Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

Why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

  • There's already 50-11 threads on the topic. Newbies need to search!

    Votes: 74 36.8%
  • Many of them ask a question and never return to answer my follow up questions.

    Votes: 11 5.5%
  • I only enter the hair forum for drama (e.g Shima and Ateeya threads )

    Votes: 2 1.0%
  • I usually don't know the answer

    Votes: 56 27.9%
  • Other (explain)

    Votes: 34 16.9%
  • This doesn't apply to me. I always answer questions.

    Votes: 24 11.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I mean really.... some people just love to start threads. They're like addicts. Why start a thread asking simple questions when you can just do a search? More effort is required to start a thread.

In the end if a thread has few responses I'll respond if I can help (with the exception of ?s like "what is a Pibbs") :ohwell:
When I was a newbie, I LOVED the search function and still love it! There is soo much information on here. I was too intimidated to start a thread:lol:! If I had a question and couldn't find the answer via search, I would then start a topic. I always got responses from folks on here.

same with me. I never had probs with the search feature. i used it all the time when i was new
I don't answer because I'm still grappling with my own hair issues and I may not know the conditions of OP's hair. And lots of time as has been mentioned before, they need to learn to use the search function (I had to).

And also the the stickies are there for a reason, they answer almost all the questions a newbie has except for bandwagons.

There's also nothing wrong with reading old threads, you may find info that might work for you.

I think I may have started 2 or 3 threads in total, mostly I read and learn from others. and ask questions if necessary.
:blush: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

You've got to be kidding me? People have really said that to you?!

I've seen that a few times. People don't realize that you can learn soooo much from doing a search. Different people at different times answering your same question gives you many sides of an issue. That applies even if the thread is old. Information does not always expire.

I only answer questions if I've been through the exact same situation the person has been through. I only share what has or hasn't worked from experience. That way I am not giving bogus answers.

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Yeah, but when newbies do a search, some of that info is outdated. Some of the threads are from 2005 2003 and some people aren't using those practices anymore and have found something that works better.

Yes, there outdated threads might be found, but if there are more current threads those would appear in the search results also. Search results can be sorted chronologically, so the newbie could look at the more recent results.

My primary reasons for not responding are #1 and #2. The excuse "the search doesn't work" doesn't work for me because Google DOES work. God and I help those who help themselves. When the same question is asked on consecutive days and both threads are on the first page, it is evident that the questioner didn't even read what information was already available.
I answer if I'm familiar with the subject... pretty much always. I hated being a noob and other folks would be like "search".. especially when it's a lot of stuff repeated all the time. You can search; but there is always new input that can be added.
If I know the answer I will usually answer the newbie's question. Searching is a useful tool to a degree. If you just want an answer and the thread has 100 pages then its not very helpful.

The ONLY time I get annoyed is when someone asks a question, they get their answer but don't say thank you. Instead they type "bump" to try to get more answers. I can't figure out if they want help or attention, so I leave it alone.
Like many of the other ladies said, I reply when I know the answer, but when I think its been answered already I'll hit the thank you button.
I don't answer because IMO i find if you are not a known(popular) poster, you will get ignored anyway.

Under a different screen name a while ago, i posted a thread raving about a new technique i tried and my hair came out great. I got maybe on or two responses and i think one of the responses had a sarcastic tone. Two weeks later, a popular poster posted the exact same thing and she got raved and everyone started doing the technique, thanking and praising her. After that, i decided to just lurk here.Yeah it left me a little ticked off:lachen:.

Now i don't even post pics of my hair growth. I just do my thing and watch it grow. I've gone from Neck length to brastrap so i continue to do my thing.
The searching thing does not always work.

A lot of what comes up is "do a search" and then it is outdated. The newer threads may show promise, but then it devolves to "do a search!" That was okay to say in 2004 when a really great thread was just started or is only a year old, but when you get to 2009 and the threads are either empty or just "do a search" it is not helpful.

Moreover, the most helpful recent information I have found has come from randomly clicking through the hair care forum, so it is an issue of not realising something is there to search for, if that makes sense.

I do not answer questions because I feel like no one will pay attention. I have no pictures of my hair for people to drool over or whatever. I have not perfected my regimen, and I only joined in January. Why would anyone really care? :rolleyes:
I'm just tired. I used to answer a lot of questions but I am just tired now. I am tired because people have put together the "best of lhcf" threads OVER AND OVER. I know Artemis and I put together at least 2 or 3, other members have done the same and people still are not reading them. Its fustrating when you work to do things that will help people and your efforts still get ignored. Some things are simple really. How many threads are on megatek? Yes they are long but why not take some time and peek through a couple of posts. Many times in the long threads, people have given a summarized break down to help make it easier to navigate. This board is full of information but you are never going to get to the best of it if you are not willing to do some leg work on your own.

On the other hand, you have people that will ignore advice from people that have low thanks or don't have hair down to their butts. I have seen some members give long drawn out advice complete will how and why something will work and people pass right over it.
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Lol I have a feeling this thread was directed at me well I LOVE doing research and always make sure to do my research before asking questions. I don't take it personally though, I don't know if you remember I had asked before if anyone was angry ate me lol because no one seemed to answer my questions. But I realized later that most of my questions had been answered by othere threads. I think newbies need to be involved on other ppl's threads if they want that same involvement as well as some side research. That being said I really appreciate the support I get here but some of you ladies can be tough to trap lol!!!
I agree. That is why I prefer to ask. Most of the time when I do a search I will find a similar question with 2 answers, none of which actually answer my questions. Ah well, I now have youtube to answer certain questions, lol

As far as the original questions, I do not feel I have been here long enough to answer questions. Usually, when I see a thread where I do know the answer, someone has already said what I wanted to say and articulated it better than I ever could.

Oh, and sometimes I do not answer questions if the grammar, spelling or lack of paragraphs is so bad, I can not understand the question.

Yeah, but when newbies do a search, some of that info is outdated. Some of the threads are from 2005 2003 and some people aren't using those practices anymore and have found something that works better.
Well I answer some questions, and some questions I don't know the answer to, I don't want to be the reason someone listened to what I said, and their hair becomes worse or falls out....so if it's a question about a certain product, or relaxers, or trimming or dcing on dry hair(things I have done and tried) then I will answer....like for example ladies ask if they should go natural or get a relaxer....I don't answer those questions or try not to. That should be a choice based on YOUR decision. Not no one else. Now for megatek and OCT....heck when I was new I searched that myself....and found out.....there are a lot of threads on Megatek and OCT....

and as for the 99% let me correct u and say 98% because I use my search engine madam.....
I'm just tired. I used to answer a lot of questions but I am just tired now. I am tired because people have put together the "best of lhcf" threads OVER AND OVER. I know Artemis and I put together at least 2 or 3, other members have done the same and people still are not reading them. Its fustrating when you work to do things that will help people and your efforts still get ignored. Some things are simple really. How many threads are on megatek? Yes they are long but why not take some time and peek through a couple of posts. Many times in the long threads, people have given a summarized break down to help make it easier to navigate. This board is full of information but you are never going to get to the best of it if you are not willing to do some leg work on your own.

On the other hand, you have people that will ignore advice from people that have low thanks or don't have hair down to their butts. I have seen some members give long drawn out advice complete will how and why something will work and people pass right over it.

Good post cuz.. true, true...

and you've given really good advice on this board in a very affable way.
Now i don't even post pics of my hair growth. I just do my thing and watch it grow. I've gone from Neck length to brastrap so i continue to do my thing.

Well damn it I wanna see it! :grin:

I do not answer questions because I feel like no one will pay attention. I have no pictures of my hair for people to drool over or whatever. I have not perfected my regimen, and I only joined in January. Why would anyone really care? :rolleyes:

Not necessarily true. Sometimes I will enjoy just reading all the responses and not comment. Maybe someone out there can learn from you so I say post away. My first 4-5 months here I was ignored hard core. Luckily for you guys I like to hear myself talk so I just kept posting away anywayz LOLOLOL :grin:
I don't feel qualified to answer most questions. Heck, with a head as jacked up as mine, I barely feel qualified to post!

On the subject of "Search", now that I've come back here, I've had to spend time searching my own posts to remember exactly what to do with all the products I just had to have when I was here the first time. I also had to search for my old regimen and answers to other questions I had back then that were answered.
For me, answering questions depends on how I am feeling. But sometimes, it is frustrating to see like 300 people view a question but only 8 answer the questions. Also, I may not know the answer so I step back and let the season vets step in. It just depends if I am in the mood to answer anything.
I just don't understand the "outdated" information. Since when does knowledge have an expiration date. Some of the best threads are also the oldest, they are the foundation of the forum. For example the best color thread I've seen to date is Tracy's Bootcamp for Colored Girls from 2004.
Usually by the time I log on and see the thread someone has already answered the question. I don't see many threads around with zero replies at all....but when I log on I usually just skim the main page and *maybe* page 2.
I notice that there's often 480-500+ viewers in the hair forum, but no one is answering newbies' questions. I know that many of these viewers are not members, but I still feel like there's a lot of members on who just don't answer the questions (with the exception of MSA and glamazon).

It is so bad that it's forced some members to do the old bait and switch in order to get folks to enter their thread. :laugh: :look: :ohwell:

The main reason why I rarely answer is because of #4 and #2. I'm not on many bandwagons, nor am I a hair expert, so I rarely have the answers they seek.

So, why don't you answer questions in the hair forum?

I dont bother asking anymore, I just do searches although I do have "new questions" but it's like they end up killing the thread instead of being answered so whatever.. :perplexed
I'm just tired. I used to answer a lot of questions but I am just tired now. I am tired because people have put together the "best of lhcf" threads OVER AND OVER. I know Artemis and I put together at least 2 or 3, other members have done the same and people still are not reading them. Its fustrating when you work to do things that will help people and your efforts still get ignored. Some things are simple really. How many threads are on megatek? Yes they are long but why not take some time and peek through a couple of posts. Many times in the long threads, people have given a summarized break down to help make it easier to navigate. This board is full of information but you are never going to get to the best of it if you are not willing to do some leg work on your own.

On the other hand, you have people that will ignore advice from people that have low thanks or don't have hair down to their butts. I have seen some members give long drawn out advice complete will how and why something will work and people pass right over it.

Yes ma'am!:yep:

I just don't understand the "outdated" information. Since when does knowledge have an expiration date. Some of the best threads are also the oldest, they are the foundation of the forum. For example the best color thread I've seen to date is Tracy's Bootcamp for Colored Girls from 2004.


I also don't answer nearly as much as I use to. Seems like plenty people aren't looking for "Best practice" type regi's or techniques. It's more like they want hair down to the ground in no time and with no effort and no waiting period. People don't want to cut those raggedy arse ends or pull all their hair together (you know into that sharp "V", that if it was combed straight down it would be super thin looking at the ends type) to take a pic cuz they don't want to show those raggedy ends. When I see those my first thought is almost always, cut it first...but I know most are not trying to hear it, so I don't post anything.:rolleyes: Hmmm, this sorta turned into a rant...sorry, that wasn't my intention.

ETA: Also I blowdry and flat iron weekly and know that it is looked down upon. Also, often times it is detrimental to hair if a person does not know what they are doing or are using less than stellar tools and products.
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There are a lot of lurkers...I lurked for like a year and a half (*shhh don't tell anyone..lol)
*Also a lot of questions can be answered via the search method, so ppl don't feel obligated to respond to a question that already has 15 thousand threads