~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~

Now that all of my house guests are gone and my oldest is back at school, I went to the gym for my first gym workout. I followed a program so I didn't waste time trying to make something up or simply walk/jog on the treadmill. After the gym, I went grocery shopping, stocking up on healthy foods and snack for the week. I feel like I'm off to a good start.
I completely blew my diet yesterday and today (literally just finished munching on a whole bunch of stuff). I have to learn to cook healthy.

It happens to the best of us. If I'm having that sorta day (or days) I try to be more mindful. For me that usually means an internal dialogue of why I'm eating X/amount. It could be that I'm stressed about work or school, haven't been engaging in my hobbies or that I've been too restrictive (80% healthy has been a game-changer). Most importantly I remind myself that this is a lifestyle, so a day or two out of routine isn't going to ruin anything. That usually puts me back in the right mindset, and each time I do it, it becomes just that much easier.
It happens to the best of us. If I'm having that sorta day (or days) I try to be more mindful. For me that usually means an internal dialogue of why I'm eating X/amount. It could be that I'm stressed about work or school, haven't been engaging in my hobbies or that I've been too restrictive (80% healthy has been a game-changer). Most importantly I remind myself that this is a lifestyle, so a day or two out of routine isn't going to ruin anything. That usually puts me back in the right mindset, and each time I do it, it becomes just that much easier.

I was nodding internally through this whole thing. I notice I eat portly when I'm having a bad day a long time ago. I agree about not letting minor slip ups negate the whole journey. I'm just now seeing my errors due to this from many, many years of resolutions gone down the drain. LOL.2019 is the year!
I was nodding internally through this whole thing. I notice I eat portly when I'm having a bad day a long time ago. I agree about not letting minor slip ups negate the whole journey. I'm just now seeing my errors due to this from many, many years of resolutions gone down the drain. LOL.2019 is the year!

I think that's why many people struggle with having a good relationship with food. For many people (myself included), food is used as an emotional outlet, whether happy or sad. But it's growth to recognise it and decide to break the chain - and amen to the bold, it most certainly is!
Finished my 10 day cleanse on Friday, went out of town to a party over the weekend and didn't get back on plan until Tuesday. But I'm back at it now. Any weight I lost on the cleanse I have gained back. I didn't lose that much to start with.

I am still on 2 smoothies a day and have decided to move towards a high potassium diet and get to the suggested allowance of 4700 mg. That means I am going to really have to up my fruits and veggies and be selected about which ones I eat. I'm hoping increasing my potassium helps lower my blood pressur but also improves my performance when I am ready to start cycling in March.

Work is super hectic so I only got in 1 walk this week. I do plan on getting on my bike trainer tomorrow though and at least get the rust out. I know my legs will complain.

I put my hair in 2 strand twist last Thursday but I think I need to stick to flat twist during the winter. My twist are super dry due to the dryness in the air and I have no way of protecting them. My hair does much better when it is clumped together. I may break out the 2 strands again in March.
Back on my regular routing of working out six days a week. My plan is t take Yoga on Sundays to stretch my muscles. Monday thru Friday I work out for one hour at OrangeTheory, Saturday is Cyclebar for 45 mins and Sunday is Yoga/rest day. My diet is also 80% on point. I am looking to see big changes this year.
I rode my bike for 5 miles on Saturday but haven't done anything since.

I did some shopping for my new diet plan but I'm still working out my meal plan. But I have been eating according to plan consistently for the past 5 days. My weight is still in the same place.

For my hair I plan to try water rinsing, applying conditioner and twisting it up eveyr other day to see if can increase my moisture levels.

January is turning into a month of experiments for me.
Back on my regular routing of working out six days a week. My plan is t take Yoga on Sundays to stretch my muscles. Monday thru Friday I work out for one hour at OrangeTheory, Saturday is Cyclebar for 45 mins and Sunday is Yoga/rest day. My diet is also 80% on point. I am looking to see big changes this year.

How have you been finding your routine? I definitely need to include more workouts like you! Still considering whether to get that gym membership or follow Couch25K

I rode my bike for 5 miles on Saturday but haven't done anything since.

I did some shopping for my new diet plan but I'm still working out my meal plan. But I have been eating according to plan consistently for the past 5 days. My weight is still in the same place.

For my hair I plan to try water rinsing, applying conditioner and twisting it up eveyr other day to see if can increase my moisture levels.

January is turning into a month of experiments for me.

Will biking be your main source of exercise? It's a great strength and cardio combo. And don't forget to check your non-scale measurements, how do you feel (energy levels, productivity, strength etc.), improvements in skin, nail, or hair health, how do your clothes fit, any difference in pictures/inches etc. Considering you're in a healthy weight range, it'll take longer to show but know that your body is probably giving you a heads up that it's working in other ways:strong:.

I've been trying water rinsing too with medium twists every 3 days, then a light application of oil immediately after and flat twist to keep stretched. It's been working well so far - minimal frizz! I'm hoping I can stretch it out for longer once my aloe & shea butter mix arrives. I've been doing some experiments of my own too, keep us updated on yours please!


Diet wise I've been trying to finish my fresh food to start my fast. So doing low carb OMAD (one-meal a day) at cutting calories. From below is my nutrient profile, should be noted that saturated fat isn't bad -- oxidised is (Ivor Cummins is a good resource on this). My carbs are in red because I set the level low for when I switch to full-keto. ETA: Selenium is high because of the Brazil nuts, no danger as long as it's not in supplement/prescription. I take a prescription for vitamin D, no way to get sun in the UK during winter. Concerns are specific amino acids, calcium and potassium/sodium. The latter I can resolve with dark green veggies and some low salt and calcium with a fortified plant milk. However, on a vegan diet it is particularly hard to meet protein needs whilst low carb/keto. I'll continue adjusting.
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This morning I poured my new batch of herbal tea rinse on my hair and scalp.

This afternoon, I Heavy moisturized and sealed with SCurl Curl Moisturizer, B&B More Moisture, shea butter and BM Grease.
Hair Goals
Current Length: Uneven BSL
2018 Goal Length: Full MBL/Grazing WSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural, 4a/4b
How you will achieve goal:
Consistency w/Staples and Regimen, Low Manipulation & Gentle/Simple Protective Styling, Deep Conditioning w/Heat every wash day, Shea Butter :)

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 150
Height: 5’9”
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose:
No weight loss goal really. I want to increase my cardiovascular fitness, build strength, and eat better.

How will you achieve this goal?:
Exercise 4-6 Days a Week (so far so good :))
Calisthenics & Weights (Pull Ups & Other Strength Training) - 3x/week
Flexibility Training - 6 days a week
Eventually incorporate Running

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal:
I cut out sweet drinks last year, so just to continue that (my water intake seemed to increase naturally. I thank God truly.)

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?:
Drastically reduce sugar consumption; eat only home-cooked inexpensive but healthy meals

How will you achieve them?:
Slowly develop healthier habits to keep up the rest of the year, starting with a commitment to exercising 4-6 days a week.
Keeping a Food & Exercise Journal
Meal Prep Every Weekend
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How have you been finding your routine? I definitely need to include more workouts like you! Still considering whether to get that gym membership or follow Couch25K

Will biking be your main source of exercise? It's a great strength and cardio combo. And don't forget to check your non-scale measurements, how do you feel (energy levels, productivity, strength etc.), improvements in skin, nail, or hair health, how do your clothes fit, any difference in pictures/inches etc. Considering you're in a healthy weight range, it'll take longer to show but know that your body is probably giving you a heads up that it's working in other ways:strong:.

I've been trying water rinsing too with medium twists every 3 days, then a light application of oil immediately after and flat twist to keep stretched. It's been working well so far - minimal frizz! I'm hoping I can stretch it out for longer once my aloe & shea butter mix arrives. I've been doing some experiments of my own too, keep us updated on yours please!


Diet wise I've been trying to finish my fresh food to start my fast. So doing low carb OMAD (one-meal a day) at cutting calories. From below is my nutrient profile, should be noted that saturated fat isn't bad -- oxidised is (Ivor Cummins is a good resource on this). My carbs are in red because I set the level low for when I switch to full-keto. ETA: Selenium is high because of the Brazil nuts, no danger as long as it's not in supplement/prescription. I take a prescription for vitamin D, no way to get sun in the UK during winter. Concerns are specific amino acids, calcium and potassium/sodium. The latter I can resolve with dark green veggies and some low salt and calcium with a fortified plant milk. However, on a vegan diet it is particularly hard to meet protein needs whilst low carb/keto. I'll continue adjusting.
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For now walking is my primary exercise while I'm in the process of getting a new bike. When the warmer weather hits I will be cycling more often and filling in with walks.

I definitely wasn't losing any weight or inches. My clothes are yelling at me :lol: I do have more energy though. This high potassium diet I am on is high carb. I'm just going to have to deal with the weight while I'm trying to see if this new eating plan helps with some health conditions.

My rinsing and condition is going well so far. I have been consistent for 2 weeks. I will re-evaluate in 2 more weeks.

I walked 2 miles, 4 days this week. I have a ways to go but it feels good to start getting back in shape.
Ate all my veggies, got my water in and walked 3 miles. I'm starting the week of right. Will rinse and condition my hair tomorrow.
Just getting back from vacation. I didn't do nearly the amount of exercise I had planned to. I didn't do any actually :sad: And I ate way too much junk. I'm back home and I went out for a walk today. My new bike comes on Friday and I am psyched and ready to go.

I'm definitely getting back on my eating plan tomorrow. I think I'm going to do smoothies for breakfast and lunch and then dinner.

I'm keeping my hair regimen simple. I'm still rinsing and conditioning every other day and then twisting my hair up. I'm using a cleansing conditioner every 10 days.
I've been OK about drinking my water. I've been drinking at least half of what I should be drinking, but I know that I can do better.

My eating isn't terrible, but there's lots of room for improvement. Particularly cutting down bread (I've increased it in the past two weeks) and eating more veggies.

As for my hair, I've been doing well with protective styling. These mini twists that I have in are making me happy. I think that my retention has been pretty good over the past few weeks.
1. Exercise 4-6 days/Week - Great!
2. Keep Health/Food Log - Pretty Good
3. Drink only Water - Great!
4. Meal Prep & Healthy Eating - Abysmal. I’ve been cooking at home more, but my plates still aren’t “colorful,” and I’ve been eating too many Oreos. I need more veggies, fruit, protein, and overall filling healthier snacks.
To stay motivated -
February - I will just focus solely on building/maintaining my exercise, water, & health-logging habits.
March - I will focus on eating better and maintaining my progress from Jan & Feb. I will challenge myself to learn to cook/prep 2 inexpensive plant based meals.
To resolve my issues of protein I've been using a rice/pea protein blend that helps amp up the aminos I was missing. I've noticed improved skin health and digestion which is great!

Exercise - planning to implement daily walks like faithVA - just started a new job that requires me to be on my feet as well.

Meals have been good, I did introduce carbs during hectic periods but we're back to low. Need to meal prep for the upcoming week now.
To resolve my issues of protein I've been using a rice/pea protein blend that helps amp up the aminos I was missing. I've noticed improved skin health and digestion which is great!

Exercise - planning to implement daily walks like faithVA - just started a new job that requires me to be on my feet as well.

Meals have been good, I did introduce carbs during hectic periods but we're back to low. Need to meal prep for the upcoming week now.
@UniqueCopy_v2 , have you been walking?
So I'm getting fatter and fatter so I've had enough. I walked once last week and didn't do anything over the weekend. I didn't get home until 7:20 and had a 8 pm meeting but I forced myself to walk with Leslie Sansone at least for 1.5 miles. I plan to get back on it tomorrow and get 3 miles in.

The weather here is so rainy so I can't just walk during lunch so I have to make exercising at home a priority. Hopefully I can drop at least 2 to 3 lbs by the end of the month.
I moisturized my hair with my mix of Bask and Bloom More Moisture Cream, QB OHHB and Banyan Botanicals Bhringaraj Oil.

I have been drinking more water since I installed a water App on my phone to get me to drink adequate water, plus I have been doing some workouts by Sydney Cummings.

This week I did:


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Wednesday I walked 30 minutes at lunch and then did 2 miles with Leslie when I got home.
Thursday I did 2 miles with Leslie before work and then walked 30 minutes at lunch.
Today I walked 50 minutes at lunch.

I have a quiet morning tomorrow so going to shoot for 4 miles in the morning.
I ate out some this weekend but tried to still keep it healthy. I ate only plant based when I was out. Restaurants are starting to have some really great bowls. I lost 2 lbs last week which I'm glad about. It's the 2 lbs I gained while I was on vacation so I'm just getting back to where I was when the challenge started :nono: But I'm back on my exercise regimen so that is at least progress.

After switching to smoothies in the morning for breakfast most days I really don't feel like eating anything. I am so surprised by that turn around. Hopefully that will help me over the next few months.

On Saturday I decided to just do 3 miles and not over do it. I thought I would get a workout on Sunday by going line dancing. I went but those line dances were so complicated I just sat on the side lines and watched :lol: I plan to take some classes and learn some next month.

I took my bike out on the road this afternoon and rode for 45 minutes. I am looking forward to the warm, dry weather so I can get out more.

I am being consistent with my hair routine. I am still rinsing and conditioning every 2 days. My hair is starting to feel better. Today I took down my hair and it was really soft.

I think I'm on the right track for February.
Ok, so yesterday the girlscout cookies came in and yeah I ate the whole bag of gluten free chocolate chip cookies. :look: I left them at work and worked from home today so no temptatation.

I walked 2 miles last night and then walked 2 miles at lunch today. I was going to walk again this evening but I needed to color my hair and I just didn't have time.

As far as hair, I finally colored my hair. Will see how long this lasts. Not much else going on.
Hair Goals
Current Length: Above Shoulders
2018 Goal Length: APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
How you will achieve goal: Protective styling: no heat

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: Too Much :(
Height: 5'7
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: Need to start with 15 pounds and a smaller waist
How will you achieve this goal?: Working out 4 days a week

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: 64 ounces a day

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Meal Prep weekly (keep calm on the weekends)
How will you achieve them?: Staying focused
I ate both bags of girl scout cookies last week :nono: Then this weekend I bought trail mix and sweet potato tortilla chips. I ate all of that :nono: I was doing so well at bringing my weight down. I'm not even going to bother getting on the scale.

Went out with SO on Sunday for a bike ride and I think he found every hill in the neighborhood :lol: I am really out of cycling shape so glad to get back to it. Yesterday was a recovery day. I walked during lunch today. I was going to hop on the bike when I got home today but I was so sleepy. I definitely plan to get some riding in before the weekend is over.

I cooked tonight so I should be eating normally tomorrow.

I rinsed and conditioned my hair.

I'm doing supplements daily: vitamin d, fish oil, magnesium + zinc + calcium. Going to see how these work out through March.

I'm doing something right because the moles on my face are getting smaller. I have one I am keeping an eye on to see when it will disappear. It is so exciting.
Doing better with drinking my water since I put a water App on my phone and working on my diet is a struggle everyday :rolleyes:
My goal is to be 148 or less by April 10th. Will get back on my walking this evening and get my bike ready for the rest of the week.