What do you consider long hair?

What do you consider long hair?

  • Shoulder Length

    Votes: 82 5.1%
  • Armpit Length

    Votes: 488 30.5%
  • Bra Strap Length

    Votes: 655 41.0%
  • Mid-Back Length

    Votes: 314 19.6%
  • Tailbone Length

    Votes: 59 3.7%

  • Total voters
I think BSL+ is long hair. I've always had SL-APL-BSL (depending on how I felt) but I'm 6foot tall so that's like 15-20inches of hair. I have thick hair as well so even when its shorter it looks like a lot of hair though it would between SL and APL.

My goal would be to back to the length I was before I BC'd (almost BSL)
I probably answered in this thread before but my current answer is WL and longer.

:lol: @ this 2006 thread being bumped up. When I saw my name I said "What the heezy??" Then i looked at the thread title and say "Ooooh yeah, i remember that."

Anyway, my current answer is also WL and beyond. Anything under that is not really "long" to me, although i'd definitely acknowledge that it is a nice length.
If I were to see WL or Tailbone length on someone else I would say it was long. However, when I was tailbone length I didn't think I had long hair when everyone else thought I did. So for my hair I wouldn't consider it long until after Tailbone.
I answered this when the thread first started and i will answer again with the same answer. Full Shoulder length is considered long to me and that has nothing to do with a mentality of thinking blackwomen don't have long hair etc etc:rolleyes:.
Full SL all the way around on anyone is long hair to me.
Hair that covers the ta-ta's. As long as your hair covers the base of your boobs, you are an official member of the long hair club. Old women or women with a heavier bosom have a pass and can refer to perkier times, if they want to.
Although I know that Black women can grow hair as evidenced by all the APL and beyond hair on this forum and others, full SL is still long to me. Maybe it's because of my upbringing and where I'm from (VA), but when I see healthy hair on a woman's shoulders I think she has nice long hair.
If I were to see WL or Tailbone length on someone else I would say it was long. However, when I was tailbone length I didn't think I had long hair when everyone else thought I did. So for my hair I wouldn't consider it long until after Tailbone.

What?!! Your hair is long so hush!

Originally Posted by Riverrock
Hair that covers the ta-ta's. As long as your hair covers the base of your boobs, you are an official member of the long hair club. Old women or women with a heavier bosom have a pass and can refer to perkier times, if they want to.

LMAO!! :lachen:
You ain't right
My hair is at the top of my brastrap and I'm told that my hair is "so long" mostly from black people. But I don't think my hair is that long. For me, because my hair is fine, it will be long when it's fuller and BSL. When my hair is healthy at full BSL, I will believe that it's long. I haven't fully reached that goal yet, though. I'm shooting for Christmas...
My hair is at the top of my brastrap and I'm told that my hair is "so long" mostly from black people. But I don't think my hair is that long. For me, because my hair is fine, it will be long when it's fuller and BSL. When my hair is healthy at full BSL, I will believe that it's long. I haven't fully reached that goal yet, though. I'm shooting for Christmas...

I noticed most black people find any length that hangs loose and straight as long. You can have neck length hair and black people think that is long. Black people normally find shoulder length hair so long.
On me, I think my hair would have to be at least mid-back for it to really feel long, but I've looked at people with thick healthy looking armpit length hair and thought it was long.
once u start getting to between the APL and BSL range..yea ur hitting the "LONG" category.....
Bald to neck/shoulder length = short

Neck/shoulder length to BSL = medium

BSL to waist = medium long

Waist to classic = long

Classic + = extremely long
Pre-Board: APL was long to me.

Post-Board: BSL is the new standard.
I co-sign with this, even apl is my first goal, it was the ultimatr befotr thr board, i know i´m still faaaaaaaaar away from that, but i dont consider it anymore as a too long hair