what would you do? stay or leave

thanks for the responses ladies, i believe that everyone of you is absolutely correct and that I'm being blinded by "love" and hope.

he's called me about 20 times now and i haven't answered any. its pathetic the voicemails he leaves, it all sounds so scripted with no remorse "you havent calmed down yet?" "its new years, new things" "im sorry answer my calls" can ya'll believe he said i'm making it harder on myself for not answering his calls smh...

damn i hate starting over. lost contact with a lot of my guy friends cuz he would always acuse me of cheating >.< i have no true female friends :( nothing to do but focus on school again i guess and just keep making that paper... for ME.

thanks again everyone, happy new years :wallbash: :sad:
You are 19yrs old.You have only been with him for a year.That may seem like a long time but really its not.Be happy you don't have any kids by him and cut your loses and please move on.
Crackheads sell your christmas presents.And he stole from you?:nono:
You don't want to be 27 with this same story adding on two kids with you waiting by the phone for him to call you from jail.
thanks for the responses ladies, i believe that everyone of you is absolutely correct and that I'm being blinded by "love" and hope.

he's called me about 20 times now and i haven't answered any. its pathetic the voicemails he leaves, it all sounds so scripted with no remorse "you havent calmed down yet?" "its new years, new things" "im sorry answer my calls" can ya'll believe he said i'm making it harder on myself for not answering his calls smh...

damn i hate starting over. lost contact with a lot of my guy friends cuz he would always acuse me of cheating >.< i have no true female friends :( nothing to do but focus on school again i guess and just keep making that paper... for ME.

thanks again everyone, happy new years :wallbash: :sad:

Well, this is a step in the right direction. Glad you're at least starting to listen and have stopped making excuses for this pitiful excuse for a man!

If EVERYBODY on this thread agrees that you need to leave, then guess what... it's probably a good sign that you need to leave! :)

You are 19yrs old.You have only been with him for a year.That may seem like a long time but really its not.Be happy you don't have any kids by him and cut your loses and please move on.
Crackheads sell your christmas presents.And he stole from you?:nono:
You don't want to be 27 with this same story adding on two kids with you waiting by the phone for him to call you from jail.

Seriously though! I guess I don't get it... I mean, we've all been young and made dumb mistakes, but I wouldn't even THINK of giving any more chances to a guy who flat out STOLE MY MONEY! I mean, come on... is it THAT hard out here that folks think they have to date crackhead thieves just because they were nice for two months????
only stay with him if you want to change your name to floormat, because that is what he is using you for. why should he get a job and keep it, do better in your relationship or man up at all if you continue to support him no matter what. you need to learn to love yourself. yes he has a problem but since you are staying there taking it, you have a problem as well, with yourself. i am not trying to be rude or anything. i mean this sincerely and i hope you get your heart and head together. let this person go. nothing you described is what i consider love.
only stay with him if you want to change your name to floormat, because that is what he is using you for. why should he get a job and keep it, do better in your relationship or man up at all if you continue to support him no matter what. you need to learn to love yourself. yes he has a problem but since you are staying there taking it, you have a problem as well, with yourself. i am not trying to be rude or anything. i mean this sincerely and i hope you get your heart and head together. let this person go. nothing you described is what i consider love.

...and let the church say Amen!
I've thought about that. its impossible to spend 8k in 2 months when you don't pay rent or any bills. but honestly i don't think so because i am with him nearly everyday, i don't see how he would have the time or ever seen him act like he was on any other drug.

he sold the psp i gave him for xmas
and the dreamcast i had in his house, (not his!!! specifically told him not to). he said "well its about 7yrs old and you dont play it"

the dreamcast selling ticked me off, so i cut his hair. he had braids, hair longer than mine and didnt flip out on me, which made me take him back that time...
He's selling your possessions, using up your money, stealing your money, you're cutting his hair.......:nono::nono: It is only going to get worse.

that's the thing that is bothering me. is it really about money?, i don't care that he doesn't have any or will get some. i just hate how he uses mine.

i love this guy, i really do. its just MY money is going down the toilet, while he sits and does nothing but enjoy it. all i want is for him to pay for his own **** and show a little appreciation. i guess i need to give a lot of background information on him so you guys can get a gist of what I'm dealing with
It's fine to love him. However, you have to also be smart. Why be with someone who you already know drags you down? How does that help you as a woman? How can you respect a man you do not trust? So what he cooks for you or tells you he loves you often.:perplexed Those things mean nothing when you are his personal money tree.

i constantly remind him that i am not happy with the way things currently are and he promises me better. i guess i am weak in believing that. Ive seen the better side of him and just really think it can come back. i do trust that he would pay me back, he has before in full.

everything went downhill when he lost his job (we worked at same place, its where i met him, he got fired the day after asking me to be his gf, yes the manager (jealous b) was out for me too, i got fired 2 months after) . this is when he starts borrowing money and stops catering to me.

every new job he got, he would call out then get fired for calling out... this is 3 jobs later...

its as if he gave up on life and just wants to smoke weed and have me by his side.

i dont want to fund this which is why he started selling things.

we sat down and talked one day, he really broke down and vented everything on his mind, and admitted he is depressed. he is mad that his mother "didnt support him enough" to succeed in life. how he's the only one in his family to complete high school and go to college. how when he was working he gave his family money but now that he's out, no one wants to help.

i do believe that story, ive met mostly all his family members and lets just say he turned out different...

but he has all the resources in the world to be what ever he wants, i keep telling him that he didnt and doesnt need his mom or family to support him. that its not all for nothing and to get over the past and move on.

its like, all he wants is handouts now, doesnt want to do anything for himself. he told me he's been working since he was 14 and is just tired so was taking a break (for a year?) , but that im right and its time to move on, this was 2 months ago. he did get a new job and quit it the next day... sigh.

it was today i found out he took money out my bag, i asked him about it and he said yea and its no big deal i shouldnt over react. ive since blocked his # from my cell and dont know how long i can last...
Crap, crap, crap! He has a better side? Big whoop! We all have good and evil within us. Yes, most people DECIDE which will be the dominant nature. His mother didn't support him? So frickin what!!! My parents didn't do certain things I wished they had. This is everyone's story, why, because no one is perfect. However, you look at the situation, dust your shoulders off and keep it moving.

i turned 19 in November, and have a really good job making some good money (T-mobile). i don't pay any rent or bills so i really don't need a man to provide for me

i just don't like providing for him... he actually treats me really good except for the fact that its draining my bank account. and that i now have to ask for the things he use to do willingly before

i feel like i'm paying to have a bf.
Draining your bank account, and don't forget stealing from you, is not treating you good. Treating you good is making you feel good about yourself and having the ability to be proud of the type of man he is. He may have potential, they all do, but wait until he accomplishes something to consider if you two should be together.

Change your number, leave this loser scrub alone. He may be coming into some money, but how much money will you be losing in the meantime? Who's to say he will even give you as much as you feel is right? He's shown himself to be untrustworthy with your own money, don't think that because it is his he is now going to handle it responsibly. In life it doesn't work that way.

Please listen to all the advice you've heard. He is not the last man on the earth. You will not be letting him down if you leave him. If he really loves you, breaking up could be a stimulus that is much needed.

It doesn't matter if he changes or not. You need to change and dump his lazy excuse making angry at folks dope smoking butt. Mind you this is coming from an ex on again off again weed loving and smoking ole scallywag. :lachen: Drop that boy like a hot potato and I ain't talking about for no darn week either. Any man that will accept all that your putting out is less than a man. Real men won't take a womans money and have some pride about that kinda of mess. I have a brother and cousin that use women so take heed. :look:

He took money outta your bag? Yikes you need to pepper spray his as or hit in the knees with a bat!

thanks for the responses ladies, i believe that everyone of you is absolutely correct and that I'm being blinded by "love" and hope.

he's called me about 20 times now and i haven't answered any. its pathetic the voicemails he leaves, it all sounds so scripted with no remorse "you havent calmed down yet?" "its new years, new things" "im sorry answer my calls" can ya'll believe he said i'm making it harder on myself for not answering his calls smh...

damn i hate starting over. lost contact with a lot of my guy friends cuz he would always acuse me of cheating >.< i have no true female friends :( nothing to do but focus on school again i guess and just keep making that paper... for ME.

thanks again everyone, happy new years :wallbash: :sad:
Think of it as an opportunity to get it right the next time. Learn from this expensive and painful lesson. Decide what you want for you and go get. Staying with him is settling and easy. It doesn't feel good but you already know what the problem is. Sometimes its scarier to learn something new than to get rid of the old problem. I promise you that starting over without him in your pockets is something you will not regret. After a while you will be asking yourself why you did not do it sooner.:yep::yep:
Am I in the twilight zone....
Even a DOG keeps coming back for free meals.
He's latched on to a good thing and you are SETTLING for scraps!! If you don't cut this in the bud NOW at the age of 19, you will be 60 and still doing the same things unless you learn from this. PLEASE leave this parasite alone.
thanks for the responses ladies, i believe that everyone of you is absolutely correct and that I'm being blinded by &quot;love&quot; and hope.

he's called me about 20 times now and i haven't answered any. its pathetic the voicemails he leaves, it all sounds so scripted with no remorse &quot;you havent calmed down yet?&quot; &quot;its new years, new things&quot; &quot;im sorry answer my calls&quot; can ya'll believe he said i'm making it harder on myself for not answering his calls smh...

damn i hate starting over. lost contact with a lot of my guy friends cuz he would always acuse me of cheating >.< i have no true female friends :( nothing to do but focus on school again i guess and just keep making that paper... for ME.

thanks again everyone, happy new years :wallbash: :sad:

Only good can come of this. It really will be OK. DON'T give into him again no matter what! And move forward into a better year.
This man is obviously on drugs. All the signs are there. Stealing, selling valuables, inability to keep a job, lack of motivation, personality change...you get the idea.

You say that you are around him all day, but if you work, there are at least 8 hours a day that you and him are seperated. This is plenty of time to purchase and use drugs. Plus you all are not attached at the hip. He uses the bathroom alone (Plenty of time to do drugs), showers alone (Yes, drug addicts do drug in the shower, if they even shower)...I think I'm making myself clear.

So my advice is to snap out of your denial, and dump the crackhead!
He sounds like an addict.
You need to move out of that house/apt/whatever. Tell him you're leaving because you know he's stealing from you and you think he may be doing drugs. You can tell him you love him if you want, but get gone and let him get the help he needs.
Co-sign on what all the ladies have said. The best thing you can do for him is suggest rehab, and over the phone because he sounds like he may not be winded tight.

Most guys, even the worst abusers start off nice and sweet. Unless they're crazy the first date doesnt end with a bloody nose-they wait until you've fallen for them in a sense. You didnt say he was abusive but he is stealing and lying (some things just dont make sense-where did 8K go, seriously?), the disrespect is overwhelming as well, selling a Christmas gift, invading your purse like its his right, calling you up like you need him?! Chile Boo! As for him not cheating and accusing you....you sure you know what he's doing while you're at work and he isnt? With this guy there is just no telling.
i turned 19 in November, and have a really good job making some good money (T-mobile). i don't pay any rent or bills so i really don't need a man to provide for me

i just don't like providing for him... he actually treats me really good except for the fact that its draining my bank account. and that i now have to ask for the things he use to do willingly before

i feel like i'm paying to have a bf.

Jesus, take the wheel. :nono:

Please read these 2 sentence out loud and listen to how silly it sounds.

I've only scanned the posts, but I agree that he's on something more serious than weed.

You need to get outta dodge like, yesterday.
Jesus, take the wheel. :nono:

Please read these 2 sentence out loud and listen to how silly it sounds.

I've only scanned the posts, but I agree that he's on something more serious than weed.

You need to get outta dodge like, yesterday.

Resurrected from yesterday's thread. Seems to be needed a lot around here lately. Some things just don't make sense...:spinning:
i guess his theory is why work hard when you can have everything for free and do nothing. which is why i'm cutting him off right now. maybe if he stops getting handouts, he will realize he needs to actually work for what he wants and quit being a freeloader.

i just cut off his, i mean MY cell, which is under MY name that I pay for, now he can stop calling and texting me, makes it easier to ignore him.

i really don't think he is on anything else besides weed. and honestly i really dont want to lose him. but im cutting off all contact for atleast a week, yes im weak! thats my boo ppl, im just tired of his ways.

now if he goes out of his way to contact me,and shows me he really is sincere, i might just give him 1 more chance maybe... maybe

day 1: action 73 texts, 14 voicemails, 46 calls (8am-1:40), reaction 0 replies, cut off his cell.
i guess his theory is why work hard when you can have everything for free and do nothing. which is why i'm cutting him off right now. maybe if he stops getting handouts, he will realize he needs to actually work for what he wants and quit being a freeloader.

i just cut off his, i mean MY cell, which is under MY name that I pay for, now he can stop calling and texting me, makes it easier to ignore him.

i really don't think he is on anything else besides weed. and honestly i really dont want to lose him. but im cutting off all contact for atleast a week, yes im weak! thats my boo ppl, im just tired of his ways.

now if he goes out of his way to contact me,and shows me he really is sincere, i might just give him 1 more chance maybe... maybe

day 1: action 73 texts, 14 voicemails, 46 calls (8am-1:40), reaction 0 replies, cut off his cell.

Wow @ this entire post.

*exits thread*
i guess his theory is why work hard when you can have everything for free and do nothing. which is why i'm cutting him off right now. maybe if he stops getting handouts, he will realize he needs to actually work for what he wants and quit being a freeloader.

i just cut off his, i mean MY cell, which is under MY name that I pay for, now he can stop calling and texting me, makes it easier to ignore him.

i really don't think he is on anything else besides weed. and honestly i really dont want to lose him. but im cutting off all contact for atleast a week, yes im weak! thats my boo ppl, im just tired of his ways.

now if he goes out of his way to contact me,and shows me he really is sincere, i might just give him 1 more chance maybe... maybe

day 1: action 73 texts, 14 voicemails, 46 calls (8am-1:40), reaction 0 replies, cut off his cell.



1. You don't want to lose him...What exactly will you be "losing"?
2. He will wake up and work if you cut the apron strings....But as soon as he says he is "sorry" you will take him back.
3. You cut off the cell...But you are still waiting around for him to "wake up" and change.
4. You are only cutting off contact for a week...Yes you are really being weak right now.

What will it take for you to realize that this man is just USING you? Do you want to have HIV for the rest of your life? Bring a baby into this messed up situation? Wait till he "goes off" and hurts you?


*all said with much love. I will be praying for you sis!*
I'm listening! lol, just the thought that he might be on some other drug is extremely scary

but seriously, you guys honestly think that he wont change ever? :nono: even if i don't see or speak to him for a whole week? to let him know that i will seriously leave him if he don't change his ways?

Oh dear :nono: sweetie you can't change a man so please stop trying.
Co-sign on what all the ladies have said. The best thing you can do for him is suggest rehab, and over the phone because he sounds like he may not be winded tight.

Most guys, even the worst abusers start off nice and sweet. Unless they're crazy the first date doesnt end with a bloody nose-they wait until you've fallen for them in a sense. You didnt say he was abusive but he is stealing and lying (some things just dont make sense-where did 8K go, seriously?), the disrespect is overwhelming as well, selling a Christmas gift, invading your purse like its his right, calling you up like you need him?! Chile Boo! As for him not cheating and accusing you....you sure you know what he's doing while you're at work and he isnt? With this guy there is just no telling.

he said that 8k went to paying people back, getting a laptop(he sold it) giving to his family and buying weed. that 8k he got was from income taxes. my mom doesnt even get back that much. that means he worked his *** off.

my point is that it all turned around, i dont know what happened and i didnt want to just bail on first sight of uneasiness. but its been long enough and there is just no excuses for his actions.

as for him cheating on me, just naaah im pretty sure of it
i guess his theory is why work hard when you can have everything for free and do nothing. which is why i'm cutting him off right now. maybe if he stops getting handouts, he will realize he needs to actually work for what he wants and quit being a freeloader.

i just cut off his, i mean MY cell, which is under MY name that I pay for, now he can stop calling and texting me, makes it easier to ignore him.

i really don't think he is on anything else besides weed. and honestly i really dont want to lose him. but im cutting off all contact for atleast a week, yes im weak! thats my boo ppl, im just tired of his ways.

now if he goes out of his way to contact me,and shows me he really is sincere, i might just give him 1 more chance maybe... maybe

day 1: action 73 texts, 14 voicemails, 46 calls (8am-1:40), reaction 0 replies, cut off his cell.

You do realize your problems wont go away, right? I dont care if you do the no contact thing for 2 weeks, he's not going to change because he doesnt have to. You're draining your bank account, you got him a phone, you're setting yourself up for the foolishness.
And if he's not on something hard, where did 8K go?!
he said that 8k went to paying people back, getting a laptop(he sold it) giving to his family and buying weed. that 8k he got was from income taxes. my mom doesnt even get back that much. that means he worked his *** off.

my point is that it all turned around, i dont know what happened and i didnt want to just bail on first sight of uneasiness. but its been long enough and there is just no excuses for his actions.

as for him cheating on me, just naaah im pretty sure of it

You SEEM like a pretty logical person, but does this make a lick of sense? Come on now. Coming from someone who GREW up in a household with an addict, this is CLASSIC behavior. Even if he didn't spend it on drugs other than weed, this is pretty dumb arse behavior for ANYONE! Why buy a laptop then sell it...SMH.
Please smell the coffee...
You SEEM like a pretty logical person, but does this make a lick of sense? Come on now. Coming from someone who GREW up in a household with an addict, this is CLASSIC behavior. Even if he didn't spend it on drugs other than weed, this is pretty dumb arse behavior for ANYONE! Why buy a laptop then sell it...SMH.
Please smell the coffee...

Thanks for saying exactly what I was thinking.
he said that 8k went to paying people back, getting a laptop(he sold it) giving to his family and buying weed. that 8k he got was from income taxes. my mom doesnt even get back that much. that means he worked his *** off.

my point is that it all turned around, i dont know what happened and i didnt want to just bail on first sight of uneasiness. but its been long enough and there is just no excuses for his actions.

as for him cheating on me, just naaah im pretty sure of it

Ok, how large is his weed habit? He sold off some nice items to pay for it.

I dont know the exact length of time he switched bkschick but you've been dealing with this stuff for awhile. Everyone that has offered their take on it doesnt want to see you in a worse situation which is where this is headed. If you're bent on staying with him regardless, I guess there is no point in suggesting otherwise. I wish you the best.:yep:
Ok, how large is his weed habit? He sold off some nice items to pay for it.

I dont know the exact length of time he switched bkschick but you've been dealing with this stuff for awhile. Everyone that has offered their take on it doesnt want to see you in a worse situation which is where this is headed. If you're bent on staying with him regardless, I guess there is no point in suggesting otherwise. I wish you the best.:yep:

Weed habits don't cost 8k!! Even a big one. And weed heads don't sell of their stuff nor do they steal, because weed is so easy to come by they can just smoke other peoples stuff. He on something heavy and I'm thinking it's cocaine.
Weed habits don't cost 8k!! Even a big one. And weed heads don't sell of their stuff nor do they steal, because weed is so easy to come by they can just smoke other peoples stuff. He on something heavy and I'm thinking it's cocaine.

I know TCatt, I'm just going along with it.:yep: For all I know he can be smoking like a dragon and buying it by the pound. Bk seems convinced he's doing nothing else, perhaps someone else knows the telltale signs other than what we've read here.