When a Woman Loves Her Man - "Spin-off" When a Man Loves a Woman

just_DSP said:
Wow! Thanks for another nice, POSITIVE thread, Shimmie. :yep: I love to read what you all do for your men. You all are some caring, thoughtful women. Here's what I do for DH:
  1. I iron the sheets with lavender water. It helps DH's insomnia.
  2. I collect hot sauces for DH when I travel for business.
  3. I fix his plate when we are at my family's gatherings. (With my people, you snooze you lose!)
  4. I collected his late mother's recipes and bound them in a book. Once a month I make one of his childhood favorites.
  5. The most important thing to him: DH & I are Baptist, but to honor his father and late mother, we celebrate Russian Christmas in addition to "regular Christmas" every year (Their Christmas eve is on our twelfth night). His father and cousins come down from Pennsylvania and I prepare Holy Supper - a 12-course meal with one course for each of the 12 Apostles. My husband was so happy that I learned to do this. I use his grandmother's recipes, but I add a 'lil soul food influence to represent MY family's heritage. I love to see DH's look of pride when his father praises the meal and toasts the cook.
You know what's beautiful about this? You're in tune to loving him. For instance, when you 'chose' to honor his parents, you kept his loving memories of his mother alive for each of you and the Holy Supper says something else about you...

Here goes: It doesn't make any difference about the 'difference'. Their traditions are your traditions and it's a beautiful and Holy blend...

God bless you for always...you, your husband...your family. :kiss:
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Shimmie said:
[/list]You know what's beautiful about this? You're in tune to loving him. For instance, when you 'chose' to honor his parents, you kept his loving memories of his mother alive for each of you and the Holy Supper says something else about you...

Here goes: It doesn't make any difference about the 'difference'. They traditions are your traditions and it's a beautiful and Holy blend...

God bless you for always...you, your husband...your family. :kiss:

Aw, you are making me cry. Thank you! :kiss:
lauren450 said:
This is a great thread! I'm taking notes! And Camellia, I love your new pictures.:D

For my hubby, I call and bug him all day. He likes to pretend he's annoyed, but I know he loves it because it shows him how much I miss him.

Even though I'm always on him about drinking water, I still buy him A&W Cream Soda every time I go to the store because I know it's his favorite drink.

I fix his plate every night.

I fold his laundry with extra special care. Before me, he lived out of laundry baskets, but now, he loves having his underwear and Tshirts and whatnot all folded and in their rightful places.

I'm always on point when I'm with him. He takes great pride in the fact that I take care of myself and that I feel very strongly about how I represent myself and our family.

I pray for him.

I give him space when he wants to be left alone. It took me a couple of years to realize that it wasn't personal...men need me-time too.

I cook his favorite meal...spaghetti...every Monday and make sure the kids are in bed so he can eat and watch his favorite show...24.

I buy him little things he likes, like lip balm, facial scrub, shea butter for his hair, and lotion that doesn't smell like flowers.:lol:

I challenge him, lovingly.
Lauren this is beautiful...;)

I love that you make him spagetti and than allow him his 'he' time. The water and the love 'cream soda'... now that's love :yep: Because what he is feeling is 'she loves me and let's me do this.'

Men see no harm in the unhealthy things they do, they're men. They are rough and tough and can handle anything 'harmful' except a paper cut :look:, yet when you allow his cream soda it makes his day.

Blessings on both of you and your beautiful babies...;)
just_DSP said:
Aw, you are making me cry. Thank you! :kiss:
You've shown that no one's difference of our culture's are greater than the other, yet you have made them to feel that their difference has a high calling in your heart. That's pure humility. Something I've yet to learn.

The whole purpose of marriage is love and blending all that there is about us into 'one', no longer two, no longer separate cultures. We honor maintain who we are and yet celebrate the differences of each other. All of us are important, none is greater than the other.

-- Sometimes it means a Rich 'Triple' Chocolate Blend (Yum... ;) )

-- Sometimes a Mocha Latte (Delicious) ;)

-- or even White Chocolate (Emoilent - richly smooth) ;)

Either way, as long as 'whom God hath joined together, let no man put assunder ... allow no man to separate.

In Ephesians 2..."we have been fitly joined together and bought nigh unto one another by our precious Lord and sealed in His covenant of love and protection..."
camellia said:
You know, Shimmie, after the whining and tantrum from the 2 year old in Target this evening it means a lot to have someone think I have a nice family. I was "this" close to leaving him there by those darn Spiderman toys.:lol: Thank you!
Cami, I've been there...but it was for a box of cereral (Lucky Charms) :lol:

He's still alive, he made it to adulthood, but it was a close call. :look:

'We' Mommies still love our 'babies', even when the store has an item that trumps us.
I pray for him and with him.

I remind him that he is a child of God and that nothing can come against that.

When he is sick, I am there for him.

I go to Phillies games with him and pretend to understand what an RBI is :)

When he picks the batting cages for our date, I put my tennis shoes on and pick up the bat!

I talk to his mother all the time on the phone (yes, I consider that "doing something" for him! :lol: )

When I go to Starbucks and get my latte, I pick up a Chocolate Chip Cookie for him :) And when I've taken a few sips of my steaming hot White Chocolate Mocha and he's looking at my with those eyes, I give it to him to drink saying "oh you have it, I've had enough!" :rolleyes:

I actually listen to him and am his friend.

I plan adventures for us that he wouldn't think of :p
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Ladies, I thought you'd like this. I love 'creating' cyber events for him.

Just this past winter he got really, really sick with a horrible bug. Being long distance, I wasn't able to be with him. so during the course of his recovery, I fixed him a Cyber lunch via email.

Here goes...I just pulled this email that I sent him from my sent files. ;)


I'm giving you the following vitamins: CoQ10 -150 mgs.; Vit C - 1000 Vit E 800 and B Complex.

Followed by:

A cup of warm 'Lemon Ginger' tea with honey and some extra lemon. (It's good for you...the ginger, honey and the lemon). You even have your own personalized coffee mug. (Yes, you do).

A small bowl of Chicken soup with curley noodles, small carrots, a little bit of crushed red pepper (just a little to give your immune systmem a boost).

A Turkey Club Sandwich with the bread 'grill-toasted' first with Soy Butter (100% Vegan). A spicy soy mayo (from Trader Joe's --Hmmm yum) is spread on the grill-toast.

Your Club Sandwich has layers of real fresh roasted Turkey (not processed lunch meat), Turkey Bacon; thinly sliced tomatoes, thinly shredded lettuce, a mix of extra-fine shredded onions, carrots (good for your immunity) and if you like, slices of your favorite cheese.

Take your time, Sweetheart. Eat and enjoy. Enjoy the 'Cosby' reruns on the video I've included. These are the episodes of his show that came after the original series. I taped them all.

Dessert: "Jello" Pudding. Your favorite flavor.

And a tall glass of Iced Tea...your favorite blend.

Since then, I've been keeping him well stocked on vitamins, introducing him to new supplements such as the benefits of Wheat Grass, and other Health items. He may be the 'big man', but he's still my baby... ;)

Now when he arrives in person, he'll get to have this for real. :yep: I have another meal that I 'sent' him as well. Homemade crabcakes. I have to look this one up in my email for you.
Here's the menu for his birthday surprise (coming soon)

(Yes, I'm making it all homemade...from scratch). :yep:

Crab Cake a' la' "His"
[FONT=times new roman,serif]​

[FONT=times new roman,serif]by his "Shimmie"[/FONT]​

Butter Braised Julienne Carrots Strips

Fresh Watermelon Cubes Sprinkled with Blueberries
and Juicy Pomagranted Seeds

Iced Green Tea Topped with Honey Sweetened Lemonade Slush

Soft Butter Mints
~~~ ~~ ~~~

Homemade Chocolate Birthday Cake

Decorated with tiny flowers and surrounded by silk rose petals

Topped with Gold Birthday Candles

For a Very Sweet & Handsome Man


[FONT=times new roman,serif]"Love" Notes: [/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,serif][/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,serif]Crabcake a' la "His": Served on a fresh softly toasted 'potato roll', a[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,serif] large (quarter pound) crab cake home prepared with fresh lump crabmeat from Wegman's; [/FONT][FONT=times new roman,serif]broiled in soy butter (not fried) seasoned to perfection. The roll is seasoned with spicy mayo topped with shredded lettuce, tiny diced tomatoes and garnished with very finely cut julienne carrots. [/FONT]​

Butter Braised Julienne Carrots: Finely cut julienne carrot strips lightly cooked in soy based butter, lightly seasoned with a touch of honey and garnished with parsley leaves.

Watermelon Refresher: Watermelon cut in small cubes arranged in glass compote sprinkled with fresh blueberrires and the juice coated seeds of fresh pomagranted fruit. Very Yum! and very healthy. All three of these fruits are heart healthy and needed daily in our diets.

Ice Green Tea with Lemonade Slush: My created speciality half-n-half for this Ice Tea lover. Green tea sweetened with pure honey (or raw sugar). Honey sweetened lemonade frozen into iced cubes which are then crushed in blender into a slush. It is then added to a 'special' tall glass of cold green tea. Sipped with a straw and a fresh strawberry awaits in the bottom of the glass.

The Birthday Cake: Homemade yellow cake made with real butter/natural sugar and natural flavoring. Homemade chocolate icing, rich smooth butter cream...
Divine Inspiration said:
Word! Me and BF are going to the cages Monday. :lol:

Shimmie, I am so stealing those recipes!!! :)

Help yourself. I have more to share. I have a journal that I created just for him and each time I learn something about him, I note it and then God just 'expands' the plan.

Check this out:

We both love much of the same music. I've been noting his favorites and I found this beautiful photo album and each page will have a single CD of each song with a specially designed label.

But here's the surprise: I also have a different 'Dance' created for each song as well. Each Dance is tastefully choreographed. (Because of our 'faith') I have to emphasize this about my dancing when I'm writing publicly, as I do not wish for anyone to think 'otherwise'... :rolleyes: :lol:

I really have nothing to hide :sekret: Hmmmmm, :scratchch: Nawwww, I'm still a good girl... :blush: :yep:

Enjoy the recipes. I'll also share the health food ideas as well.
cupcake said:
I pray for him and with him.

I remind him that he is a child of God and that nothing can come against that.

When he is sick, I am there for him.

I go to Phillies games with him and pretend to understand what an RBI is :)

When he picks the batting cages for our date, I put my tennis shoes on and pick up the bat!

I talk to his mother all the time on the phone (yes, I consider that "doing something" for him! :lol: )

When I go to Starbucks and get my latte, I pick up a Chocolate Chip Cookie for him :) And when I've taken a few sips of my steaming hot White Chocolate Mocha and he's looking at my with those eyes, I give it to him to drink saying "oh you have it, I've had enough!" :rolleyes:

I actually listen to him and am his friend.

I plan adventures for us that he wouldn't think of :p

Cupcake, I love the prayers that all of you beautiful ladies share for your men.

I love praying for each time I do, I become closer to the heart of God and further from the 'flesh' of me and I'm more yielded to what the Lord and my Sweetheart are really feeling deep inside.

NOW...as for sports, I'll have to learn how to 'enjoy' what I don't understand. I don't know nothing about sports except ...., Gee whiz, I don't even know what the 'except' is either.... :confused: :confused: :lol:

Cupcake, you are the perfect size in dessert for your husband; even more, it is your sweet loving spirit that 'keeps' him each moment of each day.

I wish you all of the richest moments and Dreams come true, for always.
Things that I've done in the past are:

-Make him CDs with all the songs that describe how I feel about him.

-If I hear him mention something he wants, I pick it up for him. (i.e. 1 guy I used to day constantly complained about losing a CD that he loved. I bought him a new one).

-When my ex used to come home for the weekends, I always made sure the house was clean, he had clean clothes and well stocked fridge with food and his favorite beer.

-He loved my coffee so I always made it for him, put the cream in and all.

-After weeks of rocking a raggedy ponytail and sweatpants when he came home, one weekend I actually took the time to curl my hair and put on some lingerie and heels.

- I sent one ex roses to his job (we worked together and this is was before we were a real couple), but with no name let him wonder all day who they came from. Then surprised him by telling him they were from me.

- I'm always my man's biggest cheerleader and supporter, even if I think some of his ideas are a little far fetched.

- Maintain a good relationship with those close to him, whether it's family or friends. I never want my man to feel like he can't bring me around his people, even if I disliked them. I hated my ex's brother with a passion but I told him "I love you more than I dislike him, so I will always be civil. I'd never put you in a position where you feel like you can't be around both of us at the same time".
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