Spinoff of a spinoff: Do you find that black women are not marriage minded?

I believe every woman who desires to be married, should be. I think marriage is a beautiful thing, my parents were married for 25 years, prior to my mother passing away. Most of my immediate family is married, have been married once, upwards of 40 years together.

I am divorced and pay a bit of lip service at times (mainly with family) to saying I would like to be remarried, but being honest, I am very indifferent about it and my actions have shown it. I see all the positioning/jockying many never married women go through to get that ring and I am just like, been there, done that..what's next. I have a small group of people who understand my views, and it happens to be other divorced women.

I often struggle with understanding how being married again would benefit me or my young daughter, other than maybe increased financial security of a two income household. She has a relationship with her dad and positive male images around her, ie. her grandfather, uncles,etc, so I am not looking for her next daddy.

Also, it doesn't help that my life has been quite good since becoming single again. I have traveled to exotic countries, purchased my own home, am in the best physical shape I have ever been,progressed rapidly in my career and most importantly, have raised a beautiful, highly intelligent little girl who I love spending quality time with. I guess I struggle b/c, outside of having my daughter, most of the good things in my life, have happened when I was single.

I guess my point is to not lump all non-marriage minded women in a category as there are some of us who are that way intentionally.
I think there is a population of black women who are marriage minded, but their timeline isn't conducive to a marriage timeline. Example: "I'll get married when I've done all my schooling, found a job, make XYZ amount of money, and have traveled everywhere."
Wait......what? :perplexed
Is this an effort to discuss something? Or yet another thread intent on bashing black women's choices?

Either way, I personally can't speak for ALL black women. No one can.
Just look at this board. We rarely all agree about any single issue--so why would we be a monolith in terms of "a marriage mindset"...whatever the heck that is?

I have to agree with you Blyss_curls. I don't agree that as a whole black women aren't marriage minded and for those who aren't, there is not one (or even two or three reasons).
I don't think so. Some responses I see on LHCF make me think this. If your man wants to see who he is with or who he married ie. No wig, weave, or a little more leg, I see these shocking responses. Tell him he can kick rocks, tell him no and if he don't like it he can hit the door, tell him he needs to gets over it cause your not at your goal yet. Huh??????? Really??? No advise about compromise? None? Just get over it or leave? Thats not a wife mindset, thats a single-dgaf-I-can-find-a-new-one mindset. So no I don't think black women are marriage minded.

I think the reason for that is the idea of a strong black woman is the "I dont need a man, I can take care of myself". You can be strong and not bash SOs for wanting to see the woman they love.
i don't think it's just black women...it seems to be young woman problem..our generation is all types of screwed up
i don't think it's just black women...it seems to be young woman problem..our generation is all types of screwed up

Not me :-D I found out something in my last relationship, I'm too lazy to cook for myself but if my SO is hungry I will actually cook????? I was surprised I never made baked anything, I was cooking baked chicked, baked porkchop, I fried steaks, I made spaghetti. I dont even make that for myself. When im hungry I go for a pack of noodles. I never knew I would actually cook....... And without being asked??? Huh shocked me!!!!
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i don't think it's just black women...it seems to be young woman problem..our generation is all types of screwed up

I wanted to make the thread about all women of this generation but since this is a predominantly black board...