Weight Loss & Hair Growth Challenge 2012 Q1

Checking in, but I don't have much by way of updates... lost weight, gained some back has been my story this past month. Recently found out a med I was taking causes weight gain so i'm a LITTLE relieved, cuz I've been working out faithfully buttttt now that I'm off of it I expect to see some loss in the upcoming weeks. just gonna keep on trucking!
Every morning i wake up w/a diet plan on my mind & by the end of the day I've failed.

The only success I've ever had w/losing weight has been counting calories/weight watchers.

So today, I got my food journal & everything I eat will be written down.

My goal is 1200-1500 calories.

A mnth from this day I shld be 8-12lbs down. Which wld be April 6th.

Ready set go!

I've never done weight watchers or cal counting, but I feel like counting cals might be the only way I can really pay attention to what I consume soooo I'm now on myfitnesspal and actually logging stuff in. Hope it works for you!
I hve a calorie counter app tht I use to use. It's collecting dust right now on my phone.

I plan to dust it off tonight and enter my lunch calories.
My coffee was 110 calories and my MyFitMeal was 300.

410 for the day. Which leaves abt 800 for dinner.

Hopefully I'm this lucky tomorrow.
The first two days of really using MyFitnessPal and it's SO amazing. It helps with making good choices. I was even able to plan out my entire day of food yesterday that ended up around 1200cals AND I didn't feel like I was eating rabbit food. I was actually satisfied all day, and I ate things like: homemade guacamole, tilapia, and bacon and eggs. Everything I ate was something I liked, and came in around 1200. Yippee.

Oh, I also tried Almond milk for the first time, trying to find an alternative to milk... and uh..... idk. I'll give it another try tonight but :/
Been sick for the past week and a half and haven't been doing anything with my hair or body. I'm hoping I can muster up the energy to at least cowash my hair. These meds have me feeling heavily sedated but I'm trying to fight sleep by surfing the Net. In doing so, I found:

25" waist = size 1-2
26" = 3-4
27" = 5-6
28" = 7-8
29" = 9-10

I'm at 28" right now and was going for 27". Having seen this chart, I think 28" is my goal. I think whenever I've been below 7/8 (which I think is perfect size for me), I've felt skinny because of my height.

I'm sitting at 162 lbs and still trying to tone up. I think I'd like to try on 158 lbs.and see how that looks.

Overall, I'm pretty please with how things are shaping up. Hoping to start exercising when I feel better.
Hello all. I had to readjust for some things. My gym of choice stinks and the 30 minute drive each way form work-no mas. So, I sat in my fat pose on the couch, and found Les Mills Pump. I dug up Brazil Butt Lift out of the closet, where I keep the other 2am mistakes. I am combining the two and will report back in one month. As far as hair goes, I am between shoulder blades, and the longest hairs I have are itching towards my bra strap. I will stop at bra strap length. I don't think I could handle much more than that. I suck at straight hair styles, so I'll just stop there.I know...worthless without pics. Unless I ask my pervo neighbor to take a pic of me with my hair stretched, I can't balance my hand, hair and camera. I will take pics soon...promise.
'k. Eating a pint of ice cream to make my sore throat feel better can't be a good thing. :nono: But it does feel nice going down. :lick:
Hi All,

Its been a while since I've updated my weight loss progress. I've missed a few weight watchers meetings due to the hectic nature of things recently. However, I do continue to make progress. Info below.

Weekly Weigh-in results/BMI:
Weigh-In 1/1/12 - 254.0 - BMI - 36.4 (starting weight)
Weigh-In 1/8/12 - 248.4 - BMI - 35.6 (input incorrectly in my initial post.) (down 5.6 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/15/12 - 246.4 - BMI - 35.4 (input incorrectly in my initial post.) (down 2 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/22/12 - 245.2 - BMI - 35.2 (down 1.2 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/29/12 - 241.6 - BMI - 34.7 (down 3.6) - (12.4 lbs down since 1/1/12)
Weigh-In 2/19/12 - 240.2 - BMI - 34.5 (down 1.4) - (13.8 lbs down since 1/1/12)
Weigh-In 3/11/12 - 238.8 - BMI - 34.3 (down 1.4) - (15.2 lbs down since 1/1/12)

Monthly Hair check-in results:
Have been wearing a weave as a protective style, the progress is good. I am slated for a re-do this week. I look forward to taking pictures and seeing the progress since the profile pic I have attached from last Dec 2011.

Wish me luck ladies.

Thanks for all of the support.
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Weighed in at 205.0 today.
The past week has been terrible though...we had midterms and it was that time of the month, so between stress and cravings for sweet and salty foods, it was a mess.
All that's over though, so I should be back on track for this week.
And NJoy, thank you for the tip about adding citrus to my water. I can finally hit my 2 liter a day quota, which I couldn't do even before I got bored with water.

Hairwise, things are more or less okay. I was getting so much breakage from underprocessing that I was planning to get a touch-up and corrective this week. But then the breakage stopped, so I'm not sure if it's something I still want to do or not.
Down to 171.5lb (aka about 10lb total). I'd stalled out for a LONG time, and was trying to figure out a set way to get back to the losing... MyFitnessPal has been perfect for me -- not so much for the counting calories part, but because it helps me prepare my day in meals ahead of time -- no last minute junkfood eating or random snacking.

16lbs to go, and I'm feeling very confident :)
I'm still around, i'm at a plateau, but i hope that will change soon :)
I have been in crochet braids for 2 weeks now :)
The Good: I've been pretty consistent in taking my vitamins and cutting back on salty foods which is always been my downfall.

The Bad: Law school hurts my life and with midterms, I've fallen off the workout bandwagon

The ugly: I'm doing hail mary's preparing for finals and as my stress has increased so has my consumption of coca cola :naughty: and I haven't been feeling too hot, so that sucks.
Hi All,

Okay, NEED HELP! here is the update I should have posted on Sunday. I made progress, BUT I'm not gonna lie, since this 3/18 weigh-in (2 days) I have been eating more carbs and sugar laced foods than I know I should. like an entire container of fruity tic tacs in one sitting, a huge plate of spaghetti, 6 tacos (u read it right - 6), a mini kitkat, a mini twix, blueberry pancakes, and about 2 cups (thats right cups) of that everything trailmix with the chocolate chips from Target. Lord, help me, these were just the bad stuff in addition to everything else i ate. I didn't just fall off the wagon, I dove off head first! Total self sabotage, what is wrong with me! Argh, annoyed at self but I'm going to try to do better today and the rest of the week so i can continue to see results. sigh.

Weekly Weigh-in results/BMI:
Weigh-In 1/1/12 - 254.0 - BMI - 36.4 (starting weight)
Weigh-In 1/8/12 - 248.4 - BMI - 35.6 (input incorrectly in my initial post.) (down 5.6 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/15/12 - 246.4 - BMI - 35.4 (input incorrectly in my initial post.) (down 2 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/22/12 - 245.2 - BMI - 35.2 (down 1.2 pounds)
Weigh-In 1/29/12 - 241.6 - BMI - 34.7 (down 3.6) - (12.4 lbs down since 1/1/12)
Weigh-In 2/19/12 - 240.2 - BMI - 34.5 (down 1.4) - (13.8 lbs down since 1/1/12)
Weigh-In 3/11/12 - 238.8 - BMI - 34.3 (down 1.4) - (15.2 lbs down since 1/1/12)
Weigh-In 3/18/12 - 237.6 - BMI - 34.1 (down 1.2) - (16.4 lbs down since 1/1/12)

3/20/12 - Hair Growth check-in results:
Have been wearing a weave as a protective style, did my big chop in Oct after months of transitioning, my sig pic is from Dec. I did a take-down/redo of weave last week. I did see progress, but my hair was super tangled dry, I had been shampooing a lot and not moisturizing enough. I did a deep condition after the takedown but none, while I had the weave in. I know, I was playing. This was the first time that I had consistently NOT done what I know I'm supposed to do. I don't know, I guess I was just being super lazy and got a little cocky about it, "like yeah, its fine, i may not be moisturizing but I'm sure it will be fine". Honestly, I don't know what the heck I was thinking. Anyway, there was growth but I could see in my ends that my hair was not moisturized and if I am not careful moving forward I could end up with some damage that can't be trimmed. Nope, don't like that at all, so I'm back to moisturizing. No more games, but....

Ladies, anyone got tips on how to stay on track with your moisturizing and not letting yourself get lazy???? (help)
Down to 170lb (1.5 since my last weigh-in a week ago today). Yay! 15 more to go, and I'm feeling good!

as for the hair -- 1.5 weeks left in this weave install til I hit 8 weeks total. This is record breaking for me -- I've never gone past 4 weeks of having any kind of style (weave/wig/twists) ... yasssss!
I have a mini trampoline so I am incorporating that into my workout regimen as something that is fun as we as a good aerobic workout. I will let you all know how that goes at the end of the week. My eating has improved but I need to drastically step up my working out.
Dwn 7.4lbs in 19days counting 1200 calories a day. Had 3 days tht i didn't count bcuz of a dinner date, a baby shower, & a nite of drinking w/the girls for an engagement party. Celebrations make counting cals hard.

On the hair front, after 4wks of bunning, finally got my sew in back. I plan to keep it up for 6 weeks to make it a 10 week stretch. I'll relax on tht day.
Still making excuses for not working out during this pollen storm. And since I'm still taking in lots of protein but not working out, I don't even want to go near a scale. In the mirror, all still looks well but, you know a scale will call you out.

I'm definitely getting back to the gym this week, pollen or not. I might be a coughing, sniffling, watery-eyed, post-nasal dripping mess but hey, I'm gonna be in shape. :look:

As for my hair, I think I'm doing pretty good in that area. Of course, I'm not wearing my hair out at all but after my last DC with yogurt and coconut cream to loosen my ng, I did feel my hair's length whiled detangling and moisturizing. I'm very happy with what I'm feeling.

I want to henna my hair so bad but I'm not sure that's a good idea while my allergies are on high alert. But I can't help thinking that now would be a good time while I'm already taking allergy meds. :ohwell: Something to think about.
Weighed in at 204.0 today, which is sad because I was 205 two weeks ago.
I feel frustrated because I wanted to be under 200 by the end of the month, and that's clearly not going to happen.
I've been keeping up with my calories and my water intake, so I guess I really do have to start exercising. Ugh, I don't want to. I wish there was a way to workout while you sleep lol.

Hairwise, things are okay. I ended up getting the corrective and a little bit taken off the ends. I was concerned about ending my stretch so early, but I think it was the right decision. The only thing is that the relaxer stripped most of the cassia out of my hair which I didn't anticipate happening. Now I get to rebuild it all over again lol.
From last Tuesday to today I went from 170 to 166.4. woot woot! Almost a solid 4 pounds. I owe it to my zero-alcohol intake during the week (from like 4 big bottles to zero lol) and my continued use of MyFitnessPal. Down 15, 10 more to go!
Between approaching finals, applying for summer jobs and general life situations I have been seriously slacking. However, I am continuing to take my vitamins regularly and I've uped my water intake and I'm generally eating better, so progress has been made. However I did fall short of my overall goal of losing two pounds a week. Next quarter I will be stepping it up big time. It's become obvious that just eating better is not going to cut it. I'm on the right track now and I did a kettlebell workout today and plan to be better at regularly exercising.

Hair wise all is well, I've been keeping to my regimen and my hair is reaping the benefits. Now to get the rest of my bod in line.
I'm back after some not so innocent gains, shame etc... I promise not to be shamed again and come in here with my failures. I was up to 208lbs 2 1/2 weeks ago. I am now down 200LBS :yep: .

I'm counting calories and eating clean again. I enlisted my SO to help me out. Luckily SO has been really into this sort of eating and lifestyle before we got together. I decided that I want to drop down to 175lbs and evaluate my goals from there. I would then be in a healthy BMI range and can continue to lose or maintain or whatever I want. That's 25lbs away and I hope to make it by July 6th. My first goal is to get down 190 by the end of this month. I'm still in my fast losing stage and I want to take advantage before a plateau hits me.
Down roughly 30lbs since December 2011 and grazing WL :yay: :clap:. I'm going to make an update post on my birthday :yep:

Sorry for abandoning thread no internet due to house move. Injured myself moving exams and life meant lhcf went to ths wayside. Good news is i made goal on April 18th - 111 lbs and Just got an anddoid phone and dlwmloaded the app so this will have to do until I get proper broadband.

I can see you all doing really well!

Again my apologies...
Hello All,

Just wanted to post a quick update, have had some ups and some downs, but I am doing well overall. Updates below.

Weekly Weigh-in results/BMI:
Weigh-In 5/6/12 - 226.8 - BMI - 32.5 (down 3.4 lbs since last week) - (27.2 lbs down since 1/1/12)

5/6/12 - Hair Growth check-in results:
I did a take-down of my weave last week sunday. In the updated attached pic below, my hair is blow dried. Hoping to reach full shoulder length by the start of fall or the end of the year. Currently at the Bottom of Neck length approaching shoulder length.

My profile pic is from Dec, so my growth may be a little slow.


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