's already 50-11 threads on the topic. Newbies need to search!

    Votes: 74 36.8%
  • Many of them ask a question and never return to answer my follow up questions.

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I only enter the hair forum for drama (e.g Shima and Ateeya threads )

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I usually don't know the answer

    Votes: 56 27.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 34 16.9%
  • This doesn't apply to me. I always answer questions.

    Votes: 24 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
First off...LOL @
I only enter the hair forum for drama (e.g Shima and Ateeya threads )

But for me, it's other. I'm still a newbie myself, but I answer what I do know (or have an inclination about). At the same time...I'm not new to forums so I use the search option pretty often. Sometimes, I'll see a question about something, do a search and a plethora of information pops up. I don't mean the kind where only one part matches and you have to really dig for it, but the ones with answers that jump OUT at you. :wallbash: I don't even bother to answer then...it's just this massive /facepalm on my end:giggle: I usually just stay like this...:lurking:It's safer.
I'm a noob and I don't have any answers at this point! There are over 1 million threads on this forum - I've never been a part of a forum with so much information and participation. I do a lot of searches because I know that when you join a new forum that's what you do first - read the stickies and search.

But I would hope that if I had a question that I just couldn't find the answer to that someone would reach out and help me. I am painfully shy when I first meet people or first introduce myself to new situations, even on a forum! I haven't asked a question yet - to be honest now I'm feeling a bit intimidated to ask, especially if some people will just ignore me because I am new.:nono:

I don't care how many posts someone has, I don't care about pics, I'm just trying to learn. I don't even have a goal for hair length, so I'm not trying to grow ankle length hair in two months. I am actually transitioning and I'm only 9 weeks post, so I'm in this for the long hau! Since I have found LCHF (completely by accident, I might add) I have learned about moisture, prepooing, cowashing, braidouts, twistouts, bantu knotouts, still need to learn more about protein - and I've learned it all by reading threads and searching. So please try not to be too hard on the newbies - we're not all lazy or looking for a quick fix, and I personally appreciate every response on every thread that I have read.:yep:
I don't know the answer to everything and some things have been answered numerous times before... :)

After being on this board for 5 years, I don't frequent the hair board very often anymore.
I just don't understand the "outdated" information. Since when does knowledge have an expiration date. Some of the best threads are also the oldest, they are the foundation of the forum. For example the best color thread I've seen to date is Tracy's Bootcamp for Colored Girls from 2004.
ITA and was just about to say that. just because the info is old does not mean it still wont work. that why we have to do research to find what is relavant to our own hair.
Yes ma'am!:yep:


I also don't answer nearly as much as I use to. Seems like plenty people aren't looking for "Best practice" type regi's or techniques. It's more like they want hair down to the ground in no time and with no effort and no waiting period. People don't want to cut those raggedy arse ends or pull all their hair together (you know into that sharp "V", that if it was combed straight down it would be super thin looking at the ends type) to take a pic cuz they don't want to show those raggedy ends. When I see those my first thought is almost always, cut it first...but I know most are not trying to hear it, so I don't post anything.:rolleyes: Hmmm, this sorta turned into a rant...sorry, that wasn't my intention.

ETA: Also I blowdry and flat iron weekly and know that it is looked down upon. Also, often times it is detrimental to hair if a person does not know what they are doing or are using less than stellar tools and products.

I love your hair by the way!!!!!!
ITA and was just about to say that. just because the info is old does not mean it still wont work. that why we have to do research to find what is relavant to our own hair.

As someone who is often searching products as opposed to techniques I have to disagree and say that some things are arguably outdated especially if you are looking for a solution that is relevant to your own hair.

Yes there are many things that are staples and work wonderful and will never be outdated.

However I can not count how many times ive done a search on here...landed on a bandwagon....found out that dozens of people loved it....only to get 6 months into the threads and start to see the side affects or not so great attributes of that product that cause some to either stop using it - adjust their usage - or just flat out find something else entirely.

and when THAT happens...that does make the original item outdated IMO b/c either I have to

1. go back to the drawing board because those who had adverse reactions have hair similar to mine and Ive been scared off from risking it


2. end up doing a brand new search for the alternative that has subsequently been found.

As an arbitrary example -

  • lets says everyone is using Boundless Tresses (this is just an example not a real scenario)....
  • and then 4 months into it girls with 4b hair realize that its drying out their hair excessively....
  • then they start using megatek instead...and thats popular for a while then folks with dry texlaxed hair start speaking up that their shedding is excessiveLY and falling out into clumps...
  • then someone else says "hey...coconut oil and cow dung is a miracle with no side affects!"....and that works for a while
  • until someone mentions that you have to take biotin and garlic pills too because while your hair may be gorgeous the cow dung makes many people break out in a rash. :lachen:
If i walk in and ask "hey what works?" - a vet might just direct me to the coconut oil & cow-dung remedy w/ the biotin and garlic pill chaser - and save me the several hours of going through "outdated" info to get to that last thread.

Im far from lazy...I search all the time. I just want to point out that if some well meaning new person asks for help...lets not always be quick to assume they're being a nag. Like I said before - folks like MSA and Glamazon and others who take out the time to at least reference helpful links are appreciated.

No one owes anyone anything....which is why those who provide insight are awesome.

Just this morning I was driving myself crazy about a protein issue and someone recommended a product that not only gave me hope but also helped refine and narrow down my search for a remedy tremendously :)
Hi Bluetopia, my responses are included within your post....
As someone who is often searching products as opposed to techniques I have to disagree and say that some things are arguably outdated especially if you are looking for a solution that is relevant to your own hair.

Yes there are many things that are staples and work wonderful and will never be outdated.

However I can not count how many times ive done a search on here...landed on a bandwagon....found out that dozens of people loved it....only to get 6 months into the threads and start to see the side affects or not so great attributes of that product that cause some to either stop using it - adjust their usage - or just flat out find something else entirely.
I very rarely get on bandwagons and growth aid products. but the one that I did do, I found issues within that thread and others that I researched. I'm the type of person that if I'm going to try a new product I'll read ALL the comments with the thread(s) regardless of the amt of comments because I want to know. therefore when I too had problems on the bandwagon that I tried I was prepared and that product was returned back to the store.
and when THAT happens...that does make the original item outdated IMO b/c either I have to

1. go back to the drawing board because those who had adverse reactions have hair similar to mine and Ive been scared off from risking it
this can also happen on new threads that's why I thinks it so important to do research so you can be prepared as well as know your hair.

2. end up doing a brand new search for the alternative that has subsequently been found.

As an arbitrary example -

  • lets says everyone is using Boundless Tresses (this is just an example not a real scenario)....
  • and then 4 months into it girls with 4b hair realize that its drying out their hair excessively....
  • then they start using megatek instead...and thats popular for a while then folks with dry texlaxed hair start speaking up that their shedding is excessiveLY and falling out into clumps...
I dont use either of these but I thought (and I could be wrong) that within those threads there were people who had issues with dryness or too much shedding or something of the like
  • then someone else says "hey...coconut oil and cow dung is a miracle with no side affects!"....and that works for a while
  • until someone mentions that you have to take biotin and garlic pills too because while your hair may be gorgeous the cow dung makes many people break out in a rash. :lachen:
If i walk in and ask "hey what works?" - a vet might just direct me to the coconut oil & cow-dung remedy w/ the biotin and garlic pill chaser - and save me the several hours of going through "outdated" info to get to that last thread.

Im far from lazy...I search all the time. I just want to point out that if some well meaning new person asks for help...lets not always be quick to assume they're being a nag. Like I said before - folks like MSA and Glamazon and others who take out the time to at least reference helpful links are appreciated.

No one owes anyone anything....which is why those who provide insight are awesome.

Just this morning I was driving myself crazy about a protein issue and someone recommended a product that not only gave me hope but also helped refine and narrow down my search for a remedy tremendously :)
ITA and assistance is worth it's weight in gold just remember what worked for one may not work for you. if it does then there is one less thing to worry about for your regimen:yep::yep:
I haven't asked a question yet - to be honest now I'm feeling a bit intimidated to ask, especially if some people will just ignore me because I am new.:nono:

Hun, I don't think that's ever a reason that people choose not to answer folks, even though some may feel that way. It doesn't even make sense because answering an oldie would be more intimidating since what you may think is new info might really be old stuff that's pretty obvious to them. So I would find it hard to believe anyone ignores any post "just because someone is new".
All because there are 400+ people viewing the hair forum doesnt mean they are all posters. Remember this part of the forum is open for anyone on the net to read.
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I answer anything asked of me. I don't visit the hair board as much anymore so I don't answer as much. I get PMs that I always answer. I have never had a problem with answering anything.

The only thing that bothers me is when HELPFUL links are provided yet ignored. Not everyone is being a smart *** when they post links to help. (Even though some are.)
All because there a 400+ people viewing the hair forum doesnt mean they are all posters. Remember that this part of the forum is open for anyone on the net to read.
I meant to post this yesterday!! I really think this fact is sometimes overlooked.
I'm a noob and I don't have any answers at this point! There are over 1 million threads on this forum - I've never been a part of a forum with so much information and participation. I do a lot of searches because I know that when you join a new forum that's what you do first - read the stickies and search.

But I would hope that if I had a question that I just couldn't find the answer to that someone would reach out and help me. I am painfully shy when I first meet people or first introduce myself to new situations, even on a forum! I haven't asked a question yet - to be honest now I'm feeling a bit intimidated to ask, especially if some people will just ignore me because I am new.:nono:

I don't care how many posts someone has, I don't care about pics, I'm just trying to learn. I don't even have a goal for hair length, so I'm not trying to grow ankle length hair in two months. I am actually transitioning and I'm only 9 weeks post, so I'm in this for the long hau! Since I have found LCHF (completely by accident, I might add) I have learned about moisture, prepooing, cowashing, braidouts, twistouts, bantu knotouts, still need to learn more about protein - and I've learned it all by reading threads and searching. So please try not to be too hard on the newbies - we're not all lazy or looking for a quick fix, and I personally appreciate every response on every thread that I have read.:yep:
Welcome. I really hate to see the bold. Please don't ever let that stop you.
To be honest once you have your hair regimen down packed you dont really go to the hair forums any more. And I've noticed once members become WSL or longer they dont post that much or not at all on the whole site.
I answer anything asked of me. I don't visit the hair board as much anymore so I don't answer as much. I get PMs that I always answer. I have never had a problem with answering anything.

The only thing that bothers me is when HELPFUL links are provided yet ignored. Not everyone is being a smart *** when they post links to help. (Even though some are.)[/quote]

Hey! I only did that twice! :lachen::lachen:
There are threads for many of the questions that are being answered. :yep: Even though I'm a member, if I have a question--I'll use the "search" feature, and presto!! :bouncegre there's the answer for me.

Sometimes I respond to threads regarding the same subject -- which I've already answered some time ago such as Infusium 23, Elasta QP Mango Butter, salons in Los Angeles, etc.

Also, there's a wealth of information in the "archive threads." Even if they're old, they're still good--that's why I retrieve them from time to time.
How is it outdated if it still works? Also, the new and so called "better" may not be better for you. Some of you need to understand that there is ALOT of hair practices that work differently for different people. What does it hurt to read the info from 2003, 2004 and 2008 and make comparisons? Does that not help you decide what works for you and build a regimen? Your regimen is going to change alot as you learn more about your hair. I know it has for me. And how do you know something is going to work or is supposedly better if you don't try it both ways?

Also, as a new natural, I am starting all over again and you know what? I love it! I've been searching like a mad woman the past couple of weeks and have found so much useful information that has been helping and will help as I solidify a regimen.

Honestly, I think people are saying information is "outdated" is an excuse and copout. Your 'best efforts' is going to take time and patience. And honestly, I think it is insulting to the people that actually put the time in to share that information.

Doing a search would help you. For example, ORS Replenishing Conditioner. Before purchasing this product, I did a search and looked at the dates as well. In the search, it was revealed that the ingredients changed more than once, peoples reactions to the new formulations and also recent threads still raving about the product considering the changes it has gone through. I made a decision based on that information and chose to purchase. And you know what? The product is still a staple for me. Granted, there was a chance that I would've been one of the few people that didn't like the product, it was risk I was willing to take. I hope that puts things in perspective for you.

Also, you should check out the product reviews forum if you haven't already. Alot of great information on products that I think you may find helpful.

For the record, the underlined was my entire point all along. If all the threads from 2004-2008 just say "do a search" or do not really have useful information, then what is there to compare to? What is the harm in wanting to see if and how opinions and information has changed?

And how do you know the newer information would not be better for anyone? If you had actually read my post, I said it is fine if what generally works comes from 2003. Or 1981 or 1672. But, being 2009, if people have stumbled upon something better, is it not nice to know about it? If haircare is so relative, why assert "what works" was found by 2003?

What people assume is that by asking questions we are just going to take the first answer and run with it. Why do you assume that? And again, why assume everyone who asks a question is looking for a miracle cure? Why can't some people just be looking for information? I am not copping out if I want to know a piece of information, no matter how old, is sound. I am not copping out or lazy if I want to know everything I can about something before I decide to try it, or even if I should try it. That is what getting to know about how to take care of yourself is all about. I am not even someone who starts or wants to start a lot of threads asking questions, but from the hours and hours of reading and research I do here, I do see issues with the "go do a f***** search and stop asking questions" mentality.

It is not and should not be an insult to say I do not want to waste time and money doing something that does not work. If we were meant to spend years and half our bathroom space buying everything to try it out, we may as well not have this entire section of the boards. The entire point is to give our opinions about stuff so that people with questions about how to do this or where can I find that have some direction. If you just wanted to know all about shampoos, for example, would you not be thankful to hear a lot of people here like to use just a few of them, so you can go out knowing exactly what you want to try first? If the same people who spent all that time in 2003 spent the same amount of time in the meantime trying new products and techniques, it is an insult to say their expertise does not mean anything because the older stuff was "good enough". In the same vein, it is an insult to say the contribution of newer people does not mean much because everything can be found in very old threads.

I already used the outdated product information as an example twice, and other people have responded to that better than I could have. But thank you, I know how to search for stuff here. :rolleyes: And I have used the review section, but seeing that most of what I look up has two or three reviews, compared to actual years of information in this section, I do not see how it is as useful.
To be honest once you have your hair regimen down packed you dont really go to the hair forums any more. And I've noticed once members become WSL or longer they dont post that much or not at all on the whole site.

Cant WAIT to get to the point where I have my routine down. :grin: Still experimenting like mad these days.

You know what else Im wondering now...is there a jargon decoder or product acronym listing?

There are so many acronyms on this board (not just APL BSB etc..those are simple enough to decode) but folks abreviate the names of so many products that either I only see the acronym and am wondering what the products full name is


when I put the full name in a search i miss some really good stuff cause most people are posting about it using the abreviation

I remember once mistakenly wondered if MT and MTG were the same and by the time I ran into MSM i logged off and called it a nite lol :lachen:
Cant WAIT to get to the point where I have my routine down. :grin: Still experimenting like mad these days.

You know what else Im wondering now...is there a jargon decoder or product acronym listing?

There are so many acronyms on this board (not just APL BSB etc..those are simple enough to decode) but folks abreviate the names of so many products that either I only see the acronym and am wondering what the products full name is


when I put the full name in a search i miss some really good stuff cause most people are posting about it using the abreviation

I remember once mistakenly wondered if MT and MTG were the same and by the time I ran into MSM i logged off and called it a nite lol :lachen:

There is an acronym list in the stickies at the beginning of the forum.
I don't because I don't subscribe to LHCF's Textbook in regards to hair care. People do read the threads and send pms even if they don't respond in the thread. I've gotten some from threads that I didn't start with folks trying to help. I'm sure I'm not the only one. :)
For the record, the underlined was my entire point all along. If all the threads from 2004-2008 just say "do a search" or do not really have useful information, then what is there to compare to? What is the harm in wanting to see if and how opinions and information has changed?

And how do you know the newer information would not be better for anyone? If you had actually read my post,

The new information could actually better but as I said before, you don't know just like you don't know if the so called outdated info would not work. As previously stated, building a regimen is going to take time and patience in addition to trial and error.

Also, I did read your post and I responded accordingly. The snarkiness and attitude is not necessary.

I said it is fine if what generally works comes from 2003. Or 1981 or 1672. But, being 2009, if people have stumbled upon something better, is it not nice to know about it? If haircare is so relative, why assert "what works" was found by 2003?
I did not assert that information is found by 2003. Considering the example I used, I demonstrated the contrary with my inclusion of time. Please keep in mind that information that is searched for includes information from 2009 and yes hair practices and hair care in general will and has evolved. So there may have been a post from 2009 if you run a search considering were already in June.

What people assume is that by asking questions we are just going to take the first answer and run with it. Why do you assume that?
I never made that assumption. I actually implied the contrary. Performing a search allows you to explore a wider variety of views over a greater period of time.

And again, why assume everyone who asks a question is looking for a
miracle cure? Why can't some people just be looking for information?
I do believe that people are looking for information and that is why searching is being encouraged to help you get the most out of haircare and the info on this site. If you want to start a thread, great! I don't discourage it. However, doing a search will yield greater results and starting a thread may not garner many responses especially if the topic or question has been addressed before.

Please note: I'm only referring to general hair care practices ex.what is a co-wash?, what is baggying, some product related questions etc. I understand that many people have unique situations, want share (new) information or techniques, may have follow up questions, or just may feel overwhelmed by the site that require starting a new thread and I see absolutely nothing wrong with that and actually encourage it. As many have shared already, there are many posters that guide new posters to the appropriate links and sharing info. I also understand that some may not be familiar with the search function as well or the search function didn't help with respect to their situation.

I already used the outdated product information as an example twice, and other people have responded to that better than I could have. But thank you, I know how to search for stuff here. :rolleyes: And I have used the review section, but seeing that most of what I look up has two or three reviews, compared to actual years of information in this section, I do not see how it is as useful.
Wow@ the bolded and the eyeroll. I was just trying to be helpful and provide insight. The reviews section can be used to supplement the information in this forum. I thought that would be helpful so that you could get as much info as possible. That "attitude" is a perfect example of what some have been stating in this very thread that discourages folks like me and are hesitant to "help" some (not all) new posters.

Some of y'all are really losing out by searching if you choose not to engage it considering the amount of valuable info that is on here.

Anyways Sleepflower, although we disagree, I wish you much luck and success in your hair journey! I'm sure you'll be fine. Happy Hair growing :)!
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For the record, the underlined was my entire point all along. If all the threads from 2004-2008 just say "do a search" or do not really have useful information, then what is there to compare to? What is the harm in wanting to see if and how opinions and information has changed?

And how do you know the newer information would not be better for anyone? If you had actually read my post, I said it is fine if what generally works comes from 2003. Or 1981 or 1672. But, being 2009, if people have stumbled upon something better, is it not nice to know about it? If haircare is so relative, why assert "what works" was found by 2003?

What people assume is that by asking questions we are just going to take the first answer and run with it. Why do you assume that? And again, why assume everyone who asks a question is looking for a miracle cure? Why can't some people just be looking for information? I am not copping out if I want to know a piece of information, no matter how old, is sound. I am not copping out or lazy if I want to know everything I can about something before I decide to try it, or even if I should try it. That is what getting to know about how to take care of yourself is all about. I am not even someone who starts or wants to start a lot of threads asking questions, but from the hours and hours of reading and research I do here, I do see issues with the "go do a f***** search and stop asking questions" mentality.

It is not and should not be an insult to say I do not want to waste time and money doing something that does not work. If we were meant to spend years and half our bathroom space buying everything to try it out, we may as well not have this entire section of the boards. The entire point is to give our opinions about stuff so that people with questions about how to do this or where can I find that have some direction. If you just wanted to know all about shampoos, for example, would you not be thankful to hear a lot of people here like to use just a few of them, so you can go out knowing exactly what you want to try first? If the same people who spent all that time in 2003 spent the same amount of time in the meantime trying new products and techniques, it is an insult to say their expertise does not mean anything because the older stuff was "good enough". In the same vein, it is an insult to say the contribution of newer people does not mean much because everything can be found in very old threads.

I already used the outdated product information as an example twice, and other people have responded to that better than I could have. But thank you, I know how to search for stuff here. :rolleyes: And I have used the review section, but seeing that most of what I look up has two or three reviews, compared to actual years of information in this section, I do not see how it is as useful.

I have found searching to be quite useful for determining what products and practices have held up to the test of time. If I search for a product, I can see over 5 years how it has been regarded on the forum. For example, a year ago I decided to relax my hair and started searching to research what relaxer I wanted to use, as well as techniques for relaxing. I was able to see when Phytospecific was first mentioned on here, how it was regarded, and who was using it. I was able to search for those people and their posts on Phytospecific to see if they were still using it several years later, as well as if not, WHY not? Did they start to have problems with it? Did they just find something else they preferred? When first I read a post about MT, I was able to go back in time and see who used it, how they used it and their results with it. I have no realistic expectation that all of those people are going to repost their opinions just to indulge my laziness... so I searched.

Regarding whether people are going to read in entirety or take the first answer and run with it: on a near daily basis I see posts that clearly are based on the first post in a thread without regard to other responses, e.g., in a Sabino thread, the OP will talk about "SMB", the first respondant will ask what is "SMB", second response will say "Sabino Moisture Block", third response will ask for the website. Fifty-third post: what is "SMB"; eighty-ninth post: what is the website. Clearly the later posters DID NOT read the thread or they would have seen the answers to their questions.
After the negative atitudes towards newbies displayed in this thread I am doubly thankful for those that take the time to answer questions! Special tanks to Fond for starting a thread for newbies.

Yes, in the beginning I asked a few questions that were simple to search for but I soon got the hang of it. And it's not just newbies that repeat questions that have been asked! There are like 4 threads at least on BKT with some long time members repeating questions. But it's a relatively new process.

Search is great. But as others have said, sometimes your particular angle isn't answered.
I notice that there's often 480-500+ viewers in the hair forum, but no one is answering newbies' questions. I know that many of these viewers are not members, but I still feel like there's a lot of members on who just don't answer the questions (with the exception of MSA and glamazon).

It is so bad that it's forced some members to do the old bait and switch in order to get folks to enter their thread. :laugh: :look: :ohwell:

The main reason why I rarely answer is because of #4 and #2. I'm not on many bandwagons, nor am I a hair expert, so I rarely have the answers they seek.

So, why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

We get a lot of the same questions asked and I think a lot of people just don't feel like being bothered. And I'm sure that's frustrating to newbies. I do answer questions if it's in my realm of knowledge but I rarely start threads. I also think that once people get their regimen down and it begins to work they spend most of their time in other parts of the board. They only come over here when looking for something specific or they have a question themselves.
Yeah, but when newbies do a search, some of that info is outdated. Some of the threads are from 2005 2003 and some people aren't using those practices anymore and have found something that works better.

Or the search isn't working. I remember for a while every time I tried to search I'd get a white page.
I'm new... so I mostly read and respond but don't answer questions. Haven't taken the next step to do that..still baby stepping.:grin:
Yikes! I've had some threads go unanswered... If that happens I usually visit other boards with the same question and more times than not people will answer the question.

I won't answer a question if I don't know the answer. I normally only answer questions if someone has asked me specifically.
I do answer questions, these are reasons why I might not answer..

1. Laziness - I saw this thread yesterday and saw that a few people had responded so I just skimmed through and left
2. Someone's already answered the question exactly how I would have so I don't bother, sometimes I quote saying "I too agree" but most times I don't.
3. I want to avoid being rude - I try to only say something on this board if it's something nice.

I understand that it's nice to answer questions but when there are already 10 or more pages of responses, sometimes I wonder - why bother, will my answer make a difference?

I haven't gone through all the responses in this thread yet and won't be surprised if someone gave similar answers to mine.
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