Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1

I haven't exercised at all and I ate a turkey sandwich with lots of cheese for brunch :nono:. On a positive note, I weighed myself and have lost 3lbs since the beginning of the challenge bringing. Gotta be thankful for the small victories :yep:

Current weight: 154 lbs.

17 lbs to go!


Current weight: 150...13lbs to go.

I've been in TST for 9 days and will be washing & re-twisting today. I doubt that I've gotten much growth since the challenge started.
i'm 204.8 this week , up 0.4 this week, aunt flo is visiting so could be water weight.

i'm going to do firm thin in 30 express, it's only 3 days a week so i can stick to this and if i feel like doing more on another day i will, most probably do JD3 on the WII. I'm following a healthy eating plan, to get ideas and keep a check of my portion control, just started today and its going okay did crave some chocolate so had 3 celebrations rather than a kingsize snickers so i'm happy with that, it's definately making me up my water intake
Weekly Check-In:

Current Weight: 209lbs (-2.5lbs from last week; total weight loss: 2.5lbs)

Doing good with my daily eating, but still eating candy. :( I'll try to cut back a little at a time. I only worked out once last week, so I have to do better here as well.

Hair: I can feel myself going into lazy mode. :nono: I dc'd yesterday and I'm going to make myself cowash tonight. My hair responds so well when I wash often. I've been looking through old hair pics for inspiration. I am really enjoying being BSL though! :grin:
Hi All,

Weekly Weigh-in results/BMI:

Weigh-In 1/1/12 - 254.0 - BMI - 36.4 (down
Weigh-In 1/8/12 - 248.4 - BMI - 35.6 (input incorrectly in my initial post.) (down 5.6 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/15/12 - 246.4 - BMI - 35.4 (input incorrectly in my initial post.) (down 2 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/22/12 - 245.2 - BMI - 35.2 (down 1.2 pounds)

Bi-Monthly Hair Update:
I took down my weave this past weekend. It had been about 7 weeks and 2 days since my last weave/trim.
I took progress pics here at home, based on my comparisons. I'd say that I gained at least an inch of growth. My hair seems thicker, and is now mid-neck length, my neck is a bit longer than I had realized. :) So it may be a few months before I pass my neck completely. Patience is a virtue, and I'm trying to be patient.
My next hair update/length check will occur in about 2 months/late March.

Thanks All for your support,
Ok, ok...small weight loss since last time (-0.2 pounds) but at least the scale is continuing to go down. i've been a bit lax these past few days, so I need to get back on the game!

Plus i installed some curly crochet braids! Mwhahah people think it's real..at least it shows I did a half decent job LOL.

How is everyone doing? :)
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I didn't get to check in last week, but I did WI. Here are my stats thus far:

01/01/12 - 201.2
01/09/12 - 202.8 (+1.6)
01/16/12 - 203.8 (+1.0)

Total gain so far is 2.6 lbs. :look:

I believe the last gain was due to bloating and water weight (and my run in with chocolate). I think I'm going to change my WI day to Fridays. I'll WI this Friday and log any changes.

On the hair front, I've been a true mixologist lately. I have a yummy shea butter and oil mix that I absolutely love! I made a successful batch of flaxseed gel with Lavender EO. I'm also going to attempt to make a homemade mudwash. My plan is to do a mud wash and an install of mini twists on my hair. We shall see.:grin:

Hope everyone is doing well!
I counted my calories for yesterday on FitDay, and ended up with 1,157 calories.. which is pretty damn tight, considering I ate everything I love (popcorn, chicken thighs, spinach and bacon omelet for breakfast, etc). And then I added in the calories for all the wine I drank.:nono:

All bad. 1,269 calories of wine.

I drank more calories than I ate yesterday. Wtf? Sooooo. It's a sad day... but I think i've got to give up the wine. On weekdays. Dont' wanna go overboard with this (lol) but.... I'm being counterproductive. I watch what I eat, and I go to the gym, then I drink all the dang calories back while being a lush.:lol:

Gotta love learning what's good/bad for me. Hopefully this will help.
I counted my calories for yesterday on FitDay, and ended up with 1,157 calories.. which is pretty damn tight, considering I ate everything I love (popcorn, chicken thighs, spinach and bacon omelet for breakfast, etc). And then I added in the calories for all the wine I drank.:nono:

All bad. 1,269 calories of wine.

I drank more calories than I ate yesterday. Wtf? Sooooo. It's a sad day... but I think i've got to give up the wine. On weekdays. Dont' wanna go overboard with this (lol) but.... I'm being counterproductive. I watch what I eat, and I go to the gym, then I drink all the dang calories back while being a lush.:lol:

Gotta love learning what's good/bad for me. Hopefully this will help.

Considering you stayed under 1300 calories, I'd say you didn't do too bad at all. It could have been better, but then, it could have been much worse. I know if I'm not too careful, I could easily end my day thousands of calories in the hole. Not cute at all.:look:
So far I'm five pounds down. :yay:

Due to some breakage, and really bad shedding, I went to a stylist for a deep treatment and reconstructor, and she used heat, but my hair seems to be doing okay.
I'm craving sugar and I was all set to give in and get a snickers. I held strong, answered a few emails and the craving has subsided.

Off to refill my water bottle! :)

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Considering you stayed under 1300 calories, I'd say you didn't do too bad at all. It could have been better, but then, it could have been much worse. I know if I'm not too careful, I could easily end my day thousands of calories in the hole. Not cute at all.:look:

Nawl, the total was 1157 + 1269 = 2,426 .... aka thousands of cals in the hole. lmaoooo. I'm a lush. smh.
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:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen: I didn't even see the 1157! Well, at least today is a new day. No HAPPY JUICE tonight, mmmkay?:grin:

Yes ma'am! I'm not even going to buy a bottle until Saturday. Hopefully I won't be in withdrawal at that point. lol. But I need to drop this weight! I hate working out and eating right -- and not losing all because of my addiction to the zin.:lol:
I'm really proud of myself. My mindset has changed toward eating. I find myself preferring better food and shunning the bad stuff. I'm no longer a slave to cheese or drooling at the sight of desserts.

I'm proud of the fact that I refuse to put any ol' thing in my body and only the best will do. When'd that happen?
Change of strategy. I am doing a C25K->Bridge to 10K, with intermittent Bikram Yoga and weight training. Diet wise, I am now eating clean, but I have a sweet tooth, and rather than completely submerge myself; I will go with sugar free pudding (dark chocolate Jello is acutally really good). That is all.
I counted my calories for yesterday on FitDay, and ended up with 1,157 calories.. which is pretty damn tight, considering I ate everything I love (popcorn, chicken thighs, spinach and bacon omelet for breakfast, etc). And then I added in the calories for all the wine I drank.:nono:

All bad. 1,269 calories of wine.

I drank more calories than I ate yesterday. Wtf? Sooooo. It's a sad day... but I think i've got to give up the wine. On weekdays. Dont' wanna go overboard with this (lol) but.... I'm being counterproductive. I watch what I eat, and I go to the gym, then I drink all the dang calories back while being a lush.:lol:

Gotta love learning what's good/bad for me. Hopefully this will help.

It is so crazy how many calories you can add to your day by drinking stuff. It feels like nothing, because it slides down so nice and delicious-like, but then you do the math....:nono: :eek2:

Anyway, it's just one day. It'll be okay. That's what I tell myself, anyway.
I counted my calories for yesterday on FitDay, and ended up with 1,157 calories.. which is pretty damn tight, considering I ate everything I love (popcorn, chicken thighs, spinach and bacon omelet for breakfast, etc). And then I added in the calories for all the wine I drank.:nono:

All bad. 1,269 calories of wine.

I drank more calories than I ate yesterday. Wtf? Sooooo. It's a sad day... but I think i've got to give up the wine. On weekdays. Dont' wanna go overboard with this (lol) but.... I'm being counterproductive. I watch what I eat, and I go to the gym, then I drink all the dang calories back while being a lush.:lol:

Don't beat yourself up, just take it easy next time lol. See, my problem is that I don't know how to take it easy...and that's why alcohol is off limits for me during this challenge. Trust I got my alcohols all picked out and ready for when this challenge is over: Peach Ciroc :yep: Moscato :lick: White Zinfandel :cheers: Big A$$ 40oz of Ice House (yep, Im hood like that) :beer:
What's your main motivation: [What's your backstory/ why did you join this challenge/ why do you want to lose weight /grow hair?]

I'm turning 40 in April. I've always been thin but after the birth of my two babies I was officially overweight and the weight did not come off! I gained a little too much and lost 25 lbs, but still want to lose another 15. I also BC'd in Dec and really want my hair to grow long in it's natural state.
How often will you update your progress in this thread? [Daily, weekly?]
Weekly. When I actually start back working out next week LOL I'll do this update on Thursdays when I also update my steaming challenge.
Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): [Enter your current weight and/or BMI] 148 BMI 23.9

Current hair length: [Enter your current hair length] Curly- about 7 inches. Stretched about 10 (Chin length/just below shoulders)

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: [Enter number of lbs or decrease in BMI you expect to achieve in Q1 - make this challenging, but most importantly realistic] 15 lbs,

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: [Enter hair length you expect to achieve in Q1 - again keep it challenging yet realistic]
just the standard 1/2 inch or so of growth/month. Would like to be closer to/at APL stretched and SL curly
Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: [Where do you see your body in Dec 2012?]

Full Year 2012 hair goal: [Where do you see your hair in Dec 2012?]

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, thicker hair, better condition hair etc etc etc] SL/just below shoulders curly, brushing BSL stretched (Maybe somewhere between APL and BSL

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? [E.g. drop 2 x dress sizes, cut no of grams of fat eaten each day be fitter and more able to play with your children, reduced waist/thigh/arm measurement, fit back into your favourite jeans or dress be very specific]COLOR="blue"]reduce caloric intake, resume working out 4 days/week.
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? [E.g. Moisturise and seal religiously, weekly DC's cutting out or reducing heat, protective styling, low manipulation - be very specific ... ] Moisturize, DC, steam, no blowdrying or flatirons, protective styling.
What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? [E.g. Android apps or websites for tracking exercise or calories consumed, distance walked, will you keep a food and exercise diary, or follow a particular eating plan or perhaps you will partner with someone with similar goals or exercise with a partner. Please share resources - your idea may help others on the thread] myfitnesspal.com
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It is so crazy how many calories you can add to your day by drinking stuff. It feels like nothing, because it slides down so nice and delicious-like, but then you do the math....:nono: :eek2:

Anyway, it's just one day. It'll be okay. That's what I tell myself, anyway.

HAHAH @ the invisible text. It really does feel like nothing. I'm glad I decided to count the cals that one day, because I've been drinking like that for a while -- and I've also been NOT losing for a while, too, even with the better eating habits and gym days. Thinking the zinfandel just might be the culprit.

Don't beat yourself up, just take it easy next time lol. See, my problem is that I don't know how to take it easy...and that's why alcohol is off limits for me during this challenge. Trust I got my alcohols all picked out and ready for when this challenge is over: Peach Ciroc :yep: Moscato :lick: White Zinfandel :cheers: Big A$$ 40oz of Ice House (yep, Im hood like that) :beer:

LOL... if ice house makes you hood, what does that make me if I drink hennessy???. I need to get on something like that, and just cut out all alcohol. But that's sort of unrealistic for me... *sigh* so I'm cutting down to weekends only now. I'll save up my zinfandel and Hen for Saturdays and Sundays.......... I hope:thumbsup:
Well, when I started this challenge I was 213 now I'm 206.5!!!!! (I'm on my period so I'll weigh again in another week).

Yeah Yeah!!! That's a whooping 6.5 pounds LOST!!!

eta: I've been a little lazy with my hair this week. About to rectify that today.
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Finally! After two consecutive weigh-ins of no weight loss/weight gain, I can finally say I'm down!! This past week I went from 175.5 to 172. Yittadee!
I said i would update on sunday but the holidays got to me.

SW: 12/18/2011 205lbs BMI 28.6
CW: 12/29/2011 200.6lbs BMI 28

Next Sunday is New years day. I wont weigh in for two weeks. My STG for January 8th is 198lbs
That's 2 1/2 lbs in 11 days. I think I can do it :)

woo hoo
I lost 3 1/2 lbs in 11 days during xmas

What I did

I didn't eat as clean as i wanted to. We moved apartments and so there has been a lot of stress and no time to cook. I did say no to temptations and din't eat any sugar. I tried to eat healthier options when we ate out for example.

I have eaten
Croissants, rice and beans, lots of veges and veggie soups. Thai soups, Vietnamese soups with rice noodles and lots of veges.

It wasn't always clean, but i tried to limit my caloric intake to 1500 a day.

It's been almost a month and I've gained 3lbs :(
My sweetie has been cooking for me everyday(We just moved in together) so I've been off the wagon so to speak. I may also be a little bloated because I'm at the end of my period. I would count this as a normal fluctuation maybe?

Edit: Okay, There were also cookies, chocolate and buttery popcorn nights. Also eating late and drinking lots of wine and beer. Those 3lbs(Actually 2.4) are probably solid.

I'm getting back to basics. Starting today I wont eat any seconds and no sugar and then tomorrow morning I'm heading to the gym. I should drop 3lbs this week putting me at 200lbs by February 2nd.
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I was doing so well - I've only been back for 2.5 weeks and managed to go through 4 exercise cycles (Day 1 - Cardio/Lower body, Day 2 - Cardio/Upper body, Day 3 - Abs/upper body) putting me at a total of 12 days in the gym. BUT then I got sick. I'm lying on the couch surrounded by tissues thinking that I really want to work out. I know it's bad for me and I don't want to get other people sick at the gym, so maybe I'll take it easy and do some Dance Dance Revolution. That gives me a good sweat, but won't tire me out too much.

Also, I lost my iPhone 4 and I'm so depressed. I'm eating mostly clean, but I've been more ready to reach for a cookie in my current emotional state. But, I've decided that I will use my flatmate's spare phone and my ipod touch until it's time for me to upgrade. It's a cost I wasn't planning for, but this just means I have to cut elsewhere. At least I'm healthy and at least I still have my Macbook Pro, lol!

Anyways, hair seems to be stalling, but I'm letting it air dry after washing/dcing it every 2-3 days. I'm still taking my vitamins and drinking about 3 liters of water a day. I should go back to oiling my scalp, but I'm the type of person who needs to make one change at a time and be consistent for at least a month before adding something else. Right now, I'm focused on exercising 6 days a week consistently for a month and then adding in yoga 7 days a week. I'll worry about hair changes later since my hair is looking good whereas my body needs work. :look:
Just a quick update - this week I lost 0.75 lbs which I'm thrilled with because it's totally the wrong time of the month and I normally gain or stay the same!:grin::grin::grin:

I'm now back to 116.5lbs. I also lost half an inch off my waist, which is down to doing bicyle ab moves on my floor mat.

As for my hair - it is still shedding however it has taken a turn for the better in terms of the dryness after my burn job (bad blowdry!) just before Christmas. I washed and DC'd as normal but changed the order I apply my products. I applied my moisturiser, THEN blowdried and straightened....

Such a difference! My hair came out sooo soft!:grin: I feel much less worried about it now.

I've had a really, really rough week (Thank God he brought me through still smiling and still winning :yep:)and despite all of this I've made progress even though I didn't do all I wanted to do in terms of exercise. I ate well - I did not put a foot wrong in that respect.

Ladies, please more updates - I love to hear from you good or bad. I'll check back in over the weekend ...
Just a quick update - this week I lost 0.75 lbs which I'm thrilled with because it's totally the wrong time of the month and I normally gain or stay the same!:grin::grin::grin:

I'm now back to 116.5lbs. I also lost half an inch off my waist, which is down to doing bicyle ab moves on my floor mat.

As for my hair - it is still shedding however it has taken a turn for the better in terms of the dryness after my burn job (bad blowdry!) just before Christmas. I washed and DC'd as normal but changed the order I apply my products. I applied my moisturiser, THEN blowdried and straightened....

Such a difference! My hair came out sooo soft!:grin: I feel much less worried about it now.

I've had a really, really rough week (Thank God he brought me through still smiling and still winning :yep:)and despite all of this I've made progress even though I didn't do all I wanted to do in terms of exercise. I ate well - I did not put a foot wrong in that respect.

Ladies, please more updates - I love to hear from you good or bad. I'll check back in over the weekend ...

Hey ebsalita,

I've been doing the moisturizer before blow dry for a while and it really DOES make a difference! I also run a dime size amount of heat protector through four sections of hair focusing on the ends and this has really helped with retention. I use Redken Anti-snap leave-in and John Frieda heat protector and my hair really stays soft and moisturized (even when I air dry and wrap for the night)! Let me know what products you're using! :drunk: