~*~ Nutrition, Exercise And Water For Hair Growth Challenge 2019~*~

I haven't done anything. I'm sleepy and cold and I don't feel like eating or working out. It is supposed to be warmer next week, I hope that helps get me out of this lull.

As far as my hair, I am still rinsing every other day so that is going OK. I hope to henna next weekend so I can stop looking at these grays.
Haven't checked in for a while. Don't know if I've already mentioned but I'm having a rough pregnancy so I've been pretty sick. I have been drinking at least 50 ounces of water daily which is a huge improvement for me ( I was barely drinking 8oz before). I've also been eating many more fruits and vegetables to counteract the side effects of a medication I'm taking. The only thing I haven't been doing is working out because of the pregnancy. I'm due on June 21 and there is a 5K on June 9th that I want to WALK. I'm thinking of signing up for that but scared because my two previous babies came a week or 2 early. Wonk Wonk.
Haven't checked in for a while. Don't know if I've already mentioned but I'm having a rough pregnancy so I've been pretty sick. I have been drinking at least 50 ounces of water daily which is a huge improvement for me ( I was barely drinking 8oz before). I've also been eating many more fruits and vegetables to counteract the side effects of a medication I'm taking. The only thing I haven't been doing is working out because of the pregnancy. I'm due on June 21 and there is a 5K on June 9th that I want to WALK. I'm thinking of signing up for that but scared because my two previous babies came a week or 2 early. Wonk Wonk.
Are you starting to feel any better?
I'm sticking to my morning smoothies. I love them. I think I will do the 10 day smoothie challenge again but do 2 smoothies and a meal. Sticking to my supplement plan. I'm doing too much snacking though. I need to get past that.

I'm walking but not the 4 times a week I want to do. I looked at my Strava activity last year and I didn't start riding until late May. So I feel much better that I haven't gotten started yet. I plan to start getting out more this week.
I keep forgetting this thread. So sorry. I have been taking some of my vitamins and exercising at least 4 times a week. I need to update better. I even downloaded a water app on my phone to keep me drinking since without it, I have been doing quite poorly.
My workout for this morning:

Started working on cleaning up my diet (since Keto is not for me - makes my heart race terribly) a little and drinking a lot more water than I was before. I will try to keep updating so this weight can come off. My hair is coming along nicely so that's not my main concern at the moment.
My workout for this morning:

Started working on cleaning up my diet (since Keto is not for me - makes my heart race terribly) a little and drinking a lot more water than I was before. I will try to keep updating so this weight can come off. My hair is coming along nicely so that's not my main concern at the moment.

What were you eating on ketosis like for a day. I'm just curious since I see so much about keto.
What were you eating on ketosis like for a day. I'm just curious since I see so much about keto.
I was doing the free 2 week trial from dietdoctor.com. I noticed anything with butter and bacon especially was rough on my heart. Not sure if I want to try it again. Already made 3 attempts.
My regimen this weekend is:

Pre-poo - Chicoro's moisture pre-poo of AVG and EVCO - I need the big guns this weekend and this works well on my hair.
Shampoo - Natur Growth Bambu shampo
Protein DC - Natur Growth Bambu DC
Moisturizing DC - Afro Love Hair Souffle mixed with Bekura YAM Nectar
Leave-in - IN Aloe and Hibiscus
M/S - CFCG Curl Moisturizer and BM Grease or diy Shea Butter
Style - Bunning since my hair still roots still look pretty dark from my henna color last weekend.
This week I will be:

-Prepooing with Chicoro's Moisture Drench Prepoo - AVJ, EVCO and EVOO
-Shampoo with Afro Love Mint Eucalyptus Rosemary Shampoo

-Protein Deep Conditioning with Natur Growth Bambu Nourishing Treatment
-Moisture Deep Condition with Afro Love Raw Honey and Shea Butter Hair Treatment
-Leave-in with IN Aloe and Hibiscus

-M/S with CFCG Curl Moisturizer and Shea Butter/Blue Magic Grease
-Styling - Bunning with Wetline Xtreme Gel, MO Curling Custard.

My workout this morning:

It’s been a while! I really fell off from my health goals - no motivation. But its a new month so I’m getting back on track:

Strength Training 3x/Wk
Run - 2x/Wk
Meal Prep May (gonna try again)
34 Oz Water Minimum Per Day
Back to no soda, sugary drinks
Multivitamin, Fish Oil, & Nature’s Bounty HSN Gummies
OK. I'm trying to get back on track. My nutrition has been pretty good. I do a smoothy in the morning and I have been having some type of bowl for lunch usually high in vegetables, moderate meat if any with a little fat. Dinner is either a smoothie, salad or something like that just because I'm lazy by the time dinner gets here.

My head is a mess. I've been doing rinses with conditioner every other day since January. It has helped but my ends still split like crazy. So still working on my moisture. Now I'm trying oil rinses. I will see how that works. It does seem to keep my ends from strangling each other.

I may have damaged my ends when I got my hair flat ironed but no real way to know. It has been a year so I will just keep dusting my ends and keeping the splits at bay and maybe I can work through it.

My weight is out of control. I am just as fat as I want to be :nono: I was overweight before the cruise, then I ate desert at every meal on the cruise and I haven't recovered. I need to cook more but just not feeling it. I'm still snacking too much and eating too much candy. I will get it together.

I was walking but the weather was back and forth and then I got sick and I stopped. I'm ready to get back on it. I got a new bike and I took it out for a ride on Saturday. I did 15 miles but it was a struggle. I started back with my HIIT with Maggie Brinkley yesterday. I really like her videos. Yesterday was whole body and today was arms. I really need to get my upper body straight because it really helps with long rides.

This month I hope to get on a regular HIIT and riding schedule. I also need to add my walks back in at work. Before just walking every day was dropping the pounds.

I guess I will weigh myself in the morning to see the damage.
I'm currently working on my water intake. Been good so far. Will get my stats and add here. I fell off the last challenge.

I started exercising at home at the start of the year. Then I slacked off a bit as work started to get challenging. I joined the gym at the end of March after seeing my feet being swollen every evening from sitting so long. I have been leaving my hair alone. I took it out of a protective style after 7 weeks but i haven't trimmed as yet.

Here I am with my stats.
Hair Goals
Current Length: Between APL and BSL
2018 Goal Length: full BSl back
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural 4C
How you will achieve goal: I really want to leave my hair alone these days. However weekly washes, daily moisturizing and actually combing hair every 2 weeks will be my regimen. Trim every 6 months.

Exercise Goals
Current Weight: 160 lbs (went up as i started gym)
Height: (for those looking for body buddies) 5' 5"
Goal Weight and/or Inches to lose: goal weight is 145 lbs and maintain.
How will you achieve this goal?: Already doing weight training 3 days a week, run once a week, those days i can't make it to the gym i use Youtube videos and dvds

Water Goals
Daily Intake Goal: still struggling with this. 2 litres is my goal for now.

Nutrition Goals
What are your Nutrition Goals?: Eating healthy- more greens to be specific, more fish
How will you achieve them?: Researching and incorporating clean eating habits, committed to drinking green smoothies daily, buying my own groceries and most important actually COOKING my meals.

Haven't checked in for a while. Don't know if I've already mentioned but I'm having a rough pregnancy so I've been pretty sick. I have been drinking at least 50 ounces of water daily which is a huge improvement for me ( I was barely drinking 8oz before). I've also been eating many more fruits and vegetables to counteract the side effects of a medication I'm taking. The only thing I haven't been doing is working out because of the pregnancy. I'm due on June 21 and there is a 5K on June 9th that I want to WALK. I'm thinking of signing up for that but scared because my two previous babies came a week or 2 early. Wonk Wonk.

15/05/19 going into my 7th week of being in the gym. Non scale achievement- stomach is not so noticeable in clothing. Will have to try on all my work dresses to confirm officially. They all fit me differently. My lilac dress felt like a bag on me yesterday, my blue dress today, my stomach is not noticeable. I have a grey dress that was a little too close when i first made it, will see how it fits tomorrow.
I'm afraid to go on the scale. lol. Started this year at 157 and now seeing 160 will make me depressed.

This is a journey of body and mind.
Used some of my diy Fenugreeek oil on scalp and I used up a bottle of IN Aloe & Hibiscus Leave-in tonight as my cream moisturizer for tonight.

No backups left of the latter and probably not a repurchase either. I liked it but don't actually NEED it.
Between being busy and slacking I haven't made any progress with my hair or body. My nutrition is ok though but it can always be improved.

However yesterday I got serious about my diet and workout. So for June I have committed to my eating plan. I will keep my carbs at breakfast. All other meals will be vegetables and protein. If I have a bike ride I will add a small amount of carb and not overdo it. Yesterday and today I just did veggies for lunch.

My cycling training team starts Saturday so I need to cycle at least 3 times a week. I will walk at work. And I want to add some hiit in during the week as well.

My goal is to reach 145. Don't know how long that will take me. I will weigh in on friday.

No sweets, no junk, no carb snacking.
I wasn't going to do anything to my hair this week but truly, it has been 4 weeks since I've given my hair a really good deep treatment. I have only been making sure that I kept my scalp shampooed standing up in the shower twice for the past month.

Anyway today I:

-Detox Shampooed with Nairobi Detox Poo
-Moisture Shampooed with Keracare Detangling Poo
-Color with Henna
-Deep Conditioning with Dudley's DRC 28 and Dudley's Cream Protein Conditioners
-Leave-in with SSI Green Tea Coconut Hair Milk
-Moisturize/Seal with QB Burdock Root and BM Grease.
I was down 3 lbs when I weighed in Friday. I needed that to keep me motivated. I made it through the weekend with no sweets and no snacks.

I have settled on a regimen for my hair washing in twice a week. I'm still sticking to 2 strand twists for now. I'm not going to worry about it growing for now. I'm just going to stick to the regimen and keep it up. I'm tired of thinking about my hair.

My nutrition is good. Sticking with protein and vegetables. I'm cooking most of my forms and picking healthy options when I eat out.

I'm hoping for good progress this week.
Still going strong in the gym. Unfortunately last week I ate a bit more unhealthy things than i should so have to work harder this week. I actually tried the egg smoothie from the BronzeBombshell " Drink to waist length challenge". I wanted a natural protein drink and that was what I used. Also a reason to finally try it after years of reading the thread. lol It wasn't bad at all.

I'm keeping my hair in medium twists. They look a little longer to me. I know the roots were getting thick which i suspect has to do with the smoothie.

Still struggling with the water though. With the egg smoothie and green smoothie water intake is suffering. I have to work on that.
I rode 68 miles last week and my eating was on point. Didn't lose any weight but my stomach is flatter. I cooked more last week and have managed my portion sizes.

My hair is meh but I have a solid repeatable regimen. I am thinking of coloring my hair though. We shall see.

I'm getting my nutrients through food but I do have some supplements I want to take since I bought them. I live eco drink but either it or my sports drink cause a reaction with me overtime. I'm going to cut out the eco drink and see if its the sports drink.

I'm hoping the scale starts to drop. I usually see my clothes fitting better once I reach 149 or 148. That's 5 lbs so it may take me 3 or 4 weeks to get there.
Yeah, was going good with my diet and stomach was flatter but last week i ate some unhealthy stuff and it showed. lol. Getting back on the train from this week.

Just pulled and tugged on my hair after watching some length checks on the shea butter thread and the back is actually on my bra strap and the front is actually on my chest now. Yay! I knew my hair was looking a bit longer. I am a slow grower.

How are things going for you ladies?
OK so it's me again. lol. Just checked the hair charts online to see where MBL is and I'm glad to say I have an inch to maybe inch and a half (to be safe) to MBL. The picture i saw marked it as below the bra. 5 inches to waist. wow. Didn't think I'll see this.
My hair was feeling kinda dry today so I just moisturized her with a combination of QB BRBC and OHHB with a little SSI papaya Hair Moisturizer.

For exercise this morning I did this workout:

It was pretty tough for me but I completed it :yay:.
This thread has been quiet. I haven't posted but I have been focusing on all 3.

I started cycling again in May and did 13 consecutive weeks of training through September. September has been full of group rides. Now I need a follow up plan to get me through the fall and winter.

Exercise and nutrition does not improve my hair growth. I get 4 inches a year. I did monitor it.

My eating has been good but I'm still working on improvements. I still need to up my vegetables. Will work on it this fall.

I have my fitness assessment Friday. I have made small improvements from last year
I went to my annual health review and I was happy with the results. I was down 6 lbs. I lose 3% body fat and my blood pressure was normal. That has motivated me to stick with my exercise and eating plan.

I'm still working on increasing my veggies to 2 servings for 2 meals. We went to brunch and I had a salad with salmon. I skipped lunch since I was busy. For dinner I had carrots and asparagus.

I rode 30 miles yesterday. I took it easy today. Going to do my best to walk tomorrow or do some hiit indoors.

My hair is doing what it does. I'm not sure if it is getting better or now. I'm doing an overnight DC and will twist it up tomorrow.
How are you ladies doing? I hope you will have a 2020 thread. I am looking forward to finally joining it.