How long have you been a member on the forum?

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
I have been a member since February 2010 but my healthy hair journey didn't start until June 2010.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
i became an official member the same day that i bcd so i started out natural.

What was your starting length?

What is your current length?
about 4 inches

What is your goal length?
Idk but ill know when i get there :lol:

Do you know your growth rate?
.5 inch a little more during the summer

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
not at all

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
nope. Not yet. I hope Im not jinxing myself

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
Im in the curly til xmas and castor oil challenge. They don't seem to be making a difference

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
ill let you know in June of 2014.

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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?Been a member since August, 2008. Been on a healthy hair journey since March, 2008.
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?I was relaxed when I began in 2008, I began transitioning 10/2009, and I BCed 6/2010.
What was your starting length? Chin the time I BCed I was 1.5 inches from APL.
What is your current length? NL
What is your goal length? MBL-WL
Do you know your growth rate? .5"/mo
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No.
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?None since I decided to go natural, but I did when I was relaxed. I experienced breakage due dryness.
Have you found your staple products and reggie? Working on it...
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?Main challenge is BC to Waistlength challenge, and I think challenges help to focus you on goals.
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? Only have 2 years under my belt.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
I have been a member since 2004 and I started my journey due to color damage
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I have been relaxed since I was four years old but I'm thinking about texlaxing for now on
What was your starting length?
I was collarbone length when I came to the boards
What is your current length?
My current length is APL but it has been longer in the past.
What is your goal length?
below BSL
Do you know your growth rate?
about 1/2 inch per month
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
Yes, due to relaxer damage
Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I'm almost there but I love trying new stuff
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
No challenges at the moment but I have been in the "hide your hair challenge" in the past
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
Oh no, I just need to stick to what works then I will reach my maximum potential. LOL
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? I joined LHCF in February 2009

When did you officially start your journey? Same day I joined here and took my first hair pic

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Relaxed

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? Relaxed

What was your starting length? SL

What is your current length? APL

What is your goal length? Tailbone

Do you know your growth rate? Most times I get .5 inch a month sometimes less.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No, I'm in the "growing" stage now.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? Yes, in August 2009. I had the bright idea to apply one of my cowash conditioners to my ends and sleep like that overnight. I lost an inch of hair in some places because of that.:nono: I knew then and there that not all things work for all heads of hair.

Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes

What challenges are you in or have you been in? 6 month Hide Your Hair Challenges of 2009; 2010 Fall/Spring Cowashing Challenge

Did they help or hinder your journey? Definitely helped! The HYH Challenge allowed me to retain so much length and the cowashing challenge is keeping my hair moisturized.
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?

3 years. I officially started my hair journey around this time in the summer of 2007 during my transition.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

I'm now natural. My last relaxer was in 2006 and I received multiple trims and mini hair cuts during my transition. I've been fully natural since May of 2009. When I started I was transitioning.

What was your starting length?

I was about bra strap in 2006/2007.

What is your current length?

My natural unstretched hair is now waist to hip length and my stretched hair is pants pocket length.

What is your goal length?

I want my hair to grow as long as possible. Knee length hair sounds cool, lol! :grin:

Do you know your growth rate?

It's about 0.5 to 0.75 inches per month.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

I'm growing.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?


Have you found your staple products and reggie?

Yes. Conditioner works best for my hair.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

I've been in the hip length challenge and am currently in the classic length challenge. Challenges are fun and are helpful but not a necessity.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

n/a Haven't been here 4 years yet...
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oops...was going too fast. didnt notice the survey. ha

ow long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
--- originally joined as "tasteslikemusic" in july 2004

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
--- i am natural, have been for 5 years. i started on the board as a relaxed head, though

What was your starting length?
--- neck?

What is your current length?
--- well, i've cut my natural hair 4 or 5 times (most recently did a super duper short short cut in july 2009) lol...i'm moving past shoulder from the most recent cut

What is your goal length?
--- midback

Do you know your growth rate?
--- not's not as fast as i want it to be haha

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?|
--- i guess in a way i have been because i keep cutting it for no reason...but i'm trying to stop that

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
--- hmmm i wouldnt say ive had many "setbacks"

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
--- even when i love products, i tend to change things a lot...

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
--- none right now

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
--- no, i havent even allowed myself to get to my "potential"
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
4 years

When did you officially start your journey?

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

What was your starting length?
neck length

What is your current length?
Between midback and waistlength

What is your goal length?

Do you know your growth rate?
Not sure, but I'm sure it varies.:yep:

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
Nope...just letting it grow.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
No, I haven't had any setbacks, thank God!

Have you found your staple products and reggie?'s super simple.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
Never joined any challenges

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
No, not at all. When I started my journey, my hair was not only short, but unhealthy. Getting it to a healthy state required patience and time, so now I'm on a roll to a healthy HL.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?

Member since 2006. Got serious in 2007.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

Transitioning, natural when I joined.

What was your starting length?

I don't remember (I don't have pics from 2006). Somewhere between SL and APL.

What is your current length?

Somewhere around MBL.

What is your goal length?

HL (stretched of course)

Do you know your growth rate?

Slower than average :-(

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

I wish.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

Yep. I texturized at my sisters demand in 2007 (she was the only hair braider I could afford & she got super frustrated with my natural hair) and most of that hair either got cut off or broken off and I'm still growing that texturizer out.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

Regimen, yes. Products no.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

I've joined a few challenges but I didn't follow through on any of them :sad: ....I think if I had it would have helped my journey. They work for some, but not for me.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

I have definitely not reached my max potential, and I'm not going to sell my hair short either. This is a learning process...and it may have been 4 years, but I'm still learning about my hair and I know it's still growing.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? : A member Almost 4 yrs,then it took another 6months to a year to officially get started

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

What was your starting length?: Shoulder Length

What is your current length?: Hip length

What is your goal length? Classic Length
Do you know your growth rate?: standard
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? : No
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?: None Thank god
Have you found your staple products and reggie?: Reggie is done but i have a conditioner habit
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?:Waist length & Hip length challenge

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
Not yet
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? I have been a memeber since 2008 but been lerking for a year beofore that. My hair journey started 10/08 trying that dry shampoo and washed my hair clear off my head, had no choice but to do a bc 12/08

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I have been natrual for over 8 years, never perms but jeri curls but once I found out how to get my curls to do the same thing with the right products I left that chemical alone that use to take my hair out anyway.

What was your starting length? I started with 1/4inch once I shaved it all off.

What is your current length? Not full armpit yet

What is your goal length? I would like to be waist length

Do you know your growth rate? I think it is normal rate.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? no I'm not

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? I had a miner one this year using bee mine serum it didn't sit well with my ends and had to clip them.

Have you found your staple products and reggie? oh yea I have

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? I was in the cowash and the apl by dec and I think I am doing ok for now. I learn to take it slow and get the miner things down pack and if it's working don't jump on band wagons.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? i joined in april of 2009, but with school and whatnot i didn't actually start my journey until december 2009.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? i'm relaxed. i think i will always be relaxed

What was your starting length? around shoulder length

What is your current length? between shoulder length and armpit length

What is your goal length? i'm hoping to grow my hair to my waist

Do you know your growth rate? i think i grow around the average, although it's hard to say, since i trim quite a bit

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? i'm not keeping my hair a certain length, but i am keeping my ends blunt.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? I had a major setback due to a mishap with my straightening iron.

Have you found your staple products and reggie? i'm still working on this.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? i've joined a couple. most don't require me to do anything except grow. bootcamp has helped me to retain my length.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? n/a
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
Member of LHCF since April 2010. HHJ began January 2010.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
Natural and natural

What was your starting length?
Shoulder length

What is your current length?

What is your goal length?
TBL originally, but now I want to see how long I can grow.

Do you know your growth rate?
0.5 to 0.6 inches

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
Nothing that cost me length. I had mild protein overload that affected my texture for a few weeks.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
I haven't joined any but I set personal challenges for myself. (See siggy)

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
n/a. ask me again in 5-10 LOL
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? I joined this board september 2010 but i started my journey August 2009

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? Relaxed

What was your starting length? Ear lenght

What is your current length? Scrapping APL

What is your goal length? At least MBL, I thought i wanted WL but that might be a bit much for me
Do you know your growth rate? No i havent measured consistenly but i did get about 8 inches from 8/09 to 9/10 but i havent measured it since 9/10.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? No

Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes for the most part- im still open for suggestions though.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? i just joined the no trimming, no heat, cowashing challenges. These practices were effective for me last year.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? N/A

I love this thread and i thought about starting one that is similar- i wanted to know what were some setbacks that kept some ladies here from reaching thier goals after being here for 3 or 4 years.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? I started my hair care journey 1.2008. Joined BHM 4.2008 joined LHCF 11.2008

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? 100% Natural

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I started bone relaxed. Transitioned to texlaxed.. Now I am natural

What was your starting length? Relaxed Thin NL

What is your current length? Natural CBL

What is your goal length? Natural MBL (Stretched)

Do you know your growth rate? Not sure

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No. However I do think that Natural 4B MBL hair is plenty for me

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? Just one. I spent a month in Nigeria March 2009 and I was soo excited that braid styles which would normally cost me $150+ in the states were soo inexpensive back home.. so I got 3 different sets of braid styles during my stay.. kinky twists, ghana weave (cornrows) and small micro twists :nono: My hair was not happy..

Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes.. I have

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? I have joined challenges on here.. but I usually fall off. I join the challenges on BHM and stick with them. The challenges have absolutely helped in my journey. I stay inspired and I enjoy exchanging information and reading what has been a fail or success with the ladies

I am soo glad I found the forums!! They say pictures speak a thousand words.. :yep:

Started my HHJ January 2008


3 months of hair care April 2008


1 year later--April 2009



June 5 2009 I BC'd (6/20/09 I cut again for fear of scab hair)



October 2009 growth comparison


7 month later-- May 2010 length shots



2 months later--July 2, 2010



Cornrow comparison


October 2010



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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? 2 years. Joined May 2008
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? Currently Transitioning @ 11 months post.
What was your starting length? Shoulder Length with lots of splits from Dominican Blowouts
What is your current length? Between APL and BSL. I had to cut from MBL because I thought I wouldn't be able to handle the two textures.
What is your goal length? I'm kinda going with the flow right now. Maybe Waist or Classic length, we'll see.
Do you know your growth rate? I believe it's about average 1/2 inch a month. I have about 5 inches of NG right now.
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? Yes between APL and BSL for now while I transition. I hate thin looking ends.
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? None. Just that I had to trim a lot due to splits from too much heat pre-LHCF.
Have you found your staple products and reggie? Still in search of products lol but I wash and DC weekly. Moisturize and seal in with my oils.
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? HYH. BSL 2009, MBL 2010, WL 2010 (had to drop out cos I cut my hair). No more length challenges for now until I BC whenever that will be :drunk:
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? N/A
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards?
I've been a member of LHCF for 6 years and 7 months

When did you officially start your journey?
For relaxed hair, I started my journey April 2004 - near the end of 2003 before finding LHCF, I had cut my APL hair to chin length because my hair had been shedding excessively and thinning post Accutane treatment, and I thought cutting it would make it look thicker. From April 2004 to May 2005, I grew my relaxed hair back out to shoulder length.
For natural hair, I started my journey May 2005 - after transitioning for almost 8 months, I did the Big Chop which left me with 3-4 inches of natural hair. Then I had heat damage and had all my hair shaved off a couple weeks after my first Big Chop. I had less than 1/2-inch of hair after doing so. Then I began growing out my natural hair from that point on.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? What was your starting length?
I have natural hair. I started with chin length relaxed hair when I first joined LHCF.

What is your current length?

What is your goal length?
BSL and beyond if possible

Do you know your growth rate?
About 1 inch every 2 months

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
Yes... Several trims and a few cuts throughout the years of being natural... split ends were the main reason for these trims and cuts.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I can never stick with a certain hair regimen. However, I have found that Aussie Moist Conditioner has been the product I keep going back to which I believe would be a staple product for my natural hair.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
None right now.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
Sometimes I do feel like APL is my terminal length because my hair has been this length for about a couple of years. I'm still hoping I can reach BSL by the end of 2010 or maybe even waist length way down the road.
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? I joined in June of 2007. I didn't become a paying member until October of 2007.
When did you officially start your journey? Maybe around June of 2007. I was going for long relaxed hair.
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? I’m natural
Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I was relaxed.
What was your starting length? When I first joined I was SL. After I bced on 2/8/2008 I had about 1”-3” of hair left.
What is your current length? I’m currently MBL stretched. SL un-stretched.
What is your goal length? Waist length un-stretched.
Do you know your growth rate? No
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? When/if I get to WL un-stretched I will maintain there.
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? I’ve had a lot of ssks. They are much less now. I’ve had to trim a lot of because of them.
Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes.
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? I don’t join challenges anymore.
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? N/A
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?
I joined LHCF at the end of 2008. I officially started my healthy hair journey in June or July 2009.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?
I'm relaxed (really texlaxed). I was relaxed (bone-straight) when I started.

What was your starting length?
Shoulder length.

What is your current length?
Between shoulder length and APL. I was at APL until I trimmed in September - my ends were horrible.

What is your goal length?
Bra strap length.

Do you know your growth rate?
Somewhat- I know I grow about 0.3-0.4 of an inch monthly. I've been lazy about getting someone else to measure it, but since the difference in textures between my relaxed and texlaxed hair is so stark I can measure it (and I have).

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?
No, I'm trying to be patient while it grows on its' own.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?
I had a set back in October 2009, when I tried Nexxus Emergencee for the first time and didn't follow the instructions. :nono: My hair clumped (somewhat dreadlock-like) and I had to get a friend to help me detangle and comb out the clumps. I lost a lot of hair that night.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
I haven't found my staple products or my reggie yet, but I'm closer on the reggie. I started my HHJ with some products that I'm determined to finish before buying replacements, so I'll be experimenting with deep conditioners and daily moisturizers when they run out.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?
Cathy Howse 365 Day Challenge. I also experimented with juicing in the summer, but I don't think I joined a challenge (if there was one). So far it's helped, since I'm moisturizing daily but I think I would have regardless.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?
I hope I will have reached my goal in 4 years. I'll have to revisit this in 2013.
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? June 2008..I lurked until I finally paid 4 a subscription a few months ago...I thought I was missing all the fun not being about to post..LOL When did you officially start your journey? My journey starting 2006, thats when I found nappturality 1st..
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed?Natural Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I was transitioning...
What was your starting length? A few inches..
What is your current length?APL
What is your goal length?WSL stretched..BSL unstretched
Do you know your growth rate? between .5 and 1in a month..depending on the month.
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No its growing out so this length is temporary
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? A few cause I kept texlaxing and relaxing then BC'ing..If I didnt I would be WSL by now
Have you found your staple products and reggie? Yes, my products and reggie are simple..And since I'm a creature of habit, I don't switch up products or routines very often
What challenges are you in or have you been in?Im always in a challenge, I join then forget about them.. Did they help or hinder your journey? They neither help or hinder because I dont finish them..
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? I haven't been here 4 yrs but I dont think I see myself logging on daily after I've been here that long..that doesnt mean I've reached full potential..just that I've reached my goal and no longer seek the advice and inspiration this board brings on a daily basis..
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?

I started my healthy hair journey in 2004 as a lurking member member of Nappturality.
I re-started my hair journey in 2007 as a lurking member of LHCF.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?

When I joined LHCF in Jan 2007, I was frustrated after I relaxed despite a nearly 2 year transition. Once again my hair was breaking and dry. I was initially drawn to the threads about texlaxing that were popular then. I was trying to decide whether to texlax or transition to natural. I decided to go for natural again and in Oct 2007 I cut from APL-ish to a Halley Berry relaxed style.

I transitioned from this short relaxed cut for 13 months and BC'd in Nov 2008.

What was your starting length?

I started tracking growth after my BC in Nov 2008 with a starting length of between chin and collar bone. I had a mullet.

What is your current length?

Between BSB (below shoulder blade) and mid back - I still have a mullet

What is your goal length?

Was waist but IDK hip is looking good.... The longer my hair gets, the longer my goal.

Do you know your growth rate?

Not really sure, around average.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?

Not right now

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?

My major set back was the relaxing back in 2006. I still have issues though like SSK and uneven ends and dryness which may set me back if I decide to do a major trim.

Have you found your staple products and reggie?
Pretty much but I still rotate at least one new product. I tend to gravitate toward the natural lines.

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?

Challenges have been extremely helpful for me. I joined my first (APL) in Dec 2008 right after my pic chop and over the next year grew to APL for pics in Dec 2009. I then graduated to BSL and have been sucessful there too. Come December I'll officially move on to MBL. It's nice to watch the group you started with advance. Plus they encourage you to take pics, which are helpful to see progress. The longer the hair gets the harder it is to detect growth. I didn't to any growth aid product challenges.

Challenges help to keep focus when you've been around for a while.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?

I def have not reached my potential in length or health. Over the next year I'll be working on my ends so I can get a nice siggy back shot. Of course I still hope to reach my length goals we'll see.


De Nada- It's good to review where you've come from and where you are going with this hair game.
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How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? Oooooh, with out looking I'd say a year in April 2011

When did you officially start your journey? Sept 2009

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Natural as of July 21st 2010

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I was relaxed.

What was your starting length? I was Chin length

What is your current length? Streached, Collar bone Length...that's right.

What is your goal length? Goal length is MBL

Do you know your growth rate? Nope.

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? No

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? None so far.

Have you found your staple products and reggie? So far my hair seems to like the ORS line and the Miss Jessie's as well...

What challenges are you in or have you been in? None. At least I don't think so.

Did they help or hinder your journey? N/A

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? N/A
How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? I found the boards in July of 06 and officially started my HHJ

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Relaxed

Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I've always been relaxed with inclinations of transitioning which has led to several looong stretches throughout my HHJ :lol:

What was your starting length? APL

What is your current length? BSL

What is your goal length? Currently? Hip Length but it changes a lot

Do you know your growth rate? About 3/4" per month

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? After I met my WL goal, I started keeping my hair between APL and BSL

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? 1 setback, breakage on the sides due to a wool coat! :ohwell:

Have you found your staple products and reggie? I occasionally try new things, but my staple's and reggie have not changed for about 2-3 years. It works so I'm not straying...

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? I've bunned and baggied almost since day 1. Baggy + Bunning has helped me retain what I grow.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? Not at all. I've been everywhere from APL to WL and I know my hair will grow beyond what it already has.
OhOhOh I wanna play!!!

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey?I joined in January of 2010, I've been on my journey since then as well
Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started?I'm natural, I got one relaxer at 13 and then never did anything else about it
What was your starting length?I guess APL
What is your current length?So close to MBL
What is your goal length?Either hip or tailbone unstretched
Do you know your growth rate?slightly more than .5inch per month
Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice?Nope, letting my hair do as it pleases
Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why?I had one set back in the first 4 months of my journey. I swore off heat and was daily cowashing and wet bunning. I decided to straighten my hair because I wanted to see my progress. In 4 months I had gone from APL to about 3 inches from WL BUT the last 4-5 inches of my hair were so chewed up I couldn't even get a comb through them :nono: It was awful, constantly keeping my hair wet created a breeding ground for SSK. I learned that my hair actually does better with heat usage. Lesson learned :ohwell:
Have you found your staple products and reggie?I started out being a HUGE pj, but I've done a good job at finding staple products. My reggie didn't take long to get down. After suffering 1 huge setback I made the necessary changes and now my hair is thriving
What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey?I'm in WL '11, MBL '11, and the all new HAIRSTICKS CHALLENGE :grin:
If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential?this doesn't apply to me. But I hope that in 4 years I've reached my goals...cuz if not :look:
I'm still a baby on this site compared to everyone else, but I'll still give it a go lol

How long have you been a member of this board or other hair boards? When did you officially start your journey? I'm still a newbie to the sites. I joined LHCF in June 2010 and started my HHJ soon after.

Are you natural, transitioning, or relaxed? Were you natural, transitioning, or relaxed when you started? I was relaxed when I joined and am now transitioning for 1.5-2years :yep:

What was your starting length? between NL and SL

What is your current length? a little past SL

What is your goal length? MBL natural unstretched/WL stretched

Do you know your growth rate? I'd have to say between .5 to .75 inches per month

Are you keeping your hair a certain length by choice? I think anything past MBL unstretched might be too much for me to handle, but we shall see when the time comes.

Have you had any (many) set backs and if so, why? Not since the beginning of my HHJ *knock on wood*

Have you found your staple products and reggie? :look: not quite

What challenges are you in or have you been in? Did they help or hinder your journey? Oh yeah...I'm a total challenge junkie. Currently in the SL 2010, APL 2011, BSL 2011, WL 2012, WL 2013, HYH, Sulfur, and Jheri Juice challenges lmao. I think I covered all the bases.

If you've been here for 4 years or more, do you think you've reached your maximum potential? I'll let you know in 2014 :giggle: