What DON'T you like about your hair?

Your Hair Dislikes

  • Hair Texture

    Votes: 110 27.0%
  • Hair Color

    Votes: 39 9.6%
  • Hair Length

    Votes: 221 54.3%
  • Hair Cut

    Votes: 33 8.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 138 33.9%

  • Total voters
I really dislike the middle of my hair . It always the first to go and i don't even wear pony tails. Sometimes it makes me feel like cutting it all off.:wallbash:
I love my hair but texture is a double edged sword...thick and coarse :grin: but a pain in the arse to comb :look: sooooooo I just don't comb it as much. :lachen:
I voted texture not because I don’t love my kinks and coils…my hair is just super coarse and dry. I would be thrilled if it was just a teeny weeny bit less course.

I’ve learned that that’s just the nature of my hair. I gotta work with it. :rolleyes:
I don't like the length, mostly. Some days, I get a lil through with the dryness. Otherwise, we're straight.... :lol:
I voted "other"

The only thing I really don't like about my hair is the fact that it reverts so quickly (usually less than an hour) I have used just about every product/technique/appliance under the sun, yet nothing, and I do mean nothing, will keep my hair straight for more than an hour or so. Even when it's not humid, I cannot hold a straight style. I love my texture, but sometimes I want to switch it up, but apparently that's impossible.:ohwell:
I really hate that the fact I have two different hair textures.......When it comes to relax time I dont know if I should just relax the middle.....!

ITA! I don't have a relaxer, but my crown makes me want to relax. And I hate my nape and bangs. They are all the shortest parts of my hair, and I blame that on years of wearing a ponytail.
I maybe a lone soldier...I have too much hair. I don't know what to do with it. Should I relax it or should I go for natural? I am too attached to it to BC so I am stuck indecisive land. :nono::drunk::spinning::wallbash:
I don't like the fact that my hair does not like heat. No matter if I use heat protector on it. As soon as I use heat it starts breaking off. I'm trying now to make it strong and not use any heat for a year to see what will happen. Even for deep condtioning, I just let the conditoner stay on my head for an hour with a plastic cap.
I don't like that my hair is continuously dry or my fine strands....every time I look up I'm detangling a knot or combating my dry dry hair....I DC I moisturize 2x daily...and still it's dry! I'm hoping that it's the winter and things will look better in the summer maybe also because it's so short that there's just less to keep it from drying out and it's harder to protect the ends when I don't even have a pony tail yet! :ohwell:
I dont like:

My nape area (doesn't grow well)
The fact that my hair is getting thin
The fact that as soon as I stopped using commerial hair color I see greys
The constant hair drama
The length
I see we all have our "problems" or "dislikes about hair. Now what can we do to remedy it.

How is our nutrient intake. are we getting enough vitamins minerals protein? What about sleep? our body repairs itself while we snooze.

I have noticed a silica challenge on the site. I take that it helps me keep my hair longer. a root strengthener. remember topical things like moisturizers and oils a great but what we take internally determines what comes out. that includes out hair skin and over all health.

Fresh fruits veggies and if one can't eat it. now there are so many pure fruit juice out there. Naked, odwalla, bolthouse farms, and sambazon. protein from chicken fish eggs etc. and we need iron, especially us females.

What we put on our hair. Now i know alot of ladies can't run to an indian store or order it online because of shipping cost. so to find ayurvedic things can be tough. But there is an alternative. Jason shampoo's are natural, Creme of Nature, Wen, i think some of nature's gate are natural. i know there are many more but cannot recall.

Hair color with commerical dyes. even the semi permanent can do serious damage. i found that out the hard way. my hair started to break, thin out and look over all horrid. so back to using mehndi. yes it messy time consuming and just a pain. but my hair is back the way it was after letting go of the clairol.

Also our inviroment. the winter is drying, our heating system are drying, so having a humidifier is great for keeping our hair and skin hydrated.

there is more i konw i want to say... but sooooo sleepy. someone plz add more or, tell more about what is bothering you about your hair.

Om Namah Shivaye
I don't like the fact that my hair reverts soooooo quickly in humid weather or rainy weather. I can hardly ever wear my hair down in the summer because it's so humid down here during those months. And when it rains, any effort I may have put into wearing my hair down goes down the drain:nono::nono:
I don't like the fact that my hair is extremely fragile...making it prone to breakage quite easily when it comes to heat:nono:

So I voted other.

Also I do want my hair to be jet black... but it doesn't bother me that its not.. all I have to do is put color on it when I get ready!
My growth rate. I want to go natural (tried 2x), but when I think that last Sept I had neck length and I cut it all off and went 1/2 inches I cry becasue I think of where I could be right now. I also cry because 2 years ago I was going natural my husband hated it and wanted me to relax my har. I was just thinkin of where I could be at this time.:wallbash::wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:. I want a big nice puff like some of the others have with their natural textures.:perplexed
I don't like the shrinkage
The length...well I am happy it's almost all shoulder length again but it grows so freaking slow!!!
I don't like how the top on my hair behaves all nice and 3c-ish and the back is just dry...no matter what I do...it's dry...

it's just bipolar... :lachen:

But I still love it...as much as it drives me loco
i dont like my hair length, texture and how puffy it gets in the humidity. but im working on some of this, so hopefully by next year i can say i love my hair! lol:grin:
the texture.its so poofy and water just sits on it

and the length. i never want hair shorter than SL again
I hate that at one point in my life I cut my hair in layers:wallbash:, It was years ago and I am still trying to grow out my hair.:nono: