Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1

Ok update....

Do far I haven't lost anything. Not too long after I joined this challenge I developed lumps in my left arm. They hurt like hell and made my arm pretty useless. I went to the ER and they performed an ultrasound and had no clue what the lumps were. This was so scary. I work in a hospital and have seen the worse so my mind immediately jumped to the worse possible conclusions.

I visited my regular doctor who suggested that I not do any strenuous activity.God forbid that they were blood clots and I do anything that might cause them to travel.

Now the lumps are a lot smaller. My doctor ran a bunch of tests with no negative results. She is going to perform another ultrasound And check me out again tomorrow and if everything is ok she is going to clear me for physical activity.

During this time period I have been eating better but not really any less. I have been so bored but afraid to really do too much. I hope she gives me the go-ahead tomorrow because I really want to drop this weight.

On a positive note all this free time have given me more incentive to focus on my hair. My seems to be right on schedule. I know I will be bsl by December.

Yeah, I hear you. I only have about 5 lbs too so, I'm going with CLA. But, dang. With all the excitement, I'm tempted to get a bottle before the price gauging starts....just in case. :grin:

@NJoy Thanks - Yes, I went a-googling - everyone is talking about the Dr Phil episode... and you're right - on bodybuilder.com they have been on this for years now...

I've really only got 5lbs to go until my goal weight... I had contemplated getting the pills but thinking more deeply about it, I'd rather just keep going stick to high fibre, low fat and walking and get there in a sensible and sustainable way. :ohwell:
NJoy Thanks - Yes, I went a-googling - everyone is talking about the Dr Phil episode... and you're right - on bodybuilder.com they have been on this for years now...

I've really only got 5lbs to go until my goal weight... I had contemplated getting the pills but thinking more deeply about it, I'd rather just keep going stick to high fibre, low fat and walking and get there in a sensible and sustainable way. :ohwell:

Honestly, I think that's for the best. The next miracle supplement/powder/drank is all well and good, but I think in general, people look better and are better able to maintain their results in the long run when they do it the old-fashioned way.
Someone mentioned CLA and I LOVE CLA. I used it a couple of years it really does reduce belly fat QUICKLY!

I'm going to go and buy some.
I started taking CLA when Dr. Oz mentioned it on Tuesday. I knew that my belly is flatter. I got on the scale this morning and find that I lost 5 lbs!!! I've been stuck at 166 for a minute and it wasn't budging. This morning I'm 161.

The Show was called 5 Fat Busters for 5 Body Types. Here's the link to the info on his site. Check it out! He said you'll see results in 5 days. I'm seeing results already!

Also, here's the video to the segment of the show on Raspberry Ketone.

Just sharing, folks! :woohoo: No need for me to order raspberry ketones. I'll be at my goal by friday at this rate. Can't wait for my Friday measure up. I know I'm smaller.
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I just got myself a uni gym membership, will start going regularly with my mate this week.
Onwards and upwards ladies!
Since starting my new cutting diet Jan 23: went from 187-182 (ive never lost weight this fast before). About to hit the gym in a few and then resume studying for the remainder of the evening.

My nemesis: valentines day chocolates :chocbunny:
Checking in!
Weighed in at 207.8 this morning, which is 2 pounds lost in 16 days. So go me.
I am still struggling to exercise consistently though, which is like ugh. On one hand, I know that I need to do it...it will move the scale along and more importantly, it'll give me the body shape that I want. But honestly, I don't want to. I hate exercising. Even Zumba, which is the most fun workout I've ever done, I still hate it. Smh. I need hypnosis or prayer or something.

Hair-wise, I don't even knoww what my hair is doing at this point in life.
Things were going great, and then my hair just kind of freaked out and I have no idea why. I've been doing everything I'm supposed to and am tired of playing guessing games with it, so the plan this weekend is to pamper it, iron out the underprocessed areas, and then to leave it the heck alone. Maybe it will calm down on its own and if it doesn't, then oh well.
Trying to work on my hourglass ~ trimming the waist while lifting and shaping the rear and keeping my thighs under control. It's looking pretty good, if I must say so myself.

Still hanging on to a 28" waist. Working these ab muscles for definition.

I've been wearing my hair out for the past 4 days now. I used curlformers for no-heat spirals. It's just about time for me to put my ends away now. I'm starting to get paranoid with my freshly cut ends. I want to keep them in good shape. Waiting til hubby leaves town tomorrow night for a much needed DC.
I'm not getting back on the scale until early April.

I'm taking CLA supplements with my other vitamins. I drink 16oz of green smoothies for breakfast, eat a big lunch and try to have yogurt or something light for dinner.

As for my hair, I have been hiding it in messy buns for a week now. I LOVE messy buns, I just make sure the front of my hair is presentable. But I have been toying with the idea of relaxing my hair again.

I have no real desire to wear my hair "curly" I blow dry every week. But we'll see.....
Weighed in at 207.0 this morning.
It could be just water, because I accidentally created a sweat lodge in my room last night, but I guess we'll see come next week.
I am mad at myself though, because I've been cheating on my drinks...the rule is no calorie drinks. Only water and tea, with the occasional diet soda or hot chocolate. And I have been cheatinggg. I try to justify it by drinking Arizona Teas or light juice, but both have much more calories than water, so yep. And then I'm still not exercising consistently, which compounds the problem. One of my friends recommended that Mio water enhancer stuff, because it has no calories, but after reading the ingeredients on that, I had to put it back on the shelf and be on my merry way. It sounds so dangerous. Maybe I should get crystal light. LOL, I just want to drink something with flavor. :sad:

Hairwise, things have been much better than last week. My hair was much smoother, softer, and was just better behaved overall. I'm still getting some breakage in the left side of my head, but it wasn't as bad as last week, so hopefully it will stop completely after I do my hair treatments this week.
Chaosbutterfly. Add lemon to your water. It'll add flavor, it detoxes you liver (which is especially beneficial when ur taking vites & supplements) and improves digestion and elimination, among other beneficial things. So not only will it flavor your water but it's also like a health tonic. Train yourself to think of it that way. And if you MUST have a sweet drink, add a little honey (which has a boatload of its own benefits) to make sort of a healthy lemonade.

I think people should stay away from those flavor add-ins that use sugar substitutes. Those always turn out to be unhealthy down the road.

Just a suggestion. I could never drink plain water. But I could drink tons with lemon. And now I CAN drink it plain. And tons of it.

ETA: think of those other drinks as liquid calories that don't have to be broken down in digestion. They go straight into your bloodstream and land where you don't need 'em. That'll make you think twice. :lol:

Weighed in at 207.0 this morning.
It could be just water, because I accidentally created a sweat lodge in my room last night, but I guess we'll see come next week.
I am mad at myself though, because I've been cheating on my drinks...the rule is no calorie drinks. Only water and tea, with the occasional diet soda or hot chocolate. And I have been cheatinggg. I try to justify it by drinking Arizona Teas or light juice, but both have much more calories than water, so yep. And then I'm still not exercising consistently, which compounds the problem. One of my friends recommended that Mio water enhancer stuff, because it has no calories, but after reading the ingeredients on that, I had to put it back on the shelf and be on my merry way. It sounds so dangerous. Maybe I should get crystal light. LOL, I just want to drink something with flavor. :sad:

Hairwise, things have been much better than last week. My hair was much smoother, softer, and was just better behaved overall. I'm still getting some breakage in the left side of my head, but it wasn't as bad as last week, so hopefully it will stop completely after I do my hair treatments this week.
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Hey ladies I haven't checked in here since the end of Jan but I have good news. My last weigh in here i was 148.6lbs I believe, then I don't know what happened but gained like 5lbs and was back up to like 153.4lbs as of last week, and I'm happy to say I'm down to 144.4 today Yaay! Still have a little while to go to reach my goal of 130 but at least I'm making progress.

NJoy that CLA sounds like something I need in my life :) can u share what brand you use?
Hey ladies I haven't checked in here since the end of Jan but I have good news. My last weigh in here i was 148.6lbs I believe, then I don't know what happened but gained like 5lbs and was back up to like 153.4lbs as of last week, and I'm happy to say I'm down to 144.4 today Yaay! Still have a little while to go to reach my goal of 130 but at least I'm making progress.

NJoy that CLA sounds like something I need in my life :) can u share what brand you use?

mEmYSELFaNDj. I'm taking Nature's Bounty.
Ladies apologies for my absence - boss came over for the week - work work work then entertaining, then I went on holiday to the UAE for a week, so didn't log on during.

I have stayed the same, which is good because I wasn't really paying much attention to what I ate or drank, however I'm tired of this last 5 lbs. I have to do something. I'm taking it slowly - 1lb per week, I want to get to 7st 13lbs by the end of March. I feel a bit grrr, because I'm only slowly getting there, but I've made such an improvement to my body over this last year, it'd be ungrateful of me to sulk.

I will get stuck into the thread and catch up with you later. I must now head back to work.
Update - lost 1.75lbs this week so weighing in at 115lbs. I've been kicking around this same weight for a few weeks now, so I'm going in hard to see 114 next week.

How's everyone doing?:grin:
What's all the fuss abt getting skinny & growing long hair? I mean who told us thts the only way to be? Bcuz we all know over weight women w/short hair is not socially acceptable. (sarcasm) Is this what we've always subjected ourselves to being the thin chick w/the long thick hair?

I've been on this hamster wheel for as long as i can remember. I've lost weight on weight watchers diet pills laxatives liquid & no carb dieting even wrking out but I've come to the realization tht Im undisciplined I tend to reach my goal weight but regain it all during the celebration... LOL

I'll be 34 in May & I'd like to get back to 174. The weight I was on my 33rd & 32nd bday last yrs. If not I'll hve to strt taking clothes to the tailor to get them let out!

I REFUSE to go shopping for a bigger size ladies!

My gf lost weight eating 1x per day.
Coffee & cigarette for breakfast Snicker for lunch & a gin & tonic for dinner. It puts her to sleep. She figures if she can fall asleep really quickly tht leaves less time to eat.

Well I dnt smoke nor drink so ill hve to think of something and quick!
I started working and moving, so I fell off a bit and now I'm getting it back together. I fell off a bit with my diet and hair.

But, the good thing is I'm constantly moving so I only gained 1 pound back of the 13 I lost.

So today, for my hair, shampoo, coffee rinse, ACV and DCing. I may put my hair in twists or curlformers to stretch out my hair.

I haven't started back exercising yet....but I'm eating cleaner and go out for lunch for walks. So, I'm doing pretty good. I'm just ready to lose 20 more pounds so I can fit some of my nicer clothes.
What's all the fuss abt getting skinny & growing long hair? I mean who told us thts the only way to be? Bcuz we all know over weight women w/short hair is not socially acceptable. (sarcasm) Is this what we've always subjected ourselves to being the thin chick w/the long thick hair?

I've been on this hamster wheel for as long as i can remember. I've lost weight on weight watchers diet pills laxatives liquid & no carb dieting even wrking out but I've come to the realization tht Im undisciplined I tend to reach my goal weight but regain it all during the celebration... LOL

I'll be 34 in May & I'd like to get back to 174. The weight I was on my 33rd & 32nd bday last yrs. If not I'll hve to strt taking clothes to the tailor to get them let out!

I REFUSE to go shopping for a bigger size ladies!

My gf lost weight eating 1x per day.
Coffee & cigarette for breakfast Snicker for lunch & a gin & tonic for dinner. It puts her to sleep. She figures if she can fall asleep really quickly tht leaves less time to eat.

Well I dnt smoke nor drink so ill hve to think of something and quick!

You just have to exercise. Also, try to write what you eat on a journal so that you can track your eatin habits. Be careful with fluid intakes because this is usually what makes you gain weight. For example, orange juice or other types of natural juices contain alot of sugar and after drinking a glass of it, it doesn't make you feel full. So you go on and eat something else...

You do have to eat frequently during the day (not just once a day!) or your body will store fat in case you decide to starve yourself again.

One trick, try to eat before you start feeling hungry. You may want to set a schedule of when you have to eat to help you with that.
Dear All,
Sorry for not posting sooner but I’m new to the forum and just recently figured out how to subscribe to threads so that I don’t lose them and having read each page of this thread, I’m super excited to join you guys.:yep:

What's your main motivation: My 25th birthday is on 4/20 and I’m extra excited to achieve the best body of my life as well as the longest hair that I’m had since I took over responsibility for it. I also not only want to look good but I want to do it in a healthy sustainable way so that I only have to do it once, and then after that, just maintain.

How often will you update your progress in this thread? Weekly

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): I will update this tomorrow morning since it’s been a while since I weighed myself
5’7-______ lbs

Current hair length: Full APL in the back and a bit past CBL in the front

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: By the end of the month I hope to lose a solid 5 lbs

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: Remain consistent in my regimen

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I hope to average a weight loss of 7lbs a month and end up somewhere between 130-140lbs by the end of the year

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Full MBL all around

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: More endurance, more defined muscle tone, overall increase in energy, break my addiction to coke (it’s a serious problem:naughty:), lower my salt intake ( I don’t have a sweet tooth, but I do have a salt tooth)

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will do cardio 2 times a week and strength train with kettlebells 3 times a week, I will take my multi-vitamins 2 times a day, I will be utilizing IF (16/8 method), Remain around 1500 calories a day, I will have at least 32 oz of water daily (prob with lemon & honey), I will incorporate more veggies into my diet, decrease coke intake

What will you change/continue to reach your hair goal? Moisturize and seal (AM/PM), Weekly DC, Continue minimizing heat, Protective styling (80%=), Henna every 6 weeks, Relaxer every 12 weeks (clarifying the week before and using Roux porosity control right after), Cutting back on my product ADD by not buying anything new until I run out of something

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? I will weigh myself every morning and get someone to measure me every couple of weeks, I will also keep a journal to help me pinpoint what is working and what isn’t

I was so motivated by this thread that I did 20 min on the elliptical (my first session of intentional cardio this year).

I will include starting picts in my next post.
hola_lo2002 said:
You just have to exercise. Also, try to write what you eat on a journal so that you can track your eatin habits. Be careful with fluid intakes because this is usually what makes you gain weight. For example, orange juice or other types of natural juices contain alot of sugar and after drinking a glass of it, it doesn't make you feel full. So you go on and eat something else...

You do have to eat frequently during the day (not just once a day!) or your body will store fat in case you decide to starve yourself again.

One trick, try to eat before you start feeling hungry. You may want to set a schedule of when you have to eat to help you with that.

I've done weight watchers. We carried a food diary & wrote everything we put in our mouths. I lost 27lbs in a lil over 90 days. W/out exercise.
I knw wht it takes, just haven't mustered up enuff discipline to do it again.
WW was hard but the results were the major payoff.
I may consider going back to the wkly meetgs.
I'm looking in the mirror and am SO pleased with what I'm seeing! I LOVE my shape, the smaller waist and a perfect hip/thigh flow. Now I'm pretty much working on toning up, especially my back.

As for my hair, I'm 46 wks post texlax today and very happy with how well I'm dealing with the various textures. I'm hoping that by the end of this month, I will have regained the 2 inches of thin ends that I cut off and that my ends will be thicker.

Overall, pretty pleased with my progress. :yep:
Well, I'm having progess with the hair, and no real progress with the weight. I just love food so much. But I started an account on WebMD that counts calories both intake and expenditure. And it's helping me to at least be aware of how many calories are in different types of food. Now I just need to stick to my daily calories and I should be good. Also, I started Insanity like a week and a half ago, so hopefully that will help with shedding a few lbs. Still optimistic even though I'll have to carry my Q1 weight goal over to Q2. Ces't la vie.
Every morning i wake up w/a diet plan on my mind & by the end of the day I've failed.

The only success I've ever had w/losing weight has been counting calories/weight watchers.

So today, I got my food journal & everything I eat will be written down.

My goal is 1200-1500 calories.

A mnth from this day I shld be 8-12lbs down. Which wld be April 6th.

Ready set go!
Hey guys, I've been MIA lately. Part of that was slacking off (sigh) but I'm back and on track.

I'm currently doing a juice fast. I dont know how long, but I hope to hit 90 days. I dont know how much weight I've lost, it's nothing major so far (I'm on day 12) but I do notice a difference I feel a bit smaller. This week I pulled out a few shirts that were previously a bit too snug for me, so yay. i think it'll take more weight before I really see a difference, but I'm trying to keep on eye on it. As soon as I can go down a size, I've decided I'm going to wear that size, no baggy oversized clothes.

I'd like to be in a size 14 by my bday, that's the end of july. So we'll see how that goes. 'm not working out right now, but I'm going to start at least doing some walking and easy cardio and work my way up so I can start lifting around day 60.