So..looking at the positive vs. negative threads in here...

Okay, so....the problem is....too many people here DON'T have relationships, and they're the ones that have soooo much to say in the negative threads. They probably don't even enter the positive threads (hence the number of replies being low).
Okay, so....the problem is....too many people here DON'T have relationships, and they're the ones that have soooo much to say in the negative threads. They probably don't even enter the positive threads (hence the number of replies being low).
:scratchch See now, THAT makes sense.:lol:
Well, I think that when you are in a good relationship, there just isn't a whole lot to talk about. I could start posts on how much I love my dh and and how fantastic he is, but the only thing anyone could is say is "aw, that's sweet" and move on to the next topic. Some people may not want others to think they're bragging too.

While there are a lot of negative threads, I don't think their popularity is all due to people liking drama. I do think that there are a lot of people who genuinely want to help.