When a Woman Loves Her Man - "Spin-off" When a Man Loves a Woman


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Okay, here it is. A spin-off thread from 'When a Man Loves a woman.

So Angels, what are the special things that you as a woman do to express your love for your 'Sweetheart'? The 'little' things, to let him know he's very special and singled out.

I have several to share and I will be back and forth in this thread to post them. But I will start here...

Whenever I do something 'special' for him, it has to be 'good enough'. It can't be just 'so-so'. There has to be a special presentation to make him feel on top of the world. Sooooo,

-- I baked his favorite cookies and mailed them to him...BUT the package was labeled with his name on it; for they were, "His Cookies". ;)

Everything I do has to be personalized and/or something that I have made just for him. I'm making a 'statement' by this which says, this was created for no one else but you. ;)

I'll be back to share more... ;)
I prepare all his food plates because he says he can't do it like me and it taste better when I do it :perplexed

When he call to let me know he on his way home I put his juice in the freezer and when he's made it to town I heat his plate and have it waiting on the table for him when he walks in the door, all he has to do is sit down to eat.

When he mentions that he has a taste for whatever I prepare it.

I don't talk about his mother anymore

I don't talk about his sister anymore

I let my hair down when I get home because he loves to touch and smell it.
dlewis said:
I prepare all his food plates because he says he can't do it like me and it taste better when I do it :perplexed

When he call to let me know he on his way home I put his juice in the freezer and when he's made it to town I heat his plate and have it waiting on the table for him when he walks in the door, all he has to do is sit down to eat.

When he mentions that he has a taste for whatever I prepare it.

I don't talk about his mother anymore

I don't talk about his sister anymore

I let my hair down when I get home because he loves to touch and smell it.

Lady D, the juice in the freezer is my favorite of all. And don't think for one minute that I will not use this when the time comes. I love :love: this.

I know some may wonder why I am so hyped about the 'juice in the freezer' but it is a statement of 'knowing' the one you love and what he likes and you then do it for him out of love.

I have such a beautiful vision of you as his loving wife, preparing for his arrival home from a long and crueling day-into-night work grind. "And all he has to do, is come home and eat" and just forget about the stress; for you have placed the stress on lock down away from him.

"Honey, here's your juice..." :kiss:

Lady D, I love it. ;)
I think that's the least I could do, he drives 1 hour 20 mins to work and 1 hour 20 mins back just to provide for us. Every loving relationship should be about trying to out give one another not just take take and take. That goes for mates, family and friends. I love to give, I get a lot of enjoyment out of it.
dlewis said:
I think that's the least I could do, he drives 1 hour 20 mins to work and 1 hour 20 mins back just to provide for us. Every loving relationship should be about trying to out give one another not just take take and take. That goes for mates, family and friends. I love to give, I get a lot of enjoyment out of it.

I 'hear' you on this. And this is the way I grew up; watching the men in our family work hours on end; long commutes; and the women in my family always had the warm plate in the oven covered in foil (;)). And a large glass of iced tea in the refridgerator waiting for them.

Lady D, they'd come home from work so tired; only to have to get up again before dawn and start the whole work cycle again and again 6 (sometimes 7) days a week.

How can we not love our men? God tells us our men that they are to 'dwell with their wives according to knowledge." So likewise with the wives to dwell with their husbands according to knowledge. Hence, his juice in the freezer.

That's my motto....;)
Awww, another sweet thread! :kiss:

I ask DH what he has a taste for before I go grocery shopping and plan at least half of the weeks menus around things he wants to eat.

When he comes home, after the boys haver ambushed him and he's sitting on the couch, I take his shoes off for him and bring him some clean socks.

I always get a few Cd's he might want to try when I place an order at Amazon or Overstock.

I bake super dense chocolate cakes for him (that's his favorite) and then email him with "Chocolate cake in bed tonight!" :lol:

I keep the boys out of his studio/office when he's playing guitar.

If I'm working at home I touch up my lip gloss and fix my hair a little before he gets home. I have his dinner waiting for him when he gets here.

He likes Pepsi and I like Coke but I keep his little fridge in his office stocked with Pepsi.

I wear outfits he likes.

I plan fun "date nights" for us and try to surprise him.

There's this thing I do with my... ooops, this is a clean thread right?;)
:clap: I love it.

Let's see, I do a lot of things for him...

I bake brownies for him 2-3 times/month. He LOVES my brownies so I like surprising him with a pan when he comes off the road. He also loves my lasagna and meatloaf so I prepare full dinners for him on Sunday evenings after church.

I buy socks and underwear for him because he never seems to have enough. :lol:

I buy moisturizer for his hair...he says I know best since I'm on the "long hair don't care" board. :lol:

I go to his house and clean it so it'll be spick and span when he returns from out of town.

I buy him Cubs items since that's his favorite team.

I buy him accessories for his laptop and PC.

I listen to his concerns and thoughts and offer gentle guidance when appropriate.

I pray for him and traveling graces while he's on the road.

I give him "Our Daily Bread" every month because he likes to read them.

I iron his clothes for church on Saturday nights when I'm preparing mine.

I buy him games for his PSP.

He likes my hair when it's down and curly so I wear that way when we go out on "dates".

I give him cards all the time and write thoughtful e-mails throughout the day.

I tell him that I'm his personal cheerleader, and that I'm always there for him when he needs me.

There are so many things I do...and so many things he does...it's nice to have healthy reciprocity and balance in place. :yep: I haven't always had that in relationships, and it's refreshing.
Divine Inspiration said:
:naughty: :lol:

OT: Look at the pic on the right!!! :eek: Your hair is sooooo pretty! :yep:

Thank you!:D I hope it's not too much of a nudie, I cropped it a little on the side to get rid of my exposed breast and then on the bottom so my thong isn't showing. I'm trying to be good! :lol:

Awww, you buy him moisturizer! That's so sweet!
Nice thread Shimmie...:)

When he comes home from work after the children have had a chance to say hello, I sit on the couch and let him lay his head on my lap and he tells me about his day. (He likes to unwind for about 30 minutes and then we have dinner)

I put little notes in his work bag or in his car, just to tell him I love and appreciate him.

I buy him cards, and me and the children make him cards

I pray for him. His strength, soundness of mind, his safety.

I make sure our home has an atmosphere of Peace. It is his safe haven from the rest of the world. :)

I make him a bag of healthy snacks to take to work each day and I usually put a little note in there.

I listen...give him my undivided attention. This is important to him. :)

I encourage and support him. I believe in him, and I know he can accomplish anything he puts his mind to.

I just try to be the best wife I can for him. :)
These really are very cool threads.

I cook dinner for him everynight - no boxes, no frozen stuff. I cook everything from scratch because he says it spoils him and makes everything taste better. Before we married, he was a frozen, take-out, whatever for a meal kind of guy most of the time - no more.

We take showers together, and I wash him. I love the look of bliss when I wash his hair.

He stands a lot during, and his legs get tired and tight. At night, before I go to bed, I massage his legs for him after the shower.

When I shop, I always buy him a something - sometimes, big, sometimes little, but always a gift.

When I make his lunch, I leave little thinking of you/I love you notes.

I iron his shirts (which is a big deal because I am not an ironing kind of person), and I do his laundry.

I give him manicures and pedicures.

On weekends, I make sure he can sleep in and have his coffee ready when he awakens. Often he gets breakfast in bed on Saturdays.

I tell him that I love him.

I make sure our sex life is fulfilling for him.

I talk to him about interesting topics, current events, books, etc.

I listen to him when he is speaking and when he is not, I pay attention to his needs.

When he is working around the house or just hanging out, I make him iced tea and notice when his glass is almost empty and refill it.

I am accepting and respectful of him.
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camellia said:
Awww, another sweet thread! :kiss:

I ask DH what he has a taste for before I go grocery shopping and plan at least half of the weeks menus around things he wants to eat.

When he comes home, after the boys haver ambushed him and he's sitting on the couch, I take his shoes off for him and bring him some clean socks.

I always get a few Cd's he might want to try when I place an order at Amazon or Overstock.

I bake super dense chocolate cakes for him (that's his favorite) and then email him with "Chocolate cake in bed tonight!" :lol:

I keep the boys out of his studio/office when he's playing guitar.

If I'm working at home I touch up my lip gloss and fix my hair a little before he gets home. I have his dinner waiting for him when he gets here.

He likes Pepsi and I like Coke but I keep his little fridge in his office stocked with Pepsi.

I wear outfits he likes.

I plan fun "date nights" for us and try to surprise him.

There's this thing I do with my... ooops, this is a clean thread right?;)
:lol: I love it. The chocolate cake; the Pepsi stocked in his fridge; his quiet time with his guitar so he and release the stress of the day through his music.

Cami, both you and Lady D (dlewis) are such an encouragement when you share about your marriages. You make marriage a 'normal' part of life. It means alot to all of us here. It's taught me to 'trust' again.

Thanks so much for being a blessing with and for us. :kiss:

And as for the ooops... it's adorable and very clean. :yep: :up:

As a Belly Dancer, can you imagine how many 'oops' I will have to show my sweetie? He has a birthday coming soon....ooops! :lol: However, I'll be a perfect lady and on stage.
newflowers said:
These really are very cool threads.

I cook dinner for him everynight - no boxes, no frozen stuff. I cook everything from scratch because he says it spoils him and makes everything taste better. Before we married, he was a frozen, take-out, whatever for a meal kind of guy most of the time - no more.

We take showers together, and I wash him. I love the look of bliss when I wash his hair.

He stands a lot during, and his legs get tired and tight. At night, before I go to bed, I massage his legs for him after the shower.

When I shop, I always buy him a something - sometimes, big, sometimes little, but always a gift.

When I make his lunch, I leave little thinking of you/I love you notes.

I iron his shirts (which is a big deal because I am not an ironing kind of person), and I do his laundry.

I give him manicures and pedicures.

On weekends, I make sure he can sleep in and have his coffee ready when he awakens. Often he gets breakfast in bed on Saturdays.

I tell him that I love him.

I make sure our sex life is fulfilling for him.

I talk to him about interesting topics, current events, books, etc.

I listen to him when he is speaking and when he is not, I pay attention to his needs.

When he is working around the house or just hanging out, I make him iced tea and notice when his glass is almost empty and refill it.

I am accepting and respectful of him.
Newflowers = giving new life each day to your husband.

Newflowers, may I offer this? Massage his legs with a sugar or sea salt scrub. The granules of the scrubs will invigorate his circulation in his feet and legs. BUT....guess what else? The oil in the scrub will make his skin feel like butter when you rinse him down with warm water.

Give his whole body a scrub, especially his back. It will be Heaven to his spine.

God bless you and your husband... ;).
Mom23 said:
Nice thread Shimmie...:)

When he comes home from work after the children have had a chance to say hello, I sit on the couch and let him lay his head on my lap and he tells me about his day. (He likes to unwind for about 30 minutes and then we have dinner)

I put little notes in his work bag or in his car, just to tell him I love and appreciate him.

I buy him cards, and me and the children make him cards

I pray for him. His strength, soundness of mind, his safety.

I make sure our home has an atmosphere of Peace. It is his safe haven from the rest of the world. :)

I make him a bag of healthy snacks to take to work each day and I usually put a little note in there.

I listen...give him my undivided attention. This is important to him. :)

I encourage and support him. I believe in him, and I know he can accomplish anything he puts his mind to.

I just try to be the best wife I can for him. :)
You are beyond the best wife you can be and the number one thing that a man needs is a wife who believes in him.

They get whipped enough by the world outside and the thing that keeps him going when he feels he can't go another moment is 'you' and in his heart, he cries tears of joy..."she believes in me..."

Nothing else can 'whip' him knowing that...nothing. "You believe in him.'
camellia said:
Thank you!:D I hope it's not too much of a nudie, I cropped it a little on the side to get rid of my exposed breast and then on the bottom so my thong isn't showing. I'm trying to be good! :lol:

Awww, you buy him moisturizer! That's so sweet!
Cami, your pictures are beautiful and when I grow up, I want long hair past my ankles just like you. By the time my hair reaches my 'bottom', yours will be at your ankles. :lol:

Also you have a beautiful family. And I sincerely wish you God's blessings on each of you.
Divine Inspiration said:
:clap: I love it.

Let's see, I do a lot of things for him...

I bake brownies for him 2-3 times/month. He LOVES my brownies so I like surprising him with a pan when he comes off the road. He also loves my lasagna and meatloaf so I prepare full dinners for him on Sunday evenings after church.

I buy socks and underwear for him because he never seems to have enough. :lol:

I buy moisturizer for his hair...he says I know best since I'm on the "long hair don't care" board. :lol:

I go to his house and clean it so it'll be spick and span when he returns from out of town.

I buy him Cubs items since that's his favorite team.

I buy him accessories for his laptop and PC.

I listen to his concerns and thoughts and offer gentle guidance when appropriate.

I pray for him and traveling graces while he's on the road.

I give him "Our Daily Bread" every month because he likes to read them.

I iron his clothes for church on Saturday nights when I'm preparing mine.

I buy him games for his PSP.

He likes my hair when it's down and curly so I wear that way when we go out on "dates".

I give him cards all the time and write thoughtful e-mails throughout the day.

I tell him that I'm his personal cheerleader, and that I'm always there for him when he needs me.

There are so many things I do...and so many things he does...it's nice to have healthy reciprocity and balance in place. :yep: I haven't always had that in relationships, and it's refreshing.

This is beautiful "DI". I love the Reciprocity, Balance and that's it's all in place...the right place.

Who needs "Perrier"... ;).

Blessings Sweet Sister...
This afternoon, I discovered a 'text' message from my Sweetheart, that I had missed on my way to work. It said this...

"I miss my Sunshine"....

Through all of the noise enroute to work, I missed his message. I just wrote this 'for him' and Ladies please feel free to print it out if you like. I hope it ministers to your heart too. ;).

"To Love Him"

It means simply that...to love him
Loving him in the ways you have learned him...
In the ways, he's loved you too.

Loving him even on those days,
when he's made it a challenge to.

But doesn't he love me...still
through all the times I've challenged his will?

To love him and to do so without shame
Not caring what others may think
for his heart is not a game.

To him each day I will say...
I love loving you, sweet man
and I am here with you to stay.

To Love Him...
makes me more of the woman I am
in love...

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Shimmie said:
Cami, your pictures are beautiful and when I grow up, I want long hair past my ankles just like you. By the time my hair reaches my 'bottom', yours will be at your ankles. :lol:

Also you have a beautiful family. And I sincerely wish you God's blessings on each of you.

You know, Shimmie, after the whining and tantrum from the 2 year old in Target this evening it means a lot to have someone think I have a nice family. I was "this" close to leaving him there by those darn Spiderman toys.:lol: Thank you!
Hidden_Angel said:
I love your courset! I wish i have some boobs so I can wear a sexy top like that..

Oh that's not a corset, but thanks! :) It's actually a really old Lip Service dress. I forgot I owned it until I was cleaning out the closet in the basement.:p
camellia said:
Oh that's not a corset, but thanks! :) It's actually a really old Lip Service dress. I forgot I owned it until I was cleaning out the closet in the basement.:p

Haha, oh! but stil very cute :) I like it...
camellia said:
Thank you!:D I hope it's not too much of a nudie, I cropped it a little on the side to get rid of my exposed breast and then on the bottom so my thong isn't showing. I'm trying to be good! :lol:

Awww, you buy him moisturizer! That's so sweet!

No, I think the beauty of it is being able to see it up against your skin. It's beautiful!

Shimmie said:
"To Love Him"

It means simply that...to love him
Loving him in the ways you have learned him...
In the ways, he's loved you too.

Loving him even on those days,
when he's made it a challenge to.

But doesn't he love me...still
through all the times I've challenged his will?

To love him and to do so without shame
Not caring what others may think
for his heart is not a game.

To him each day I will say...
I love loving you, sweet man
and I am here with you to stay.

To Love Him...
makes me more of the woman I am
in love...

Shimmie, this is beautiful. You're so romantic. :)
This is a great thread! I'm taking notes! And Camellia, I love your new pictures.:D

For my hubby, I call and bug him all day. He likes to pretend he's annoyed, but I know he loves it because it shows him how much I miss him.

Even though I'm always on him about drinking water, I still buy him A&W Cream Soda every time I go to the store because I know it's his favorite drink.

I fix his plate every night.

I fold his laundry with extra special care. Before me, he lived out of laundry baskets, but now, he loves having his underwear and Tshirts and whatnot all folded and in their rightful places.

I'm always on point when I'm with him. He takes great pride in the fact that I take care of myself and that I feel very strongly about how I represent myself and our family.

I pray for him.

I give him space when he wants to be left alone. It took me a couple of years to realize that it wasn't personal...men need me-time too.

I cook his favorite meal...spaghetti...every Monday and make sure the kids are in bed so he can eat and watch his favorite show...24.

I buy him little things he likes, like lip balm, facial scrub, shea butter for his hair, and lotion that doesn't smell like flowers.:lol:

I challenge him, lovingly.
lauren450 said:
I cook his favorite meal...spaghetti...every Monday and make sure the kids are in bed so he can eat and watch his favorite show...24.

I buy him little things he likes, like lip balm, facial scrub, shea butter for his hair, and lotion that doesn't smell like flowers.:lol:

:lol: Your husband and my SO must be distant relatives...my SO LOVES 24 and pasta and hates anything that "vaginifies" him (his word for anything that smells/is feminine).

Now tell me, Oh wise one, how did you get him to use facial scrub? I've been trying to get SO to improve his skin care regimen, but he's not keeping up with it. Any advice?
Wow! Thanks for another nice, POSITIVE thread, Shimmie. :yep: I love to read what you all do for your men. You all are some caring, thoughtful women. Here's what I do for DH:

  1. I iron the sheets with lavender water. It helps DH's insomnia.
  2. I collect hot sauces for DH when I travel for business.
  3. I fix his plate when we are at my family's gatherings. (With my people, you snooze you lose!)
  4. I collected his late mother's recipes and bound them in a book. Once a month I make one of his childhood favorites.
  5. The most important thing to him: DH & I are Baptist, but to honor his father and late mother, we celebrate Russian Christmas in addition to "regular Christmas" every year (Their Christmas eve is on our twelfth night). His father and cousins come down from Pennsylvania and I prepare Holy Supper - a 12-course meal with one course for each of the 12 Apostles. My husband was so happy that I learned to do this. I use his grandmother's recipes, but I add a 'lil soul food influence to represent MY family's heritage. I love to see DH's look of pride when his father praises the meal and toasts the cook.
just_DSP said:
Wow! Thanks for another nice, POSITIVE thread, Shimmie. :yep: I love to read what you all do for your men. You all are some caring, thoughtful women. Here's what I do for DH:

  1. I iron the sheets with lavender water. It helps DH's insomnia.
  2. I collect hot sauces for DH when I travel for business.
  3. I fix his plate when we are at my family's gatherings. (With my people, you snooze you lose!)
  4. I collected his late mother's recipes and bound them in a book. Once a month I make one of his childhood favorites.
  5. The most important thing to him: DH & I are Baptist, but to honor his father and late mother, we celebrate Russian Christmas in addition to "regular Christmas" every year (Their Christmas eve is on our twelfth night). His father and cousins come down from Pennsylvania and I prepare Holy Supper - a 12-course meal with one course for each of the 12 Apostles. My husband was so happy that I learned to do this. I use his grandmother's recipes, but I add a 'lil soul food influence to represent MY family's heritage. I love to see DH's look of pride when his father praises the meal and toasts the cook.

That's so wonderful.