What Do You Really NEED for Valentine’s Day


Well-Known Member
Some folks want the flowers and candies, and then there some of us that don’t appreciate the cliche of the day. I’m interested is what’s the “language of love” for the younger generations.

What would I like?

1. For him to start a conversation topic JUST ONCE that is not about politics, basketball, bicycles, grandkids, or his arthritis. i would like to hear “ I can only imagine your thoughts and what you are feeling.”

2. Change the sheets on the bed some days. Changing bed linens in probably my only quirk—-I change bed linens about three times a week and at one point in my life did it EVERY SINGLE DAY. On days that I have low energy all I want is to lay down on FRESH sheets—-he knows the schedule.

3. My da## dog. In 1996 he purchased a Golden Retriever as a Valentine gift. Then I found out he hated dogs and there was no peace in the house until the dog died. I want another one.

he’s getting See’s Pecan Buds


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I want a day of pampering. But I'm not willing to go out in this pandemic for what I want though. But being at home, doing virtual school with my kids, not being able to just be out with people is ALOT. I'd like to get a massage, my hair done, a manicure and pedicure, then have some nice food waiting for me.
I want a day of pampering. But I'm not willing to go out in this pandemic for what I want though. But being at home, doing virtual school with my kids, not being able to just be out with people is ALOT. I'd like to get a massage, my hair done, a manicure and pedicure, then have some nice food waiting for me.
What meal would you like? AND what do you want from HIM?
What meal would you like? AND what do you want from HIM?
I love a good grilled chicken salad. Maybe some fruit on the side. I don't really want anything from him other than him watching the kids while I go get all of this done. Just a little bit of time alone. But again, I'm not trying to be in a salon or close to anyone touching me, so I'll just hold off.

About your number 2...I know a couple where the wife said that she just wanted her husband to make up the bed daily. She said that she loved to see a made up bed when she went into their room, and loved to be able to just turn down the sheets at night. He didn't know how much it meant to her, but she was getting mad when he didn't help out with making the bed or make the bed when he got up after her.
I love a good grilled chicken salad. Maybe some fruit on the side. I don't really want anything from him other than him watching the kids while I go get all of this done. Just a little bit of time alone. But again, I'm not trying to be in a salon or close to anyone touching me, so I'll just hold off.

About your number 2...I know a couple where the wife said that she just wanted her husband to make up the bed daily. She said that she loved to see a made up bed when she went into their room, and loved to be able to just turn down the sheets at night. He didn't know how much it meant to her, but she was getting mad when he didn't help out with making the bed or make the bed when he got up after her.

I know how she feels. DH loves a made up bed and the fresh sheets but he won’t put fresh sheets on the bed. He says that I’m on overkill with the changing of the sheets. When we had maid service, I wouldn’t allow the service to change the bed and he thought it was ridiculous but that’s my quirk. Instead of meeting my need, he’s trying to force me to change my standards.
What I need is for us to go away together for a while. I didn't realize that even though I complained about traveling, how much I miss us just going on adventures to new places with my classy dh who got hoodrat tendencies. Adventures for middle aged Jews tend to include air conditioning, somebody else cooking and valet but it still counts as an adventure dangit!

But Rona don't care about my needs.

I was going to wait until our anniversary to order the edible flower lemon cake from Dolce Isola but the virus apocalypse has shaken up my impulse control.
This may sound funny, but I need the behavior to not be out of place. I like fun stuff and gifts like everyone else but if you are on your best behavior on Valentine's day I will just see it like slacking the rest of the year. So I need Valentines day to be a good day but not out of place. I need something nice to be a reasonable expectation because it's the standard. I am not particular on the execution as long as those needs previously described are met.
If he watches the kids and actually entertains them enough to keep them away from me for 3 or 4 hours while I sleep or knit holed up in our bedroom, that would be great. But he works the night before so I don't see that happening. So I'll settle for jumbo crab cake takeout from a local restaurant and a bottle of champagne.
I tole ya'll Covid cares naught for my lil plans.

The Patissier at Dolce Isola refuses to come into the bakery because of Covid and is apparently the only person contractually able to decorate the flower cakes so our V-Day cake is going to be decorated with fruit like any other regula degula cake off the siddity streets. I'm hoping the cake taste right with somebody filling in for the baker.

Thank you for reading this edition of SoCal Living Ted Talk.
What I'd like

A knock down laugh inducing pillow fight! The kind where the feathers are flying and it only ends when we are both out of breath from the fun we just had.

Life for us lately has just been too much stress on top of more stress so getting back to the little things that made us happy would be great.
What I'd like

A knock down laugh inducing pillow fight! The kind where the feathers are flying and it only ends when we are both out of breath from the fun we just had.

Life for us lately has just been too much stress on top of more stress so getting back to the little things that made us happy would be great.

I would like to have one too with partner...I would hit real hard.
If he watches the kids and actually entertains them enough to keep them away from me for 3 or 4 hours while I sleep or knit holed up in our bedroom, that would be great. But he works the night before so I don't see that happening. So I'll settle for jumbo crab cake takeout from a local restaurant and a bottle of champagne.
So, I got my jumbo crab cake take out and a bottle of wine he found called Black Girl Magic. He went to pick up the takeout and was gone for a long time. Turns out the line just to pay was an hour long! He ordered in advance but paying online failed for whatever reason. So people were lined up forever just to get top the cash register, in the cold. I felt sorry for him, and told him so. But also felt pleased that my gift now had more sacrifice baked into it :look: and told him that too :look:
I just needed some steak and a cocktail from something mid-range like Texas de Brazil. Like I really wanted to be out somewhere badly and I finally feel safe enough to go with some of the rona restrictions that they have. He came through even though it was snowing pretty bad. We had fun.
This is so cute and THOUGHTFUL.

By the way my 15 year old niece is still awaiting her 15 year old boyfriend to pick her up and take her to dinner. I’m pretty sure his parents nipped driving them to a restaurant. When she told me her plans, I asked if she didn’t get the restaurant confused and wasn’t the offer to drive them to the drive thru at McDonalds.:)
So, I got my jumbo crab cake take out and a bottle of wine he found called Black Girl Magic. He went to pick up the takeout and was gone for a long time. Turns out the line just to pay was an hour long! He ordered in advance but paying online failed for whatever reason. So people were lined up forever just to get top the cash register, in the cold. I felt sorry for him, and told him so. But also felt pleased that my gift now had more sacrifice baked into it :look: and told him that too :look:
@nyeredzi How was the wine? I saw this at Trader Joe's but I wasn't sure if it was good.