Who Should Pay for the First Date?

Yeah it's the mans role as a man to pay for the first and the 100th date IMO. If i'm with a man and he's interested in me I feel that I shouldn't have to come out my pocket for anything :yep:. Yeah these millinium men are a trip. I would've given him a very stupid look like oh yeah, uh huh and you think i'm going to pay for your a** to take me out, (which in reality would be me taking you out) negro please.:nono:
Oh boo hoo hoo hoo hoo... poor wittle baby gettin' hurt by those mean ole' women out there...

Tell him he needs to grow a pair. :cool: Or if women are all so bad, tell him to go be gay or something and leave you the hell alone. :p

Edited to add: My thoughts are that the man should ALWAYS pay on the first date and for the next few after that! Now, when y'all are in a relationship, then you can set various rules. Some women won't pay for anything then and some dudes I know are cool with that.

I know on a men's dating site, they have a 3-1 rule for relationships... for every three dates a man pays for, the woman should pay for 1. That's fine with me too.

But again, that's in a RELATIONSHIP. If you can't even cough up the money to pay for a first date, then don't bother talking to me... and it sounds like yo boy simply needs some therapy!

Check this out. The other day he goes "man, your ex bf really did a number on you".

I was like "wow.....okay".

I'ma need a link to that site, sound like they might have some damn sense over there. :look:
Well I guess I must be old then, cause I've never thought that way, and I'm glad you said something to her D, she might have thought that was cute or something (which she might have since she let him get that). How you gon take somebody on a date to somebody else house for free food? No sirree Bob.

But SHE is a Boob too because WHO the HEck goes to someone's family house early like that to eat......I would have said, "no that is an imposition", "we could stop by but not sit and eat" , unless she knew DLewis and you invited her......She doesnt sound so swift to me....... I'm just sayin

And yes...the guys should be paying for a while......After 4-6 dates, I would offer and like reach for my wallet but in the back of my mind, if the KneeGrow goes for me payin, he's lost alot of points to me

This Older man I use to work with in my 20s told me and I'll never forget.....WHen a man wants to see you, date you and get to know you......HE should pay....you comin out YOUR house, to listen to HIS Stuff and he hopes you Give a Hoot......He's got to pay....otherwise, he won't see the value in you....

It is what it is.......I have been lucky, I don't meet to many Turds that won't pay or expect me to.....

OHHHhhhh Wait, I meet one;...DAMN..... He was FINE too......But after he showed his tired, cheap aRse...I was like.....Ekkkk, you are not that Fine anymore... *********...............
Funny thing about that; when a man TReats you like a Queen, he is 10x more attractive than a Pretty Man:yep: IMHO
Ain't no way in hell I'd pay for the first date. Usually, the way you start the relationship is the way it will continue to be. (With other aspects of the relationship as well).
Ain't no way I'd pay for the first date......especially not a dinner date. I mean he asks you out and he wants you to foot the bill. Please. :rolleyes: I have paid for other things FAR into a dating relationship (like broadway tickets, etc.) and even THEN, he had better OFFER to take care of it in lieu of me paying for anything. That to me is a real man.....if a man can't pay for a DATE, he cannot offer me a sense of financial security and that is what I need in a mate.

a woman paying for first anything........:nono: