What DON'T you like about your hair?

Your Hair Dislikes

  • Hair Texture

    Votes: 110 27.0%
  • Hair Color

    Votes: 39 9.6%
  • Hair Length

    Votes: 221 54.3%
  • Hair Cut

    Votes: 33 8.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 138 33.9%

  • Total voters
I definitely don't like my sandish color that my hair has. I look forward to doing a permanent black color in the future.
It's too, too dry. When I was relaxed, it was very dry. Now that I'm natural, it's still very dry lol. It doesn't matter what product I use(commerical or natural), it stays DRY!
I hate my greys. I had my first grey hair at 13 and it seemed cute then. However when you are in your 30s it is no longer cute. What makes it worse is that I have recently noticed that the greys I have now seems to take on a rough wiry texture that I hate:cry:
I don't like my relaxed texture. Wish I had never relaxed. Now that I'm transitioning I LOVE my natural texture. Can't keep my hands out my hair!
I needed to choose two. I 'mimpatient And I want a longer length NOW. But most of all I hate how my hair is hard. I have very coarse. 4a hair and it is in excellent condition but I want it to feel soft like fine hair. :(
For now, the ends. Not trimming until further notice .. and the length. Everybody in school sees it but me. LHCF has me spoiled. :grin:
I love my hair but what I don't like is that if I leave it natural, I get these tiny knots and my hair is SUPER dry.
Tangles, slow growth (it seems, but I think I just think so), and shrinkage.

Basically...........everything:lol: (at least today). Somedays I really love my hair!
I hate my thickness and density. I hate the fact that even as long as my hair is, I have a really difficult time getting it into a ponytail, and even if I DO get it in a ponytail, the sides won't lay flat.

I hate that I'll never have that "smooth, sleek" look out of a ponytail with this thickness, unless I relax.
I dislike a lot, but what gets me the most irritated is how slow my hair grows.
Let's just say that pre-LHCF, I had 2 lapses of judgement spaced less than a year apart. I'm still in the process of growing out the last of my layers and nurturing hair that got a DOUBLE bleached coloring job. :nono:
i love my hair but if there was something i could enhance, it would be the thickness of each individual strand. my strands are so fine and i think if they were thicker i would have less breakage.
I hate that the front and sides grow sooooo slow! The back will be MBL and the front will still be grazing my eyebrows.
I voted texture and length.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my hair texture, but there's one section on my head that's overprocessed from my pre LHCF days and it's kinda frizzy and rough. I hate the texture of that one spot.

I don't like my length because it seems as though I'll never be able to claim APL. For the last 6 months, I've been about 2 centimeters from APL and it's like my ends can't retain length or something. It's starting to get really discouraging.

Don't feel discouraged - we've all been there.:sad: Pre-LHCF, my hair would not even grow past my shoulders. It just sat there breaking off, growing back a little and then breaking off again. After vits/supps, water and leave-in conditioners -- especially on my ends, I started seeing, "some" improvement. You're not alone - you can do it!:yep:
Right now I'm at that awkward in between stage with hair I'm still getting to know. It's been trial and error and right about now I'm ready to scarf it for the next few months til it grows to a puffable length.
I hate that my hair has gotten thin, I am hoping that its temporary. I also hate the middle back of my hair. It seems as though it's a whole lot thinner than the rest of my head. I don't know how to get rid of or thicken that up.
I hate that my hair has gotten thin, I am hoping that its temporary. I also hate the middle back of my hair. It seems as though it's a whole lot thinner than the rest of my head. I don't know how to get rid of or thicken that up.

One word...MEGATEK!
My friggin thin ends!!!
the frizzy-ness of my hair :ohwell:
the awkard length...I'm hovering between Cl and APl and it's frustrating!