Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1

I worked out 4 days this week, which is not as much as I wanted, but still good. I did really well with eating small, healthy meals. Also, I have begun drinking a gallon of water daily. It keeps me in the bathroom, but my skin is looking much better, and it has helped me to cut out all other liquids from my diet!

Last week's BMI=46.8 ------> This week 46.1

Slow progress, but progress nonetheless!

Also, I still haven't gotten my braids. :( Last week I rocked the fro, and this week I will bun.

leslieerin82 to move 0.7 of a BMI point in a week is great - honestly - I just looked at my weekly graph of BMI and the most I EVER managed was 0.4 in 7 days and I was more than happy with my progress last year. You should give yourself a big pat on the back! :yep:

ETA in addition to my lunchtime walk I did another half an hour walking while my chicken marinated when I got in from work. I felt great when I finished and got to explore the neighbourhood (I moved here 4 months ago) I also felt really energised and more able to put the stresses of the day behind me and get into "leisure" mode again.
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ebsalita, thank you!!! I feel like a finally found a way to lose weight that is not a fad diet, and doesn't leave me feeling deprived.

And thanks for sharing about walking while your chicken marinated. That's just the type of thing I need to do in order to sneak some extra exercise into my routine.
ebsalita I know I'm late, buy I would like to join, answers below

What's your main motivation: I'm tired of being fat and I am learning that ALOT of the problems that run in my family begin with weight...I am also in my 20's and I feel like I'm not living to the fullest because of this weight. My hair? No reason, I've grown it long and cut it off a few times and I just want to wear it long AND natural this time

How often will you update your progress in this thread? A couple times a week

Current weight (or BMI if you don't want to include numbers): (No shame with you ladies!) 234, BMI: 36.8

Current hair length:SL/CBL

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) weight loss/BMI goal: 10% of my total weight, so 23 lbs. so that would be a BMI of 32.9

Q1 (01 Jan -31 Mar 2012) hair goal: 1" inch of growth retention, also keeping protective styles in 24/7

Full Year 2012 weight loss/BMI goal: I don't have a weight or BMI goal, but I want to be a size 10-12 and medium in tops (I am pear shape, so my top body is smaller than my bottom)

Full Year 2012 hair goal: Full APL

Any other specific goals you'd like to reach: Reduce waist and enlarge and lift the buttocks, less wide and more round :lachen:

What will you change/continue in order to reach your weight loss goal? I will go back to my 4x a week gym visits (although I am in bootcamp right now) and my calorie counting, I was losing steadily with these 2 components...they are simple and they fit into my busy lifestyle. I am also really focusing on when I eat as opposed to what I eat, I eat because I'm bored, or out and I see restaurants I like, etc. and I need to stop. I working on methods to keep the distracted snacking down and getting back to 100oz of water a day, when I am trying to reach my water goal, I really don't have time to snack!

What resources will you use to help measure or achieve your weight loss goals? Myfitnesspal.com is really about to become my pal again! I have it on my iPhone and it used to be with me constantly, but I fell off and I'm jumping back on!
Weekly check-in:

Current Weight - 211.5 (up 1.5lbs from last week, but I'm on my period so I know this is bloating)

I'm doing well with eating fruit only at work. I'm to the point that I don't want to eat anything else. :yep: Now, my evening and weekend eating still need work. :look:

I hit the treadmill for 30 minutes tonight and really sweated it up! I plan on doing upper body strength training tomorrow and lower body the next.

Hair - I relaxed last night at 15 weeks post and I'm thrilled with my hair right now! :drunk: I'm comfortably sitting at BSL, so I know I can hit full MBL by December.

I a bunner at heart, but I always planned to wear my hair out more once made it to BSL. I intend to baggy my ends a few times a week to keep them moist. I'll still bun, but not daily.

I cowashed tonight with HE LTR and I'm airdrying now. I'll keep up with frequent cowashes and weekly dc's.


Come on in - never too late! You sound like you've a solid strategy there - wishing you success :yep:


Thanks for the update - your hair sounds as if all your hard work is paying off :yep:
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Hey ladies, IDK if any of you are members of Lifebooker but they have HCG drops,a 2-month supply for $29...I figure, hey, it can't hurt...just check under the "San Francisco" portion and there they are...I ordered mine and I will be updating regularly on my progress with this added.
Checking in!
The scale that I ordered hasn't come yet, so I don't have a number. But I know that last week wasn't the best. I exercised very little and ate very much. I'm determined to stick to the program this week though, and so far, so good.
Also, I purchased stevia (to help me not get diabetes) and I'm not sure that I like it. Does anyone else here use it?

My hair seems to be okay. I was too lazy to shampoo my hair for this week, so I just did an overnight DC on dry hair and finished with a tea and ACV rinse. I air-dried and lightly flat ironed the under-processed sections at my roots. Ends feel a little fuzzy, but they'll be okay.
And my hair experiment stuff hasn't arrived yet, but I hope it comes before the end of week so I can have it for my next wash day.
I have not been using my growth aides since last month. Idk when I will start again.

as far as weight loss it has not been good. I am at a bad plateau and have been here for months. I am going to get my thyroid checked because there is a serious problem. I will weigh in on saturdays so hopefully the scale will have moved a lot by then.
So far so good. I completed 10 scheduled workouts over the past 2 weeks. Eating has been so so, but I know I should be eating more (all I've had today was 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, and a protein shake :ohwell:). My tummy is getting flatter and my butt is smoothing out and taking shape. No more booty dimples for me :lol:.

As for the hair- it's going awesome. My workouts have really improved my growth rate. I thought I had had some trouble with shedding during the fall, but my density has returned to it's normal fine, but high density state. I wasn't supposed straighten until April/May :drunk:, but after seeing CurlyNikki's hair I decided I wanted silky, swinging hair too :lick:. I am now back to full MBL...I think :look: (LHCF will let me know if I'm wrong). Hopefully, I should be WL when I straighten again in May.

Hey ladies, IDK if any of you are members of Lifebooker but they have HCG drops,a 2-month supply for $29...I figure, hey, it can't hurt...just check under the "San Francisco" portion and there they are...I ordered mine and I will be updating regularly on my progress with this added.
thanks for posting. I have recently been researching hcg. So i might just go a head and get yhese drops.
Argggh. Two weeks in a row of making bad food choices and not going to the gym enough. I went 5 weeks doing so well... but then work started back up and it threw me all off (I'm a teacher, we had a 3 week break that really helped). Now I come home tired and lazy. So now it's been a total two weeks of not losing any pounds. Curses.

Positive note (i've been trying to find one for the past two weeks since I'm not losing lol): My water intake is through the roof for me now! I drink about 5-6 water bottles a day, which is about 85-102 oz a day of water. I space them out, and the last bottle is around 8pm. This is definite growth for me!
Chaosbutterfly I'm intrigued - what is your "hair experiment" stuff? (sorry I'm naturally curious!)

Checking in!
The scale that I ordered hasn't come yet, so I don't have a number. But I know that last week wasn't the best. I exercised very little and ate very much. I'm determined to stick to the program this week though, and so far, so good.
Also, I purchased stevia (to help me not get diabetes) and I'm not sure that I like it. Does anyone else here use it?

My hair seems to be okay. I was too lazy to shampoo my hair for this week, so I just did an overnight DC on dry hair and finished with a tea and ACV rinse. I air-dried and lightly flat ironed the under-processed sections at my roots. Ends feel a little fuzzy, but they'll be okay.
And my hair experiment stuff hasn't arrived yet, but I hope it comes before the end of week so I can have it for my next wash day.
Ladies - I think we've done really, really fab this week - lots of lovely progress! :grin:

It's weigh day tomorrow - I've done a bit better this week, walking more, however I've been eating a lot. I hope I'll have some good news :yep:
ebsalita, no problem! I like to share. :grin:
I got some shampoo samples from Chagrin Valley, and got some senna (basically cassia), fenugreek, marshmallow root, hibiscus, amla, and brahmi to make ayurvedic pastes with. I'm hoping that with regular use, they'll give me a boost in thickness and help strengthen my hair. :yep:
Thanks Chaosbutterfly- hope it works wonders :grin:

ebsalita, no problem! I like to share. :grin:
I got some shampoo samples from Chagrin Valley, and got some senna (basically cassia), fenugreek, marshmallow root, hibiscus, amla, and brahmi to make ayurvedic pastes with. I'm hoping that with regular use, they'll give me a boost in thickness and help strengthen my hair. :yep:

Now for my weigh in - I stayed the same this week. :sad:

ebsalita - Thanks for the encouragement! I really need it right now. I'm at that point where I always tend to plateau. No matter what I do, when I get to the lower 200s, things stop working. Because of that, I usually give up. I'll do my best to not let that happen this time :brucelee:
Lost 0.8 pounds since my last update
total weight loss is 4.4 pounds
I am now at 148.8 pounds
This has just given me an extra boost of motivation

In terms of hair..I'm feeling that new growth poppin' at the base of my senegalese twists LOL!
hope to carry on progressing :)

Onwards we march, ladies!
I lost 3 pounds. YAY!
My doc doesn't approve of me running (I was doing couch to 5k) because of my hernia and family history of bad feet and hips. I'm supposed to stick to power walking and incline walking or elliptical.

Next week I'm going to take some measurements so I can start tracking inches lost in my waist and hips.
I lost 3 pounds. YAY!
My doc doesn't approve of me running (I was doing couch to 5k) because of my hernia and family history of bad feet and hips. I'm supposed to stick to power walking and incline walking or elliptical.

Next week I'm going to take some measurements so I can start tracking inches lost in my waist and hips.

What a great step in your desired direction!
Yeah I stopped running because I was worrying about my joints, so I stick to walking/dancing instead :)
refuse to weigh anymore i will just wait and see how how clothes fit thats it when the summer gets here i will weigh i guess
refuse to weigh anymore i will just wait and see how how clothes fit thats it when the summer gets here i will weigh i guess

YUP!!! That's exactly what I am doing. I threw the scale in the back of the closet. I don't want to look at the scale.

I also cleaned my closet of clothes that don't fit properly. It made me realize, that I don't have as many clothes as I thought (that fit). :wallbash::cry3:Plus, I refuse to buy clothes at my current size. Counter productive to my weight loss goal.
I lost 3 pounds. YAY!
My doc doesn't approve of me running (I was doing couch to 5k) because of my hernia and family history of bad feet and hips. I'm supposed to stick to power walking and incline walking or elliptical.

Next week I'm going to take some measurements so I can start tracking inches lost in my waist and hips.
Lost 0.8 pounds since my last update
total weight loss is 4.4 pounds
I am now at 148.8 pounds
This has just given me an extra boost of motivation

In terms of hair..I'm feeling that new growth poppin' at the base of my senegalese twists LOL!
hope to carry on progressing :)

Onwards we march, ladies!

Well done- love it! :grin::grin::grin:
Lol, I just came back home from uni today, and my mum was like:

'Did you forget your double chin at uni?' (she hadn't seen me in a few weeks)

I was rolling with laughter! It seems the weight loss is showing up in my face mostly.

(Btw this was not said in a mean way, my mum and I always joke around about this)
checking in bodyfat is now 28% down from 32%... haven't done much just went vegan and started replacing my big breakfast with a Spiru-tein protein shake(mixed with 1/2 soy milk and 1/2 water)

still working out 3-4x a week

hair has been staying in a bun... got some megatek left over so i'm going to use that

going to Beijing in 8weeks so i need to really get it together! chinese girls are so thin i don't want to look like a fatty over there... even though i'm pretty average by US standards lol

glad to see everyone's progress it's really motivating!