When you get discouraged, remember: A LOT can change in a short amount of time!

Your story is so profound and miraculous. I can't imagine what it must have been like to experience what you did. But, I love your happy ending. Congratulations on your beautiful blessing. I know you must love him to PIECES!
Thank you Charlotte! I do love him beyond measure! A few woman on here already know of my history with miscarriages, but I'm living proof that if you desire something strongly enough and stay prayerful about it, your prayers will be answered. I love inspiring women that have given up on motherhood. I have told several women my story that were on the verge of giving up because of various reproductive issues. And when I tell them I've had six...well seven now...miscarriages, I can see the glimmer of hope come back in their eyes.
Another Craigslist hookup, LOL that is where I connected with my FH, he answered my ad. :)
And it's free too! I have followed your story and it is so beautiful. I am beyond happy for you. However, I do beg to differ with you on one thing: as much as I love the way you worded your marriage siggy, I think I have the sweetest man ever! (Smile)
It's so true how things can change so quickly. I left my loser ex-bf in July 2007 after wasting 10 years of life with him. I finally got the strength to leave him and met dh in April of 2008. We got engaged in Feb. 2009, married at the JP in May with a ceremony in October. Now we're expecting our first child this Feb. It's all a whirlwind.

One thing I'd like to say to the single ladies is that if you're not happy with your current situation, don't be afraid to make changes. If your bf is not making you happy or is taking too long to pop the question, then don't be afraid to leave. There may be good things for you right around the corner that can't materialize because you're allowing too much time to wait for things to get better. If it's not right from the beginning, then 9 times out of 10 it will never be right.
Thanks for posting this. I have just recently ended a long relationship and have been feeling like I am going to end up a spinster. At least I know that there is hope.
Thank you thank you thank you GLIB for starting this thread. Since joining LHCF almost 6 years ago, I have been through a bad relationship, bad dates, non-committal guys and some heartbreak. But I trust in God and will never give up on finding love.

Ladies, we may get weary, but we will not faint. I am claiming that this is my year for change (Engagement, marriage..) and that God's will is done in my life. This thread is so encouraging. :heart2:
Thank you thank you thank you GLIB for starting this thread. Since joining LHCF almost 6 years ago, I have been through a bad relationship, bad dates, non-committal guys and some heartbreak. But I trust in God and will never give up on finding love.

Ladies, we may get weary, but we will not faint. I am claiming that this is my year for change (Engagement, marriage..) and that God's will is done in my life. This thread is so encouraging. :heart2:
Yes to the bolded you and me both:yep:.2011
What an inspiring thread. Congratulations to the ladies who have found love. Just goes to show you that whatever you are going through; there are others going through the same thing.
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Wow....thanks so much for this thread Glib. I REALLY needed it today. :ohwell:

Thanks also to the ladies and your positive encouraging stories! They really give me hope to continue to enjoy my singleness (while I still can :giggle:) and just continue to have a POSITIVE, upbeat outlook for the future, and keep in mind that I WILL meet that "special someone"...who knows...maybe THIS year! :woot: :yay:

I'm keeping my spirit happy, and my outlook positive. :grin: :grin:
This is a co-worker's story--

She turned 34 in November 2010, and she wanted to get married. She was praying, and really just putting in out for the world to know that she was ready for that next step in her life. She's a patent attorney, and within a week after her birthday, the firm put her on a project with another male, patent attorney. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Well, she never met "Mike" they only talked over the phone. One day, during their phone conversation, she asked him to be her date to a charity black tie event we (me & her other friends) were going to attend. And, he says yes, they go out, and he's absolutely wonderful, and kind and patient. He's also about six years older than she is, and looks like Anderson Cooper to me. They discovered they had so much in common, like their relationship with God, familY goals, charity work...etc...
He propsed last month. The wedding is in July.
Beautiful story. This proves it doesn't take a long time to marry when it's the right guy.

Gosh, me and your friend share the same age and birthdate. Crossing fingers my guy is around the corner....:grin:

This is a co-worker's story--

She turned 34 in November 2010, and she wanted to get married. She was praying, and really just putting in out for the world to know that she was ready for that next step in her life. She's a patent attorney, and within a week after her birthday, the firm put her on a project with another male, patent attorney. I'm sure you can see where this is going. Well, she never met "Mike" they only talked over the phone. One day, during their phone conversation, she asked him to be her date to a charity black tie event we (me & her other friends) were going to attend. And, he says yes, they go out, and he's absolutely wonderful, and kind and patient. He's also about six years older than she is, and looks like Anderson Cooper to me. They discovered they had so much in common, like their relationship with God, familY goals, charity work...etc...
He propsed last month. The wedding is in July.
I searched for this thread. I will now subscribe. Ladies keep the stories coming please.
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So true ladies.

Met FH in May 2010 he asked to marry me in Nov 2010. We are getting married in a few months! Yay!
I know I'm a little late, but I too am living proof that things can change literally in an instant! :lachen: I got out of a horrible 3.5 year relationship with my ex and within a couple of months time I met my now-DH. I got pregnant 6 months later :look: with a marriage that followed shortly after. So yeah, it can definitely happen. :yep:
Thank you so much for this thread. I waited a long time for the wrong man and I am so hopeful now reading everyone's stories. This is confirmation of what I heard in prayers.

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I know I'm a little late, but I too am living proof that things can change literally in an instant! :lachen: I got out of a horrible 3.5 year relationship with my ex and within a couple of months time I met my now-DH. I got pregnant 6 months later :look: with a marriage that followed shortly after. So yeah, it can definitely happen. :yep:

Wow good for you! Have you run into the ex since the marriage and new baby? I would've LOVED to see his face once he found out you were married and had a baby :yep:.
This time last year, I officially ended my 13 year marriage ( it was over long before I left). The ex was verbally abusive among other things.

After several sessions of counseling ( I wanted to make sure my emotional baggage was minimal), I signed up for e Harmony and met a really nice guy. We have been dating for 6 months. I don't know what this relationship will lead to but I am grateful that I decided to open my heart to new possibilities.

A whole lot has changed positively changed for me in one year.:yep:
I am also living proof of this as well I just turned 31...Last year (March) I met a wonderful man at work. We went for dinner at the end of that same month which is when we started dating. We had a wedding last summer and we had a beautiful baby boy 7 weeks ago. My co-workers were like Dammmn girl u dont waste no time!lol I tell them "U know what... I'm happy and I would not do anything differently!! Please don't be discouraged...things can definitely change before u know it!!
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