What do you consider long hair?

What do you consider long hair?

  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 82 5.1%
  • Armpit Length

    Votes: 488 30.5%
  • Bra Strap Length

    Votes: 655 41.0%
  • Mid-Back Length

    Votes: 314 19.6%
  • Tailbone Length

    Votes: 59 3.7%

  • Total voters
I vote midback (between bra-strap and waist length).

But yanno, all of this stuff is so relative; especially thickness. Some people call my hair thick and I dont think that it is, especially when I have friends with super thick hair. Rather, I think that my hair is fluffy. When the fluff goes away, there is nothingness and I feel like I have one strand of hair like Homer.

Why am I rambling in Kini's thread?

My bad. :look:
I consider hair to be long once it hits BSL - It's interesting, looking at women and realizing - wow, her hair ONLY goes to BSL - it 'looks' longer than that!!
It's made me realize that even if my hair only gets to BSL unstretched (which I suspect would be waist/tailbone stretched - YAY!! for short torsos!) I would have plenty of hair!!!
Denim And Leather said:
I do want to add that even though I think APL hair is not offically "long", there are women here who's hair is APL like Shunta and Leticia, and to me, their hair looks long, probably because it's thick.

Right! GodsFlowerr and Lauren are other great examples of this. Even when they were both in the APL range, their hair looked SO long to me because of the thickness/fullness alone. The way it just spread across their back all thick and luxurious was just beautiful!!! :D
goldensensation said:
Rather, I think that my hair is fluffy. When the fluff goes away, there is nothingness and I feel like I have one strand of hair like Homer.

:lol: :lol: That just sounded funny!
I consider bra strap long hair.

Please forgive my ignorance , I have used "mid back" in many threads, thinking, it came before bra strap:confused: . I only this day realized mid back is past bra strap:rolleyes: . My goal is bra strap by next December 2007.
Hair Iam said:
I consider bra strap long hair.

Please forgive my ignorance , I have used "mid back" in many threads, thinking, it came before bra strap:confused: .i I only this day realized mid back s past bra strap:rolleyes: . My goal is bra strap by next December 2007.
I just realized this last week myself. I know, duh, huh?
KiniKakes said:
Nah, I was just saying that I dont consider it BSL if ONLY the very peak of your "V" is grazing BSL. :lol: However, if the majority of your hair in the BACK is touching BSL, i consider it BSL. I dont even count the front of the hair, because most ppl's front are shorter than their back!!!

I'm part of that minority who's hair grows faster in the front. (usually not the most attractive look)

Man, I feel like a freak. :lol:
MissMarie said:
I'm part of that minority who's hair grows faster in the front. (usually not the most attractive look)

Man, I feel like a freak. :lol:
Dont feel like a freak mine is growing longer in the front also. I didint even realize until LHCF. I was so clueless but thats another thread lol.
MissMarie said:
I'm part of that minority who's hair grows faster in the front. (usually not the most attractive look)

Man, I feel like a freak. :lol:
I'm just posting to say how much I love your hair. It has so much character and presence!
I hope you go out with it just like this! :p

Anyway, on topic: I think brastrap is long. And I agree full brastrap is the best.

Even though I hope to reach brastrap by Dec. 31, I won't feel happy (and secure) till summer 2007 when it's thickened to have more fullness than I have now.

And yes, before this site, I gave props to much shorter hair.
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CandiceC said:
Full armpit length hair. If the sides aren't armpit length yet then I don't consider it long.

Of course anything past that is long to me.

everything she said.
MissMarie said:
I'm part of that minority who's hair grows faster in the front. (usually not the most attractive look)

Man, I feel like a freak. :lol:
The entire top of my head grows faster than the sides and back. Unless I want to wear nothing but braids and twists, the mushroom 'fro must be cut back.:lachen:
amr501 said:
I voted mid-back! I agree that texture (fine vs. coarse) does make a difference in the appearance, also when hair is bra-strap length and it's in high pony tail it doesn't really appear that long, but it does when it's midback length in a pony tail- figured I'd cover all the bases :lol:

ETA: I like pony tails and I want my hair to still 'look' long in a pony tail :)!

I voted mid-back for similar reasons. When I go to the Long Hair Community and see those ladies at classic length and floor length, I think, dang my standards are low in comparison! Previously I thought APL or BSL was long. I have thick coarse hair and the more women of color I see in my everyday life and on LHCF with BSL, I think, wow that isn't as long as I thought it was... especially when I see the hair in a pony tail like mentioned above. I can't WAIT for my hair to look long even when it's pulled up in a high to mid pony tail.

With all of that said, that's why I voted mid-back. When I see a woman of color (or any woman for that matter) with a high pony and her tail STILL sweeps at least APL, I think, WOW :eek: she has nice long hair. :)
I think anything full APL and longer is considered long. I think it's a wonderful feat for a black woman with hair that length (that's HEALTHY) since it is not so common to see women with hair past their shoulders. I have to give props to that. Now BSL is better and WSL is GREAT, but the minimum length for long, in my eyes, is APL.

Now on a white/asian/hispanic person, APL is not so long and then, that's where I'd have to say that mid-back-waistlength is long.
MissMarie said:
I'm part of that minority who's hair grows faster in the front. (usually not the most attractive look)

Man, I feel like a freak. :lol:

My hair grows that way also.
I think full APL is long but being on LHCF midback is probably considered long.:)

*editing to add midback and longer is considered long to me now that I am apl it doesn't seem long at all, so I'll roll with midback...hey....change my vote to midback....lol.....
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ccd said:
I voted BSL, I think that is a fair place to start but unfortunately because most people think Black women can't have long hair the standard gets lower.

I agree with you!! I used to think my hair was long, as did everyone else when it was past my shoulders, until I came to this site. Now, my standards are set higher, simply because long hair is attainable.

I choose mid blade
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