Weight Loss/Hair Growth Pt. 2!

I want in!!!

Current weight : 220 (down from 253)
Current hair length: MTWA (Mini teenie weenie afro., just chopped)
Short-term weight loss/BMI goal: 11 pounds less in july
Short-term hair goal: Don't have one, just want it to grow
Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 155
Long-term hair goal: APL
Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Nope

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
Still on my hipocaloric, low carb (non keto) diet, plus weight lifting and cardio
What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Recently started with the hhairdrenaline potion, stick to that 7x/week, co-wash everyday and DC/sampoo once a week

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Every week

Let me show you some pictures of my evolution :drunk:

Starting at 253

Left side 253, right 231 pounds


220 pounds (from sunday, before i cut my hair)
http://www.miproyectofitness.com/images/SANY1509.JPG (click on, is too big)

And this is my hair now
http://api.ning.com/files/aHdWh40dJ...IaWsqRHbXt*lL5Bsxf3DO97pSTg0Xmv-/SANY1517.JPG (too big)
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mini update: I couldn't go back to sleep this morning so I decided to go run. 1 mile turned into 1 1/2 and 1 1/2 miles turned into 2! Gonna hit the treadmill after work! Oh yeah! My hair seems to be right on track. I'm right at 2 inches after 4 months of growth. Sitting right now with henna in my hair...

Next weigh in/update will be next Saturday!
Welcome carnivalapple!
And what in the world did you do to get down to 126.4? I'm jelly!

Thank you, I can say that it wasn't through much hard work that I lost that weight. I'm very inconsistent when it comes to exercise. A few days of Jillian Michael's 30 Day shred (so pumped!) then weeks of me sitting around. But I recently got braces which left me with only soup to eat so that kinda helped. But now I'm going to get serious. Haven't exercised today but I'm gonna get on it tomorrow! 4 mile run (hopefully) in the morning.

Anyway, checking in with what i ate....
French toast sticks x3 -breakfast
9 chicken fries @ Burger king - lunch
seelachsbrötchen (fish sandwhich) - dinner, i guess?
Drink....Water, Vitamin Water

I hope you're doing well and wish you all a good weekend. :grin:

A quick update from me - I'm down 0.75lb this week 128lbs now - I'm happy, but think I can do better. I went to the gym 3 x this week, but only did my 1/2hr sessions, though I'm upping the intensity and varying the speed on the cross trainer. I didn't do any classes this week,:look: :blush: sorry!

I'm going to go at it harder this week and maybe try to get up to an hour during each session. It's nearly 11pm here, but I think I've got that itch to go to the gym so I've just told SO I'm going and he says come along too, which is great! Ideally I want to lose 2.25lbs this week if possible so that I can get back below 8stones.

Keep going everyone - you CAN get there :yep:
Okay, so I just got back from the gym and I'm sitting on the sofa waiting for SO to finish in the bathroom so I can shower up. I am still dazed, but I DID IT! 1hr on the tread mill and 390 cals burned! It really wasn't that bad at all, once I got to 40 mins I found my groove and stopped worrying as to whether I'd make it - absolutely fantastic.

I bought a new scale :nono:. So it seems I started weighing more than I originally thought and I weigh more now than I thought I did. It does not negate the fact that I did lose 40 lbs. Also the shopping trip on Friday went fantastic. So...I think I lost 2 lbs this week. I don't even know :giggle:.
checking in. i've majorly slacked this week because i haven't been feeling well. as soon as i'm 100%, i'll be back to my walks.
Can I join?

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):192

Current hair length:APL

Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:Weigh 170

Short-term hair goal:BSL

Long-term weight loss/BMI goal:Weigh 125

Long-term hair goal:WL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Become a healthier person overall

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
-Low Carbing
-Daily 40-60 min walks
-Drink lots of water
-No eating out

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
-Weekly DC
-Low manipulation/protective styling
-Mthly henna treatments

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? I will check in once a week for sure. I am also on youtube and twitter, so I can keep myself accountable
Weekly update: today was weigh in and I've lost 0.5lbs. I've been really good and upped my gym sessions to 1hr ones, this week and only had granola for breakfast and salad for lunch every weekday, so I don't know - I'm hoping for a much better result next week :perplexed:ohwell:
Hey ladies! I don't have much to say, just thought I'd share some [visual] progress with you all.
First off is my Hair Progress:
This picture shows where I am currently. I plan on relaxing next week Tuesday. The June pic was taken when I was 5 weeks & 5 days post relaxer.
Next week when I relax I plan on doing somewhat of a major trim to fix my damaged ends *sigh*....:

Next up is my weightloss progress. Since i'm not at my final weight goal, I choose to jst focus on the weightloss that you can see in my face :lol:. I promise when my body is FULLY where I want it to be, I will put up the "final reveal" pics! But for now don't judge me :curtain: Anywho here goes:

Okay, so I just got back from the gym and I'm sitting on the sofa waiting for SO to finish in the bathroom so I can shower up. I am still dazed, but I DID IT! 1hr on the tread mill and 390 cals burned! It really wasn't that bad at all, once I got to 40 mins I found my groove and stopped worrying as to whether I'd make it - absolutely fantastic.


ebsalita: Girl I know I'm commenting on this post all late, but CONGRATS! I knew you'd do it!! :). It's not as hard as you would think, and the hour seems to going by at a pretty steady pace. Soon that 1hr will feel like 30mins. jst watch and see! :yep:
Do ya thang mama!

Thanks lady - I wouldn't have contemplated doing 1hr until you mentioned it! Your hair is doing well too - and yes you can notice the loss in your face :grin:

ebsalita: Girl I know I'm commenting on this post all late, but CONGRATS! I knew you'd do it!! :). It's not as hard as you would think, and the hour seems to going by at a pretty steady pace. Soon that 1hr will feel like 30mins. jst watch and see! :yep:
Do ya thang mama!
I'm so going to join in!

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers):89 kilos (195.8 lb.) as of yesterday (I was 220 in the winter, so while I should be further along I am happy I've maintained some sort of loss!)

Current hair length: APL

Short-term weight loss/BMI goal:About 81 kilos (179 lb.) then 68 kilos (149 lb.)
Short-term hair goal: BSL

Long-term weight loss/BMI goal: 52-56 kilos (115-125 lb.)

Long-term hair goal:TBL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: I always wanted to be able to run a marathon, so I'm training for that. I also want to be a size 4 or 6 with a six pack. Chin ups is another thing! I want to be able to do 50 chin ups in a row and I'm currently training for that as well! Also, to be flexible, so I'm all about the yoga and stretching! :drunk:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal?
-Continue to use my "Lose it!" app
-6 gym sessions: 60+ minutes of cardio, 45+ minutes of strength training
-Yoga in the evening
-Protein at every meal and before and after working out
- Fruits and vegetables from every colour group daily :lick:
- Drink my standard 4+ liters of water daily
- Take supplements: 2-3g CLA, 2g L-Carnitine, 1.5g Green Tea Extract, 400 mcu Chromium Picolinate, 3g Fish Oil, varying amounts of psyllium husk, and 1 multivitamin

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal?
-Weekly DC/Shampoo
-Low manipulation
- Moisturize ends and scalp
- Consume 100+ grams of protein and 1 Nioxin pill daily

How often will you check in with updates in order to hold yourself accountable? Once a week for my update, but I'll probably check in daily just to log my workouts and whether or not I stayed under my calorie count :look:
Trying to get back on the WL wagon. Getting the new scale and my camp programs starting has messed me up. I did start my abs class last Friday and my two water exercise classes this past Saturday. Today I plan to do yoga, Friday I start back with personal training (had to switch around due to my work schedule), then my abs class immediately following, and on Saturday my two water exercise classes. Hope to start back with my Sunday personal training too. We'll see.
Checking in. Again not much to write about. Still 160, but I haven't been exercising. My grandmother passed away 2 weeks ago, so things are still a little out of whack. Trying to get back to my normal schedule. I did decide to jump start things so doing atkins induction phase. This is day 2, did well yesterday. My SO made me scambled eggs & some left over diced ham, so that should hold me til lunch. I put pixie braids in my hair so I won't have to do anything to it, but refresh braids, co-wash. Also I am moving in August, so ugh, I just really have to find the time to devote exercise, but in the mean time, going to focus on what I put in my mouth.
Started eating vegetarian yesterday. :)
Haven't been weighing too much lately but I'll get back into that soon.
There's been a lot going on so weight loss is sort of the last thing on my mind right now.
Congrats to everyone!
I havent really been exercising much lately. Ive been doing strenous activities at work and honestly I didnt feel comfortable going to the gym and working out after all that.
ebsalita: thanks girl ;) i'm trying to make it do what it do with this workout lol. And keep me updated on your progress, i'm sure you will be down to your goal weight in record time :yep:

SuchaLady: awww thanks girl *blushes*

I can feel where you're coming from with the working out after work thing. I used to be the SAME way. How do you think you would do with early morning workouts?

I lost another 1.8 pounds so I went from 184.6 to 182.8 :)

Hair: So I've discovered that my hair doesn't like heavy butter's in the summer and prefers an oil instead.

I've also discovered that my hair loves buns :) during the summer months, when I try to wear twist outs it seems like my hair drys out more is that weird?
D.Lisha I work early in the am and do homework late at night. Last night when I finished my work I had nearly 5 hours until it was time for me to get up :-/ I will probably just take a little break until school starts back in a few weeks and just continue to count calories.