Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

  • There's already 50-11 threads on the topic. Newbies need to search!

    Votes: 74 36.8%
  • Many of them ask a question and never return to answer my follow up questions.

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I only enter the hair forum for drama (e.g Shima and Ateeya threads )

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I usually don't know the answer

    Votes: 56 27.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 34 16.9%
  • This doesn't apply to me. I always answer questions.

    Votes: 24 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
It really is up to the individual, if you don't feel like answering a particular question, then don't. I usually answer threads on topics that I am familiar with. I don't get into the growth aide and vitamin threads, because I don't use them. My regimen is very simple, and I can't give advice on something I have never done.

But when ever there is a thread about hair washing, DCing, cowashing, braid outs, twist outs, rollersets, I will be there
I just don't understand the "outdated" information. Since when does knowledge have an expiration date. Some of the best threads are also the oldest, they are the foundation of the forum. For example the best color thread I've seen to date is Tracy's Bootcamp for Colored Girls from 2004.

Its funny you mentioned that thread because I still go back to it and related posts all of the time. When I had an issue at the end of last year, the only place I found the solution was in the archives. A post back in 2003 and it saved my hair. I stay in the archives. I print out posts, write down things to dig deeper into and I have learned so much from doing that.
I just don't understand the "outdated" information. Since when does knowledge have an expiration date. Some of the best threads are also the oldest, they are the foundation of the forum. For example the best color thread I've seen to date is Tracy's Bootcamp for Colored Girls from 2004.

You took the words out of my mouth. I never post anything new because I don't try new things and haven't changed anything I do. So all I ever share is all I know and usually it's stuff I knew or learned in 2003. :giggle: So while I do answer posts when I have some info that might help or when it isn't the same blinking question that was answered just a while ago, usually all my responses are echoes of my old posts or old posts I learned from. I apologize to those who only do new coz I doubt you'll get any of that from me.
That's why whenever I tell someone to do a search I also tell them exactly what to type in to google to get better results. And yet I've had people literally post don't tell me how to search just answer the question. That annoys me.

I've seen this attitude too many times to count. Don't come on here asking for help and then get an attitude.

Stuff like that makes me want to purposely give them the wrong advice.

Seal with baby oil and use Pink Oil lotion for growth, since you want to be nasty with us and not pay attention.

And often members will do the search FOR THEM and post 3-5 links in the thread for them to browse and they still dont want that and keep bumping.
I don't answer, because I don't know the answers to many of them.

I don't conditioner wash, relax, care about growing my hair down to my a$$ with "growth aids", straighten my hair or stretch out my relaxers for seven months on end, etc., which many of the threads seem to be about.

Since I'm natural, I can only advise other naturals on MY regimen and what I do to maintain MY look. I use cones and sulfate shampoos with EVERY WASH. This is a bad thing on many hair boards, but hey, it WORKS for ME. I use butters in my hair, so conditioner washing isn't going to cut it and I like for my hair to look nice and usually the products with "cones" provide that. I don't mind using a clarifying shampoo to remove build-up, but many others will say to use salt, mixed with some water or something to that effect, which is fine, but I do NOT have the time for that.

My regimen is simple and I use simple products. I'm not on any bandwagons anymore. I'm pretty hip to what my hair likes just by reading the ingredients.

I haven't tried Amla yet, but I want to. I'm on the fence, because I'll read how in one breath it will make your hair "strong", then in another it will make it dry and brittle.

I also see the same questions over and over, when the search feature can answer them quite nicely. That's what I do.

I will say that I am becoming VERY IMPRESSED with the WEAVE threads! The women on LHCF have the best weave jobs anywhere! Looks REAL and BEAUTIFUL.

ETA: I also try not to down a product made by a black-owned company with a good heart and message. Just because it didn't work for ME, doesn't mean it won't work for someone else. I usually stay out of those oyin, cj, qhem, KBB, etc., threads. Unless it's a simply outstanding product that I can't live without, I just don't find it economically feasible at this time to be ordering an 8 oz bottle of conditioner for $16, plus $5 shipping and it will only last me maybe three or four uses, even if I do like it.
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since there is never any one size fits all answer, people need to just search and read experiences of a few people on a particular subject to get an idea of what they should do.

also, i usually see people giving the same advice/answer i would have given, in which case i don't see the point in answering when 8 people have already said the same thing.
I am "Technically" a Newbie (so to speak). I joined my Quest for Healthy Hair and becoming a Do-It-Yourself-er, Dec. '08/Jan. '09.

Prior to Joining, I knew I had damaged,dry, brittle, porous, overprocessed, overlapped, improper neutralized hair.:ohwell:

I did extensive Research on All of Issues I was having on the Threads. I had took notes, researched, brought products to hopefully address and correct those issues.:bookworm:

So, That when I became a Member: I would feel I had something to add to the Discussion and not weigh it down with by asking simple questions that have been repeatedly addressed.:yep:
I've seen this attitude too many times to count. Don't come on here asking for help and then get an attitude.

Stuff like that makes me want to purposely give them the wrong advice.

Seal with baby oil and use Pink Oil lotion for growth, since you want to be nasty with us and not pay attention.

And often members will do the search FOR THEM and post 3-5 links in the thread for them to browse and they still dont want that and keep bumping.

Oooh...don't make MizzBrown mad...


and true on members doing the search for them....and you still see bumping..

...like wtf...
As a newbie, I would like to thank all members for the knowledge they impart on a daily basis. That knowledge is helping me to save my hair. :bookworm: That knowledge is also just a few keystrokes away. :user: The search button is my best friend. I actually enjoy searching through all of the old threads for that nugget of gold - that piece of information that might become essential to building my regimen. Google is my second "bestest" friend. Between the LCHF and Google search boxes every single one of my questions has been answered. Yes, it does take time. Just like building a regimen takes time. Just like growing healthy hair TAKES TIME. And it is time that I am willing to invest so that I can do things right this time. The "old heads" have been there and have done that, so there is no need for me to repeat history. I can learn from their mistakes and their triumphs. Thank you ladies so much...:rosebud:
I'm just tired. I used to answer a lot of questions but I am just tired now. I am tired because people have put together the "best of lhcf" threads OVER AND OVER. I know Artemis and I put together at least 2 or 3, other members have done the same and people still are not reading them. Its fustrating when you work to do things that will help people and your efforts still get ignored. Some things are simple really. How many threads are on megatek? Yes they are long but why not take some time and peek through a couple of posts. Many times in the long threads, people have given a summarized break down to help make it easier to navigate. This board is full of information but you are never going to get to the best of it if you are not willing to do some leg work on your own.

On the other hand, you have people that will ignore advice from people that have low thanks or don't have hair down to their butts. I have seen some members give long drawn out advice complete will how and why something will work and people pass right over it.

One of those threads you and Artemis wrote is my hair bible, "Read this before you buy anything else". I bumped it recently just for the heck of it. I think I may bump it again.
Yeah, but when newbies do a search, some of that info is outdated. Some of the threads are from 2005 2003 and some people aren't using those practices anymore and have found something that works better.


As a "newbie" who does searches all the time - often the answers are outdated in that i notice after reading dozens of pages that ideas have shifted onto a new solution...which then makes me have to start a whole new seach. this often takes a really reallllly long time. at first i didnt even join LHCF officially for over a month cause it was so time consuming doing searches i never had time to actually post anything or read the threads for leisure. It was just 6 weeks of me combing through piles of old topics :spinning:


even sometimes, even if my question has been asked in general...the specific angle Im curious about hasnt been.

When that happens I often still dont post because ppl seem to be quick to assume newer ppl are being lazy and say "do a search".

when you've just come out of a 3 hr search and are getting dizzy from reading 200+ response threads....that response can be a bit disheartening :ohwell:

which is why i love it when older members actually post links to helpful previous posts. :yep:

trust me - its much easier for you to remember something you know is there.....than for me to look for a needle in a haystack. especially if im so confused im not even sure what that needle looks like :lachen:

I agree that folks who keep bumping threads even after others have been kind enough to point them in the right direction are being self indulgent. It ruins it for the rest of us.
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As a "newbie" who does searches all the time - often the answers are outdated in that i notice after reading dozens of pages that ideas have shifted onto a new solution...which then makes me have to start a whole new seach. this often takes a really reallllly long time. at first i didnt even join LHCF officially for over a month cause it was so time consuming doing searches i never had time to actually post anything or read the threads for leisure. It was just 6 weeks of me combing through piles of old topics :spinning:


even sometimes, even if my question has been asked in general...the specific angle Im curious about hasnt been.

When that happens I often still dont post because ppl seem to be quick to assume newer ppl are being lazy and say "do a search".

when you've just come out of a 3 hr search and are getting dizzy from reading 200+ response threads....that response can be a bit disheartening :ohwell:

which is why i love it when older members actually post links to helpful previous posts. :yep:

trust me - its much easier for you to remember something you know is there.....than for me to look for a needle in a haystack. especially if im so confused im not even sure what that needle looks like :lachen:

I agree that folks who keep bumping threads even after others have been kind enough to point them in the right direction are being self indulgent. It ruins it for the rest of us.

I understand that information can sometimes be hard to find but this isn't an issue for only newbies. Those of us who have been here for some time also have to search through threads especially when we have questions with a really particular angle.

The biggest reason why I am discouraged from answering newbies questions is because it seems like they are often looking for that one magical right answer. There really is no one right answer that people can give you because your hair is as unique as you are and newbie are also least likely to understand their hair and what solution is more likely to work for them over other solutions offered.

I think reading through threads, even when they seem random, is one of the best ways to get to know your hair. Someone might talk about an experience and how they dealt with it and if it rings a bell with you than you can learn a lot from that person and what they know about their hair - perhaps you have the same hair type, the same products work for you, or they have had similar setbacks.

One of the reasons that the experts are the experts is because they have read lots of random threads and will often be reminded of some old tidbit of knowledge that might not even apply to them when others ask questions. I think that newbies can start to do the same thing for themselves but time and patience is needed. I know that I am rambling a bit but I really don't think that it is asking too much to want others to do research, search, and seek their own knowledge because we were all newbies once and had to do the same thing and even now that we know a lot more we still do this on a regular basis or as needed when we have an issue with our hair.
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ITA w/Whimsy and BM. There's rarely anything new under the LHCF sun. If you seek, you will find. I think that's what deters me the most. I understand a new person may not know the topic has already been discussed (usually several times), but that's when it's useful to do a thorough search.

Also, how is something considered outdated if it still works?? When I first came here I searched the archives and built a regimen around things i read, including old "outdated" info. If it's tried and proven to work, some info, tools, methods and practices are timeless.
I'm not online on here 24/7 anymore. Whenever I log in & I know the answer to a question, I always answer. If I know it is a popular topic, but the question has not been answered, I bump it up.

I'm still considered a newbie myself, so sometimes I'm just viewing and waiting for an answer along with the OP
I've seen this attitude too many times to count. Don't come on here asking for help and then get an attitude.

Stuff like that makes me want to purposely give them the wrong advice.

Seal with baby oil and use Pink Oil lotion for growth, since you want to be nasty with us and not pay attention.

And often members will do the search FOR THEM and post 3-5 links in the thread for them to browse and they still dont want that and keep bumping.


That's why I'm learning to skip over questions I don't feel like wasting my time to answer.
Hmm. Maybe someone can finally answer whether or not using Joico reconstructor spray leave in along with Giovanni Direct for roller sets would be considered too much protein

because i don't feel like i know enough to give someone any heavy advice. i would feel really bad if i gave someone advice and it turned out to be really wrong.
I'm not one to answer question because I rarely post pics of my hair and people are leary about taking advice from someone who has not evidence to show. I really don't like posting pics. I chose that newbies can do searches to find the answers they seek because the questions have been asked a lot of times before. I was a newbie once before and I did it. I stalked fotkis of ladies that have long hair and I do what they do. I don't make my hair care complicated and I try to jump on bandwagons because I'm not easily swayed. When I say bandwagons I mean everthing down from going nature to being bone staight, switching products, being a product junkie etc. So no I am not answering any questions. Do a search.:perplexed
Well damn it I wanna see it! :grin:

Not necessarily true. Sometimes I will enjoy just reading all the responses and not comment. Maybe someone out there can learn from you so I say post away. My first 4-5 months here I was ignored hard core. Luckily for you guys I like to hear myself talk so I just kept posting away anywayz LOLOLOL :grin:

I didn't ignore you, punkin :kiss: You had me at 12 en 1 :laugh:
I've seen this attitude too many times to count. Don't come on here asking for help and then get an attitude.

Stuff like that makes me want to purposely give them the wrong advice.

Seal with baby oil and use Pink Oil lotion for growth, since you want to be nasty with us and not pay attention.

And often members will do the search FOR THEM and post 3-5 links in the thread for them to browse and they still dont want that and keep bumping.

What a vengeful, hilarious spirit you have fighting to come out of you :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

I don't feel compelled to answer every newbie thread. Matter fact, there are so many members here that, unless it is a really "heavy" poster, I don't even take any particular notice to the OP's name. Sometimes I just thank the ppl that already gave the right answer and K.I.M. This isn't a newbie thing either lol. Sometimes the thread gets views from a lot of ppl with the same question as OP.

We also do have a PM option, so if you see the same ppl in other threads with the "right answer", why not PM them to help guide you a little? I know I've PM'd Sistaslick, Gym, etc. w/ certain things and they were very helpful. In fact, I still will do that if necessary.

However, it is annoying when I answer, go take the time to search myself, and give the links and don't even get a thank you. That's just rude.
In response to the confusion about the expiration dates of advice...as someone else said, just because it was great in 2003 does not mean since then something else, possibly something better, has been posted about in the meantime. That is considered outdated, even if it is good. Not all newbies are stupid and looking for the magical potion that will grow their hair perfectly overnight. Sometimes we just want the best for our efforts. Sometimes we just do not want to waste time. This "it was good enough in 2003" is kind of short sighted. If all the answers were found by 2005, then the hair care forum would not be as busy as it is now, nor would it be full of "I just found this by accident and it actually works very well"-type threads.

And the other side of that is, what if we are looking up a product? As I said, I tend not to trust raves about products that are that old, because rarely have I found 1) that product is still on the shelves 2) that product has the same formulation 3) that product has stood the test of time--and any combination of these three. Are we supposed to spend as much money as the seasoned people to find our perfect regimen for us...? I understand there is going to be a lot I am going to have to try before I find my 'perfect products', but I would like some direction, so I do not have to go and buy everything in a BSS to find it. Not that the stores by me actually have many good products. :rolleyes:

Basically, I do not understand why it is so bad to ask if things have changed or to see where people stand. If everything I learn is from 2003, cool. I should not have to assume that this is so, though.
That's why whenever I tell someone to do a search I also tell them exactly what to type in to google to get better results. And yet I've had people literally post don't tell me how to search just answer the question. That annoys me.

Wow..... this is an interesting thread.
I am in agreement with MSA......

More over - I just stop answering all together because of this...
Research is vital to YOUR hair health and wealth. I have also had people get mad at me because I told them to Google. So NOW - I don't bother.

I do it all the time. I ask questions.... however - Google, Ask.com and other sites will pull up more than just LHCF, and - usually -give a more complete answer. So - I don't ask the ladies here exclusively.

I do think some people are lazy. I also think that there are folks who are not and ask important questions.
99% of the time people (not just newbies) need to do a search.

I usually respond if I know the answer. If it's a subject with 50-11 threads, I usually just provide a link especially if the OP is a newbie.

I don't answer:

if i don't know the answer
easy questions that can be searched (what is a baggy? how do u cowash)
if it's a question geared to naturals (i'm relaxed)
if it's a bandwagon question, that i'm not apart of (megatek, etc)

Cause sometimes someone asks the same question over and over in different threads and recieves advise but doesnt take it.

The main problem is that, newbies are often here in search of a quick way to have "ankle lenght hair." Therefore, growth aids are the first option. When advising a newbie I try to recommend care first. Good hair care practices are a must and inevitably length will follow.

The hardest part is explaining the moisture and protein balance subject. As all of us have been there, we were not aware that not all Deep conditioners are the same. They are also in need of being taught to read labels.

Yes, there outdated threads might be found, but if there are more current threads those would appear in the search results also. Search results can be sorted chronologically, so the newbie could look at the more recent results.

My primary reasons for not responding are #1 and #2. The excuse "the search doesn't work" doesn't work for me because Google DOES work. God and I help those who help themselves. When the same question is asked on consecutive days and both threads are on the first page, it is evident that the questioner didn't even read what information was already available.

YES - YES and YES!!!!

Now I know newbies get upset - when people say this - But - I have been there too.... Asking more complete questions - after doing research - would be helpful to everyone.
Taking it as a lesson instead of taking it personally will be helpful
Because there appears to be a common sentiment that your thoughts don't matter unless you are WL with perfect ends, so I figure I won't waste my time. :look:
Because there appears to be a common sentiment that your thoughts don't matter unless you are WL with perfect ends, so I figure I won't waste my time. :look:

I disagree with this; I am frequently asked about Phytospecific relaxer, both in threads and in PMs. I don't have WL hair, or even MBL hair. I don't have perfect ends. I don't have a perfect regimen. What I DO have however, is experience using the Phytospecific relaxer. I also have experience using the Wen products. My thoughts DO matter to some people - but on the topics where it is known that I have experience.

I can't answer questions about "is WL hair harder to deal with than SL hair", or "what can I do to make my natural hair look and act relaxed 100% of the time without relaxing or BKTing because chemicals are the devil" or "what color should I use if I want the top of my head the color of grape Kool-Aid". I can't answer those because my hair isn't WL, I'm not natural, and I don't use color.

Don't sell yourself short, there is probably some technique or product that you use, and use well. Share your knowledge about what you DO know, don't think that it won't be useful to someone else.

Having said that, where do you get the idea of a "common sentiment"? I have never seen a thread or comment where it was stated "don't listen to the OP because she doesn't have long, luscious hair" or "how do we know the OP is right because she never posted pictures". I know some individuals have that perception, but I've never seen the sentiment expressed, just referenced by others as an excuse.
In response to the confusion about the expiration dates of advice...as someone else said, just because it was great in 2003 does not mean since then something else, possibly something better, has been posted about in the meantime. That is considered outdated, even if it is good. Not all newbies are stupid and looking for the magical potion that will grow their hair perfectly overnight. Sometimes we just want the best for our efforts. Sometimes we just do not want to waste time. This "it was good enough in 2003" is kind of short sighted. If all the answers were found by 2005, then the hair care forum would not be as busy as it is now, nor would it be full of "I just found this by accident and it actually works very well"-type threads.

How is it outdated if it still works? Also, the new and so called "better" may not be better for you. Some of you need to understand that there is ALOT of hair practices that work differently for different people. What does it hurt to read the info from 2003, 2004 and 2008 and make comparisons? Does that not help you decide what works for you and build a regimen? Your regimen is going to change alot as you learn more about your hair. I know it has for me. And how do you know something is going to work or is supposedly better if you don't try it both ways?

Also, as a new natural, I am starting all over again and you know what? I love it! I've been searching like a mad woman the past couple of weeks and have found so much useful information that has been helping and will help as I solidify a regimen.

Honestly, I think people are saying information is "outdated" is an excuse and copout. Your 'best efforts' is going to take time and patience. And honestly, I think it is insulting to the people that actually put the time in to share that information.

And the other side of that is, what if we are looking up a product? As I said, I tend not to trust raves about products that are that old, because rarely have I found 1) that product is still on the shelves 2) that product has the same formulation 3) that product has stood the test of time--and any combination of these three. Are we supposed to spend as much money as the seasoned people to find our perfect regimen for us...? I understand there is going to be a lot I am going to have to try before I find my 'perfect products', but I would like some direction, so I do not have to go and buy everything in a BSS to find it. Not that the stores by me actually have many good products. :rolleyes:
Doing a search would help you. For example, ORS Replenishing Conditioner. Before purchasing this product, I did a search and looked at the dates as well. In the search, it was revealed that the ingredients changed more than once, peoples reactions to the new formulations and also recent threads still raving about the product considering the changes it has gone through. I made a decision based on that information and chose to purchase. And you know what? The product is still a staple for me. Granted, there was a chance that I would've been one of the few people that didn't like the product, it was risk I was willing to take. I hope that puts things in perspective for you.

Also, you should check out the product reviews forum if you haven't already. Alot of great information on products that I think you may find helpful.

Well, I'll say that I found what works for me here and on another popular hair forum, and I'll say what works for me when the topic seems fit.

BUT I have noticed that if you don't have pictures up and have a lower post count, your advice is usually ignored, which I understand. I just don't post my pics on sites anymore because I'm paranoid, and although I posted a lot on other forums, I decided to cut back. So although I've "been around" off and on since 2003, I seem like a newbie.

For those reasons, I usually don't post in the hair section. Plus, there are other posters who usually give advice I would have given, and there's no reason to clutter the thread with duplicate answers.
Hmm. Maybe someone can finally answer whether or not using Joico reconstructor spray leave in along with Giovanni Direct for roller sets would be considered too much protein


Only you can answer this question. I know that this would be too much protein for my hair but it might make someone else's hair thrive.

Don't be afraid to use trial and error to answer your own questions. Using these products together once is unlikely to ruin your hair so I say go for it and then report back so that other can learn from your experience.